Forums > General Industry > tfcd: you're getting it for free....



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

ill say it again......... not about the money.
it was an example.  gratitude and help comes in many other forms other than money.
and you are right. i have regretable come to realize tfcd is loaded with too many people that expect the photographer to do and pay for everything. thus i will only shoot the last remaining tfcds and im done.  from now on I will charge for everything as to avoid the tfcd and ONLY hire from agencies or work with friends. yes it will cost me money to hire them, just proving its not about the money but the appreciation and respect.

everyone here has ranted about something and will continue to have the same old rants they chose.  I exercised the same right everyone else has.

how come i cant fashion model
how come i cant get models to call me
how come photographers tell me my work is not up to par.............
I ranted and thats it.  you all convinced me. no more tfcd for me.

Feb 23 06 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 3105

Vacaville, California, US

FabioTovar wrote:
yeah yeah I know thousand threads on this blah.
I need to vent.  so this is a frustrated letter to people who are involved in tfcd/tfp/tfwhatever

Dear Model/Makeup Artist/Hairstylist/anyone listening

We recently had a great shoot. im glad you approached me/i approached you. the pictures came out great and im happy with the shots for my portfolio. the only reason why i would shoot for free.

after having spent a lot of money on equipment/costume (possibly paid for mua possible not) and spent time figure out how to shoot you, location scouting and finding an model/mua/stylist... possibly not...i am now in the process of putting together all the images and retouching the best ones and the ones you requested.  so far ive put in a lot of work and will continue to do so to get you your end of the bargain.

Although i know you arent exactly nearby but i ask for a little help getting you the cd.  thank you for the calls asking for the cd i can appreciate your enthusiasm. i have it ready for you but do not have the time to personally deliver it to you. i have also incurred many expenses and do not want to add to it by paying the $3 postage plus im not even charging you the $1 dollar for the disk itself... ( i know it may not seem like a lot to you) but since you probably didnt spend one cent compared to the value of my equipment, costume, and additional whatever, i just dont feel like spending another dime. literally.....i feel like i could ask for a little help on your end.

please make an effort to COME and pick up YOUR FREE DISK. or make arrangements for COD postal service.  >>>>>anything would be appreciated especially since all you did was show up pose and leave..............

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

You really can't be serious.... send cd's all the time... one cd in a cd mailer(less than 2 oz) plus postage is like 56 cents.  Be generous, mail her the CD... what a hoot!

Feb 23 06 06:52 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US


I'm glad there are witty people here. I wouldn't have made it through 3 pages otherwise. Of course isn't that generally the case here?

I love how *some* photographers assume models don't understand or appreciate the work they put into the shoot. I hate to generalize- especially because those who don't know better will misunderstand anything, no matter how clearly it is put. I'm aware they spend lots of time of money on their craft.

So do models. Depending on the shoot, it might take hours to prepare. I never ask for a MUA; if I wanted one, I'd pay for one. If a photog provides one, that's awesome... but I certainly do not expect one. I always bring a case full of make-up, hair products, and jewelry, so we are able to make choices that will affect the shoot in a positive way. I'm careful in selecting my outfits, which are packed with great effort. I make sure I have shoes and undergarments for each selection. In other words, my preparation is extensive too.

As far as locations, I'm always on the lookout for interesting places to shoot, and have found locations or made suggestions for plenty of shoots.

In other words, an open dialouge with a mind toward both parties getting what they want or need out of the shoot = the shot, or shots both are hoping their hard work will result in. And open dialouge requires respect, on both sides. If a photographer respects me as a fellow collaborator, we are often able to come to agreements about things that suit us both. If a photographer comes in ready to fight? Things don't go so smoothly at all. If they go at all.

Everyone has experience, everyone has goals (well, hopefully). Everyone wants to get a good "deal" and somehow get paid. But looking at shoots as this tug-of-war between photographers and models re: who's doing more rarely results in anything productive. At least not without a lot of stress and hard feelings first.

Additionally, I've had photographers get work out of my using their pictures on my website, in my book, etc. One of my favorite photographers captured a gorgeous headshot that I use regularly at auditions; there is always at least person that wants to know who took the picture and how to get in touch with him. I'd say the potential in that is huge. Certainly worth the time he took to touch the picture up, and the cost of postage.

