Forums > General Industry > Photog Expenses


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

lol, i was quoting the coming to america movie - pardon me, i'm one of the few photographers here who actually has humor and laughs, lol.

honestly, youre better off asking these types of questions over at tomika skanes forum, the answers given are more fair and not a lot of ego-bruising like whats going on here. no disrespect (i guess) but asking for an opinion here is like asking tony montana does he want to go to war, lol. you see every single thread, its nothing but arguing, ego-bashing, whatever you name it, theyre doing it.

even the "who's the hottest photographer nobody ever heard of?" thread, theyre in there now self-plugging themselves just hijacking the threads to stroke their own egos.

go to t.skanes forum, youll get an honest non-ego answer.

Feb 25 06 03:35 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

James Jackson wrote:
You're correct when you say you don't know much.

I also know five year olds act as such.  You're five.  And I know that not every "discussion" warrants the "last word" being obtained. 

If you spend that much every day. . .day in and day out. . .more power to you.  God knows you're lying though.

Feb 25 06 09:48 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Forum closed.  Thanks for participating.

Feb 25 06 09:51 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

you know what it is? these people want to make it look as if they did all of this and all of that, just for the sake of one shoot, when they dont realize, when you get into the business of self-earnings, you have to invest, so to blame buying photography equipment on a model for not showing up to a TFP shoot, its pathetic and shows the lowballism of the behind the scenes of how photographers really are, and as to why people only hire freelancers on a "case" basis, because they dont have the mentallity to be in a in-house situation with anyspot.

the day a photog begins blaming a model's TFP no-show towards all of the equipment they invested, that person should pawn their s@#t and get another profession like racquet or cricket or horseback riding. stop whining about spending on equipment and become a better businessman, real businessman dont complain about spending on their equipment and blame a no-show towards it, they just go about their business (and go hard at it too) knowing theyre gonna break even quickly or in due time.

still lmao @these ego-strokers naming dollar for dollar as if it strokes a models ego into thinking theyre big balling, but yet whine about wanting to make every penny off a model they can make, hell models need to make money too, ya know?

Feb 25 06 09:58 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
If you spend that much every day. . .day in and day out. . .more power to you.  God knows you're lying though.

W. T. F.

You are the rudest person I have met in a long time.

What reason do I have to lie to you?

Why would I care other than to answer your question honestly.

I have not lied, nor have I inflated anything.  My numbers may be a bit on the high side because I only shoot about two days a month, but you can easily extrapolate them to be how ever many days per month you want.

I've shown you the math.  I've shown you the real numbers as you asked.  Now you're going to fucking call me a liar.

FUCK YOU You ugly short internet model trollop.

You know what...fuck all this...why am I trying to help ungrateful bastards like you anyway?

Feb 25 06 09:59 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Chuck Holliday wrote:
the day a photog begins blaming a model's TFP no-show towards all of the equipment they invested, that person should pawn their s@#t and get another profession like racquet or cricket or horseback riding. stop whining about spending on equipment and become a better businessman, real businessman dont complain about spending on their equipment and blame a no-show towards it, they just go about their business (and go hard at it too) knowing theyre gonna break even quickly or in due time.

still lmao @these ego-strokers naming dollar for dollar as if it strokes a models ego into thinking theyre big balling, but yet whine about wanting to make every penny off a model they can make, hell models need to make money too, ya know?

Who the fuck blamed anything on anyone?  She asked a direct question...  How much does a day cost.  I gave a direct answer.  It costs me about this much.

It was what I thought was an honest fuck me for being stupid.  It was however a very honest answer.  Do the god damned math yourself...

It's not the model's "Fault" that I invested money in to this career...  It's not the model's "fault" that I only shoot about twice a month.  The only question was how much does it cost...the only answer was it costs this much.

Stop stirring the god damned pot.

Feb 25 06 10:03 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
If you spend that much every day. . .day in and day out. . .more power to you.  God knows you're lying though.

James Jackson wrote:
W. T. F.

You are the rudest person I have met in a long time.

What reason do I have to lie to you?

Why would I care other than to answer your question honestly.

I have not lied, nor have I inflated anything.  My numbers may be a bit on the high side because I only shoot about two days a month, but you can easily extrapolate them to be how ever many days per month you want.

