Forums > General Industry > Model Integrity


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

So how exactly is it that we are the only species that has sex for recreation?  Animals have sex out of necessity.  Watch the discovery channel.

Humans have a higher capacity for reason and indivdual decision making.  BTW- what does the discovery channel have to say about homosexuality among animals- it does occur?

Mar 23 06 05:01 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US


Mar 23 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Shyly wrote:


I take no exception to your industry point of view.  I never claimed we'd see Tocarra doing runway.  Conflating that with the social issues I was talking about is just disingenuous on your part. 

Whether or not Tocarra ever walks a runway (and whether ANTM put her in there just for ratings [that's why they put everyone in there!]) doesn't have much to do with whether or not she's an example to other people of size that is positive and empowering. 

Now, I know you don't like fat people Udo, but really.  The business reasons for having her on ANTM are unrelated to the effect she is having as a force in her own right.  Whether or not she remains a celebrity in the future, she is having an effect now.  She is getting people thinking and talking about issues now.  She is inspiring girls now.  (Anyway, it’s a little bit funny that you would talk about short term careers disparagingly, when most fashion models are considered old and unusable by…what is it?  24?)  Contrary to what you claim in your quote above, she is evidence that you don't need to fit fashion industry standards to be beautiful and accepted.  (In a social context, which is what I was talking about all along.)

Why?  Because she IS!

You may not like that or think it should be so, but as my papa likes to say, with a smile and a wink to show that he's being scrappy but doing so with good humor...

Tough noogies!  wink

OMG i love you shyly ......couldnt have said tht better

Mar 23 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Shyly wrote:

I take no exception to your industry point of view.  I never claimed we'd see Tocarra doing runway.  Conflating that with the social issues I was talking about is just disingenuous on your part.


I wasn't talking about your post about social issues... I haven't read more than two posts... the ones I responded to.

Sorry, but I have really not read your post...

OH... and I do like fat people... some of my best friends are fat... (that is a sarcastic jab at bigots... you get my point), I work with fat people and I got kissed by one recently...

My personal preference for relationships of athletic gals has nothing to do with my liking or disliking of fat people as friends, colleagues, associates, aquaintances and models I shoot.

Again, my post has NO RELEVANCE to anything you were writing... because I didn't responded to your post.

All the best


Mar 23 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

UdoR wrote:
Again, my post has NO RELEVANCE to anything you were writing... because I didn't responded to your post.

Well dammit.  Read my post, it was brilliant.

Mar 23 06 05:06 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

the only thing I can say about doing booty mags is that you can take that money earned from the shoots...and lfip it into something good that can benefit using the money to launch into doing fashion....its called a HUSTLE

Mar 23 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

CristinaLex wrote:
the only thing I can say about doing booty mags is that you can take that money earned from the shoots...and lfip it into something good that can benefit using the money to launch into doing fashion....its called a HUSTLE

Talk about it....Even back in the bible they flipped the so called "bad money" into something that benefit the people...

Mar 23 06 05:11 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

CristinaLex wrote:
the only thing I can say about doing booty mags is that you can take that money earned from the shoots...and lfip it into something good that can benefit using the money to launch into doing fashion....its called a HUSTLE

i've been yelling that for years, but there seems to be one little problem - alot of the babes in smooth and maybe even king dont get paid from being in those mags. maybe the known names, but other than that, zero bucks earned. and plus, alot of those babes in those mags wouldnt even have enough knowledge on how to flip that bread earned into a hustle, let alone how to capitalize off it into other avenues. i do feel what youre saying though, but sadly we're talking about uneducated models in a field they barely know anything about

Mar 23 06 05:13 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Sxy6ftr wrote:

Talk about it....Even back in the bible they flipped the so called "bad money" into something that benefit the people...

i dont wanna joke but ...Water into Wine...Wine aint good for the Jesus took it and flipped it for a drink for a meal smile.....

