Forums > General Industry > Are There Any Photogs Who Would Never Shoot Porn?



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Hmmm...don't know the definition of porn.
The magazines I shoot for are all sold on newstands in the USA to 18+ folks.
If it's not hidden it's not porn.
If I'm wrong; I enjoy shooting it, and  it certainly pays well.
So, I'm not about to stop.

AKA Ike Ken Kummalott

Mar 13 06 07:54 am Link



Posts: 449

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
I make 100% of my income from this industry, it is all that I do.  I draw a bright line in the sand, nothing past Playboy style.  I shoot more non-nude than nude for money.  I work often though.

If I went over to the dark side, I would lose my commercial clients, particularly the children's toy companies that I shoot for.

I agree that money is money, but there are things that I would not do.

That having been said, I have no problem with those that do, it just isn't for me.

I don't consider what you shoot porn. Some have said there's money in porn and there is but not as much as some may think. However, there is money in what you shoot Alan if your good, and you are good so I'm sure you make decent money shooting.

Mar 13 06 07:54 am Link



Posts: 449

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Aaron Cantu wrote:
I never would because I value my marriage and my wife.
As a husband, I would never want my wife to ever question, even for a second, my faithfulness to her...
Not even for a million dollars.

If you did shoot porn why would that indicate unfaithfulness? Hopefully you would be shooting a mother load of good images and not just a mother load. LOL

Mar 13 06 08:00 am Link


George Rice Photography

Posts: 41

North Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sure. It is just a job. I have no issue with porn one way or the other.

Mar 13 06 08:03 am Link


Juan Stevens

Posts: 175

Fort Washington, Maryland, US

As long as the people I'm shooting are cool ppl with good attitudes I would. I shoot mostly for the enjoyment of it so finances don't really apply to me so that's why the interactions between my clients and myself are more important. I've kicked people out of my studio for having bad attitudes, not for feeling the urge to pose natural and open. smile

Mar 13 06 08:07 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

I cannot fathom anyone looking at my stuff and thinking, oh, he'd shoot good porn. So if I were contacted with such a request, I'd assume it was a joke and delete it. Therefore, my answer is no.  And I would have virtually the same answer with regard to weddings.

Mar 13 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

studio36uk wrote:
How 'bout "Willie Heater" for a credit line?

Shooting porn is like selling your soul to the Prince of Darkness...

...even if he does throw a good party.


Got more:
"Mr. Assperture" or
"Dr. Tripod"
"f6.9 Stop"
"Cumera bag"
"Charlie Monopod"

Mar 13 06 09:48 am Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:

Just don't ever go huntin' with him.  smile


Mar 13 06 09:52 am Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

Not my thing,
Artistic Figure is my line...

Mar 13 06 09:55 am Link



Posts: 866

Rochester, New York, US

I always laugh when people say never...write a big enough check or get a big enough credit card bill and "never" usually becomes maybe or yes...

For me, if it was somehow worth my while, sure...though I probably would not admit to it wink


Mar 13 06 10:01 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Sharon Gutowski wrote:
The fact that it's even a question says a lot about the internet modeling world.  In other areas of business modeling and porn and photographry are seen as separate industries, as they are.  yes, porn requrires actors and photographers, but to assume that any photographer or actor would be willing to participate is ludicrous. 

I personally would not shoot porn.  I already work at a retail store in addition to making money off photography.  Until I can pay the bills with the I consider respectable (MY opinion here so don't bother telling me why you think I'm wrong on this) I will find other ways to make up the difference.  I would rather shoot weddings (which I enjoy even though some photographers think it's not a respectable option) and work a job part time than do something I don't feel ok about.

It's pretty well known that a lot of the people who do cinematography, directing, sound mixing, stills, etc for the adult world also work in the "straight" world.  They just use phoney names for the adult work & don't list it on their resumes.  It's an easy way to make some extra $ to offset struggling to live in Hollywood.
In fact, this got me an invite to appear in a porno film.  A buddy of mine who's a pro camera operator for TV and lower budget films occasionaly takes on camera work for adult flicks to help make ends meet.  He worked on the recent porn blockbuster "Pirates" and they filmed a lot of the outdoor boat scenes (no sex) here in Tampa, and I got invited to be a Pirate extra.
Unfortunately I was working at the time  sad
And after the movie won all the adult awards & got publicity there was a big outcry here about porn being filmed in Fla & on the boat and the boat co backpeadaled & straight out lied & said they had no idea what sort of film it was.  Sad given that the boat wasn't used for sex, and they knew wxactly...but they didn't want to be assosciated with taking "porn money" so they lied.

