Forums > General Industry > Why don't models ever want to.....


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Who cares? I don't do this for models to pay me. I do this to build a portfolio, find clients, and hire models and MUA's I've worked with. If I want people to model and pay me, I'll take a portrait or shoot a wedding (never...too much stress). If I want to collaborate and do something creative for me, I'll call my favorite MUA and find a model and try something new.

I make money working for corporate clients.

And here's a hint, I only hire models I've worked with before.

Mar 02 06 10:46 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Malchow Photography wrote:

This is not about my work. or about models paying me.

This is about..why, in general, models don't want to pay, choose not to, or refuse to. Nothing more nothing less...  why do models always say "tfp or pay me!" ?

Because photogs ask us to shoot....and those are the 2 responses we can think of off hand!  LOL smile

Mar 02 06 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Malchow Photography wrote:
why do models always say "tfp or pay me!" ?

a) Model believes she has something you want and model does not believe you have something she wants --> model asks for pay
b) Model believes she has something you want and model believes you have something she wants --> model asks for tfp
c) Model believes you have something she wants and model believes she does not have anything [or at least anything comparable] to offer --> model offers to pay

Only one set of  conditions results in the circumstance for which you're requesting an explanation.  How difficult can it be?

Mar 02 06 10:53 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Malchow Photography wrote:
This is about..why, in general, models don't want to pay, choose not to, or refuse to. Nothing more nothing less...

They don't always say it in general. Which makes the question 'why' kind of silly.

Malchow Photography wrote:
why do models always say "tfp or pay me!" ?

They don't. You've already said they don't always do so for you, and they certainly don't all do so for most of the photographers I know. (Sure, some do. That's life.)

Most models (and photographers) will pay for what they believe is beneficial to them if that's what's needed. If the only options you're getting are "tfp or pay me", I'd guess that's because the models you contact/contacting you don't consider it worth paying for. Right or wrong, that's their decision to make.

In general,  this general question is based on a false assumption, and no general response can answer it.

Mar 02 06 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Malchow Photography wrote:
Why don't models ever want to........ pay a photographer to get work done?

Models do.  Internet picture takers don't.    It's not difficult to get payment if you can produce what is needed.

Mar 02 06 11:33 pm Link



Posts: 38

New York, New York, US


Mar 02 06 11:33 pm Link


RONIN Studios

Posts: 96

GWYNEDD VALLEY, Pennsylvania, US

Well guys, this is a simple question with a simple "set" of answers.  To answer the question as to WHY models don't pay and they want to get paid is this (do the math):

1.  Most photographers aren't worth paying
2.  Most models aren't worth paying
3.  TFP/CDs are a way to improve for both the model and photographer
4.  Unless there is mutual gain, a TFP/CD session is offset
5.  All TFP/CDs are in the models' favor
6.  Photographers have to simply deal with more
7.  It costs photographers more (monetarily) to do a TFP/CD

Now, having said that, this entire industry has turned into an exploitation of BOTH the photographer AND the model.

ANY photographer can get some model to do a TFP, even if it's walking up to someone off the street (non-model) and asking them if they would be willing to pose.  But this wasn't enough.  Most of the photographers out there are IN FACT, perverts with cameras.  A certain passive aggressive pathology in which he (it's always a "he") would be willing to PAY a model to come into his home (it's usually a house) studio, tell her to get naked, and essentially tell them what to do.  It's voyeuristic fetishism at it's finest.  There's rarely any pro lighting equipment, or even a real studio setup.  We even came up with a name for it....GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY.  But it doesn't end there.  There are enough crappy photographers out there that engage in this ritualistic "pay and get naked and do what I tell you" routine that it has actually influenced the modeling world.  Models that aren't worth paying are now getting paid as long as they get naked or "implied".  This symptom is now, radically infectious.

So...consider this...  We now have a market, where there are sexually deviant photographers paying delusional models to engage in a pseudo-prostitution act that is sanctioned under the guise of "ART".  Statistically speaking, their numbers are VAST...  So that the true to art photographers and models are so astronomically low in numbers that we have this artifact in society where EVERYONE WANTS TO GET PAID, which only further perpetuates this cyclic "crappy paying crappy".

