Forums > General Industry > Is 17 to young to model lingerie?


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Too young?  As long as you aren't shooting anything covered by the U.S. statute on pornography you are fine.  Apply your own comfort level / more's and stick with them.

JAY carreon

Feb 19 06 01:56 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Jessica L wrote:

UH OH...should I ask what you mean by that???LOL

Yea, I wanna know what he meant, too!

Feb 19 06 04:01 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Personally I would wait on the lingerie shots and concentrate on the commercial and editorial looks that I feel you have a great look for.  Why wait on the lingerie shots?  Because in my opinion your look is younger and lingerie isn't the strongest point for you.   Again, my opinion.  I didn't read every message in this thread, but I read some that said to get a good agent.  I agree fully with that.  You and your mom need to get you representation (good representation) and let them guide you.  A good agent will know how to market your talents.

Feb 19 06 09:09 am Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

As long as the lingerie is not transparent or the poses lewd, go for it. And from what you've posted, I know you won't be leaning towards cheesecake. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. There's a lot of ignorance on this board and elsewhere regarding this topic. Those who equate lingerie images with sex or pornography or think dirty things when they see such images need serious help.

Another reason for Europeans to laugh at us.

Feb 19 06 09:18 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Hamza wrote:
My point is that you Probably have already had sex, if you are not having it on a regular basis, so being in Lingerie is NO BIG DEAL.  You don't have to answer, I don't care if you have had sex or not, it's not the point.  You are a pretty sexy YOUNG WOMAN and if you want to pose in Lingerie I say go for it.  It would round out your Comp Card nicely. (Emphasis Added)

I have largely stayed out of this thread because every time a teen asks a serious question about lingerie, it becomes a thread with chest thumping about morals rather than a discussion about the pros and cons of a teen creating an adult image at a younger age. 

However, I have to say, while I am sure you meant nothing by it, this comment by Hamza is one of the most inappropriate that I have read for a long time.

To suggest that a model must be sexually active or an exhibitionist simply because she has modeled in lingerie is a fallback to the dark ages.

Tawny Heath wrote:
Well I appreciate your compliments, but your assumptions are wrong. Just because I can present confidence with my sexuality doesnt mean I have ever had sex. I dont see anything wrong with having some sex appeal as a model at 17, but having sex at 17 isnt right for me.

YOU GO GIRL!  Being a model and being sexually active have nothing to do with each other.   One does not lower their moral standards simply because they get in front of the camera.

In NYC, we have 13 and 14 year olds walking down the runway.  Do you think they have a special dressing room for them in the back because they are young?  Of course not.  They are dressing in the crowded room along with everyone else.

Would we suggest because a 13 year old is being dressed by a male, she will go out and have sex? 

Some years back, Cosmo put a fifteen year old topless in the magazine and there were questions asked by the media.  Their official response was to yawn.

As has already been pointed out, Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated have used seventeen year olds so many times.  So let's get off our horse about morality.

She is not asking about getting in Playboy or doing porn.  She is not suggesting that she do sheer, reveailing lingerie.  This is not about decency laws.  The question she is asking is whether it is appropriate for her, as a seventeen year old to do lingerie.  She certainly didn't ask if it was time to start having sex.

The question is not about legality nor morality, it is about how you want to portray yourself as a model.  You are only 5'7" which means you will probably not be leading a career in fashion (although it has happened a few times at that height).  That means commercial modeling in L.A., Chicago or NYC if you are heading to one of the big markets.

So it comes down to how you want your image to be?  At seventeen, with your great look, you need a good body shot in your book.  As has been pointed out, swimwear is fine but appropriate lingerie is acceptable as well.

In the end, are you going after sexier side of commercial or the business side?  Will you model fitness and the edgy or are you looking for cookware and computers?  It is a lot about the image you want to portray.

A good, well rounded book for a commercial model will have a clear headshot, a good body shot, some lifestyle photos and some which are particularly commercial.  Tearsheets are important, but that is putting the cart before the horse.  The photos you pick will define the image of how the industry sees you.

Are you looking to be seventeen or do you want to market yourself for the older market?  Only you can answer those questions.  You mght want to see out some agents and then ask them how they want you portrayed.

It is not a quesiton of what is morally right, it is about where you will fit into the market.  In the end it is a question for which there is really no right or wrong answer.  There is only the choice you decide to make and how the industry eventually sees you.

Good luck to you.  I know you will do well.

Feb 19 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Yes!  17 is too young for lingerie!   standards people standards!

Feb 19 06 09:51 am Link


James Berglie

Posts: 102

Nottingham, Maryland, US

Id have to agree with the people who say stick with binkin shots....  and get an agency and they will tell you what you need. 