Feb 23 06 07:05 pm Link


Richard Tallent

Posts: 7136

Beaumont, Texas, US

You know the beautiful thing about TFP/TFCD? Everyone has the right to negotiate *any little detail* before the shoot.

If the photographer doesn't want to spring for the wardrobe, lighting, site, camera, or MUA, the model or MUA can choose to do so if they really want to work with the photographer. If the model doesn't want to download the pictures or pick them up in person, they can agree on an alternate arrangement.

It sounds like the OP's model release did not specify how and when *delivery* would take place, and that resulted in both people making unreasonable demands (whining over $3 on one side, demanding doorside service on the other).

I'd chaulk this one up to poor planning. It's just plain silly to enter into a barter arrangement without arranging the delivery details and schedule.

On my release, the model specifically writes in their mailing address and we negotiate costs (postage, and printing if it's TFP vs. TFCD) before the shoot. Without a physical address, I will place them online on my web site for previewing and selection, and via BitTorrent for final print-quality downloads. I don't do email, and though I run an FTP service, it's too much of a pain to configure for every shoot. BT is obscure, but it works, and I can also use it (more efficiently) to deliver photos to friends who were at parties with me, etc.

Feb 23 06 07:19 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

once again people ......its not the cost of the postage!

you people focus on the one thing its not about.

but whatever this is the net you will all continue to say its about 3 bucks. whatever.
my rant was based on divas who expect everything for free with no effort on their part and then LITERALLY want it delivered at their doorstep by ME..

you people have mostly taken it in all different directions focusing on postage.


hmmmmm come to think of it. why would she want me to take it to her and not just let me mail it. I JUST had a thought........................

Would you models ever use this as a way to see the photographer again outside of a professional manner?

Feb 23 06 07:19 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

It's a message board dude. It's like a conversation, without the benefit of vocal tone or body signals. Sometimes things don't flow the way you originally intended them to. Perhaps you should've been more clear in your rant? Or made a very specific point in conclusion.

Feb 23 06 07:57 pm Link


Southern Stars

Posts: 15

Chatan, Okinawa, Japan

Nemi wrote:

You have 13 posts which prettly clearly indicates you don't frequent these forums too often...if you saw how many threads require the OP to have common sense explained to them in great detail you would use four letter words too.

oh and...

Don't tell me how to post.

You've confirmed my suspicion - someone's been spikng your Latte.
One too many JD Salinger's . . . . .  I presume.

It's America - you get to do what you want and to display what you will.

Feb 24 06 01:58 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

benson wrote:
The design and manufacture of underwater soft boxes

OK, you got me. What kind of lights and design did you end up with? I don't need details--though I wouldn't mind--but that's not the normal environment, and it sounds fascinating.

Feb 24 06 04:29 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

benson wrote:
Besides being Petty as Hell..........this is a purely one sided point of view......Did you ever think about the models expenses?........That body is a timely thing to maintain......a gym membership is not free......Special Healthy foods are more expensive than Mc Donalds......Maybe she pays a trainer?........Her hairstylist....manicure and pedicure...Drive time to the shoot...gas and wear and tear on her car.......Stop your self absorbed whining and suck it up......HOME DEPOT CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH WOOD, NAILS AND A HAMMER TO ALLOW YOU TO BUILD A BRIDGE TO GET OVER THIS.

Are you serious?

FabioTovar wrote:
long story short:

if you "COLLABORATE" with someone on a tfcd basis, please be considerate and try to help in whatever way possible. (NOT TALKING ABOUT MONEY)
even if its something as simple as picking up the cd and not expecting the photographer, mua or anyone to hand deliver it to you cause you dont want to wait for it in the mail or give out your address.

I agree with Fabio over there.

Ty Simone wrote:
Ok Fabio, First off, shipping a CD by USPS is NOT $3.
It is $1.59
Second, a CD is basically FREE nowaday. (if you can not take the time to go to CompUSA when they are giving away spindles of them, then that is your problem!)
Even when not Free, They are less then 10 cents each in bulk.

So, $1.69?
If you can not afford to pay that for a beautiful model, then might I suggest another line of work!!!

Shipping a CD is 89 cents First Class.