Thus, consider the mind of a model.  EVERY FEMALE out there is programmed by the media (as well as society) to WANT to be models (and/or beautiful, even though fat seems to be in fashion EVERY YEAR).  The ones that actually "DO" something about that innate urge are pathologically different from the ones that don't.  This is neither good nor bad, BUT the profile of the ones that "DO" are typically more susceptable to exploitation by a grungy dirty ole' pervert (with little to no skills) that's willing to talk a girl into getting naked, and if that doesn't work, throwing some money at her.  The new ones have learned some of this routine, and set it up from the beginning...KNOWING...that statistically, someone will bite...  Money is an attractive thing, both practically as well as psychologically (strokes and cultivates the ole' ego / insecurity), and thus the circle goes round and round.

In my career, I have seen some crazy things.  Once a friend of mine (who models for a living) had arranged a shoot with a photographer at her house.  She was getting paid 100/hr for 4 hours (that's 400 bucks for those of you that failed math like I did).  I happened to be visiting.  In walks this fat old grungy looking guy with a plastic bag.  In the bag (labeled WAWA), sat 3 disposable film cameras purchased at a convenience store on his way in.  The shoot was artistic nude...with a lightbulb as the light source.  My jaw dropped.  He then sent her pictures (nudes) on a CD that was processed by Ritz.  This is a constant and regular occurance throughout the industry.  There are girls out there doing this for a living because there are enough photographers out there that are willing to pay for a naked girl.  Call it a private interactive live and in person strip show.  I even know a few photographers that never pick up a camera during the shoot and end up having sex with the models.  This happens EVERYWHERE.

I hope this answers your questions.  Please understand that this explanation is by no means applicable to the few of us out there (both models and photographers) that do this for the ART, but rather, lends more as an explanation of the deviance that is predominant in the community.  We must make a stand...although we are so out numbered that it won't make a damn bit of difference.

For those of you that fall into the former category, hate mail can be sent to:

[email protected]


Dr. Steven W. Choi

Mar 02 06 11:35 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

Malchow Photography wrote:
You as a model, you work and go to school. So I can understand that there are financial obligations... but even so, if you have few extra dollars, why couldn't you pay a photographer for helping you out with your folio, compcard images, or other images you use to market yourself?

because maybe the little bit of money they get, they might want to do something else with it like buy some clothes, go out and hang out, or save up towards something. at least she knows any of those 3 wont stroke their ego for the money, lol.

if you know theyre in college, and especially with the current state of the country and the economy and things like that, why are you trying to force somebody who doesnt have it to go get it? what are they going to do - click their heels 3 times and money appears? go in the back and print up some money for you? if they are struggling just to pay the cell phone bill and maintain some decent amount of groceries in the fridge, why are they going to throw a couple of hundred bucks towards a photo shoot with somebody when they know they can just contact the next person and do it for free?

honestly speaking, if you know the babe can enhance your book or whatever, then why not shoot her for free and try and get the photos published/sold? and especially if youre not shooting for a major pub or corp, its difficult to get them to shell out a couple of hundred bucks.

you minus well go shoot some artists, and companies (non-modeling related) for some bread, because youre not gonna make it trying to talk them out of it on MM.

Mar 02 06 11:46 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:

They do.  They just don't pay you.

Respectfully submitted,

theda wrote:

Probably the most valid answer in this thread.

Commercial and fashion models still pay photographers to build their books, but they only pay photographers whose work is marketable.

sorry, i had to make this in bold incase it wasnt read, this is the thread closer right there and end of story answer.

and of course theyll be about 2348953280953209835 other threads of the same subject in the coming hours probably, lol.
i at least know to copy this answer since its going to be asked a few more times this week, lol.

Mar 02 06 11:49 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

Malchow Photography wrote:

This is not about my work. or about models paying me.