But, me, and about a million other runway photographers have shot girls as young as 13 on the runway who are wearing see-thru outfits...  it may be unacceptable to many.... but in the world of modeling,... fashion modeling at least...  there is nothing wrong with it. 

just listen to an agency who is actually going to get you paid work...  they will tell you what they need from you to get you jobs.

All the best,

Feb 19 06 10:13 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Louis Braga wrote:
Your portfolio looks great as is ...
NO need to rush into lingiere ...
It will do you NO good ...

No? It will do no good to get booked for runway work (baring height requirements)? Or no good to be considered for VS (if she so desires)? If it can generate work (meaning "paying work") then it is fine. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and doesn't look like she will be easily coerced into anything she or her mom doesn't want her to do.

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Yes!  17 is too young for lingerie!   standards people standards!

What standards? Yours? Or the modeling industry, where some might say she is a late starter. The "standards" for modeling seem to be way different than your "moral" standard.

James Berglie wrote:
Id have to agree with the people who say stick with binkin shots....  and get an agency and they will tell you what you need. 


If she's looking to be in VS, then lingerie shots are a viable marketing tool for her. Again, she seems to know what she wants and it doesn't look like GWC are going to be able to coax her into "sleazy" lingerie shoots.

As for the oringinal question, no, 17 is not too young for lingerie shooting and to go a step further, and I'm not suggesting that you do this, your lingerie shot(s) are too tame for what 15, 16, 17 year old lingerie models (models that make a living modeling). So, you should not worry about your plans (they are sound) and definitley not worry what a bunch of photographers say on a website smile but do what you (and your parent(s) ) think is right. You seem to have it right so far.

Feb 19 06 11:05 am Link


Frank Rehm

Posts: 15

Antioch, California, US

Yes... you should not even own any lingerie at that young age....

Feb 19 06 11:09 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Frank Rehm wrote:
Yes... you should not even own any lingerie at that young age....

unless that was some heavy sarcasm, you're seriously not living in the real world.

Feb 19 06 12:27 pm Link


Special Ed

Posts: 3545

New York, New York, US

Hmmm...With all the talks of morals being thrown around,  I'd be curious what those (with their so called morals) would do when they are offered a few thousand bucks for shooting a national lingerie ad with Tawny???

Feb 19 06 04:31 pm Link


Victor Salvador

Posts: 8

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I've been a professional fashion photographer for twenty or more years shooting in New York, Paris and Milan.  Seventeen is more than old enough. Andrianna Lima did her first Victoria Secret campaign when she was barely sixteen.  I think that people should be more appauled at the full frontal nudity of some models.  I am not against nudity but come on.......... some people need to keep their clothes on and thier legs closer together.  We should all have higher standards. Lingerie (as long as it does not have those rude cut outs ) can look beautiful and tasteful no matter how young you are.

Feb 19 06 04:45 pm Link


Visions Of Paradise

Posts: 379

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

No it's not i have taken pics of 17 year old doing semi nudes however the legal age here for that is 16 so i would guess it depends on the state. But in the end it is all up to you on what you would like to do, It's your body so do with it as you want

Feb 19 06 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

The first time Adriana Lima did victoria's secret .. she was 15... then they brought her back at 17.

Feb 19 06 10:31 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Feb 20 06 09:29 am Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

I am always wondering...out of all the photographers that advised "NO" to the lingerie many of you have daughters?

I bet the numbers that say "no" skew heavily to the daughter side.  Are you projecting or are you giving sound advice based on industry standards?

Feb 20 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Well, for what's it's worth, I am shooting a model who is intent on doing glamour - swimwear, lingerie and implied nude. She's 17, and has her parents' approval to shoot it with me, because they support her modelling endeavors. Just my .2 cents. As long as her parents are there, and, they sign my release to shoot with her, I have no issues with helping her develop her book for her future endeavors.

Feb 20 06 10:12 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

you're not too young, just pick and choose your jobs wisely...

if the shots are about the lingerie in a larger context (like an ad campaign, fashion show) fine...
if the shots are about you, the 17 year old girl, being as close to naked as possible, that's not so good... be aware of the difference.

I don't think you need it on your zed...

Feb 20 06 10:22 am Link


Special Ed

Posts: 3545

New York, New York, US

DeBoer Photography wrote:

You are confusing "morals" with advice to keep her options open.  For a national lingerie ad, that pays thousands, sure, I'd shoot her in a heartbeat and would recommend that she do the same.

Note that you are throwing in the "national lingerie ad" part.