Mar 23 06 05:20 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Yea i get what your saying

thats why I am blessed that i have someone working with me...who understands how i feel and also wants to give back to the community and also try to change the industry soo every black women doesnt have to be that big booty mag model stereotype....imma step up and take advantage of this opportunity to do so

Mar 23 06 05:30 pm Link


Mockingbird Girl

Posts: 193

New York, New York, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
Humans have a higher capacity for reason and indivdual decision making.  BTW- what does the discovery channel have to say about homosexuality among animals- it does occur?

Jayne - Humans are not the only species that have sex for recreation/pleasure.  You may have to spend less time on the MM forums and more time watching the Discovery Channel... or perhaps researching that which you claim as fact.

Here are a couple of links to give you some "facts" next time you argue sex and humanity: "Sexual intercourse plays a major role in Bonobo society" " Bonobos and dolphins are the only animals other than humans who engage in sex for pleasure."

a fat chick who models nekkid

Mar 23 06 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 70

Somerset, New Jersey, US

I think @ this point in he career it not fair to label her anything. I believe the female body is a beautiful thing. Nude or clothed. Which is why I love what i do and will do. How in an industry that uses sexuality to sale just about everthing from toothpaste to nuclear weapons can a young model be a sale out. Porn maybe yes I would agree. "Black Mens" mags are no different from Sport Ill's swimsuits edition. It is women "SUPER MODEL" barely dress or naked. The beautiful woman has a long career ahead of her. MOST, if not all "Super Model" have nude shoots out there somewhere. Some they might even regret, but at one point trying to make it they posed for somebody. King mag had Trya and some Actresses on it. The concept is simple. I LOVE BLACK WOMEN. 400 %. I don't believe you lose anything by showing that beautiful to the men who love you. Also this might be a stepping stone in her career. Whats next MTV, Sitcoms or the movies. She didn't start out as an actress. She didn't even win the show. She could have stayed around a little longer but i don't think they would have let her win ( just my opinion). Name the other 12 models. I gotten more email about checking her then any other winner. Where would Eve be if she lost. I believe still working. I see my sisters still making it through and I respect it.  Sometimes you have to work with what been presented to you and then more forward. Name win from the Donald Trump show. I know one of the losers and she's still working the industry. Without out some of this mags and videos there might not be an outlet for the lovely full figures, dark and sexy, thick as you want to be model or video vixen. Where did you see them before. Vogue, GQ, runways of Paris. NOT. Many sistas are working regular and are admired ( as they should be ) due to this outlets. Anybody and doing there thing and paving themselves some sort of way using an industry that pays for your beauty get my check mark. One day you are a little butt chick in the hood. Next day your on a mag or in a video. Simple because of what you're blessed with.
In my opinion as far as what wrote:
1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. 
2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.
This is all relative. If you can sleep @ night knowing in your heart your content in your actions. Your integerity is fine. Many people think you should ever pose exposing any body parts.
I really enjoy this post. Responses were excellent and thoughtful. Need more like and applaud you for starting it. The bad thing is this was a lot of writing and I don't feel like spell and grammmmer checking. So your on your own. ;-)
Peace and Love my peoples

Mar 23 06 05:45 pm Link



Posts: 11

Mount Rainier, Maryland, US

tocarra is celebrating her newness... meaning she lost a lot of weight which added to her already self confident & assured self. none of the stuff she has done knocks her mission to make changes or knocks her integrity. if you recall her persona on antm she basically was big & beautiful and she exuded sex appeal.

too call her spreads smut is a smack in the face to fashion and glamour photography.

give her a chance to make it to covergirl, the fat lady hasn't sung yet... nothing desperate in my eyes as far as her career path. you don't know her personally so it is hard to be so bias an oppinion when you don't know what she has done besides those magazines or what she has lined up or even knowing why she WANTED to do those types of spreads.

if you watched celebrity fit club this past season the chick from "the parkers" dream was too lose weight and appear in one of those magazines doing that type of spread. if you know anyone that was overweight, once they lose the weight they start too feel more sexy and they celebrate it.

tocarra is also empowering other plus sized models to step out of the basic lane bryant ads as alex said earlier. just to know that alex felt a glow means that I am sure some other plus size models or women that don't fit the norm when it comes to modeling could break that barrier.

be easy and get out of that shell they call raymore...