I've shown you the math.  I've shown you the real numbers as you asked.  Now you're going to fucking call me a liar.

FUCK YOU You ugly short internet model trollop.

You know what...fuck all this...why am I trying to help ungrateful bastards like you anyway?

Like I said.  James =age 5

Feb 25 06 11:00 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

James Jackson wrote:
Herb Ritts?  Probably complained a bit while he was building his career at night while working days selling furniture in his family's shop...then again his family was very successful and he counted as friends actors such as Richard he probably had quite the bit of support from the family...he probably never had to think about a business plan, but he did know how to since his first degree was in economics.

I was the cameraman on 2 interviews with Herb Ritts in the early 90's, the subject of cost was brought up, he simply said the cost was insignificant when you are talking about art.

And for everyone that didn't understand the ORIGINAL QUESTION...
Here is the breakdown.

How much does it ACTUALLY COST YOU to do a TFP shoot. Money out of pocket above and beyond what doing nothing at home would cost you.

This is what it would ACTUALLY COST ME!!!
1. Wake up - Cost is: $0.00
2. Shit, shower - Cost is: $0.00
3. You eat Breakfast - Cost is: $0.00
4. Drive to location - Cost is: $20.00  that's gas/tolls/parking
5. Set up Studio/Location - Cost is: $0.00
6. Shoot Model for 3 Hours - Cost is: $0.00
7. Eat lunch - Cost is: $5.00  sandwich from Deli
8. Shoot Model for an additional 2 hours - Cost: $0.00
9. Clean Up - Cost is: $0.00
10. Eat dinner - Cost is: $10.00  Any decent place in NYC

So in total the cost of my day comes out to: $35.00

This is what the OP was asking!!!

Feb 25 06 11:23 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

James Jackson wrote:
FUCK YOU You ugly short internet model trollop.

You know what...fuck all this...why am I trying to help ungrateful bastards like you anyway?

Now this is Professionalism at it's Finest!!!  LMAO!!!

Feb 25 06 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

DGImages wrote:
My damn receptionist costs money too...she refuses to accept APFP. (APFP...Answer Phones for Prints)

I don't mean to bust your balls but everytime I've called (different times of day)your number, I've been greeted by an operator from an ANSWERING SERVICE.  Not really a receptionist, last I checked they cost like $50 a month!

Feb 25 06 11:44 pm Link


D Gordon Photography

Posts: 102

Brooklyn, New York, US

Hamza wrote:
I don't mean to bust your balls but everytime I've called (different times of day)your number, I've been greeted by an operator from an ANSWERING SERVICE.  Not really a receptionist, last I checked they cost like $50 a month!

No balls were busted in the making of your post...If you feel you have caught me in some sort of evil plot to deceive, you are mistaken.  My post was meant to be a joke, hence the use of the term APFP (answer phones for print). Receptionist or answering service aside, there is always someone there to answer the phone, and it still costs money....and they still wont APFP.  I am forensic photographer during the day, I can't have people calling me at the forensic lab so if you don't approve of my use of the answering service I apologize, but the murder victims need to be photographed and unfortunately they come first.  I am in a unique situation where I need a 24hr phone service.

Mar 12 06 09:35 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Jayne, Jayne ... you're a kewl chick but you are seriously missing the point. Trust me when I tell you that EVERY business (at least the ones run by someone with any brains at all) sets prices such that their costs (both fixed and variable) are covered and some profit is made.

If a business owner - photographer, plumber, doctor, whatever - buys a piece of gear or invests in professional training, it costs something and that something has to be paid for by income. There are basically two ways to pay for something - lay out cash or take a loan. In order to pay for something with cash, the business has to make more than the expenses incurred for the individual "operation" (in this case a photo shoot) or there will be no money for the purchase. If a loan is taken, there has to be profit to pay off the note. So, in either scenario, a certain amount of the "purchase price" is targeted toward gear and other things.

All businesses also plan for other costs such as travel, rent, advertising, etc. I think you might do well to hang out at Borders for a couple of hours and thumb through a basic accounting text. You will find many examples of what I am talking about.

