Forums > General Industry > The word "tog"...


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

You can tell a lot about people by the words they use...

Mar 10 06 01:52 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

It doesn't sound like tog is catching on.  Say, here's a name for "photographer" that I just made up:  GWCWTHGGTM.  Stands for "guy with camera who thinks he's God's gift to models."  Pronounced Gwicwithgegtum.  Catchy, eh?

Mar 10 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Vance wrote:
Let's see...


An abbreviation of the word photographer. Mosy likely a natural result of the internet and the onset of text messaging in the world of digital media today. Much like LOL, LMAO...etc....

Just like to point out that LOL, LMAO, MUA, GWC, etc, are abbreviations of more than one word.  There are a few, such as "mod" which is short for moderator, NOT MODEL, but they are a LOT fewer than the others mentioned.  I recognize that its different sides of the same coin, but the only thing I've ever heard any complaints about is "tog", so why continue to use it?  Especially in regards to yourself?  I'd back away slowly from any photographer who said (online or off) "I'm a tog and proud of it".  IMO (MY opinion, not anyone elses), it would make them seem like a GWC.

Mar 10 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

William Coleman wrote:
It doesn't sound like tog is catching on.  Say, here's a name for "photographer" that I just made up:  GWCWTHGGTM.  Stands for "guy with camera who thinks he's God's gift to models."  Pronounced Gwicwithgegtum.  Catchy, eh?

*snicker*  Wow.  Cant wait to see you credited in the next edition of Websters. smile

Mar 10 06 02:07 pm Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Tog?  What a stupid term.

Anyone who uses it should be dragged behind my car in the 90/94 express lanes, full throttle.

Mar 10 06 02:09 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

I'm a model.  I don't like to use words with 3 or more syllables.  So I prefer tog tongue   LOL!!

Mar 10 06 02:09 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Myopic Earache wrote:
Tog?  What a stupid term.

Anyone who uses it should be dragged behind my car in the 90/94 express lanes, full throttle.

Hahahah!!  Which you don't have to go through at 30mph any more because of the new "Open Road Tolling". big_smile

Mar 10 06 02:15 pm Link


Cyberhawk Studios

Posts: 387

Mount Vernon, Washington, US

Myopic Earache wrote:
Tog?  What a stupid term.

Anyone who uses it should be dragged behind my car in the 90/94 express lanes, full throttle.

"So hostile, so angry, damn that rap music" (Dr. Doolittle)

It's funny how someone can get so rapped up in a title. I had a coworker named "Bob" (name changed to protect his ego) who was promoted to being my boss.

Me: "Hi Bob,"
Bob: "It's Mr. Smith to you now"
Me: " Yah, F*** you too BOB"

Mar 10 06 02:19 pm Link


Champion Hamilton

Posts: 190

New York, New York, US

Tog sounds like the relative of a troll. Mod is short for moderator not model.

Communication is an important skill many don't seem to learn. Spelling is important since we're talking in text. No need to try and re-invent the language we're using. Especially when you think about the fact that even American English is a modified version or English itself. English is derived from other languages. I wonder what the next language will be called. Netspeak?

When we celebrate and justify ignorance we teach ignorance. There's always someone less informed learning from what they see.

Mar 10 06 02:19 pm Link


C Hansen Photography

Posts: 306

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Doug Harvey wrote:
I've always despised it. It really is a title and should be used as such.

I agree with Mr. Harvey.  I always spell it out.  Or depending on who I am talking with I'll call a photographer a "shooter".  But that is only with people that know me and know my military background.


Mar 10 06 02:24 pm Link


Infinite Eye

Posts: 300

New York, New York, US

tog (tÅ?g, tôg)  Informal.
togs - 1. Clothes
         2. A coat or cloak.

tr.v., togged, tog·ging, togs.
        1. To dress or clothe

Given that the word means "to clothe," it's especially inaccurate as an abbreviation for photographer...

