Forums > General Industry > Photographers who SAY they don't do TFP, but do...


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

I agree with the OP!

Mar 07 06 05:38 pm Link


Incident Image

Posts: 342

Los Angeles, California, US

I say I don't shoot TFP, because then that's ALL models will want.  If they KNOW you shoot for free, why would they want to pay?  I'll wager that 99% or more of EVERY photographer does TFP selectively, whether they advertise it or not.  But it's not in my habit anymore to offer TFP at all.

On the reverse, I see models all the time who are "Pay Only" that email me wanting to shoot for free.  Same deal.  No harm in it.

Mar 07 06 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US


got it the first time around

No need to get defensive, I was generalizing.

Mar 07 06 05:43 pm Link


Photographer Galore

Posts: 28

Des Moines, Iowa, US

Sure this is a part time gig, I have a full time job that pays some of the bills...any hotties want some tfp? I'm a dream to work with...asian models are my specialty!!

Mar 07 06 05:48 pm Link


Alex Mercatali

Posts: 453

Forlì, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Dreams To Keep wrote:
No way out of hurting someone's feelings in this biz at sometime or another but there are ways of stating things that are kinder than other ways of stating them.

Aww, cmon, why we have to adorn our words? Why can't we tell the utterly truth?
What good does it do in the end?

Mar 07 06 05:50 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

RoninGarou wrote:
Aww, cmon, why we have to adorn our words? Why can't we tell the utterly truth?
What good does it do in the end?

Making the girls you turn down cry!!!!  LOL tongue

Mar 07 06 05:55 pm Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

No need to get defensive, I was generalizing.

I wasn't kristen LOL  much love to you hun

Mar 07 06 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Rich Mohr wrote:
I'm just a sucker for a beautiful smile and a honest gig. PLus if the model has ideas that spark my interest... why let a few $$ get in the way of creating art?


Rent maybe !

Everytime the subject of TFP/CD comes up you are always crying about rent.  Maybe if you'd spend more time marketing yourself instead of being here in the forums you'd make enough money to stop crying.

Only a fool believes they can make a living by having models as their main client!!!

If you need money so bad, rent out your studio, get yourself some assisting gigs, don't expect new models to support your hobby.

Mar 07 06 06:04 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Robert Watson wrote:
B/C I am too much of a nice guy. I have done several low budget or TFP cases b/c I hear some sob story etc etc.

Nothing wrong with that dude... 
It makes you a nice guy that gives back...
Someday someone will thank you in a way you never expected...

Allright! Get your minds out of the gutter...JESUS!

Mar 07 06 06:12 pm Link



Posts: 118

Austin, Texas, US

"I don't think there's anything wrong with this.  If you make it seem like you're open to all TFP opportunities, when the "less desirable" contact you and you know you have no need for their look, you have to explain why "I do TFP, just not for you."

Oh, yeah.  This nails it and is just the end of the whole issue imo.  ...sorry, can't seem to get the whole quote in here, but it was said by a very wise stylist at the beginning of the thread!

Mar 07 06 06:15 pm Link


Photographer Galore

Posts: 28

Des Moines, Iowa, US

Diana I can give you some sweet tfp(grins)...

Mar 07 06 06:54 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Dreams To Keep wrote:
To the nitty gritty of it all, the OP's post was a comment on the hypocrisy of the way that models get slammed for saying one thing but doing another and the photographers get a free ride when they do it.

So whats the answer- lets just all lie to each other- or assume everything in the port that is written is not true?  No means Yes- dont we get in trouble for thinking that in the 1st place?  Hmmm

Nah- lets just say the truth or not say nothin.

Mar 07 06 07:01 pm Link


Aurora PhotoArts

Posts: 18

Tampa, Florida, US

I used to offer TFP and didn't have a problem with it, but it started to conflict with my limited time. I'll collaborate from time to time, but if it's a TFP type shoot with a professional I want more from the time spent and will do it as a stock photography session instead. This way, the model gets professional pictures with the potential of earning money from them along the way.
The stock program works great and keeps the great pictures flowing. Since I make a good amount of money doing portfolio photography and talent head shots, I don't want any conflicts of interests or don't want a situation where I compete with myself. That's why I limit collaborations and stock sessions to established professionals.
Sometimes what may seems to be a contradiction usually amounts to some complexity involved. This business is always complex.