This is about..why, in general, models don't want to pay, choose not to, or refuse to. Nothing more nothing less...  why do models always say "tfp or pay me!" ?

hold up - take this into account. say "model generic" gets started in modeling and is getting her feet wet, and you approach her to shoot and charge her, say $250 or maybe even $400. now the babe has to get the money (chances are she's in college and is more worried about school than some modeling s@#t), which is not exactly laying around. so now she's using "good money" to pay you to shoot her for something she's not even doing full-time.

now you shoot her, and lets just say that she doesnt like the pics like that. cant say thats impossible because many babes shoot with people, no matter how good they are, and dont like the pics. some people just dont gel or mix in a shoot. s@#t happens.

then what? are you giving her the money back? no. so now she's out of 400 buckaroos and has a few pics (because chances are youre not giving her all of the pics being that youre already stroking your ego over the pay thing and bragging about how many years youre in it) that she doesnt even like, and will probably be used for, and maybe 1 of them will be used for a few months until she shoots out of town somewhere with another photographer who she'll probably like the pics (most likely she's shooting with them for free). after the free shoot, she's definitely replacing the pic you shot of her, so now she has nothing to show for the 400 bucks.

it happens. to plenty of people. you think college students are going to do that, and its no way you can sit in front of your PC with a straight face and say yes, unless youre another one of those young-guy bashers, lol

Mar 03 06 12:13 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

if it's for my needs i'll do tfp.  if it's for thier needs i'll charge them.  photographers just get better with age... models just get old.

Mar 03 06 12:18 am Link


elisaveta ♀

Posts: 619

New York, New York, US

WRONG!! I DID PAY A PROFESSIONAL photographer to shoot me. And that was my FIRST photoshoot EVER!! And the pictures were great, better than some I'd had later on when I continued shooting. I didn't want to go to the first GWC and take crappy pictures. The second one I paid was a big those were almost four and a half years ago.
But the funny thing is that some models on here(don't get me started with the names wink ) don't really appreciate and make a difference between a great photographer, a good photographer, an OK photographer and a GWC photographer... wink OR some expect to shoot with " a Steven Meisel" thinking they are THAT GOOD!! Give me a break...we are all looking for our Meisel...and trying to get better at what we do! Or at least I try and I hope I'm doing it right!

That's just my 2 cents...if not more...
p.s. I was wondering if I should have really typed all this and hit "reply"...I guess I did.

Mar 03 06 12:33 am Link


Michael Raveney

Posts: 628

Miami, Florida, US

elisaveta ♀ wrote:
WRONG!! I DID PAY A PROFESSIONAL photographer to shoot me. And that was my FIRST photoshoot EVER!! And the pictures were great, better than some I'd had later on when I continued shooting. I didn't want to go to the first GWC and take crappy pictures. The second one I paid was a big those were almost four and a half years ago.
But the funny thing is that some models on here(don't get me started with the names wink ) don't really appreciate and make a difference between a great photographer, a good photographer, an OK photographer and a GWC photographer... wink OR some expect to shoot with " a Steven Meisel" thinking they are THAT GOOD!! Give me a break...we are all looking for our Meisel...and trying to get better at what we do! Or at least I try and I hope I'm doing it right!

That's just my 2 cents...if not more...
p.s. I was wondering if I should have really typed all this and hit "reply"...I guess I did.

love it! I'm about to quit this site as I am bombarded by ugliness!

Mar 03 06 12:36 am Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Since I've come to this board I've read SOOOO many posts like this -  you think you guys would get tired of it.

Look, if you're just having fun or shooting models for the love of it (as I do as a break from more monotonous commercial work), then work TFP - everyone's happy. 

But if someone is trying to build their book to go out into the brick and mortar world, they should be investing heavily in it.  If a model is looking to get agency work and feels she needs a quality portfolio to do so, she should hire the best photographers and MUA she can afford to shoot her and should avoid TFP at all costs.

If a photographer is looking to get agency work and feels they need a quality portfolio to do so, they should hire the best models and MUAs they can and should avoid TFP at all costs.

For anyone else, it's really just whatever they're comfortable with - and if what they're doing makes them happy, so be it.  It's really that simple. I don't understand what all the fuss is about?


Mar 03 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Malchow Photography wrote:

Oliver Cole wrote:
MY OPINION is that there exists in the model's mindset a STRIP CLUB MENTALITY

This is what happens when MEN pay money in clubs to look at women, but not touch.
I will NEVER understand this concept. Also the idea that now runs in all forums of American life, "the something for nothing" concept. Hard work, struggle, effort, "paying your dues" does not exist in the "instant generation","the me generation", the Polaroid and now the digital generation.