Mar 13 06 10:01 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
lactating grannies I am glad I took my coffee black this morning...

Mar 13 06 10:05 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
but seriously, yes it comes down to thinking about whether he is cheating or not, but my guess is that the main issue, is just a choice to respect his wife so she never even is presented with the idea to have to doubt. I think thats admirable.

Actually, I find it kind of sad that their relationship & level of security is so low that she would find it to be a threat.
My ex once was confronted by some women in her office when she was bragging about a show where I'd picked up an award.  The women couldn't understand how she could allow me to photograph naked women.  She responded that I was creating art & anyway she was usually there assisting me with the shoots so it's not like I was looking to pick them up.  Her coworkers' stance was that once married no man should ever even look at another woman & that they would divorce their husbands if they were found looking at Playboy.  These women were so insecure they couldn't even handle the idea their husbands might be thinking of the Playmates for a few minutes here & there.
That's not love, that's sad.

Mar 13 06 10:35 am Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

It sound very exciting, but my retouching studio is in the house...I would hate to explain to my children what daddy was taking photos of...I would be equally as bad if I had to explain to my wife-not that she would mind-she would be dissapointed in me.

Mar 13 06 10:41 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

White Dragon wrote:
If you shoot porn, where do you draw the line. Kiddie porn? Bestiality? I think that once you cross that line, and snuff out your personal integrity, there will be no more lines left for you to cross. You'll do it all, and find none of it objectionable.

Ahhh the old slippery slope argument.
It's ridiculous to say people can't draw individual ethical lines & stick to them, or that once you cross a particular line you're inevitably doomed to go further.
I can say "no nudes" and stick to it.  I can say "nudes" and not immediately jump to sex or bondage or certainly beastiality.
If that sort of progression was inevitable, we'd be innundated with such material.
I often wonder what sort of moral swamp lies inside a person who feels if he doesn't draw such strong lines he'll inevitably slide in to the slime.

Mar 13 06 10:47 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Dave Krueger wrote:

Not me.  I have other sources of income.  I shoot strictly for enjoyment.

But, since I live in The South, many people already think I shoot porn because there are nipples in some of my pictures.

The "OMG a NIPPLE, run, flee, hide and panic!" is not limited to the South.  The Puritans are everywhere.

Mar 13 06 10:49 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

I won't shoot what I consider to be porn. In other words, if it has no artistic value in my eyes and I find it dirsrespectful in any way, shape or form then I won't do it.
I've done shoots up to Playboy style which some consider porn and some consider too tame to be porn.
Specifically, I won't shoot intercourse, insertion, erections, or any of the fetishes involving violence or bodily functions no matter what the pay is.

Mar 13 06 10:58 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Carlos Arturo Velarde wrote:
I won't shoot intercourse, insertion, erections, or any of the fetishes involving violence or bodily functions no matter what the pay is.

See, there it is again
Why're erections considered de facto porn or obscene?
Will people not shoot a nipple if it's hard??

Mar 13 06 11:45 am Link


Michael Bell

Posts: 925

Anaheim, California, US

Like I said in my last post. Its the internet and porn rules. I am currently shooting "porn". Playboy styled nudes...

Mar 13 06 11:48 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

No way. I went over to a friends studio one afternoon while he was shooting a porn video. He let me stand back and watch...  jeez, just not what I wanted to see or do. There's things that money just can't make a difference in and shooting porn is one of those things. Nah, not for me.

Mar 13 06 11:55 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

An erect penis is a sure sign of arousal. An erect nipple is not necessarily a sign of arousal. It could be an indication of the romm's temperature, or a lot of ladies with implants are stuck with a nipple that always looks erect.

SLE Photography wrote:
See, there it is again
Why're erections considered de facto porn or obscene?
Will people not shoot a nipple if it's hard??