Mar 07 06 07:51 pm Link


L A Image Studio

Posts: 18

Los Angeles, California, US

Yes, there are lots of average looking models willing to model for free.  On the other hand, there are lots of unexperienced photographers willing to shoot for free. TFP doesn't cost any money, but FREE doesn't always mean good.  We don't do TFP, because it just isn't worth our time. On an occasional basis we do test with agency models -  and still charge a discounted fee  but that's different. If a model is serious about this business you always hire a professional photographer and not a guy who bought a digital camera last week. In general, TFP sessions will not move you as an aspiring model very far. Maybe you get a few useless pictures wearing terrible make-up with poor lighting. That's all. Do it right the first time and pay a pro. Spend around one thousand dollars on your comp card and go to see the best agency in town. If the modeling agency will say NO...well, find a better career...or buy a digital camera  and become a photographer and offer the TFPs to another average looking model:-)  Good luck!
L.A. Image Studio

Mar 07 06 08:46 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Kristin Anne wrote:
Many photographers state in their portfolios that they don't do TFP but will in fact do TFP at their discretion.  Is anyone bothered by this?  Personally, I couldn't care less what photographers choose to say in their profile.  I'm especially curious to hear the opinions of those photographers so incensed by "contradictions" in model profiles illustrated in thread below:

I think some refer to this as "false advertising" but don't quote me on that...

Mar 07 06 08:57 pm Link


VRG Photography

Posts: 1025

Tallahassee, Florida, US

I look at it like this:

Sometimes I DO TFP, sometimes not. It all depends on what's going on at the time.

What do you do, then? Do you go and change your profile everytime you decide that you're NOT doing TFP, then change it back when you DO? LOL

Best thing is to either say that you're selective, or just say that you don't, and make up your mind on a case-by-case basis.

If I'm trying to get a new piece of equipment, TFPs are off. WHEN I get that new piece of equipment, TFPs are on... but only until I change my mind again. lol

This is not like the nudity question, though.

Mar 07 06 10:41 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

VRG Photography wrote:
Sometimes I DO TFP, sometimes not. It all depends on what's going on at the time.

What do you do, then? Do you go and change your profile everytime you decide that you're NOT doing TFP, then change it back when you DO? LOL

Best thing is to either say that you're selective, or just say that you don't, and make up your mind on a case-by-case basis.

I just don't mention it on my bio page. If a model contacts me, AND I have time AND I have a project for which they'd be suitable, I may do TFP, but I figure leaving it off makes more sense.

Mar 08 06 12:33 am Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

L A Image Studio wrote:
Yes, there are lots of average looking models willing to model for free.  On the other hand, there are lots of unexperienced photographers willing to shoot for free. TFP doesn't cost any money, but FREE doesn't always mean good.  We don't do TFP, because it just isn't worth our time. On an occasional basis we do test with agency models -  and still charge a discounted fee  but that's different. If a model is serious about this business you always hire a professional photographer and not a guy who bought a digital camera last week. In general, TFP sessions will not move you as an aspiring model very far. Maybe you get a few useless pictures wearing terrible make-up with poor lighting. That's all. Do it right the first time and pay a pro. Spend around one thousand dollars on your comp card and go to see the best agency in town. If the modeling agency will say NO...well, find a better career...or buy a digital camera  and become a photographer and offer the TFPs to another average looking model:-)  Good luck!
L.A. Image Studio

I think you're missing the point, LOL.

Mar 08 06 02:05 am Link



Posts: 450

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

FabioTovar wrote:
basically it means "don't email me I'll email you."

kinda like those.. "i wont pose nude so dont ask"....unless I want you to..ill let you know.

The point to end the discussion any no one cares.

I do TFCD but only on certain set aside date (4/8 - 4/16). But I can forsee offering them at all in a year of two. Not to say I want to be too good for TFCD but I would like to have enough paid work that I dont have time for it. At that point I will have NO TFP on my profile. Not to say I will ever stop doing TFCD, cause I wont. I just will stop wanting request for it. It's a I'll call you when I have time, dont call me gig.

I dont pose doesnt mean you never had or never will, just means you dont want to be asked.

Martin IV

Mar 08 06 04:28 am Link


Jim Goodwin

Posts: 219

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Personally, I prefer not to make lists of the things I will do and the things I won't do. The fact is, I just might do it (whatever it is) under the right circumstances. But I understand the intent of those who write "no TFP" or "no nudes" or "no TFP nudes". It really means they don't want to get inundated with those offers. I find the reality is that it means they are selective and they prefer to determine when they want to do those things and with whom. If there are photographers out there who only pick up a camera when they are getting paid, chances are they aren't worth being paid. The same thing applies to models. If models only get in front of a camera when they are getting paid..... Models and photographers both improve their craft by doing it. When you get paid, you are being paid to produce desired results, not to learn about your craft. Those who say they only do paid work (and really mean it) are satisfied with being as good as they will get and they are content in taking the same picture over and over as long they make money doing it. But anyone (model or photographer) who strives for constant improvement will do unpaid work for the sake of trying new things or to hone their skills. Stiff competition from your peers will make you want to do it, because I assure you if you are not doing it the other person certainly is.


