Forums > General Industry > Are There Any Photogs Who Would Never Shoot Porn?



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

SLE Photography wrote:
The other one just sort of grossed me out, plus I didn't know where to find the German Sheperd.


Mar 12 06 07:48 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Geez- what a bunch of phonies.  Cmon people- lets not lie.  Multi Billion dollar industry and Im the only one who has seen one.  Uh huh, sure.

I would do it- no problem.

Mar 12 06 07:55 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

As the OP I defined porn as Hustler or Blue Boy.

Can we leave it at that for this thread?

Time to start another.

Mar 12 06 07:55 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

My definition of porn - just my 2 cents on it.

Any image containing nudity showing a simulated or actual sex act. (except kissing, hugging, non-sex organ touching)  Example, an image similar to the sculpture "The Lovers"  would not be porn.

Any image containing penetrations, insertions, spreads (where the genitalia is manipulated for better viewing), or masturbation. A penis or vagina that is the focal point of an image is not necessarily porn.

Any image where an actual crime is being committed.

And my own personal sub-definitions -

Any true bondage image containing nudity or puttng a woman in harms way.  A woman tied with rope, yes.  A woman tied with wet spaghetti, no.

I don't really consider fetish work to be porn unless it includes one of the above.

I know some here would consider for example foot fetish to be porn.  I might call it damn silly but not porn, unless it included any of the above.

But these are just my own personal definitions, your mileage may vary.

Mar 12 06 07:57 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Aaron Cantu wrote:
Previous Quote:
I never would because I value my marriage and my wife.
As a husband, I would never want my wife to ever question, even for a second, my faithfulness to her...
Not even for a million dollars.
End Previous Quote

It has nothing to do with trust issues... But I need to set an example for my daughter. It is something that I morally don't agree with and if it is something that I don't want my daughter to do... how can I say no if I shoot it. I will look like a hypocrite.

BTW... What is the purpose of porn?

Your first reply said nothing about YOUR morality nor being a hypocrite or even mentioned your daughter...

You specifically stated: "I would never want my wife to ever question, even for a second, my faithfulness to her"

Sounds like trust issues to me...and a lot of back peddaling.  Something tells me you are Republican?

Mar 12 06 07:59 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

FabioTovar wrote:

I would do it but only if I were truly starving and use a psuedo name like...
photography by Phil Yourhole.


I'd do it, but not with my real name or business name attached to it. LOL

Mar 12 06 08:09 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
The other one just sort of grossed me out, plus I didn't know where to find the German Sheperd.

MarkMarek wrote:

Uh, it wasn't a joke  sad

Mar 12 06 08:24 pm Link


TnM Photography

Posts: 53

Huntington Beach, California, US

Sure, I do it 2-3 days a week.  The wife even joined me on set today, though I think she was more bored than anything.  It's still photography: you have to put a set together, pick what the model(s) will be wearing, set up lighting, do a few test shots to be sure it's right, shoot it (the actual shortest amount of time of the work)  and do it all over again till the day is done. 

I do other work as well that has nothing to do with porn.  Keep professional about your bussiness and where's the problem? 

All those that say they won't, send me the work, I like getting paid.


Mar 12 06 08:25 pm Link


Muse Anya

Posts: 344

Sunnyvale, California, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:

Your first reply said nothing about YOUR morality nor being a hypocrite or even mentioned your daughter...

You specifically stated: "I would never want my wife to ever question, even for a second, my faithfulness to her"

Sounds like trust issues to me...and a lot of back peddaling.  Something tells me you are Republican?

hahahahahahaha.  I'm really trying not to laugh.  San Francisco Bay Area here (and an artist).  Enough said.

Mar 12 06 08:32 pm Link


Shawn Ray

Posts: 361

Tampa, Florida, US

No offense... absolutely not.  I make a very good living with fashion.  Nudity is not my thing.

Mar 12 06 08:35 pm Link


Incident Image

Posts: 342

Los Angeles, California, US

Um, I already do.  That's how I pay my bills, LOL.

Mar 12 06 08:36 pm Link


Sharon Gutowski

Posts: 302

St Louis, Saskatchewan, Canada

The fact that it's even a question says a lot about the internet modeling world.  In other areas of business modeling and porn and photographry are seen as separate industries, as they are.  yes, porn requrires actors and photographers, but to assume that any photographer or actor would be willing to participate is ludicrous. 

I personally would not shoot porn.  I already work at a retail store in addition to making money off photography.  Until I can pay the bills with the I consider respectable (MY opinion here so don't bother telling me why you think I'm wrong on this) I will find other ways to make up the difference.  I would rather shoot weddings (which I enjoy even though some photographers think it's not a respectable option) and work a job part time than do something I don't feel ok about.

Mar 12 06 08:37 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

There are some very refreshing, well thought out, responses in this thread smile Thanks!