Mar 13 06 02:16 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
See, there it is again
Why're erections considered de facto porn or obscene?
Will people not shoot a nipple if it's hard??

Carlos Arturo Velarde wrote:
An erect penis is a sure sign of arousal. An erect nipple is not necessarily a sign of arousal. It could be an indication of the romm's temperature, or a lot of ladies with implants are stuck with a nipple that always looks erect.

Not true.
Lots of things can cause a guy to get an erection, especially when he's younger.
According to a number of Drs, if you DON'T get spontaneous erections at least occasionally, it can be a sign of poor vascular health

Mar 13 06 02:19 pm Link



Posts: 349

Berkeley, California, US

never say never

Mar 13 06 02:24 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Carlos Arturo Velarde wrote:
An erect penis is a sure sign of arousal. An erect nipple is not necessarily a sign of arousal. It could be an indication of the romm's temperature, or a lot of ladies with implants are stuck with a nipple that always looks erect.

So, every guy who ever wakes up with a woody is aroused?

Mar 13 06 02:39 pm Link


lobo estepario

Posts: 117

Chicago, Illinois, US

I would never shoot porn. Never. Miguel

Mar 13 06 02:44 pm Link


Sidney Martin

Posts: 2

Hampton, Virginia, US

I find it funny that the assumption is that photographers shoot porn in order to pay the bills.  Many of the photogs I admire do commercial, wedding, baby portraits, etc. in order to make money to pursue the sexually provocative imagery they enjoy shooting.  I myself have done it and as opposed to hiding my "porn" images out of my portfolio, I hide my more generally consumable portrait work.

Mar 13 06 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Never. I dont really like doing swim suit shoots. I got into photography for art, the moment I got that far from art, my work would lose all meaning.

Mar 13 06 03:00 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

MartinCoatesIV wrote:
Never. I dont really like doing swim suit shoots. I got into photography for art, the moment I got that far from art, my work would lose all meaning.

That's one of the reasons I stopped doing photography commercially & moved to another field.
Tho to some here that makes me less of a photographer  wink

Mar 13 06 07:13 pm Link


David A

Posts: 373

Pleasant Grove, Utah, US

Never say never.

I'm not inclined to want to shoot porn.  I can't imagine what would change my mind but I haven't lived a full life yet so I imagine there is something out there that could cause me to change my mind.  Living in Utah, I consider it highly unlikely.  Some people here consider the pictures at the perfume counter to be pornographic.  That means that much of what photogs and models here think isn't porn, someone else does consider porn.   My point being we should be the ones that are less judgemental because when we consider within bounds is being judged by someone else as out of bounds. (does that make sense?)

I just want to say that a couple of people I've come across that shoot porn for a living are genuinely nice people and I'm glad I didn't judge them for what they do.

Mar 14 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

I'm into creating artistic stuff with either sex.  And not that I'm a prude, but there's lines I'm just not interested in crossing.

Mar 14 06 08:48 pm Link


Lucinda Wedge

Posts: 4315

Littlerock, California, US

Nope, I would never shoot porn.  And also, ewwwwwww!  I shoot some weird, maybe even sick stuff to purge my f***ed up brain of it, for art, porn isn't part of that, so I need no porn purging.  LOL!  It's sort of like abortions, I could never have aborted a child or blob or whatever from my body, but I totally believe in a womans right to do what she wants with her own body - pro choice!  So, do what you all want - shoot porn, don't shoot porn.  But not for me.  Besides, I'm not starving, hehehehe.  Easy to say things when you're not there!  LOL!

Mar 14 06 08:57 pm Link


Imagery by joeycee

Posts: 151

Los Angeles, California, US

nah!  i am somewhat of a prude. smile

let me rephrase that based on your question.  yes, i am a photographer who will never do porn.

Mar 14 06 09:05 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
You all must pay the bills.

And photography is not the most lucrative ways to eak out a living. There can be dry spells.

Assume it is for Hustler or a contemporary version of Blue Boy.

Why not?

Sorry, I wont shoot it for any reason.

Mar 14 06 09:07 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

me... I shoot art nudes... but never porn.

Mar 14 06 11:57 pm Link