This sort of thing is why phototographers sometimes get cranky with models. The assumption that money somehow falls from the sky, the gear is bought and should then be totally disregarded as a factor in the photographer's financial reality is just silly. I don't charge because I have sufficient income from my "real job" to have an expensive hobby, and I choose to wait until I feel my skills are absolutely top notch before taking someone's money, but I understand how many truly professional photographers feel. Imagine what it is like to put in years developing skills and thousands to ten of thousands of dollars in equipment acquisitions, only to have some internet model who has had a web page for all of five minutes, telling you that she must be paid $450.00 per shoot because her dopey internet manager, who doesn't have any more of a clue than she does,  told her that she should ask that. Obviously I am giving an example that is extreme, but you get my point.

In the internet modeling world, the model has a certain amount of investment in clothing, makeup, etc. and may have some other costs. If she is shooting with an amateur with very little gear, they may be about even in terms of what they have put into what is still a hobby for both. Once she begins to shoot with photographers with serious investment in their trade, however, the gap opens rapidly. I think this is particularly true with success on the part of the model because she then enters the world were wardrobe, makeup, etc are supplied. Where she balances out the equation at that point is in her demand as a model. Here value becomes intangible - she returns to parity (and may even exceed the value of the photog) because she has a look that the top payers want. The more they want it, the more they pay.

Models are great and photgraphers are great. Both are even better when they approach the relationship that they have with one another from a realistic viewpoint.

Mar 12 06 11:49 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

PS: James ... don't you think your response was a little over the top?

<  watches all the models cross out his name as a potential photog to work with  >

Mar 12 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

J Merrill Images wrote:
Jayne, Jayne ... you're a kewl chick but you are seriously missing the point. Trust me when I tell you that EVERY business (at least the ones run by someone with any brains at all) sets prices such that their costs (both fixed and variable) are covered and some profit is made.

If a business owner - photographer, plumber, doctor, whatever - buys a piece of gear or invests in professional training, it costs something and that something has to be paid for by income. There are basically two ways to pay for something - lay out cash or take a loan. In order to pay for something with cash, the business has to make more than the expenses incurred for the individual "operation" (in this case a photo shoot) or there will be no money for the purchase. If a loan is taken, there has to be profit to pay off the note. So, in either scenario, a certain amount of the "purchase price" is targeted toward gear and other things.

All businesses also plan for other costs such as travel, rent, advertising, etc. I think you might do well to hang out at Borders for a couple of hours and thumb through a basic accounting text. You will find many examples of what I am talking about.

This sort of thing is why phototographers sometimes get cranky with models. The assumption that money somehow falls from the sky, the gear is bought and should then be totally disregarded as a factor in the photographer's financial reality is just silly. I don't charge because I have sufficient income from my "real job" to have an expensive hobby, and I choose to wait until I feel my skills are absolutely top notch before taking someone's money, but I understand how many truly professional photographers feel. Imagine what it is like to put in years developing skills and thousands to ten of thousands of dollars in equipment acquisitions, only to have some internet model who has had a web page for all of five minutes, telling you that she must be paid $450.00 per shoot because her dopey internet manager, who doesn't have any more of a clue than she does,  told her that she should ask that. Obviously I am giving an example that is extreme, but you get my point.

In the internet modeling world, the model has a certain amount of investment in clothing, makeup, etc. and may have some other costs. If she is shooting with an amateur with very little gear, they may be about even in terms of what they have put into what is still a hobby for both. Once she begins to shoot with photographers with serious investment in their trade, however, the gap opens rapidly. I think this is particularly true with success on the part of the model because she then enters the world were wardrobe, makeup, etc are supplied. Where she balances out the equation at that point is in her demand as a model. Here value becomes intangible - she returns to parity (and may even exceed the value of the photog) because she has a look that the top payers want. The more they want it, the more they pay.

Models are great and photgraphers are great. Both are even better when they approach the relationship that they have with one another from a realistic viewpoint.

Will you be my friend? It is sooo wonderful to see someone with a level head!!!

Mar 12 06 12:43 pm Link


Morton Visuals

Posts: 1773

Hope, Idaho, US

Hamza wrote:

I was the cameraman on 2 interviews with Herb Ritts in the early 90's, the subject of cost was brought up, he simply said the cost was insignificant when you are talking about art.

And for everyone that didn't understand the ORIGINAL QUESTION...
Here is the breakdown.

How much does it ACTUALLY COST YOU to do a TFP shoot. Money out of pocket above and beyond what doing nothing at home would cost you.