Mar 08 06 11:29 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Chuck Holliday wrote:
sometimes photographers say that so they wont get bombarded with all types of random TFP from people who they i guess otherwise wouldnt work with. maybe theyre doing that to weed away just the random people and then they actually offer it case by case. i've worked with a rack of models who have on their profiles they dont do TFP but will hit me up for TFP. maybe its just to block out the random types

Yes-models do it too. Guilty.

However, I often have in my profile "no TFP unless I contact you please"- which may make me sound like a stuck-up, diva model, but I just don't want to waste my time making images that I can't ever use. On the same note, I stole the "no TFP unless I contact you please" from a photographer's page months ago because I liked the phrase. And I respected him by not contacting him.


Mar 08 06 11:48 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
I agree with Kristin.  Don't straight out lie.  If you dont want to offer TFP and dont want to get bombarded with requests- then dont.  But dont say you dont and then do it.

or...if you say you don't and do it. Don't tell :-P

Mar 08 06 11:53 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:

So whats the answer- lets just all lie to each other- or assume everything in the port that is written is not true?  No means Yes- dont we get in trouble for thinking that in the 1st place?  Hmmm

Nah- lets just say the truth or not say nothin.

No, you didn't read it right - I didn't say lie.  I said that the OP started thread as a statement about hypocracy - she was saying that models get slammed but photographers don't for not telling the truth.   

I agree with her and with you but then again, models get slammed here for a hellava lot of stuff that is only a one way street, so why would this be any different?

For instance, a photographer gives a model shitty images or none at all and she wants to out him.  "Noooooooo, that would be unprofessional!" is the overwhelming response from photographer side.

A photographer mentions that yet another model wants money or flakes on the shoot and its "Out the bitch!! Tell us all her name so we don't waste or time with the flake!"

That was the point of the OP's post - there is a double standard that thrives here.  Not from all of the photographers, certainly.  But from way too many who continually spout the same model bashing bullshite.

Mar 08 06 11:55 am Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

Daniela V wrote:
I often have in my profile "no TFP unless I contact you please"- which may make me sound like a stuck-up, diva

I feel it is best not to mention TFP at all, unless you're actively seeking it.  TFP offers should be considered individually.  If you don't generally do TFP, it's still worthwhile having photographers or models contact you.  Then you can send them a polite reply declining the TFP and telling them what you are interested in.

Getting work is all about being approachable.  Sometimes I see models who have, "I don't do nudes, so don't waste my time by asking me," or something like that, in their profile.  Only about a fifth of my shoots call for nude models, but when I see a model figuratively glaring at me, clutching her shirtfront and buttoning the top button, I run away from her fast.

Mar 08 06 11:57 am Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

Kristin Anne wrote:
Many photographers state in their portfolios that they don't do TFP but will in fact do TFP at their discretion.  Is anyone bothered by this?  Personally, I couldn't care less what photographers choose to say in their profile.  I'm especially curious to hear the opinions of those photographers so incensed by "contradictions" in model profiles illustrated in thread below:

Two words - Quality Control.....

Mar 08 06 11:57 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Where is a big rolling eye smiley when I need it?

Mar 08 06 12:00 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Lapis wrote:
Where is a big rolling eye smiley when I need it?


Well played, Kristin.  wink

Mar 08 06 12:07 pm Link


Sean Armenta

Posts: 1560

Los Angeles, California, US


way to flip the scipt kristin.

all it is, is ego ego ego.

leggo my ego.

here's some rough analogies:

girl:  i have had sex on first dates.
guy:  let's go out, i want to have sex on our first date.
girl:  i don't do sex on first dates anymore.
guy:  you're such a liar!  damn you!


girl:  i have had sex on first dates.
guy: let's go out, i want to have sex on our first date.
girl:  i'll go out with you, but i don't want to have sex with you.
guy:  you're such a liar!  damn you!


client: i want to hire you to shoot my spring line.
photographer:  no thank you.  i don't want to.
client:  what???  you're a photographer!  you're obligated to shoot something i want to hire you for!  liar!  damn you!

or how about:

model:  i have a bunch of nudes in my port, obviously i have shot nudes.  but i don't want to anymore, so i say i won't.
photographer:  you have a bunch of nudes that you shot before ME, and i am envious that OTHER photographers have seen your goods or got to shoot you nude.  shoot nudes with me.
model:  i don't want to.
photographer:  what?  you're such a liar!  damn you!


Mar 08 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 50

New York, New York, US

kristin i will TFP with no one but YOU.. but this time, let me order the food.. you like BAD THAI..

kristin anne is the BOMB ASH CHICK.