Mar 10 06 02:27 pm Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

CristinaLex wrote:
sorry had to butt in here...but again more people caring about spelling of about how  unprofessional that some photographers and model use sexual references on this site....havent heard a thread about tht...yea there are a lot of beautiful people on this site...but there are a lot of sexual references about boobies asses arms if you guys think that not spelling a whole word out is unprofessional WOW ....something is definetly wrong here

Shhhhh... you're being logical again.  I think there are rules against that in discussions of this type... especially from models.   ;-)

Mar 10 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

CristinaLex wrote:
sorry had to butt in here...but again more people caring about spelling of about how  unprofessional that some photographers and model use sexual references on this site....havent heard a thread about tht...yea there are a lot of beautiful people on this site...but there are a lot of sexual references about boobies asses arms if you guys think that not spelling a whole word out is unprofessional WOW ....something is definetly wrong here

So then why not start a thread?   See how many people agree with you?

It seems to me that if people were bothered by it, a thread would have been started.  Which means that those who ARE bothered, don't read/post to the forums.  And if you do read/post to the forums and haven't started a thread yet, its not that big of a deal.

Mar 10 06 03:00 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

S wrote:
it would make them seem like a GWC.

And here I thot you were my fan-girl and now u r dissin' me on a forum? I am totally gonna cry and stuff.


Mar 10 06 03:08 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

GWC wrote:

And here I thot you were my fan-girl and now u r dissin' me on a forum? I am totally gonna cry and stuff.


I said a GWC, not the GWC. big_smile  You're in a class all your own.

Mar 10 06 03:08 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Acronym  TOG
Tribal Owners Group (paintball)    
Tree of Gold (Utopia game)    
Transactions on Graphics (publication of the ACM)    
Total Organic Gas    
Top of Grating (structural)    
Tool of God (gaming)    
Theater Operations Group    
The Open Group    
The Older Gamers (gaming community)    
Terry's Old Geezers    
Technical Oversight Group    
Technical Objectives & Guidelines    
Tayana Owners Group (association of Tayana Sailboat Owners)    
Take-Off Gross (weight)    
Tactical Overlay Generator

Mar 10 06 03:14 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

S wrote:
I said a GWC, not the GWC. big_smile

Oh, shoot. I cant read with these busted glasses. Sorry about that.

S wrote:
You're in a class all your own.

You are totally my SLAMMIN' #1 girl then.


Mar 10 06 03:14 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

GWC wrote:
You are totally my SLAMMIN' #1 girl then.


Woo hoo!!  I'm #1!

Mar 10 06 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 4067

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I don't mind it. It is no worse than calling the moderators "mods". Doesn't bother me one ioda.

Mar 10 06 03:34 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

S wrote:
...anyone else hate it?

*raises hand*

Mar 10 06 03:36 pm Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In the other thread where it was used I had absolutely no idea what is meant. lol

Never saw it before. Photog I see all the time, and use it myself.

Mar 10 06 03:42 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

It's an annoying term.

Mar 10 06 03:52 pm Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

I have always referred to myself and other photographers as shooters...

Mar 10 06 04:00 pm Link


L Foto

Posts: 51

Maumelle, Arkansas, US

I don't use the word tog on here, but another web site I'm on is mainly people from UK. They you the abrevation all the time.  I think it depends alot on what part of the world you're in.

Mar 10 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

Thuy Anh wrote:
i hate tog, it reminds me of pogs, you know, those things us 80's babies used to play with a lot. but seriously, i don't see why they can't type out the whole word. of course i type like 98 words per minute.

I had alot of pogs when I was little.

Mar 10 06 04:04 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Just like some use "mod" for model.

"Mod" is short for "moderator" or regular sized for "mod" (which I guess is short for "modern," but who remembers that kind of stuff when you're trying not to fall off your Vespa?)

Either that or it's these guys:

Mar 10 06 05:54 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

the things that people sit around and concern themselves with.

amuzes the mind.

Mar 10 06 05:57 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

I personally don't care what you call me as long as the check clears.