CompUSA is giving out FREE CDs?  Since when?  Are you talking about mail in rebates?  You would be lucky to get your check.

Vance wrote:

This is soooooooo funny...

As a producer who happens to be a photographer, I can say with out a doubt that the photgrapher/producer who REALLY puts in the work WORKS te hardest. In time and exspense. HANDS DOWN.

The OP has some issues which I am not quite clear on. It sounded to me as if the model was a little too pesty and got on his nerves. He wasnt feeling to appreceiated for his efforts, so he had to vent a tad. I would have worded it a bit differently because we all know how these threads end up when you are not clear.

So mush bashing and thrashing...cracks me up.

I have a model calling me up now three times a day for her shots. I am taking my time because she pissed me off by doing something we agreed she wouldnt do.

Again, I dont know if there was a problem with the OP and the model, but it sounds as if there COULD be a problem. Bottom line, get it all in writting from the get go.

And for those photgraphers and producers who actually put in the REAL production time that we all know is required for the bomb ass shot. VALUE your own time and plan accordingly. Nobody else will. Well ususally...Some models are very aware and acknowledge the work that goes into a "produced shoot"

Dont get pissed, get organized....



My own opinion.  Stop doing TFCD and stop paying models.  Get paid to shoot.  You have to pay off your equipment somehow right?  Many of you upgrade your cameras yearly.  Before buying a new camera, many of you need to learn how to use one.

Feb 24 06 06:25 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US


I read your posts, I read your follow-ups.

I think you are still an idiot though, and here is why.
(sorry I call them like I see them)

My understand of what you are trying to say is this.
1. You are a professional photographer.
2. You tried to help a model out with a TFP / TFCD shoot.
3. Model is being a pain in the ass and it annoys you, because you were trying to be helpful.
4. You eneded to vent and figured here is a good place for it.
5. It's not about the $3 you only mentioned that because... Whatever reason you mentioned it.


Now, You are acting EXTREMELY unprofessional in your posts.
Personally I could care less what your gripe is with this particular model. In your post, you basically, whether intentional or not, Slammed each and every model on this site.
"You show up, You pose, You leave."
I got to say, If I was a model, and you were willing to pay me large sums of money to shoot with you, I'd still have to hesitate, simply because of the insulting attitude.

Follow that up with bring up petty stuff, the postage.
Then try to cover that with "No address to send it to." If you ahve no address to send it to, then why complain about the cost of postage to send it?

You started this thread, Shoved your foot deep in your mouth, and in trying to extract it, pushed it down deeper and brought the second foot up.

Apologize and walk away. You are fighting an uphill battle against a superior force with unlimited firepower and unlimited re-inforcements.
You can not win this one.

If you do not wish to help models out and do TFP in the future, Fine, do not do it.
I am sure there are millions of models out there that will be devastated by that announcement (NOT)
There are also millions of photographers that will follow in your footsteps (NOT)
actually, the reality is, If you do that, It is one less mook the models have to wade through, and one less competitor the Photogs have to worry about when trying to get free shots with hot women.

Now, I am sure you are not the Jerk you truly appear to be in this thread.
I have read other posts by you, and in those you seem much more mature.
I think in this case, the model got really deep under your skin, and you finally exploded.

It happens to the best of us.
Apologize to the models for being insulting.
Apologize to the photographers for being insulting.
Apologize to the dude with the funny makeup (sorry benson, I just had to say that - I really really love your stuff!)

And never ever ever ever insult the most precious commodity on these boards... The Models, without which, we'd be a bunch of horny starving guys with digital cameras and disposables, and nothing to shoot but landscapes (ok, I am not in that group... I am a Game Creator and Artist big_smile )

From the Time I worte thius until the Time I posted it, You changed the original post to something much more presentable.
I applaud you for being a man about it.
Thank you.
You restored my faith in the human race.... for at least this particular minute big_smile

Feb 24 06 07:40 am Link



Posts: 483

Toledo, Ohio, US

FabioTovar wrote:

I think you just insulted poor redheaded step children infering they carry on and on..
I hope there arent any here.

Oh great Benson, I'm a poor redheaded stepchild!


Feb 24 06 08:53 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Suzi wrote:

Oh great Benson, I'm a poor redheaded stepchild!