- Denoy

Yes, I threw in the "national ad" in there for a reason. It seems to the morally correct folks that as long as there is a big pay check and some prestige from the shoot that it becomes alright to shoot a minor in lingerie. That's almost as bad as telling her that she shouldn't get naked for the camera unless it's for a blockbuster movie.

Seriously, if you're gonna press the morals issue, you have to stick with them otherwise why bother having them at all???

Personally, I don't think it's a big issue if Tawny wants to shoot in some lingerie as long as she is very tasteful about it. Having read her responses to this thread, I believe she has her head in the right place and isn't gonna shoot pictures that are gonna hurt her and her chances at other work.

Feb 20 06 11:43 am Link


Tawny Heath

Posts: 30

San Diego, California, US

Ed Remington wrote:

Personally, I don't think it's a big issue if Tawny wants to shoot in some lingerie as long as she is very tasteful about it. Having read her responses to this thread, I believe she has her head in the right place and isn't gonna shoot pictures that are gonna hurt her and her chances at other work.

I think I definitely have my head in the right place and won't do a shoot in anything or anywhere or with anyone that would compromise myself or my career.  Having said that, I am very new to the industry and want to make the right choices for myself and my career, so I am not sure what is acceptable for being 17 and modeling lingerie.  If I were 18 or older, I still wouldn't compromise myself by posing in anything that I wasn't comfortable in, no matter what the paycheck would be.  I think after much thought on this subject, I am going to finish getting my zeds together, without lingerie photos on them, just fashion and swimwear, and send them out to reputable agents whom I would like to represent me.  If they want to meet with me to possibly represent me, then I will have a few lingerie shots included in my portfolio, so they can see my diversibility.  Thank you everyone for all of your advice.

Feb 20 06 03:13 pm Link


Special Ed

Posts: 3545

New York, New York, US

Tawny Heath wrote:
I think I definitely have my head in the right place and won't do a shoot in anything or anywhere or with anyone that would compromise myself or my career.  Having said that, I am very new to the industry and want to make the right choices for myself and my career, so I am not sure what is acceptable for being 17 and modeling lingerie.  If I were 18 or older, I still wouldn't compromise myself by posing in anything that I wasn't comfortable in, no matter what the paycheck would be.  I think after much thought on this subject, I am going to finish getting my zeds together, without lingerie photos on them, just fashion and swimwear, and send them out to reputable agents whom I would like to represent me.  If they want to meet with me to possibly represent me, then I will have a few lingerie shots included in my portfolio, so they can see my diversibility.  Thank you everyone for all of your advice.

Sounds great Tawny big_smile

Best of luck to you in your career!

Feb 20 06 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Chili wrote:
in keeping with the less is more spirit, the answer is 'yes' (you are still too young)

That's for her and her parents to decide.  Not everyone is at the same maturuty level at the same age.

Feb 20 06 05:19 pm Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I see nothing wrong with it as long as you don`t do it in a sleazy way.Others here do have issues with it. Victorias secret  has been known to have runway and catalog models as young as 13-14-15 in the past.

Do you have an article or something that states that, because I find that VERY hard to believe and so far I haven't been able to find anything that states that.  The youngest I have been able to find has been Karolina Kurkova, at age 17 in 2001.

Feb 20 06 05:21 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

BasementStudios wrote:
Do you have an article or something that states that, because I find that VERY hard to believe and so far I haven't been able to find anything that states that.  The youngest I have been able to find has been Karolina Kurkova, at age 17 in 2001.

In 1999, when she was 16, Isabeli appeared in the Victoria's Secret catalog. This generated a bit of a stir in the fashion world, since Victoria's Secret reportedly violated its policy of only hiring models that were 21 or older. But such controversy helped, rather than harmed, Isabeli's prospects, especially in an industry that worships youth to extremes. A case in point: Isabeli revealed that when she was 16, clients complained that she looked too young; when she was 17, they thought she looked too old. C'est la vie in the world of fashion.

Feb 20 06 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 1

New York, New York, US

James Jackson wrote:

In 1999, when she was 16, Isabeli appeared in the Victoria's Secret catalog. This generated a bit of a stir in the fashion world, since Victoria's Secret reportedly violated its policy of only hiring models that were 21 or older. But such controversy helped, rather than harmed, Isabeli's prospects, especially in an industry that worships youth to extremes. A case in point: Isabeli revealed that when she was 16, clients complained that she looked too young; when she was 17, they thought she looked too old. C'est la vie in the world of fashion.

i find that my age is a problem sometimes. i am 17 very soon. people have told me how makeup ages female models. i know that i can look older than 17 in full makeup. im not saying that i look like 23 or anything, but just more sophisticated. yet others tell me my look is too young and im not what they are looking for. i get very confused. i dont know whether i should tell people if im 16 or 17 sometimes! in regards to the beginning of the post, i am wondering the same thing about whether or not i should have tasteful lingerie in my portfolio. all these posts have helped.