Mar 23 06 05:47 pm Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

CristinaLex wrote:
the only thing I can say about doing booty mags is that you can take that money earned from the shoots...and lfip it into something good that can benefit using the money to launch into doing fashion....its called a HUSTLE

Or use the money to PAY SOME BILLS... lets be real
Or use the exposure to do whatever it is your grown ass wants to do, whether that be start a church or pose in Playboy

Mar 23 06 06:02 pm Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

No I would not.  Just like I would never do an interview for Playboy.

You would pose implied nude for FREE for some photographer to have lying around his house but you wouldn't do it for a paycheck and/or national exposure?

Why do YOU model?  Because from this it sounds like a hobby, something you are doing just to do like collecting stamps or birdwatching.  Although I truly enjoy my job, I model to pay my bills.  This may be why you don't understand the Tocorra situation... its professional vs hobbist.

Mar 23 06 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 55

New Jersey, New Brunswick, Canada

Cristal said- "You would pose implied nude for FREE for some photographer to have lying around his house but you wouldn't do it for a paycheck and/or national exposure?"

I was thinking that exact same thing...*sighs*

Mar 23 06 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

xJenellex wrote:
Cristal said- "You would pose implied nude for FREE for some photographer to have lying around his house but you wouldn't do it for a paycheck and/or national exposure?"

I was thinking that exact same thing...*sighs*

hopefully that youngin will find her way out of the box that she lives in and join the rest of the world...

Mar 23 06 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Cristal Steverson wrote:
You would pose implied nude for FREE for some photographer to have lying around his house but you wouldn't do it for a paycheck and/or national exposure?

Why do YOU model?  Because from this it sounds like a hobby, something you are doing just to do like collecting stamps or birdwatching.  Although I truly enjoy my job, I model to pay my bills.  This may be why you don't understand the Tocorra situation... its professional vs hobbist.

I don't know why it's so hard for people to believe that Jayne might actually mean what she says.  I decline paid work all the time that doesn't fit my modeling goals.  Plenty of models do, even full time professional ones.  If a project is involves something of no interest to the model, she's under no obligation to take it.  For example, most of the paid work available to a fat model diverges from my goals and my project as a size acceptance activist, so I politely say thank you, but no thank you. 

You do raise an interesting point, though, which is how morality is tied to financial stability.  (Or can be, I should say.)  Have you ever seen Maslow's hierarchy of needs?  If you're dealing at the first or second tier, where your primary concern is food and shelter, then yes you are absolutely right, certain ideas of what is morally palatable are probably irrelevant.  An extreme example is that in my current financial situation, theft is not only unnecessary, but ethically objectionable.  If I were homeless on the street, however, I would probably not be concerned with the morality of stealing an orange off the produce stand.

Less dramatically, if you're a full time model who is just barely keeping her head above water, I can see how you'd choose to accept projects that aren't actually something you are excited about, because paying the bills and keeping solvent are your first priority.   Makes perfect sense.  (Ever notice how many of the ANTM girls agree to things that they absolutely hate, on the chance they’ll be the one standing there at the end?)  Hobbyists and models in very high demand get to be choosier, generally, and compromise less, because our daily welfare isn’t riding on how often we model for pay. 

Interesting point, I’m glad you raised it.  It certainly highlights a lot of why professional and hobbyist models approach their craft so differently.  Maybe, rather than looking down on Jayne for knowing herself well enough to know what she is and isn’t comfortable with, and for being in a position to hold to her beliefs, we could just agree that there’s more than one way to approach modeling?   And Jayne, maybe rather than looking down on Tocarra and models like her for making their choices for whatever reasons they do, it’s possible to just acknowledge that their motivations differ from yours, and be glad that there are so many kinds of opportunities out there for all of us?

Mar 23 06 06:43 pm Link



Posts: 680

Arlington, Texas, US

I hate this type of coding.

Anyway, ultimately what I said is that she's willing to pose for free, she does by her own word take this seriously (modeling) as a career, and don't be a hypocrit.