Nah Suzi,
You are the dream girl I almost met while living in Ohio (I was in Cleveland Area)
Instead, I met my wife.... Not that that was a bad thing mind you. I mean she has put up with me for like 11 years now. (my parents were fed up with me after 8 years!!)

Feb 24 06 10:11 am Link



Posts: 27

Lake Mary, Florida, US

First of all let's all put our ego's on the shelf here...

Models and photographers need to understand that testing with someone is of mutual benefit. Niether is better than the other and both are required to obtain the "money shot".

The talent, time, money, experience and equipment that a photographer brings to the table is as important as the talent, time, money, etc... that a model brings to the table.

If you work in the real world of photography... both model and photographer are considered talent by the client and ad agency and both can be as easily replaced as the other. I know of two photographers that a cruise line we shoot for will not use again because of their ego's and the way they treat models and their assitants.

Let's all go back to kindergarten and all play nicely in the MM sandbox.



Feb 24 06 10:18 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

PictureJeff wrote:
First of all let's all put our ego's on the shelf here...

Models and photographers need to understand that testing with someone is of mutual benefit. Niether is better than the other and both are required to obtain the "money shot".

The talent, time, money, experience and equipment that a photographer brings to the table is as important as the talent, time, money, etc... that a model brings to the table.

If you work in the real world of photography... both model and photographer are considered talent by the client and ad agency and both can be as easily replaced as the other. I know of two photographers that a cruise line we shoot for will not use again because of their ego's and the way they treat models and their assitants.

Let's all go back to kindergarten and all play nicely in the MM sandbox.



Oh yeah! Well my dad can beat your dad!


Sorry. Sandbox flashbacks.....

Feb 24 06 10:20 am Link


Nikita Lee

Posts: 16

Scranton, Pennsylvania, US

Besides being Petty as Hell..........this is a purely one sided point of view......Did you ever think about the models expenses?........That body is a timely thing to maintain......a gym membership is not free......Special Healthy foods are more expensive than Mc Donalds......Maybe she pays a trainer?........Her hairstylist....manicure and pedicure...Drive time to the shoot...gas and wear and tear on her car.......Stop your self absorbed whining and suck it up......HOME DEPOT CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH WOOD, NAILS AND A HAMMER TO ALLOW YOU TO BUILD A BRIDGE TO GET OVER THIS.

I agree with this totally! I have a gym membership and work out 4 days a week, i eat healthy, I drive to all of my shoots (and most of the time do not get travel expenses) I really dont think there should be a problem when a model and photographer agree on TFp shoots, the photographer should expect to have certain expenses. The model is expected to get herself/ himself there and back at their own expense. So the few bucks for a cd and mail should be worht it or just dont do TFP's at all. Just my 2 cents.

Feb 24 06 10:23 am Link



Posts: 27

Lake Mary, Florida, US

Ty Simone wrote:

Oh yeah! Well my dad can beat your dad!


Sorry. Sandbox flashbacks.....

Now that more like it...

Feb 24 06 10:25 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Nikita Lee wrote:
I agree with this totally! I have a gym membership and work out 4 days a week, i eat healthy, I drive to all of my shoots (and most of the time do not get travel expenses) I really dont think there should be a problem when a model and photographer agree on TFp shoots, the photographer should expect to have certain expenses. The model is expected to get herself/ himself there and back at their own expense. So the few bucks for a cd and mail should be worht it or just dont do TFP's at all. Just my 2 cents.

With a body like that, You should be running a gym!
Damn Girl!

'nuff said! big_smile

Feb 24 06 10:25 am Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

Ty and Jeff, you guys rock my world today.

Feb 24 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 27

Lake Mary, Florida, US

AstraDivaJ wrote:
Ty and Jeff, you guys rock my world today.

Be sure to tune in next week when Ty Says "@%%....()&#$$$(())"

Same time, same network...

Feb 24 06 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:
ok.. i DON'T want to be the one to tell Katie how to post... BUT...

Titty has (2) t's.  wink

Shhh I know, but we were talking about four letter words, so I improvised.

Feb 24 06 08:47 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Ty Simone wrote:
And never ever ever ever insult the most precious commodity on these boards... The Models, without which, we'd be a bunch of horny starving guys with digital cameras and disposables...