This problem for photographers would disappear in 1 week IF the men would STOP being so desperate to see some T & A.

Oliver Cole

Here is a wise man Thank you Mr. Cole.

Dude, what kind of crack are you smoking?

Men do NOT pay to see tits at a strip club, that's free!

They pay for the company!  They pay for the stripper to give them a look that says I like you.  They are paying for someone to act as if you are someone special.  They pay to talk to a pretty girl.

I shoot TFP/CD specifically to piss off guys like you! 

I have regular Clients that I make my bread and butter from.  When I shoot TFP/CD it's simply because I have absolutely nothing better to do.  I don't follow sports, a waste of my time, I'd rather shoot some model/newbie than just sit on my ass at home.  I enjoy shooting Newbie Models and making them look gorgeous for FREE!  If you expect to make a living off of Newbie Models, just start a school like Barbizon or Casablanca.

Mar 03 06 12:48 am Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
If you are a photographer, you won't make a living being hired by models.


Mar 03 06 12:51 am Link



Posts: 66

South San Francisco, California, US

To the O.P.
Neither models nor photographers should be having to pay the model/photographer directly or complain that nobody will pay them. Due to the fact that major money should come from clients :-p .... Oh wait, that's for models and photographers in demand crap... oh well anyways "why ask why?" nobody wants to pay, unless one is exceptionally good... It all goes both ways really...


Mar 03 06 12:56 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:
what i want to know is why won't they have sex with me after the shoot... especially if I've paid them?? Hookers do it.  What makes models so special?

You're not paying a prostitute for sex.  You're paying them to go AWAY after having sex.

Mar 03 06 01:03 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

FML-Photography wrote:
man ... i knew you guys were just being facetious!

uh, otherwise, no, i don't take TFPs/TFCDs; none of my peeps in hair, makeup, or wardrobe will accept any exchanges & yeah, we've all got bills to pay ...

just business, it's just business ...


same here, but be prepared to say goodbye to a lot of folks when they call.
What pay you? yes photogs get paid for sessions!
Well I know the GWC that will do TFP

Mar 03 06 01:04 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

RONIN Studios wrote:
5.  All TFP/CDs are in the models' favor
6.  Photographers have to simply deal with more
7.  It costs photographers more (monetarily) to do a TFP/CD

Dr. Steven W. Choi

I am so tired of hearing shit like this!   It's BULLSHIT!

It costs a Digital Photographer in actual dollars spent that day nearly noting...

Gas, tolls, parking, how much can that be? $30.00???  That's NOTHING!
That's $30.00 more than you would have spent if you would have stayed home and jerked off!

Bitch bitch bitch...

If you shoot film then say $12.00 per roll developed added to the $30.00  Still pretty cheap!  If you can't afford that, don't do TFP and just stop bitching...

Mar 03 06 01:05 am Link


Giacomo Cirrincioni

Posts: 22234

Stamford, Connecticut, US

Hamza wrote:

I am so tired of hearing shit like this!   It's BULLSHIT!

It costs a Photographer in actual dollars spent that day nearly noting...

Gas, tolls, parking, how much can that be? $30.00???  That's NOTHING!
That's $30.00 more than you would have spent if you would have stayed home and jerked off!

Bitch bitch bitch...

Au contraire, mon ami.  First you need quality porn - that ain't cheap - and if you have a short attention span like I do, you need a fairly well stocked library for a full day of jerking off.  That alone will cost you more than $30.  Then there's lubricant, tissues, soap, towels..  The list goes on...

Mar 03 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Paramour Productions wrote:

Hamza wrote:
I am so tired of hearing shit like this!   It's BULLSHIT!

It costs a Photographer in actual dollars spent that day nearly noting...

Gas, tolls, parking, how much can that be? $30.00???  That's NOTHING!
That's $30.00 more than you would have spent if you would have stayed home and jerked off!

Bitch bitch bitch...