Mar 23 06 06:51 pm Link


Cristal Steverson

Posts: 1423

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I was not looking down on her.  I was questioning her reasoning for posing implied nude if she was not willing to get paid or recieve exposure for it.  As a model, it is important to determine how far you will go, in a picture, video, movie whatever and then go that far.

Mar 23 06 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

shimmer wrote:
There are tons of opportunities, and I hope she finds one she's comfortable with, but I go back to my original point of not casting stones when one dwells in a glass house.

I don't think she is being hypocrticial, she just has a different view of nudity and sexuality than some.  She feels that nudes and semi-nudes can be done in a way that is divorced from sexuality.  You clearly don't.  (I don't really, either, but that's neither here nor there.)  But if she feels that way, and it is the sexually inviting imagery she doesn't want to do, then bully for her.  You and I might think she already has images that qualify in that arena, but if she genuinely doesn't, then she's not being hypocritical, she's just seeing things differently than we do.

Mar 23 06 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 680

Arlington, Texas, US

Shyly wrote:

I don't think she is being hypocrticial, she just has a different view of nudity and sexuality than some.  She feels that nudes and semi-nudes can be done in a way that is divorced from sexuality.  You clearly don't.  (I don't really, either, but that's neither here nor there.)  But if she feels that way, and it is the sexually inviting imagery she doesn't want to do, then bully for her.  You and I might think she already has images that qualify in that arena, but if she genuinely doesn't, then she's not being hypocritical, she's just seeing things differently than we do.

ahhh but see that's like saying I have a different view of the shade of green so I don't think kelly really qualifies as green but emerald's okay.

Mar 23 06 06:57 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

shimmer wrote:
ahhh but see that's like saying I have a different view of the shade of green so I don't think kelly really qualifies as green but emerald's okay.

Naw, it's not that simple, or we wouldn't endlessly go round and round on these forums about what porn is.  Here's an example:  I am a nude model.  Most of the images in my portfolio involve some degree of nudity.  Most don't have an overt sexual intent, though they latently have that involved because nudity always makes people think about sex, even if it's just to look at my pictures and say, "Eeewww, I'd never have sex with her!" 

Despite all that rampant nudity, I'd say that the most sexually charged image in my portfolio is my avatar, which is a headshot (and not a whole head, at that).  Why?  Because of the attitude and the emotion being projected.  I was deliberately going for a Veronica Lake sex kitten kind of look in that moment.  It's far more provocative than anything else in my portfolio, despite technically being completely PG, because my intention was most definitely naughty.

Or maybe the short version of that was that I really don't think certain kinds of green are green.  LOL!

Mar 23 06 07:05 pm Link



Posts: 680

Arlington, Texas, US


All I'm saying is be aware of the impression, intentional or not, that is created by the imagery.

Mar 23 06 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

shimmer wrote:

All I'm saying is be aware of the impression, intentional or not, that is created by the imagery.

Fair enough.

Mar 23 06 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Cristal Steverson wrote:

Or use the money to PAY SOME BILLS... lets be real
Or use the exposure to do whatever it is your grown ass wants to do, whether that be start a church or pose in Playboy

Yea tru but thats the probelm with the models now a days..they are only doing things to benefit them selves and for get about where they cam from once they get there...not advocatiing for all or expecting them all to be like that...but we must remeber that we do have young females in college and in high schools who look up to us in those we need to give back and try to do a lil better for our community as a black community and stop trying to be "ALL ABOUT ME" all the time....I have my ideas as to what I wanna do with my money, When God helps me get there and I am damn sure not gonna forget who helped me get here...the struggles i went through to get there.. and even the pain i sometimes felt wnating to be like them gurls in the magazines....

Mar 23 06 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Cristal Steverson wrote:
Or use the money to PAY SOME BILLS... lets be real
Or use the exposure to do whatever it is your grown ass wants to do, whether that be start a church or pose in Playboy

Yea tru but thats the probelm with the black female models now a days..they are only doing things to benefit them selves and for get about where they cam from once they get there...not advocatiing for all or expecting them all to be like that...but we must remeber that we do have young females in college and in high schools who look up to us in those we need to give back and try to do a lil better for our community as a black community and stop trying to be "ALL ABOUT ME" all the time....I have my ideas as to what I wanna do with my money, When God helps me get there and I am damn sure not gonna forget who helped me get here...the struggles i went through to get there.. and even the pain i sometimes felt wnating to be like them gurls in the magazines....