I know you're just being facetious Ty, but you seriously have to consider that there are a lot of amateurs, semi-pro and pro models (of the female variety), out there who think exactly that "we'd be a bunch of horny starving guys with digital cameras and disposables".

And, I just wanna make a blunt, matter of fact, official and firm statement to any of them thinking that don't have to have a camera to be a horny and starving guy.

Feb 24 06 11:53 pm Link


Shan L Photography

Posts: 131

Los Angeles, California, US

Bob4friends wrote:

THATS where your wrong.....I know what he's getting at, and its a gripe that many share ( perhaps not YOU ), its not just the scouting location, time spent getting the model to agree ( like pulling teeth sometimes ), getting props together, lining up MUA, etc., etc., etc....The list is sooooooo long of things to do FREE, why can't she at LEAST make a trip to pick up the damn thing !!

Of course she's ( actress ) putting in time too....countless things a woman does to primp......but nothing NEAR what the director & producer ( photog ) has to do.

I know the PREPARATION it takes and the time photographers put into getting things shot now that I've ventured over, even a small photo shoot. It's VERY VERY VERY time consuming and for the photographer and model, once the shoot is finished..the photographers job is not, it's going through the images, finding the best ones, editing them, etc., etc. If he/she's TFPing with the MUA, then that's another thing to do...

It's A LOT, but with that said...I don't think expecting the model to pick up their own CD is really acceptable at all. As a photographer, I'd think one would be STOCKED on CDs.

Feb 25 06 01:31 am Link


Shan L Photography

Posts: 131

Los Angeles, California, US

AstraDivaJ wrote:

I'm glad there are witty people here. I wouldn't have made it through 3 pages otherwise. Of course isn't that generally the case here?

I love how *some* photographers assume models don't understand or appreciate the work they put into the shoot. I hate to generalize- especially because those who don't know better will misunderstand anything, no matter how clearly it is put. I'm aware they spend lots of time of money on their craft.

So do models. Depending on the shoot, it might take hours to prepare. I never ask for a MUA; if I wanted one, I'd pay for one. If a photog provides one, that's awesome... but I certainly do not expect one. I always bring a case full of make-up, hair products, and jewelry, so we are able to make choices that will affect the shoot in a positive way. I'm careful in selecting my outfits, which are packed with great effort. I make sure I have shoes and undergarments for each selection. In other words, my preparation is extensive too.

As far as locations, I'm always on the lookout for interesting places to shoot, and have found locations or made suggestions for plenty of shoots.

In other words, an open dialouge with a mind toward both parties getting what they want or need out of the shoot = the shot, or shots both are hoping their hard work will result in. And open dialouge requires respect, on both sides. If a photographer respects me as a fellow collaborator, we are often able to come to agreements about things that suit us both. If a photographer comes in ready to fight? Things don't go so smoothly at all. If they go at all.

Everyone has experience, everyone has goals (well, hopefully). Everyone wants to get a good "deal" and somehow get paid. But looking at shoots as this tug-of-war between photographers and models re: who's doing more rarely results in anything productive. At least not without a lot of stress and hard feelings first.

Additionally, I've had photographers get work out of my using their pictures on my website, in my book, etc. One of my favorite photographers captured a gorgeous headshot that I use regularly at auditions; there is always at least person that wants to know who took the picture and how to get in touch with him. I'd say the potential in that is huge. Certainly worth the time he took to touch the picture up, and the cost of postage.

While I agree with you, I do have to say I've modeled and now am a photographer, lol. And I just gotta be REAL on this one, for me modeling was easy, went in, had fun, posed was never work for me. I'd go in, get all glamed up (which was always fun to ME) act silly, fun, serious, sexy, etc., etc. in front of a camera (very fun to me) then afterwards, nothing more, go home and wait on the pics(VERY fun) LOL But photography? Pure work the entire way through with some fun yea..but definitely TO ME, it was less stressful modeling. Plus, I never haid to pay for anything, CDs, Lenses, lights, reflectors, MUA's, locations, etc., etc.

I've always respected people who were serious photographers, now I REALLY respect what they do and can understand with some of the gripes...NOT the one about buying ya own CD, that's weird to me..but hey everyone has their own rules.