This is what it would ACTUALLY COST ME!!!
1. Wake up - Cost is: $0.00
2. Shit, shower - Cost is: $0.00
3. You eat Breakfast - Cost is: $0.00
4. Drive to location - Cost is: $20.00  that's gas/tolls/parking
5. Set up Studio/Location - Cost is: $0.00
6. Shoot Model for 3 Hours - Cost is: $0.00
7. Eat lunch - Cost is: $5.00  sandwich from Deli
8. Shoot Model for an additional 2 hours - Cost: $0.00
9. Clean Up - Cost is: $0.00
10. Eat dinner - Cost is: $10.00  Any decent place in NYC

So in total the cost of my day comes out to: $35.00

This is what the OP was asking!!!

Well, that logic certainly kills the models' contention that they have to spend $$$ on clothes, bikini waxing, pedicures, gym memberships, shoes, etc... As I see it, BOTH sides do a lot of investing in preparation for shoot day -- but on shoot day (and ONLY considering that day), the only expenses are more like your example... Of course, you forgot the CD for the model, inks and paper for digital contact sheets (if you provide those like I usually do), etc...

Mar 12 06 01:00 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

J Merrill Images wrote:
PS: James ... don't you think your response was a little over the top?

<  watches all the models cross out his name as a potential photog to work with  >

Which part?

Mar 12 06 03:33 pm Link



Posts: 1050

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

markcomp wrote:

Alan, can I buy your throwaways?

I'll pay the shipping even!

Mar 12 06 03:38 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

James Jackson wrote:
FUCK YOU You ugly short internet model trollop.

You know what...fuck all this...why am I trying to help ungrateful bastards like you anyway?

This part.

Mar 12 06 04:29 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US


Mar 12 06 04:29 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

this was the thread where i was called something racist about a couple of weeks ago and the mod actually threatened to ban me for mentioning it, but as i look back to the old posts, the post definitely has been edited to scrub the comment under the table. but hard to believe i was about to be banned for reporting a racist comment made towards me in a public forum.

what do they say offline? only on MM, lol

Mar 12 06 04:35 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

J Merrill Images wrote:

This part.

Hrm...after she blatantly lured me in to answering a question under false pretenses and proceeding to call me a liar? No...I don't think so.  I take very unkindly to being called a liar.

Should someone decide not to work with me due to my harsh response to being called a liar, or my harsh response to anything else for that matter, that is on least they know who I am and how I feel about things right?

Mar 12 06 04:35 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

J Merrill Images wrote:

They are unable to delete individual posts...the only thing they are able to do is move entire threads to the null zone and make them invisible -or- lock them so that no one is able to edit or post additional comments to them.

Mar 12 06 04:37 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Chuck Holliday wrote:
the post definitely has been edited to scrub the comment under the table

The mods are unable to edit posts.  The only person who has the power to edit a post is the person who originally made it.

You had said that *I* was the one that called you something racist, but as you can see Jayne quoted me immediately after I posted, and there is no racist well you can see I didn't edit my post after I made it quoting you.

Erm...I'm wrong... there wasn't a quote of my post where I quoted you.  I can however guarantee that I made no such racial remark.  My ethnic background is very mixed and I would be one of the first to verbally annihilate anyone who made any such remark.

Mar 12 06 04:41 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

I would not like to be called a liar either but I would make that point clear in a more measured manner because I am a person with some internal controls. An obvious lack of control sends a rather huge message to people and it is not one which lends it self to making new friends.

But, as you say, sometimes the result of the message is on the sender. Peace.

Mar 12 06 04:42 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Although I have A LOT to say about this topic right now I just want to thank the original poster (who is a model) for asking this question. Thank you for trying to understand and learn about our side. You are one of the few who seems to care about our expenses.
For that I thank you.

Mar 12 06 04:46 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

J Merrill Images wrote:
I would not like to be called a liar either but I would make that point clear in a more measured manner because I am a person with some internal controls. An obvious lack of control sends a rather huge message to people and it is not one which lends it self to making new friends.

But, as you say, sometimes the result of the message is on the sender. Peace.

Yeah...sorry...I've never been good at that whole "winning friends and influencing people" thing.  I guess I just subscribe to a more rigorous personal ethic and self honesty.  Hopefully that garners me some points as far as people wanting to work with me, but even if it doesn't I'm not the type to change my words to appease someone else.