I mean when I spent my first two years of college, I wnated to be like the Melyssa Ford, or Ki Toy...I felt fat, ugly big, and plus ididnt have that long hair like most Afircan American Females claim like its thiers.....I wish that those women who i looked up to did something to encourage women/girls who do model that look you can do matter who you are....but they didnt...its always all about them...

But last year seeing tyra, who has also done some extremely sexy shoots, start a foundation to show that every girl young or old is beautiful and give those girls back thier self confidence also encouraged me just like toccarra has...yes there are bills that need to be paid...but at the same time..there are a lot of black females, mainly young ones...who are killing themselves to be like those girls in the booty mags....and it hurts me...i know i used to be one of them...but seeing two great african american females: one being a big sista and showing BIG IS SEXY...and the other giving back to gurls who kill themselevs for a look and showing them they are beautiful the way they EXTREMELY encouraging to me and I am proud of them for that ....

But I guess most females who make it will continue to be all about the prada, the bling bling, the manolo blahniks, jummy choos and soo forth and forget about the young gurls who starve them selves to death to look like themm

***and for a fact...more and more african american women are getting plastic surgery now a days..i.e countess vaughn***

Mar 23 06 07:21 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

CristinaLex wrote:
every black women doesnt have to be that big booty mag model stereotype

i understand that, but if its all they know, thats all theyre going to do. i had this same argument over at my message board, and i was telling the people there that if you have such and such babe in the middle of a small suburb town somewhere who is looking to get into modeling, naturally theyre not going to look at fashion and commercial modeling because A- its not prominent in their respective area, and B- they probably view "top model" as whats the litmus test in fashion modeling and are often scared off by what they see as something "too good" for their range. so to go to the local newsstand (wal-mart in their area) and view the mags with esther and what not, all they kinda look at is the visual aspect of it, the fact that she's just standing there taking some pics and thats it, but they dont understand the grind that goes into it, the post-production afterwards, the effort that is put into those shoots, researching, all of that type stuff.

so in their areas, fashion modeling isnt a big thing so they cant relate to it, as a place like NYC where we have everything here, a babe can actually make a living (and i know quite a few of them) off just fashion & promotional modeling. thats why if you notice the babes who rock paysites, most of them arent from places like NYC or miami because thats not the thing here.

but on another note, tocarra is a badddddddddd babe. i met her last year around this time, and even then (not sure if she was doing fit club or not around then) she was baddddddddd, and i think people made her "thickness" more than what it was, because she didnt look anymore different than the next babe. i think what she did for king was aiight, i think the style of it couldve been better (rob fein knows how to make that type of style look "up tempo" and sporty while still sexy) but overall, its not like she's going to be doing those spreads on a regular basis, so why not? elise neal did it as well, and even g-union did a photo shoot with marc baptise and despite it having a KING mag feel to it, the presentation/style was hot and doesnt give off any notion of it other than a hot shoot.

style/presentation makes a major difference in how a babe is percieved

Mar 23 06 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Chuck Holliday wrote:
i understand that, but if its all they know, thats all theyre going to do. i had this same argument over at my message board, and i was telling the people there that if you have such and such babe in the middle of a small suburb town somewhere who is looking to get into modeling, naturally theyre not going to look at fashion and commercial modeling because A- its not prominent in their respective area, and B- they probably view "top model" as whats the litmus test in fashion modeling and are often scared off by what they see as something "too good" for their range. so to go to the local newsstand (wal-mart in their area) and view the mags with esther and what not, all they kinda look at is the visual aspect of it, the fact that she's just standing there taking some pics and thats it, but they dont understand the grind that goes into it, the post-production afterwards, the effort that is put into those shoots, researching, all of that type stuff.