Au contraire, mon ami.  First you need quality porn - that ain't cheap - and if you have a short attention span like I do, you need a fairly well stocked library for a full day of jerking off.  That alone will cost you more than $30.  Then there's lubricant, tissues, soap, towels..  The list goes on...

Come on, close your eyes, think of sheep, spit on your hand, it's all free!!!

Mar 03 06 01:12 am Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

maineeeeeee i waste $30 on lunch here in NYC, so if these dudes are whining over those type of expenses, then they need to go buy a dog.

if a photog is that confident in his work, then why the hell is he whining on a free site to models (who now see him as a whiner) about making money?

somebody needs to S.O.S. diaz or trute or udo to lock and bolt this....

Mar 03 06 01:16 am Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

Malchow Photography wrote:
...For those that have established themselves, and are seasoned models, that now look down on, or condiscend to people or who belittle others, and have gotten arrogent, spoiled, and snobbish, because they are used to a certain lifestyle or quality of work, etc... because the yet unestablished or up-and-coming photogbrapher has not yet attaind a level that thay have... they have forgotten where they came from, the humble begginnings, etc. it has nothing to do with them paying a photographer it is just the looking down the nose attitude they have about not working with someone to help bolster thier career, give them a hand up, or help them to get more established or better expereinced.

Actually I don't think so.  I have some model friends who are well known and pretty much have their pick of who to shoot with.  They don't look down on photographers who are inexperienced or even those who just aren't very good... they don't have time to worry about that, because there are just too many inexperienced photographers out there.  I really don't think there are any illusions; at least some experienced models know that some... a small percentage... of those newer photographers will stick it out, work hard, learn, get better.  They understand that a few of them will become successful.  If anything, they get excited when they find a promising new talent and are happy to work with them.

The issue, really, is that experienced models are busy trying to find photographers who are really good, or who are good enough and fill a gap in their book, or who are good and are a useful person to network with, or who show promise even if they don't yet get it right in every single shoot.  Some of these models get a *lot* of offers every day... you have no idea how many... and at the same time they are sorting through the 95 percent who just aren't that good (I've sat and watched this process, believe it), or who are good but just shoot in a style not relevant for that model, or who just have a bad attitude.. they are out actively looking for people they do want to shoot with, and contacting them.

So they usually aren't looking down on inexperienced photographers... I'd describe it more as dispassionately sorting through lots and lots of photographers trying to find someone who can do the look they want, and do it well.

I'm sure there are exceptions.  And I'm certainly not talking about the little princess with four shoots under her belt and a swollen head.  But this is what I've mostly seen so far with models who have been around a while.

Mar 03 06 01:39 am Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Ive had models pay me for portfolios.
Then again these models weren't from MM lol maybe thats why

Guess it depends on the area and the clientele and word of mouth of past models who have worked with you..
Although I shoot wedding and other things as well and those pay to.

If the model can do her makeup and so forth I'll do TFP also. smile

Mar 03 06 06:38 am Link



Posts: 15

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

I personally dont have the money to pay someone to take my pictures, hah. Sad, I know. If someone offers a shoot where I would have to pay I decline as politely as possible, now if make up and wardrobe were provided and i really had admiration for the photographers work then id try and get the money for it

Mar 03 06 06:41 am Link


ChrisPaul- Chrispimages

Posts: 512

Los Angeles, California, US

Malchow Photography wrote:

Thank you Theda. So basically what you are saying, in a diplomatic way, is that my work sucks, right?

[edit] ok, so let me ask you this... if I can't afford to get better because some people choose to not pay me or have arrogent attitudes like some, and won't work with me, because they are too snobbish and spoiled to, or because they forgot where they came from and how it was getting there...  with out people paying for the work and services that photographers provide... how can we as photographers improve or equipment, education and experience?

thats a tad rediculous to think someone will pay you ... to practice on them.....
i cant grasp it...... as with any product or service... there has to be a demand in order for the product or service to have value... if a mofel wants to let people learn on her she can always find tfp or go to a college and get paid to do figure modeling and such.

Mar 03 06 07:05 am Link


RONIN Studios

Posts: 96

GWYNEDD VALLEY, Pennsylvania, US

Hamza wrote:

I am so tired of hearing shit like this!   It's BULLSHIT!