Mar 12 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

so we have a couple guys not needing the money
two backsliding republicans pretending ...

and only two brave souls who said they have done it.

I did it. Did not like it!  Wont do it again!
Had nothing to do with sex, it was the producers,  pimps and nasty attitude of the people making the movie. The guys looked like pimps behaved like assholes!

Now I photograph escorts all the time - different environment - I love them, they pay cash. Once in a while they are accompanied by a 'manager' with a lot of gold teeth but that are remarkably well behaved.

Funny, real pimps behave themselves, porno scumbags piss me off!

Mar 12 06 08:44 pm Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

It all depends on ones definition... but for me I would not shoot it. YET, I have had some people go to my OMP site and say its PORN? To be more specific, I am not interested in shooting something involving sex, bondage or dehuminizing. Do I shoot naked people, most of the time! Its more about the message than the definition of porn.

I even have some people in my church that love my work and the see the art and others that think its porn.

I guess it boils down to a personal boundery I have set up as to what I get involved with... sometimes that boundery may even blur so I then go to my motive in the work. For example, I may do something that for a theme on depression have a model tied-up to show depression as opposed to all tied up and ready for sex?

I may shoot something I consider sensual yet other may be very sexually turned onto it? Does that make it porn?

Mar 12 06 08:47 pm Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I guess I would need to know what your definition of porn was, to be able to answer your question....To some, fully clothed but with their groin area fully exposed is some...even their faces showing....ever heard of the Taliban?

Mar 12 06 08:51 pm Link


0341 Photography

Posts: 1686

Glendora, California, US

I am a republican... but what does that have to do with it? Sounds like a cheap shot.
Are people not allowed to modify or clarify their responses?

Rest assured that after almost 11 years of marriage, and five years before that, that I am happily married and looking forward to many many more years.

I am not  going to apologize if you're offended at my choice to be a better father and husband than a photographer, and if that includes choosing not to photograph pornography.
Mr. D: I apologize that my reasons were not completely clarified through my original posting... I am only human.

Mar 12 06 08:53 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
You all must pay the bills.

And photography is not the most lucrative ways to eak out a living. There can be dry spells.

Assume it is for Hustler or a contemporary version of Blue Boy.

Why not?

Would boring be a good enough reason?

Mar 12 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
Would boring be a good enough reason?

I second that. its not a real "turn-on" for me creativly. I mean the formula is boobs, penis, do I make you randy!... lol

Mar 12 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

not even playboy

Mar 12 06 09:17 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Pornography?  As in lurid material used to get someone off yet commonly considered obscene pornography?

Sorry, but no, I don't do weddings and I thought I clarified that long ago...

There are things I've shot which I don't show off.  What I add to my book has to fall in line with my personal direction as a photographer.  And though I've shot plenty of things I won't end up in my book, I've never shot any porn.

I mean, I'm a well-respected pillar of the community who mentors teens in his spare time and all...

...but I can still be had. 

We all have a price.  And mine might not even be all that high, either.  With a reasonable amount of liquid assets, I'll shoot.

Mar 12 06 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 1078

New York, New York, US


Mar 12 06 09:18 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Desert Winds Digital Ph wrote:
I have no interest in shooting porn, I have been asked to more than a few times, and I have turned down all offers.

How come no one has asked me to shoot porn?

I mean, okay, I'd turn down taking the gerbil in the rear shots, and lactating grannies, but no one has even ASKED.

Mar 12 06 09:35 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Aaron Cantu wrote:
I am a republican... but what does that have to do with it? Sounds like a cheap shot.
Are people not allowed to modify or clarify their responses?

Rest assured that after almost 11 years of marriage, and five years before that, that I am happily married and looking forward to many many more years.

I am not  going to apologize if you're offended at my choice to be a better father and husband than a photographer, and if that includes choosing not to photograph pornography.
Mr. D: I apologize that my reasons were not completely clarified through my original posting... I am only human.


I'm just giving you a hard time. smile   It is just funny to me because the reasons you stated on your second entry would be valid ones and do not have anything to do with trust issues with regards to your wife.  The first posting, however, definitely points to trust issues...

BTW, would you approve of your daughter living with (and most likely having sex with) someone before marriage?  How about if she did this numerous times until she found the "right" one?

You, yourself, said you lived with your wife for five years before getting married.  Would you approve of your daughter "trying" out various guys over and over until she found "Mr. Right?"

I, too, am a daddy and would never do anything to jeapordize my marriage/relationship with my daughter.  However, my wife doesn't mind me working with anyone "in the industry" because she trusts me.  As for my daughter?  She knows I am a photographer and I photograph lots of different things.  Should she ever want to become a model or photographer, I'd be accepting of whatever she chooses to do, how she models or what she photographs.