so in their areas, fashion modeling isnt a big thing so they cant relate to it, as a place like NYC where we have everything here, a babe can actually make a living (and i know quite a few of them) off just fashion & promotional modeling. thats why if you notice the babes who rock paysites, most of them arent from places like NYC or miami because thats not the thing here.

but on another note, tocarra is a badddddddddd babe. i met her last year around this time, and even then (not sure if she was doing fit club or not around then) she was baddddddddd, and i think people made her "thickness" more than what it was, because she didnt look anymore different than the next babe. i think what she did for king was aiight, i think the style of it couldve been better (rob fein knows how to make that type of style look "up tempo" and sporty while still sexy) but overall, its not like she's going to be doing those spreads on a regular basis, so why not? elise neal did it as well, and even g-union did a photo shoot with marc baptise and despite it having a KING mag feel to it, the presentation/style was hot and doesnt give off any notion of it other than a hot shoot.

style/presentation makes a major difference in how a babe is percieved

I mean truthfully, I was born in ny but I live in an area where everyone wants to be a booty model...I see it as an advantage to make money off of it then take it to a different leve...

I do plan on having a pay site...but the money coming from that pay site will be used for me to do fashion, commercial, artistic nude and advertisement...I dont wanna just be a booty model..if I get known to be one ..great more exposure ...but best believe that the money iearn will be taken to be done for good and also to be taken to show people that I am soo much much more than a big light skinned ass smile

Mar 23 06 07:40 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Shyly wrote:

I don't know why it's so hard for people to believe that Jayne might actually mean what she says.  I decline paid work all the time that doesn't fit my modeling goals.  Plenty of models do, even full time professional ones.  If a project is involves something of no interest to the model, she's under no obligation to take it.  For example, most of the paid work available to a fat model diverges from my goals and my project as a size acceptance activist, so I politely say thank you, but no thank you. 

You do raise an interesting point, though, which is how morality is tied to financial stability.  (Or can be, I should say.)  Have you ever seen Maslow's hierarchy of needs?  If you're dealing at the first or second tier, where your primary concern is food and shelter, then yes you are absolutely right, certain ideas of what is morally palatable are probably irrelevant.  An extreme example is that in my current financial situation, theft is not only unnecessary, but ethically objectionable.  If I were homeless on the street, however, I would probably not be concerned with the morality of stealing an orange off the produce stand.

Less dramatically, if you're a full time model who is just barely keeping her head above water, I can see how you'd choose to accept projects that aren't actually something you are excited about, because paying the bills and keeping solvent are your first priority.   Makes perfect sense.  (Ever notice how many of the ANTM girls agree to things that they absolutely hate, on the chance they’ll be the one standing there at the end?)  Hobbyists and models in very high demand get to be choosier, generally, and compromise less, because our daily welfare isn’t riding on how often we model for pay. 

Interesting point, I’m glad you raised it.  It certainly highlights a lot of why professional and hobbyist models approach their craft so differently.  Maybe, rather than looking down on Jayne for knowing herself well enough to know what she is and isn’t comfortable with, and for being in a position to hold to her beliefs, we could just agree that there’s more than one way to approach modeling?   And Jayne, maybe rather than looking down on Tocarra and models like her for making their choices for whatever reasons they do, it’s possible to just acknowledge that their motivations differ from yours, and be glad that there are so many kinds of opportunities out there for all of us?

You know, this is a really well written statement.   Many of us are too busy judging
each other and not taking in to account that there are lots of ways of looking at
things.  People make their decisions and they live with what happens.  If you can make it as a mainstream model thats wonderfull if you end up in Penthouse and you're cool with it thats okay by me.  Less judging and more lovin is what we need.

Mar 23 06 11:22 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Thanks for the insight/insults/comments on this topic.

At this point, I'm questioning even continuing to do this modeling thing right now.  Just last night I cried b/c I was really upset about how the choices I have made are perceived by others.  I feel like mainstream America sees women as such sexual beings/objects and that if you don't fit into the typical "model" mould (i.e. tall, slim) then you are to take your place in the Video Vixen/pornography (be it soft or hard core) world.  I just don't want to do that.  I have limitations on what type of work I will do, and I don't feel right within my Christianity doing smut work like XM/Maxim/King Magazine.  Before I started modeling, there was a short period of time when I wanted to do Sports Illustrated Swimsuit b/c I just never saw anyone that looked like me in those pictures.  Now. . .I think it's smut.  Why???  Because it only caters to one audience and when you do that, to me you have to conform to how that market sees you. . .as an object.