Mar 12 06 04:47 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

FabioTovar wrote:
..I just want to thank the original poster (who is a model) for asking this question. Thank you for trying to understand and learn about our side. You are one of the few who seems to care about our expenses.
For that I thank you.

Fabio, if you'll read through the thread you'll see that the whole reason for my harsh reaction was because the model who started this thread (the OP) did in fact not start it to try to learn or care about our expenses.  In point of fact she lured several photographers...including to answering the question honestly in an effort to discredit us.  If you read through, you'll see she already had her conclusions drawn and made before she started the thread (as most people do) and when an honest set of answers was presented she thanked us, and then turned around and slapped us in the face by calling us liars and saying we didn't know what we were talking about.

Mar 12 06 04:50 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Chuck Holliday wrote:
this was the thread where i was called something racist about a couple of weeks ago and the mod actually threatened to ban me for mentioning it...

I find this extremely difficult to believe.  No moderator would threaten to ban you for mentioning someone else's racist comments (which may or may not have ever existed).

Mar 12 06 04:53 pm Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

nah i was mentioning the same exact thing i just mentioned, after the same person used all types of harsh and vulgar words in the thread, and nothing was even said to that person, but rather to me for calling the person out on it. in other words, somebody can call somebody else a racist name that references an animal and use the B word on somebody else, but if i mention that i or somebody else was called that (clearly visible in the thread), its a personal attack. thanks, i shouldve known that before hand, pardon me.

its all cool though, i kinda understand how the forum works and why it is what it is today. no hard feelings, i'm not mad on this forum, the other people using those words and continuing to argue with others are. i just know if i ever used the M or B word on somebody, i'm sure somebody would be talking about filing slander charges on me, lol.

i'm for certain personal attacks are not in my forte, i wish there was a post view for each member (where you can locate each post made by one particular member), because i just find it weird how certain people are using the language they are using and theyre being eithe praised or getting the "its just such and such thats how he is" tag, lol. like i said, no hard feelings, i'm not one of the ego driven ones in here.

i'm here for fun, and its all cool with me. if its that serious for others to use the M and B word against other members and its cool, then maybe i need to stay away from the forum because i know at other spots they dont allow the use of those words towards others in a vulgar way.

Mar 12 06 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 25

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

So called photographers who talk about costs for their equipment and their time are just wanna-bees. Photography is a passion, you don't talk about how much you are investing for it. What the model pays for is the photographer's vision and his/her ability to make the model look great . Not the quality or quantity of their equipment.

Stay away from the hobbyists, shoot with the real photogs.

Mar 12 06 05:07 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Chuck Holliday wrote:
i'm for certain personal attacks are not in my forte

I sincerely apologize; I was thinking of somone else.

However, accusing the moderators of unfair practices without any evidence is uncool at best.

By the way, what is the M and B word?

Mar 12 06 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

James Jackson wrote:

Fabio, if you'll read through the thread you'll see that the whole reason for my harsh reaction was because the model who started this thread (the OP) did in fact not start it to try to learn or care about our expenses.  In point of fact she lured several photographers...including to answering the question honestly in an effort to discredit us.  If you read through, you'll see she already had her conclusions drawn and made before she started the thread (as most people do) and when an honest set of answers was presented she thanked us, and then turned around and slapped us in the face by calling us liars and saying we didn't know what we were talking about.

well F her then!
thats all i gotta say about that.

Mar 12 06 05:23 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

I sincerely apologize; I was thinking of somone else.

However, accusing the moderators of unfair practices without any evidence is uncool at best.

By the way, what is the M and B word? you mean "moron" and "bitch"?

Moron is not a racial is a disused clinical term for someone of mild mental retardation...someone just below normal intelligence level.  It is modernly used as an insulting term meaning about the same thing.

Bitch is also an insult but not racial in any way shape or form.

I'm probably one of the only people on the forums who doesn't mind the use of "curse words"...they are after all just words which originally meant one thing, and have been used over and over again with a mean tone behind them causing us to modernly interpret them as insults.  I reserve the real insults like trollop for people I truly dislike.

Mar 12 06 05:28 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

Hakan wrote:
So called photographers who talk about costs for their equipment and their time are just wanna-bees. Photography is a passion, you don't talk about how much you are investing for it. What the model pays for is the photographer's vision and his/her ability to make the model look great . Not the quality or quantity of their equipment.