I do the best that I can to teach my daughter not to be judgemental/prejudiced and to accept that people are different...and to respect the differences that others may have.

The "Republican" bit has to do with all the stories that have change within the current Administration...ranging from the "War on Terror" to the "War being Over" to "Weapons of Mass Distruction" to "Katrina..we had no way of knowing..." to ....well, "Not having trust issues with your wife."  smile

Trust is what you display when you are in a situation that could be tempting if you did not have that trust.  If you are afraid to be already know what the problem is...

My wife trusts me.  I am not tempted by being around "hot" or "nude" models.  It is just "work" for me.  It maybe more "fun" than photographing bugs or flowers...but still it is work.

Mar 12 06 09:36 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US


phil !

guess mine would be  C. U. Cumming

Jonny Longlense

Mar 12 06 09:40 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Aaron Cantu wrote:
Previous Quote:
I never would because I value my marriage and my wife.
As a husband, I would never want my wife to ever question, even for a second, my faithfulness to her...
Not even for a million dollars.
End Previous Quote

It has nothing to do with trust issues... But I need to set an example for my daughter. It is something that I morally don't agree with and if it is something that I don't want my daughter to do... how can I say no if I shoot it. I will look like a hypocrite.

BTW... What is the purpose of porn?

Its not a faithfulness issue, its a respect issue he has for his family.

I also believe he asked a rhetorical question about porn. Not really asking what it is.

As much as porn is attractive to me, and something I have personally watched, I definately see many negatives to. ANd I respect that stance.

Just something I noticed about moral choices. Everytime someone takes a conservative stance with moral choices, such as not shooting porn out fo respect to his wife and role model to his daughter, people get aggressive towards that individul. It takes a strong person to hold such high morals.

He doesnt support porn, thats his choice.

I understand his statement, "I would never want my wife to ever question, even for a second, my faithfulness to her". He is saying that inviting a competitor into his mind, might make his wife feel insecure and for good reason. Whether or not he actually thinks about cheating or not, he choices not to even get near the line.  Whether anyone else chooses to make those boundaries are irrelavent. Its human nature to compare, to feel sexually drawn to to opposite sex, and he chooses the purest route in this case.

I say we resepct him for it, not all of us can or would make the choice. Thats pretty selfless is you ask me.

now i bow out of a conversation I should have never been in.

just had to say something and voice my opinion ahha.

dr phil out.

Mar 12 06 09:40 pm Link


Scott Gregory

Posts: 35

St Louis, Saskatchewan, Canada

Indifferent either way............

Mar 12 06 09:40 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

its terrible , disgusting , immoral, oh wait ...were talking about porn....
i thought this was the wedding that case.... sure

Mar 12 06 09:46 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Brandon Cordon wrote:
He is saying that inviting a competitor into his mind, might make his wife feel insecure and for good reason. Whether or not he actually thinks about cheating or not, he choices not to even get near the line.  Whether anyone else chooses to make those boundaries are irrelavent. Its human nature to compare, to feel sexually drawn to to opposite sex, and he chooses the purest route in this case.

lol, Brandon, re-read what you wrote above and tell me this is not saying that he and his wife have TRUST issues...

Your statement that his wife might feel "insecure and for good reason" and him thinking or not thinking about cheating....and him being afraid to trust himself in that position...or worried about what his wife will think/feel...

If anything, you've just lengthened *my* "Dr. Phil" analysis of the situation...He and his wife have trust issues.


Don't believe me?  Ask Dr. Phil.  smile

Mar 12 06 09:49 pm Link


Brandon Cordon

Posts: 224

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:

lol, Brandon, re-read what you wrote above and tell me this is not saying that he and his wife have TRUST issues...

Your statement that his wife might feel "insecure and for good reason" and him thinking or not thinking about cheating....and him being afraid to trust himself in that position...or worried about what his wife will think/feel...

If anything, you've just lengthen *my* "Dr. Phil" analysis of the situation...He and his wife have trust issues.


Don't believe me?  Ask Dr. Phil.  smile

haha, yeah yeah.

but seriously, yes it comes down to thinking about whether he is cheating or not, but my guess is that the main issue, is just a choice to respect his wife so she never even is presented with the idea to have to doubt. I think thats admirable.

Some people can make those choices and not feel like they lsot out on anything, but actually feel like they gave something to someone. Thats the impression I got from reading his statement.

You got Dr. Phils number? ahha

to sum myself up, I just found that refreshing, a bit inspiring. the majority of the comments were all pretty predictable, then his. Does his comment qualify as art? Does art have inspire? Im changing the subject. Who will answer my question? odds are nobody.

Not dr phil out

Mar 12 06 10:01 pm Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Not interested in shooting porn. I would draw the line at Playboy-style, but I've never made an attempt to get close to Playboy-style either.

