Forums > General Industry > Photographers who SAY they don't do TFP, but do...

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

The bottom line is it's a free flippin country and I don't have to work with you for free if I don't want to!  Someone's mm mention of "occasional tfp" is nothing to cry over, just keep it movin until someone says yes. 

And if you want to work with them that badly, stop crying and pay up!  It's an investment.  If you don't invest in you, why should someone else (time, supplies/equipment, free services...)?  This is directed to no one in particular, everyone should work this way smile

Mar 08 06 02:26 pm Link


Michael A Migliore

Posts: 31

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I absolutely will not do TFP shoots with anyone.

However, I will take pics of a person and give them the pictures or disk.

I also know a lot of models who will never do nude, or even implied nude pics

However they will take of their clothes and pose for some photographers.

is today an even date or an odd one ?

Mar 08 06 02:30 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Getting work is all about being approachable.

Approachable being the key word. I don't want to be approached with offers of TFP, so I state that I don't do it. Now, even though I shoot occasional TFP, it's pretty rare and it's almost ALWAYS when I approached a photographer. I don't think putting "No TFP" in your profile makes anyone non-approachable. If I like the photographer's work enough and they don't do TFP, I'll ask them their rates.

Point is, if I want to work with them that badly, I'll approach them, and pay them.


Mar 08 06 02:34 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Kristin Anne wrote:
I'm especially curious to hear the opinions of those photographers so incensed by "contradictions" in model profiles illustrated in thread below:

Many of the incensed model and/or photographer threads are simply exercises in chest beating and drama.

Humourous at times, but nothing to be taken seriously.

Mar 08 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
So are photographers when they complain about it.  Is generalization and boilerplate another "model's prerogative"?

Dreams To Keep wrote:
To the nitty gritty of it all, the OP's post was a comment on the hypocrisy of the way that models get slammed for saying one thing but doing another and the photographers get a free ride when they do it. 
I don't think she give's a rat's ass who does or does not pose nude or give tfp.  Hypocrisy was the target.

Kristin Anne wrote:
I can't believe it; someone actually gets the point.

got it the first time around

Perhaps this will clarify for you why I wrote the comment about "generalizing".  Apparently, you weren't following.

Acutally you're right...this makes so little sense I can't follow it.

Mar 08 06 04:18 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Kristin Anne wrote:
Many photographers state in their portfolios that they don't do TFP but will in fact do TFP at their discretion.

I don't mind it.  I always ask anyway.  The worst they can do is say they're not interested.  (Ruder responses get them added to my "unprofessional and not to be recommended" list.)

Mar 08 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

So are photographers when they complain about it.  Is generalization and boilerplate another "model's prerogative"?

What are YOU talking about?  I'm TOTALLY confused...

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Acutally you're right...this makes so little sense I can't follow it.

I think if you understood the fact that my reference to generalizing had nothing to do with the original post, then you'd "get it".  I suggest reading the entire thread before commenting.

Mar 08 06 06:10 pm Link


Charles Morris

Posts: 164

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I don't state anything about "TFP" or "NO TFP" in my bio here. I don't look for work here on MM. I watch crazy threads (Like this one) and check out others creative work.

But, in reality, I do shoot free sometimes. I have a business to run. I have made serious investments in my craft (High end camera, Full Studio, lighting gear, etc..) and have to charge a fee for my services to pay for all of it. In order to do that, I have to refresh my marketing message at times. If I see a model whom I think can help me achieve the type of images that portray the message I want to convey, I send a message and ask if she/he is interested. If not, then I move on. When I have my marketing materials produced, I concentrate on paying jobs almost exclusively.

Now, don't get me wrong. There are times when a model will pitch me an idea (Not just a message saying hey you want to shoot?). And spell out exactly what she would like to achieve and what she is prepared to do (Bring wardrobe, set materials, additional models, etc) to make it happen. Those type of requests I try to fit into my schedule if possible.


Mar 08 06 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
So are photographers when they complain about it.  Is generalization and boilerplate another "model's prerogative"?

What are YOU talking about?  I'm TOTALLY confused...

I think if you understood the fact that my reference to generalizing had nothing to do with the original post, then you'd "get it".  I suggest reading the entire thread before commenting.

Actually, I haven't understood anything you've said in the last few threads...but I also see I'm not alone in that fact.

Mar 09 06 07:26 am Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Actually, I haven't understood anything you've said in the last few threads...but I also see I'm not alone in that fact.

hmm...the thread tells a different tale.

Diana Moffitt wrote:
I agree with the OP!

Brian Diaz wrote:
Well played, Kristin.  wink

Sean Armenta wrote:
way to flip the scipt kristin.

dame wrote:
kristin anne is the BOMB ASH CHICK.

Mar 09 06 06:02 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I say "Testing only (no money)."  But I will on occasion accept an assignment or pay a model as well.  But that's a secret...

I do, however, refuse to accept money from models under any conditions!


Mar 09 06 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Actually, I haven't understood anything you've said in the last few threads...but I also see I'm not alone in that fact.

hmm...the thread tells a different tale.

Diana Moffitt wrote:
I agree with the OP!

Brian Diaz wrote:
Well played, Kristin.  wink

Sean Armenta wrote:
way to flip the scipt kristin.

Now is is just just with us (to those with short attention spans or ... well I'll leave it at short attention spans).

Mar 10 06 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I say I do limited tfp...that's true...but it basically means if I like your work alot I'll shoot tfp in all honesty.  It's just that preparing for a shoot takes alot of time and energy and if I'm doing tfp I want it to be with someone who is creative and I can create some fun images with. 

A photographer saying no tfp doesn't offend me.  They have bills to pay just like everyone else.  Sometimes these same photographers will and have made tfp exceptions with me as they see a mutual benefit.  Most of the good photographers I know don't get paid nearly enough as they are worth even when they are getting paid!

Mar 10 06 03:42 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
Actually, I haven't understood anything you've said in the last few threads...but I also see I'm not alone in that fact.

hmm...the thread tells a different tale.

Diana Moffitt wrote:
I agree with the OP!

Brian Diaz wrote:
Well played, Kristin.  wink

Sean Armenta wrote:
way to flip the scipt kristin.

Well, in the end all we've really learned is that nobody around here represents themselves truthfully...except for me.

...and a little pornographer shall lead them.

Mar 10 06 03:54 pm Link