Stay away from the hobbyists, shoot with the real photogs.

Spoken like someone who makes money from it. and forgot what its like to invest a lot of money with no financial return.  Good job everyone is proud of you.  Now for the rest of us who love what we do but aren't made of gold or have $$$$$$ in the's an issue you shouldn't look down upon you pompous ass.

Mar 12 06 05:35 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

Hakan wrote:
So called photographers who talk about costs for their equipment and their time are just wanna-bees. Photography is a passion, you don't talk about how much you are investing for it. What the model pays for is the photographer's vision and his/her ability to make the model look great . Not the quality or quantity of their equipment.

Photography is only a passion for me because I can afford it to be a passion only. If it were truly a business in my case, I would use good business sense and make sure that it turned a profit. The pros here who have managed to run their photography businesses well enough to pay for their gear and time, while paying the bills at home and putting a buck or two away for retirement, are the ones to emulate. You can be an "ar-teest" if you want but I don't think GMAC or your mortgage company is going to forgive your monthly payments because you are a passionate photographer.

Mar 12 06 05:48 pm Link


40 Digital Photography

Posts: 1055

Tarpon Springs, Florida, US

Wow, seems like alot of folks on mayhem have a ton of
money invested in their equipment.
Now if only some would start posting a few worldly images
to justify their investments. As far as expenses, to me it
doesn't matter. Whether I should models or not, I would still own
my equipment because I love photography.


Mar 12 06 07:01 pm Link



Posts: 25

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

FabioTovar wrote:
Spoken like someone who makes money from it. and forgot what its like to invest a lot of money with no financial return.  Good job everyone is proud of you.  Now for the rest of us who love what we do but aren't made of gold or have $$$$$$ in the's an issue you shouldn't look down upon you pompous ass.

You don't get it buddy. I expect to be paid for my shoots as well but not because I have the equipment but because I have the eye and the talent. Studios let me shoot and use their equipment because I can produce images that they like and those images bring more customers to them. If you gonna brag to a model about getting paid , and talk about your expenses , you shouldn't be in this business. You tell them your price and they either accept it or decline it, but no need to do word games to get them shoot with you. Bottom line, if you are talented you'll make money. If you are not making any maybe you are not cut for it, think about that.

Mar 12 06 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 25

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

U240Robert wrote:
Wow, seems like alot of folks on mayhem have a ton of
money invested in their equipment.
Now if only some would start posting a few worldly images
to justify their investments. As far as expenses, to me it
doesn't matter. Whether I should models or not, I would still own
my equipment because I love photography.


I don't want to repeat myself but again so called great images and being succesful in this business have nothing to do how much you invest in photography. It's about ,if you got the eye to catch those great images . I have friends who constantly shoot for fashion magazines with a $900 Sony DSC-R1 for example. It's a 10mp camera with a great lens. It's not a lot money to invest isn't it and if you have the talent you can create great images with it. But if I have given you a $20,000 Hassy and you don't have the eye , maybe my little niece's snapshots would look even better.

Mar 12 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

forgive me if this has been was to much reading...

theres a story about an automobile egine manufacturer, in the early days of automobiles..they had built their first egine but couldn't get it to work..they heard of a guy that was able to get these engines running, so they called about ten minutes, the mechanic after placing a chalk mark and adjusting the distrbutor had the engine running, then presented a bill for $200..the manufacturer was enraged at the high cost..all you did was place a chalk mark and adjust a screw..i need an itemized list of what you did and the costs..

the bill read..
place a timming mark $1.00
knowing where to put the mark $199.00

so whats this all mean?

you are paying for the photographers art...

Mar 12 06 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 12252

Rockville, Maryland, US


One more comment about the why can't he do 50 good pictures from a shoot. Or something like that. Maybe someone already responded to that but I don't have the patience to read all the posts.

Don't think of pictures from a shoot as family snapshots, think of them as work. How much work can you do in a couple of hours? Not much. If I get one good picture from a shoot I'm happy.

And don't ask a photographer to show you all the pictures from the shoot. It's just rude. It's like a photographer asking you to pose nude even though your profile says "will do no nudes".

Mar 13 06 02:25 pm Link