Mar 10 06 05:59 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

hmm ... have always wanted to steer away from labels & preferred just being called by my first name, or my initials as often happens; didn't really enjoy being referred to as "the photographer" ...

... maybe any more than a model would appreciate me calling her "baby" or "sweetie"; smacks of a lack of professionalism.

frank (fml)

Mar 10 06 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

FML-Photography wrote:
... maybe any more than a model would appreciate me calling her "baby" or "sweetie"; smacks of a lack of professionalism.

I prefer "muffin," myself.

Mar 10 06 06:13 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:

welcome back....... meat.

How hospitable of you.

Mar 10 06 06:35 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

How hospitable of you.

Unless he is a vegetarian. wink

Mar 10 06 06:44 pm Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Shyly wrote:

I prefer "muffin," myself.

I pretend I'm from the south and say "darlin".  But thats only when we are both in "friend" mode, not "professional" mode.

Mar 10 06 06:50 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Actually, I have never seen a photographer refer to himself as a tog in a thread.  It is only models to use the term.  It was an abbreviation created to shorten typing.  I don't like the term but for a totally different reason.

Mar 10 06 08:00 pm Link


LimbSys Photography

Posts: 215

Jacksonville, Florida, US

I don't use it; but neither am I bothered by it. It seems a trivial thing to get upset about considering all the people on this site who are "persuing" their career while still in "collage" and hoping to work with other "talinted" people. Count 'em, I dare ya. Tog? Hell, just call me P.

Mar 10 06 08:12 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

S wrote:

Just like to point out that LOL, LMAO, MUA, GWC, etc, are abbreviations of more than one word.  There are a few, such as "mod" which is short for moderator, NOT MODEL, but they are a LOT fewer than the others mentioned.  I recognize that its different sides of the same coin, but the only thing I've ever heard any complaints about is "tog", so why continue to use it?  Especially in regards to yourself?  I'd back away slowly from any photographer who said (online or off) "I'm a tog and proud of it".  IMO (MY opinion, not anyone elses), it would make them seem like a GWC.

that's cool..

but, I think you or anyone would be better off judging or working with someone based on their work. Not their use of terms such as TOG.

There are a lot of talented people out there with odder quirks, than using TOG...

Just my 2 cents..

Mar 10 06 09:35 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

"Mod" is short for "moderator" or regular sized for "mod" (which I guess is short for "modern," but who remembers that kind of stuff when you're trying not to fall off your Vespa?)

Either that or it's these guys:

LOL.  One white.  One black.  One blonde.

Mar 10 06 10:32 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I have a minute now and will give me reason for objecting to the word tog.  It is netspeak.  The goal of any model here should be to get mainstream work because that is where the majority of high paying gigs are.  Whether we like it or not, the web is looked at with, well for lack of a better word, suspicion by many mainstream casting directors, art directors and producers.

Imagine a model sitting in an audition with an art director and is asked who she has worked with and she responded:  "Well, I have worked with John and Andy and I would love to work with that tog, Annie Liebowitz," how do you think the art director would react?

First, it might well glue on the title web model, but more importantly, the art director might have no idea what you meant.

We are a community, but we are not the mainstream community.  Our goal is for our members to be accepted.  We shouldn't, for the sake of a few keystrokes, encourage models to create netspeak that might one day come back to haunt them.

Mar 11 06 07:43 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I only recently had it pointed out to me by another photographer on this site that the word 'tog' was offensive to some. Before that, on an Australian forum I visit reguarly, people use the word in most posts and it's never come up as a problem before. I'm only new to this forum so I missed the previous posts about this but I'm glad I saw this one and got the chance to read people's thoughts on it. I didn't think twice about using it on the net but it's not something I'd say in verbal communication. I think I'll refrain from using the term now because it seems to annoy so many people smile

Mar 11 06 07:58 am Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:
ud thnk ppl wldnt b so lzy bout spellin out full wrdz.

" "

Mar 11 06 07:59 am Link