Mar 08 06 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 50

New York, New York, US

oh, and id also shoot diana moffit again TFP as well thank you..

but who i really wanna shoot tfp is SEAN "ARMY" ARMENTA!!!!

that is all..

Mar 08 06 12:19 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

Daniela V wrote:
Yes-models do it too. Guilty.

However, I often have in my profile "no TFP unless I contact you please"- which may make me sound like a stuck-up, diva model, but I just don't want to waste my time making images that I can't ever use. On the same note, I stole the "no TFP unless I contact you please" from a photographer's page months ago because I liked the phrase. And I respected him by not contacting him.


i feel ya, well i left mines up because i didnt think it matters anyways, i've only had one person from MM actually show up to a shoot they scheduled with me or show up on a decent time in 9 months, so i kinda dont really care how my profile looks right now, because its not going to change anybodys attitude or punctuality towards scheduling with me and showing up or on time, lol

Mar 08 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

I can't believe it; someone actually gets the point.

It's only hypocracy if you say one thing while doing another.  Since I don't, I guess I can slam models all I want...Right?

Mar 08 06 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 6

BRONX, New York, US

I don't think there's anything wrong with this.  If you make it seem like you're open to all TFP opportunities, when the "less desirable" contact you and you know you have no need for their look, you have to explain why "I do TFP, just not for you."

This is indeed very true! I think I'm going to have to edit my profile. I get way too many offers for TFP with photographers whose look I am just not interested in. Finding a way to explain "I do TFP, just not with you" without offending the photographer is almost impossible!

Mar 08 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Kristin Anne wrote:

No need to get defensive, I was generalizing.

So are photographers when they complain about it.  Is generalization and boilerplate another "model's prerogative"?

Mar 08 06 12:37 pm Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

It's like a model saying they DO NOT DO NUDES yet once they meet the photographer they may trust him or her and allow for nude work to be done. I do TFP for those I have worked wth before because I trust them to be there and we can work at ease.
What a model or photog write is fine with me and if they end up doing opposite of that is fine with me as well - sometimes creativity and artistry cannot be kept in check. Photography isn't just a business for me - maybe that's why I think this way.........

Mar 08 06 12:38 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

do whatever trips your trigger!

Mar 08 06 12:39 pm Link


Rick Reynolds

Posts: 73

Los Angeles, California, US

I think that the whole tfp thing has gotten so far out of hand that it needs to cease altogether.  First and foremost it was meant for upcoming Photographers not models to get a lauch on there career by shooting a known model or actor.  But now days its like every model that has taken a few good pictures thinks that from that day on they can help a photographer go to the next level by shooting with him or her.  I may shoot a person for free if I have some free time and I want to do it, but that is usually because I like that person not because I feel as though they will make a difference in my career.  Sure I will shoot Paris Hilton or Halle Barry for Free because I know if you send those photos to a popular magazine your chances have increased tremendously whereas if I just shot plain jane or joe schmo  I wont make a true difference to anyone but them.  No offense but before you criticise a photogpher for being a hypocryt please check out his over head and ask him is there anything I could do outside of looking into his lens to help him out.

Mar 08 06 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
So are photographers when they complain about it.  Is generalization and boilerplate another "model's prerogative"?

Dreams To Keep wrote:
To the nitty gritty of it all, the OP's post was a comment on the hypocrisy of the way that models get slammed for saying one thing but doing another and the photographers get a free ride when they do it. 
I don't think she give's a rat's ass who does or does not pose nude or give tfp.  Hypocrisy was the target.

Kristin Anne wrote:
I can't believe it; someone actually gets the point.

got it the first time around

Kristin Anne wrote:
No need to get defensive, I was generalizing.

Perhaps this will clarify for you why I wrote the comment about "generalizing".  Apparently, you weren't following.

Mar 08 06 01:54 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

faithb wrote:
"I don't think there's anything wrong with this.  If you make it seem like you're open to all TFP opportunities, when the "less desirable" contact you and you know you have no need for their look, you have to explain why "I do TFP, just not for you."

rae01 wrote:
Oh, yeah.  This nails it and is just the end of the whole issue imo.  ...sorry, can't seem to get the whole quote in here, but it was said by a very wise stylist at the beginning of the thread!

That was me, and thank you! wink

Mar 08 06 02:20 pm Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

Sean Armenta wrote:
way to flip the scipt kristin.

Brian Diaz wrote:
Well played, Kristin.  wink

thank you big_smile.

dame wrote:
kristin i will TFP with no one but YOU.. but this time, let me order the food.. you like BAD THAI..

LMAO.  Dame, let's remember who recommended the bad thai in the first place.  By the way, no nudes wink.

Mar 08 06 02:25 pm Link