I'm tired of women period being proud of doing this work that clearly only plays into the "you're a woman, show me a little T&A".  Not that I'm opposed to showing T or A, but at the same time. . .I have to be proud of the work that I do.  Now AND later.  I'm sure Buffy the Body, White Chocolate and Sacha Kemp are proud of their work NOW. . .but what happens later??  How cool is little Johnny going to be with the fact that his mom was Miss Tip Drill at the high point in her career???  That's the kind of stuff that once it's done. . .you can't take it back.  Even Pam Anderson has toned down her work a LOT since becomming a mom.  But make no mistake and don't misunderstand what I'm saying: that's how I feel about that kind of work, not the "person" doing it, and further if they are okay with it then it doesn't matter what I think.

When I first got into modeling it was because 1-I always wanted to do it, 2-I never saw anyone out there that did "big" things that looked like me (short, unconventionally yet naturally curvy, and very dark-skinned), 3-I wanted to change what "America" thought was okay to be considered sexy.  I wanted to do ad campaigns and help redefine what America views as sexy and how that view comes about.  To date, it's not a woman decently clothed, tastefully photographed, nor dark skinned Black and overtly curvy.  So I wanted to change that.  But now, after seeing Toccara on the cover of King magazine. . .I don't think I want to do this anymore.  To me, the spread was incredibly smutty and no one in my family would be proud of me if it had been me that did that.  No one in my family would be proud of me becomming the next Buffie the Body.  But. . .in mainstream society Toccara is "hot" and it's perfectly okay for her to sell that sexuality.  It's okay for Buffie to be Queen Booty Bounce because hey. . .she's working.  As long as she can sleep at night, I guess she's okay with that level of her "work" but I want more for myself.  I don't see why it's okay to settle and do whatever in the name of making a dollar. 

I have two jobs, and push come to shove if I had to get three I would.  My mother works 60+ hours a week at the Postal Service, and has done so for close to 15 years now.  She makes extremely good money and has taught me that you do what you can, but you don't compromise yourself to get where you've got to go.  When I was much younger, my mom worked two full time jobs.  She could have been a stripper/prostitute/porn model, but she chose a different path.  We grew up with nice things in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, despite being in a single parent home.  So I was raised not to compromise myself or my faith for the sake of making money.  Even if I could use that money to pay bills or do something positive within the community.  What's my point???  We all have to make choices that we are comfortable with.  I felt up till now I have done that, but apparently the images that I have now by some are viewed as selling sex.  I just think there is a difference between taking a sexy picture and selling sex in that picture.  Just like I don't think that all nudes (photographs, paintings or whatever) are pornographic.  But just because that's what I think. . .doesn't mean that the rest of the world will agree with me.  Clearly by this discussion, it does not and I'm looking through rose colored glasses.

Sometimes as a Christian you have to not do things because of how they can be perceived.  That perception of your Christianity or lack thereof, could cause someone else to stumble in their own walk with Christ.  So after having this discussion with all of you, I really don't know what to do.  I want to see if I can make it at modeling.  "Make it" is of course very subjective, but what I mean is make a decent living at it and get published in some respectable magazines or on a few billboards or in an ad campaign or two.  I like myself, and am comfortable enough with myself to take a provocative photograph. . .however in that photograph I refuse to market myself as a sexual entity/being/object to be oogled at.  I am even confident enough within my Christianity to do nude photographs/implied (covered) nude photographs that are in MY opinion tasteful and still not "selling sex".  But when others see those photos. . .what is the likelihood that they will say the same thing???  I will be seen as hypocritical, double talking and stradling the fence most likely.  I just don't know how to feel about it anymore.