It costs a Digital Photographer in actual dollars spent that day nearly noting...

Gas, tolls, parking, how much can that be? $30.00???  That's NOTHING!
That's $30.00 more than you would have spent if you would have stayed home and jerked off!

Bitch bitch bitch...

If you shoot film then say $12.00 per roll developed added to the $30.00  Still pretty cheap!  If you can't afford that, don't do TFP and just stop bitching...

RRRiight....  What about the equipment, cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, light modifiers, softboxes, custom stages - (light box, panels, props, etc...), MUA, Hair stylist, Consumables (paper backdrop, CDs, DVDs, ink - by the way, do you know how much ink costs per mL?, paper, etc...), all of the time editing, software, electricity, legal fees (incorporating), liability insurance (say a model slips and falls-blah blah blah)and so on...

And I guess you haven't experienced the unreliability of the vast majority of models?  Late, no show, no call, etc...

I take it you don't have or know of the costs for liability insurance for your studio?


Dr. Steven W. Choi

Mar 03 06 08:12 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

markcomp wrote:

Is this what they mean by ragin cajin?  Glad I never said anything mean to you.
For ninety-nine percent of these postings you can use the addage "put up or shut up".  I'm in your corner.

Oooh, I got upset. And I should have said I was offended as a woman, and not just as a  model. Never-the-less, I'm a little embarrassed I let it get to me.

I have a response to all the people who want to know about who should pay...

sit down and think about who you will and won't pay, and who you will/won't trade with and then think of why. Now apply those same thoughts to the other party, because I'm willing to bet they are doggon similar. (not upset anymore. See, the potty mouth is gone, LOL)

Mar 03 06 08:57 am Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Like any other business, a well known name will net you (more) cash. If I want the band  Camel Toe to play at my party, it's pretty cheap. If I want Britney Spears it's really expensive even though I think Camel Toe is better.

I also think if it's beneficial to both parties, there's nothing wrong with TFP/CD. I've been an art director for major NY agencies for years so I do know my art. But, I'm fairly inexperienced on the technical end when it comes to photography. TFP gets me that opportunity to experiment and learn without costing me. I would rather learn with an inexperienced model because he/she (yes I work with guys too) is more patient, enthusiastic, and willing to experiment.

When I'm confident I can create exactly what a client wants, I charge everytime. And get it. I don't believe TFP cuts into paid work any more that any other business.

my thoughts for what they're worth.

Mar 03 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

RONIN Studios wrote:
5.  All TFP/CDs are in the models' favor

I agreed until I got to this part.  How do you figure?  If the model is brand new and the photographer is an established, skilled, creative artist or professional, then sure.  If it's the other way around, then no.

Example:  Last weekend I shot with my first agency model.  She is a full time model in NYC, who is one of the rare breed around here who actually makes a living as a model.  She sure as shit didn't need to shoot with me.  She's got tears up the hoo-ha, and I am an amateur, and a beginner to boot.  However, she decided to, and she did it on a TFCD basis.

I am hands down the one who benefited the most from that day of shooting.  She made my job so easy that it's not really fair to call it work, she understood light and what looked good, and I hardly had to direct her at all.  I could have used virtually any of the photographs I took for my book, because she was "on" in every single one of them.  Because she's professional and experienced, and good at her job.

It bothers me to see this kind of thinking perpetuated.  Why is it so important to some photographers to maintain this holier-than-thou attitude when it comes to models?  They aren't stupid, or children, or less than you simply because you're the one holding the camera.  You're creating something together.  Have a little respect.

Mar 03 06 09:52 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

And as a P.S., I am not deviant just because I sometimes shoot nudes.

I am deviant because I like to be tied up and spanked and...

Well.  Maybe that's for another discussion.

Mar 03 06 09:54 am Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Its pretty simple if  a model contacts you and wants to set up a tfp/tfcd with you and you dont wanna do that... send her your rates. If she feels that you are worth it than she will, maybe offer her a payment plan of half up front and half after  ( but before you give her photos obviously). If you stand by your work and its up to par than you wont have to worry about it. I get tfp/tfcd offers all the time, but rarely do I ever do them .Just a little food for thought.

