Forums > General Industry > The word "tog"...



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
I only recently had it pointed out to me by another photographer on this site that the word 'tog' was offensive to some. Before that, on an Australian forum I visit reguarly, people use the word in most posts and it's never come up as a problem before. I'm only new to this forum so I missed the previous posts about this but I'm glad I saw this one and got the chance to read people's thoughts on it. I didn't think twice about using it on the net but it's not something I'd say in verbal communication. I think I'll refrain from using the term now because it seems to annoy so many people smile

Kelly, I will admit that seeing you use it in your thread was the catalyst for this thread, but it wasn't directed AT you.  I also did see your explanation why.  I think it is a regional kind of thing wether to use it or not, but I think you cant go WRONG by completely typing out "photographer".  Even if most other people in that Australian forum (or British, as I've seen previously in this thread) use the word "tog", you can be the odd one out and type "photographer" and be considered odd, but not unprofessional, but if you go and use "tog" constantly, if whatever region you are in dislikes it, people would look down on you more.  Now I apologize for the, probably, bad wording, but I hope the point gets across.

You can never go wrong with "photographer", but you can with "tog", and its better to be safe than sorry.

Mar 11 06 09:04 am Link


George ephrem

Posts: 981

Jacksonville, Florida, US

i quite often use " photog"...seems like most everyone knows what that means.

'tog' just seems ..weird

Mar 11 06 09:12 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Im sitting in a producion meeting today and Model mayhem came up because we are going over scripts for a pilot we are working on. We are using a lot of "HOMEMADE" abbreviations as we write the treatment.

We began joking about how you can just about abbreviate any term as long as there are enough people in the same feild to understand what the heck you are talking about.

Anyway, I opened up this thread as we took a break because I thought I'd share this with the team for entertainment purposes.

LOng story short, I got my ass handed to me in a way only close friends and asscociates can do. MAN, they let me have it...

TOG? TOG? TOG? You mean there is a place in the world where people actually worry about shit like this? DUDE, you need to get off line and back into the real world...!!

Now they were only kidding, but I did realize something....MM isnt the real world and while there are many professionals out there, MM doesnt represent the market I work in. I forget this many a night as I humor myself in the forums.

Some threads are downright insightful while others are pure entertainment.

This be one of the entertaining ones, because quite frankly, anyone who states that a TOG isnt a pro if they use the word TOG, certainly isnt looking at a persons work. And if you judge a person based on an abbreviation, then you are the one who is acting unprofessionally.

Just an opinion as that is what this whole thread really is, a bunch of opinions. I wager any model who was offered a legit PAYING gig from a TOG on this site wouldnt turn it down bcause the guy/gal said they were a tog..and if you did..well..Kudos to you for sticking up for Mr Webster...LMAO....But then again, you could have been on The Wells Fargo Wagon...your choice....:-)

I've joined a few other sites in this industry and while they al dont have the upbeat "fighting forums" like we do on MM, I have noticed many of them carry a much more "professional air"..Meaning they rally are geared moe towards the industry in and as far as information and networking. More info on lighting, camera settings, events  blahblah blah...

I am not knocking MM, cause

Mar 11 06 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 796


Mar 11 06 03:26 pm Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

S wrote:

Kelly, I will admit that seeing you use it in your thread was the catalyst for this thread, but it wasn't directed AT you.  I also did see your explanation why.  I think it is a regional kind of thing wether to use it or not, but I think you cant go WRONG by completely typing out "photographer".  Even if most other people in that Australian forum (or British, as I've seen previously in this thread) use the word "tog", you can be the odd one out and type "photographer" and be considered odd, but not unprofessional, but if you go and use "tog" constantly, if whatever region you are in dislikes it, people would look down on you more.  Now I apologize for the, probably, bad wording, but I hope the point gets across.

You can never go wrong with "photographer", but you can with "tog", and its better to be safe than sorry.

Lol I actually didn't make the connection between our posts so I didn't think it was inspired by me at all smile One of the other photographers mentioned in the one I started that there were a number of topics going around the forums about how much people hated that word so when I saw yours, I figured it was an old one that someone had commented on and brougt it back to the start.

I'm actually amazed that the word has travelled this far. I was naive enough to think it started with one of us Aussies but apparently not, it's done a rather large circle of countries so far. I didn't stop to think about using it in the past but I can appreciate everyone's POV and certainly wasn't attached to it smile

Also, nothing wring with your choice of wording and no offense taken. I'd rather know it was a problem than be ignorant about the effect it had on people. I was thinking before how horrible it would have been if no one had said anything and I kept using it without knowing how much I was annoying people. So believe me, I'm glad I know for future reference!

Mar 12 06 01:59 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

I don't care for "tog" but I might like toga?

who's up for a party? hahaha

Mar 12 06 02:27 am Link



Posts: 89

Vientiane, Viangchan Prefecture, Laos

Don't like it personally!!

Mar 12 06 04:14 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I don't like "tog" but for me, it has more to do with the way it sounds. I learned something a while back about how some letters/letter combinations sound more attractive than other. For me, that combination, "tog", is just totally ugly.

Mar 12 06 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

i like "shooter."
i think its cute.
ive heard it mostly from photographers.

Mar 12 06 04:37 pm Link


Lo Fi Art

Posts: 1311

Alice Town, Biminis, Bahamas

It originated  around one million years BC.  It means - man who carves pictures in stone.

Mar 12 06 04:39 pm Link