It was wrong of me to post this thread in the first place.  I'm not looking down on Toccara, but rather the way she is allowing herself IN MY OPINION to be "portrayed" in the work that she is choosing to do.  She may very well be okay with that, so that should be the end of it.  I was just one of the people that looked up to her because I felt I could somewhat identify with her, and seeing her now I feel like she's just like everybody else.  Trying to get in where she fits in and compromising herself.  But that's just how I feel about it.  SHE and everyone else on the planet may totally not feel that way at all, and be proud of her work and call what she's done recently an accomplishment.  That's her choice and I have no business feeling one way or another about how SHE chooses to conduct herself.  I'm not her mama, sister, or anything like that.  I just felt let down b/c I can't see the long term positive ramifications of what she's doing, for seeing what I perceive as the negative short term ones.

Age does not automatically grant you wisdom, it just gets you more candles on your birthday cake.  Everyone has a line that they will not cross.  Everyone.  This kind of work is where I draw my line.  If it's not where you draw yours then to tell me that I need to "think outside the box" and compromise MY personal views. . .doesn't make you any less judgmental than you claim me to be.

Now I'm done with this thread.  Thanks for your input.  I do respect your opinions. . .despite weather or not I agree with them because you have a right to have them.

Mar 24 06 10:08 am Link



Posts: 680

Arlington, Texas, US

In the Christian world, religious world, whatever, ^^^^^^^ is known as a "rationalization".

Mar 24 06 11:42 am Link


Autumn Bleuu

Posts: 286

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This is by far one of the most intelligent discussions I've seen here on MM.  You all have good points.

Anyway,  I just want to say that I wish people would stop bashing some of Halle's latest movies....catwoman, gothika...etc.  Those were good movies in my opinion, and in the opinion of others I know who enjoyed the films.  Just because they weren't box office hits and didn't sell many tickets, didn't mean they weren't good films.  Gothika actually did well in theaters, and Halle played the role of a crazy very well.  lol  Forget the critics...they suck anyway...they wouldn't know a good movie if they saw one honestly. smileP

Mar 24 06 02:20 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

to go into the whole christianity thing, and i'm going to "kayfabe" in here but a very good friend of mines was recently in KING magazine (lizz robbins), and lizz is a very spiritual person and the whole nine. but the thing about her spread was that it wasnt "degrading" nor was it "classless" - i thought it was nice, and although its a reach from what she normally does in terms of modeling, it wasnt presented wild or anything other than what it was. and lizz is a very spiritual person but the thing is she knows the business, knows what she will and wont do, and how the things she does is presented. i think at the end of the day you have to really know what youre getting into as a person and that counts for any religion, but also you have to know that the market wont change for the sake of one persons beliefs. i'm a mix of 2 religions and although i have my own little beliefs, i know the market and how i'm presented if i do such and such.

its all about style, grace, and presentation. sports illustrated shows more "skin" than KING magazine on its worst day but the presentation of sports illustrateds swimsuit issue is sporty, its stylish, its trendy, its up-tempo, and its not meant to appear "skin flick" looking, so its what you believe in as a person with the same understanding of your market as well.

Mar 24 06 03:06 pm Link


Mockingbird Girl

Posts: 193

New York, New York, US

Shyly wrote:
You do raise an interesting point, though, which is how morality is tied to financial stability.  (Or can be, I should say.)  Have you ever seen Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

add yet another reason to the growing list of why I adore you Ms. reference Maslow's hierarchy of needs in a forum response.  Brillant...(!)

Mar 24 06 04:01 pm Link



Posts: 108

Springfield, Virginia, US

Jayne -
Please allow me to say that in no way was the premise of the thread personal until people started to point fingers.  That is what the world is about when you feel you have to defend.  You are obvisouly an intelligent young lady and your Mom should be proud of you.  You stood for your beliefs and still take that same stand.  If in anyway you felt that I was disrespectful to you I will humbly apologize.  Public forums can create stimulating conversation and that is what your thread did.  Don't ever take back what you started, for no one regardless of the 'heat' that comes down.  I have a greater level of respect for you for standing tall amongst all the opinions.  Great Luck to you.

Mar 24 06 05:14 pm Link