Mar 03 06 10:03 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

You're not paying a prostitute for sex.  You're paying them to go AWAY after having sex.

Ha! It's funny 'cause it's true!

Mar 03 06 10:08 am Link


Angie Borras

Posts: 1933

Kissimmee, Florida, US

Malchow Photography wrote:

Thank you hourglass... this is more what I am looking for... But you still didn't answer the original question..why don't models want to pay for anything?

You as a model, you work and go to school. So I can understand that there are financial obligations... but even so, if you have few extra dollars, why couldn't you pay a photographer for helping you out with your folio, compcard images, or other images you use to market yourself?

I'm going to tell why because there are plenty of other photographers that would do it for free. If there wasn't any then maybe they would pay for your work. and problably there wouldnt be as many models out in the industry either.

Mar 03 06 10:12 am Link



Posts: 8

Sullivan, Missouri, US

I am fortunate enough to be a full time photographer.  I have a studio built onto my house.  I don't make enough to pay the bills, just keep the studio going and maybe some grocery money.  My husband has a day job to pay the bills.

I make my money from shooting high school seniors and families.  I shoot glamour for fun.  Just for fun.  I'm always willing to do a TFP/CD shoot with a model who also just does it for fun.  To me, it's about collaboration, getting what I want and getting what they want.  I don't ever expect to make any real money at glamour.  I live in a small town and I know realistically it's just not going to happen.  It's just fun and practise for me.  It gives me a chance to try new lighting techniques or new poses, or new props.  A chance to learn and practice things that I can carry over to where I do make my money, seniors.

So...Any models in the St. Louis area want to have fun with me?

Mar 03 06 10:51 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:

Let's see...

What's the average age of a model on MM?  I'd say early 20s.

What percentage of MM models are full time models?  I'd guess less than 5%. 

That implies that we are talking about very young people who are probably working jobs close to minimum wage; many of these models are full time students, implying that they work part time, if at all.

So, my guess is ...

   >>>  They don't have a lot of disposable cash to spare.
   >>>  There's plenty of TFP/TFCD or paying jobs.
   >>>  Hiring a photographer isn't worth their time or money.

If you are a photographer, you won't make a living being hired by models.

Bingo. Give the man a cigar, he has stated it quite nicely.

Mar 03 06 10:52 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

David Moyle wrote:

Honestly, I think your bio is pretentious beyond the capability you show in your portfolio.

To gain experience, I've done tfcd, paid models I wanted to work with that didn't need my work for their portfolio, and shot with models just starting out. You do what you must if you are serious about gaining skills.

I don't see anything in your portfolio to make a model want to pay you over someone else.

Yes, I am a snide, arrogant ass. Ask anyone.

I was going to agree with the last line in your reply Mr. Moyle (just to be a shite head) except that your entire response/ post is valid. 

The OP has much more work to do on his portfolio, his style, his lighting, his posing direction, his sense of the moment and sense of framing/ crop before he can even begin to ask for $$ in return for his services.  From anyone, not just models.

To the OP; Do the TFP/ TFCD and be thankful for the chance to up your level of experience with a live model.  Take some classes in lighting.  You work doesn't suck, its merely average and average in anything in life won't get many people to hand you their hard earned money.

Like another poster said, it ain't about paying dues either, its about being able to deliver.  And that goes for photographers and models alike.

Mar 03 06 11:09 am Link



Posts: 1201

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

my first shoot I paid for the photographer and studio and cost me a fortune i must be honest if i had known about tfp and tfcd i don't think i would have paid...

there are too many offers to do it for free so i wouldn't blame the models blame the other kinda goes both ways...

xx shelly

Mar 03 06 11:11 am Link


Brian Chinzo

Posts: 8

Clark, New Jersey, US

Well lets say its a new model that contacts a photographer saying he/she wants to start a portfolio... In many cases i've found that the newbie model gets insulted when told about rates and expects to do a tfp/cd. I understand that models have expenses like their cloths and makeup, but we also have all our equipment, electricity and then there's post processing. All that time spent after the shoot to touch up photos should have some value.

Mar 03 06 11:42 am Link