But it's true that people disagree over what porn is. What Melvin is showing here, for example, isn't porn in my book, but he keeps saying over and over he shoots porn. I don't see it.

Mar 12 06 10:12 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

I wouldn't shoot porn.  I would do porn.  No one's asked me, though.

Mar 12 06 10:17 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Anyutik69 wrote:

hahahahahahaha.  I'm really trying not to laugh.  San Francisco Bay Area here (and an artist).  Enough said.

Shit, anything goes in San Francisco. All of the freaks there. Both male and female. I knew of one who did still photography nude. It started out as boudoir and then went from that to were and another female were Crunchy and Munching at the Y. And I'm not talking about the YMCA. Funny, she was on Craig's List hoping that someone will pay her to shoot this. Oh?

Mar 12 06 10:19 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

As I said above, I'm not really interested in shooting porn.  Perhaps I should have added that I wouldn't have any compunctions about it and I don't assign any moral significance to porn.   The only reason I might tend to shy away from it, assuming I were interested in doing it, is because of the suffocating legal burdens they impose in the U.S.

Mar 12 06 10:26 pm Link


White Dragon

Posts: 66

Brunswick, Georgia, US

Every industry has its sleazy side.
Soon after photography was invented, someone in France started churning out porn. What was offered back then is ridiculous by todays standards.

There will always be people willing - even eager - to compromise their personal ethics in order to make a buck.

If you shoot porn, where do you draw the line. Kiddie porn? Bestiality? I think that once you cross that line, and snuff out your personal integrity, there will be no more lines left for you to cross. You'll do it all, and find none of it objectionable.

Mar 12 06 10:30 pm Link


0341 Photography

Posts: 1686

Glendora, California, US

I appreciate the conversation... it made me think about a few things but alas I must clarify a few points...
You wrote:
I'm just giving you a hard time.    It is just funny to me because the reasons you stated on your second entry would be valid ones and do not have anything to do with trust issues with regards to your wife.  The first posting, however, definitely points to trust issues...
Please accept my apologies for not seeing the sarcasm...I am working on finishing grades for my students and it has been a long day. Trust would be more on my part Brandon clarified it much better... I don't ever want to go near "that line".

You wrote:
BTW, would you approve of your daughter living with (and most likely having sex with) someone before marriage?  How about if she did this numerous times until she found the "right" one?
NO, I would not approve. Her mother and I waited until our wedding night.

You wrote:
You, yourself, said you lived with your wife for five years before getting married.  Would you approve of your daughter "trying" out various guys over and over until she found "Mr. Right?"
Again, let me claritfy... we dated but did not live together until after we were married.

You wrote:
I do the best that I can to teach my daughter not to be judgemental/prejudiced and to accept that people are different...and to respect the differences that others may have.
How old is she? I love it when my little girl runs to the door to hug me when I get home. Anyway... I will teach her to be understanding and respectful of other people's opinions/beliefs, but she doesn't have to agree with them and she also needs to understand that just because they have that opinion does not mean that it is right.

You wrote:
The "Republican" bit has to do with all the stories that have change within the current Administration...ranging from the "War on Terror" to the "War being Over" to "Weapons of Mass Distruction" to "Katrina..we had no way of knowing..." to ....well, "Not having trust issues with your wife."   
Too political for tonight... and this thread. So I will pass.

Photographing people is indeed more exciting than bugs or water (my next project) but pornography is not my cup of tea.

BTW...Brandon thanks for clarifying my position for me, almost like Dick Cheney - hahahahaha


Mar 12 06 10:34 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Aaron Cantu wrote:
BTW...Brandon thanks for clarifying my position for me, almost like Dick Cheney - hahahahaha

Just don't ever go huntin' with him.  smile

BTW, my daughter is 5 and I love her hugs too.  Sorry I assumed you lived with your wife for 5 years before getting married.

I've been trying to teach my daughter "values" since Day 1, while at the same time trying not to put too much of my own "fears" and upbringing as "THE CORRECT" way of life.

I am doing the best that I can to raise my daughter to be a "fearless, good, kind person" and one whom I will trust to make good decisions on her own...whether or not I agree with them.  I do not wish to "taint" her with my own fears and beliefs...justified or not...although I try to "protect" her as best as I can.  It is a very fine balancing act...

Mar 12 06 10:50 pm Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

Not me Jack.

Not a prude by any streatch of the imagination but if I cant capture the beauty or sensuality of a woman with her legs closed then I probably wont do any better with them open.


Mar 12 06 11:49 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

phil !

UdoR wrote:
Jonny Longlense

How 'bout "Willie Heater" for a credit line?

Shooting porn is like selling your soul to the Prince of Darkness...

...even if he does throw a good party.


Mar 13 06 07:43 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Not unless I needed it to survive.

Mar 13 06 07:51 am Link