Feb 20 06 06:20 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Tawny Heath wrote:
So, I just turned 17 about 3 weeks ago and I wanted to know if it was appropriate to have tasteful lingerie on my zed card and my portfolio or am I to young? I have one Lingerie picture of me on my picture gallery, and I think it looks tasteful and appropriate for my age...What do you think?

I wouldn't feel comfortable as the photographer. I don't see any minors modeling lingerie in any of the mainstream catalogs. Then again, I can't tell the age of any of them and you yourself don't look like a minor. But, in knowing that you're a minor, makes me feel uneasy doing anything beyond fashion, casual and swimwear.

Feb 20 06 06:20 pm Link


Duane Allen Rusty Halo

Posts: 1000

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

While many a photog are  good people
there are those GWC's that could and may take advantage
better t owait as to goig to the FEDS and explaining why your
talent ended up some where she should'nt have.
besides what cha gonna do?
get a gig posing???
Don't think so

Feb 20 06 06:24 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Someone care to translate Duane Allen in to english?

Feb 20 06 06:27 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Wild Horse Photography wrote:
I don't see any minors modeling lingerie in any of the mainstream catalogs.

"In 1999, when she was 16, Isabeli appeared in the Victoria's Secret catalog"

Feb 20 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

James Jackson wrote:

In 1999, when she was 16, Isabeli appeared in the Victoria's Secret catalog. This generated a bit of a stir in the fashion world, since Victoria's Secret reportedly violated its policy of only hiring models that were 21 or older. But such controversy helped, rather than harmed, Isabeli's prospects, especially in an industry that worships youth to extremes. A case in point: Isabeli revealed that when she was 16, clients complained that she looked too young; when she was 17, they thought she looked too old. C'est la vie in the world of fashion.

Cool, thanks James, that covers the 16 year old but I still have to wonder about that 13 - 15 age group that was mentioned, guess I'll keep looking, but that's where I found the info about Karolina Kurkova.

Feb 20 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

James Jackson wrote:
Someone care to translate Duane Allen in to english?

Pass....I don't even want to attempt it!

Feb 20 06 07:34 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Feb 20 06 07:38 pm Link


Moda Photographic

Posts: 36

Fort Worth, Texas, US

IMO u should keep the lingere out of your card. you can always put in the info that you would be willing to do it for an assignment. just keep it to fashion and if you want to show your figure use a swimsuit image. IF a company wants to see my book I dont show my glamour images unless thats is what they are asking for. You have a great look, keep up the great work! thats just my opinion for whatever thats worth.

Feb 20 06 07:43 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

17 is too young to sign your own release, so you'll need parental approval on whatever you shoot.

Feb 20 06 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 230

Syracuse, New York, US

so, you're probably 18 by now, but find a photographer you can trust, get something pretty, but fully covering. Make sure your parent is at the shoot, and go for it. Yes, it is okay to model lingerie at 17 as long as you don't cross the line into nudity... I am sure people said this already... but hey.... free country.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Peter J. Foster

Feb 21 06 01:01 am Link


amanda Irish

Posts: 173

Boston, Georgia, US

yes, you need to be 18

Feb 21 06 01:02 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

amanda Irish wrote:
yes, you need to be 18 do not... on your reading comprehension skills

Feb 21 06 01:14 am Link


amanda Irish

Posts: 173

Boston, Georgia, US

that is my opinion so you can't deny it.  if it was my child, they could do that at 18.  at 17 she is still consider a child in society.  so you need to read you paper work pervert.  Listen, sweets, if you are gonna model lingere, just be safe honey.  stay out of trouble and know matter what. always have someone with you. and if they are a professional, they would not mind you have someone with you unless they need the person out of the area for a short amount of time it depends how you feel.  you are gonna do what you want to do. 21 is more of a safe age to me.  18 is just getting legal.  watch out for these idiots out here.  they want you to do more than lingerie.

Feb 21 06 01:20 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

amanda Irish wrote:
that is my opinion so you can't deny it.

Then state it as such...

"I think"


"In my opinion"


"It is"

Feb 21 06 01:21 am Link


amanda Irish

Posts: 173

Boston, Georgia, US

well she cant from my heart.  but she is gonna do what she wanna do.  this is my say so, and society looks at it that way so that means no.  she is not legal.. so there is no i think and my opinion.  its what its is.  so my thought and opinions is my feeling for this young lady is my business.  she should not do it yet.

Feb 21 06 01:26 am Link