Feb 25 06 01:38 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Is this really something that deserves to be publicly ranted? Me thinks it would've been best resolved privately.

Feb 25 06 03:14 am Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

photographers take message board arguing to a whole new level of ego-bruising, which is why they are often viewed as "cancers" among industry companies, and who can blame them? (the companies that is)

people want the last word, others want to look the most professional, and when somebody offers their own point of view, theyre bashed for their work or skill level just for offering an opinion.

these forums are nothing like what they used to be, its more like another country at war, real talk.

Feb 25 06 03:31 am Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

I pretty much have come to realize that no matter what your real intentions on the internet... its always going to have a life of its own.

for the last time.... not about the 3 bux or the cd. but ive already said that too many times. most people probably dont even read the entire thread. just parts that inspire a response right then and there.

either way ive learned a valuable lesson from all this.
most of the bashers on this thread won't give a damn about what im going to say. and some might actually be glad because there are just some people who are glad when others do bad...

I have decided to hang up my tfcd hat per many of your suggestions. I will not be doing it anymore. I am considering canceling the few I have left. I don't know yet. Having had too many bad experiences I find I am no longer getting the satisfaction I feel I should have.  The results are there I just feel happy looking at my pictures anymore.

The sad part is.  Im sure there are some people that could have mutually benefited from a collaboration with me.

A very very few of you nailed it. This experience just got under my skin and I vented. For that I truly regret.  I didnt want sympathy or a bandwagon to follow.  and quit honestly I expect some ass to bash this response even more and beat the already dead horse. but at this point.. whatever.  Hopefully this will be me closing a door on a mistake I made by voicing my frustration.

For those of you who saw past my original frustrated words thank you for at least trying to understand where i was coming from at that momment.  Good luck to all of you.

and i agree with many of the other posts on MM these days. These forums have become a bashing ground for every occasion.

Feb 25 06 04:01 am Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US

what i would recommend as far as a system for doing tfp is something thats still open but closed off. like, i do a referral tfp thing where i only do it if theyre referred by somebody i've either worked with or is part of my company. if theyre not any of the 2, its like a blind date and the ratio here is bad as far as depending on people to show up for something. i dont reschedule any of them either, its one and out. i just do it like that and keep it moving, and its been cool so far, i've made plenty of enemies but, like i said, only people who i shoot tfp with is people who were referred by somebody i already worked with, and truth be told, unless theyre a good friend of them i dont bother at all.

but dont just give up on it because of the actions of one community. model mayhem sometimes can make you shake your head in the way people carry on throughout the website, but once you turn your PC off, this place doesnt matter. youre in a different area than some of these people and what goes on in your area may be different from theirs.
but stay true to yourself and dont let the ego-bruising steer you off the cliff, at the end of the day, theyre still going to have that same ego (as evidence by viewing the other 8934423787489397824 million threads in the forum theyve probably ruined).

hope everything works out for you smile and keep your spirits high, but dont let these ego-maniacs let your thoughts swerve.

Feb 25 06 04:19 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

Chuck Holliday wrote:
photographers take message board arguing to a whole new level of ego-bruising, which is why they are often viewed as "cancers" among industry companies, and who can blame them? (the companies that is)

people want the last word, others want to look the most professional, and when somebody offers their own point of view, theyre bashed for their work or skill level just for offering an opinion.

these forums are nothing like what they used to be, its more like another country at war, real talk.

OMP messageboards used to be that way, until they got moderators. 

Model Mayhem messageboards ALWAYS have been this way... ever since the beginning, before moderators.  It got worse when they got moderators.

Photographers are full of ego and the ones with the biggest egos aren't even good.

Feb 25 06 04:27 am Link


Chuck Holliday

Posts: 484

New York, New York, US


hahahhaa, youre not lying though, hahahaha

Feb 25 06 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 202

WINSTON SALEM, North Carolina, US

Cynthia2 wrote:
If you just want something to "show up and pose" you can buy it at Wal-Mart. Doesn't cost much, can be posed anyway you like, will always be on time and won't ever ask for a cd. They call it Barbie...


Thanks for the idea...check back later to see the results.

Take care,

Feb 25 06 02:44 pm Link