Forums > General Industry > t00 much nudity?


Addie Juniper

Posts: 147

Atlanta, Georgia, US

this girl wr0te me a message saying i sh0uld st0p p0sting nude pics b/c n0 0ne will take me seri0usly. smile any th0ughts?

Feb 05 06 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

i see you still are having problems with your 0 button.
You know what, this whole thing is a boatload of crap. Look at my port. I am one of the more respected members here...However, since you posed the question, I will try to answer without my tongue too firmly planted in my cheek...I am going to go look at your port. I will be back.

Feb 05 06 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
this girl wr0te me a message saying i sh0uld st0p p0sting nude pics b/c n0 0ne will take me seri0usly. smile any th0ughts?

Depends...if you want to do commercial work, in most markets...nude photography, especially ingenue nude shots are a NO-NO. If you are hoping to get noticed by magazines and/or clients of Maxim, Teezer, Playboy...professional nude shots will not hurt you.

Lapis will be better able to help you...than I.
Tell it Lapis! wink

Feb 05 06 09:07 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

At first I was offended by this topic and then I realized who started it.

Feb 05 06 09:08 pm Link



Posts: 5067

New York, New York, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
this girl wr0te me a message saying i sh0uld st0p p0sting nude pics b/c n0 0ne will take me seri0usly. smile any th0ughts?

tell her to suck a big fat .................

Feb 05 06 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Nerlande wrote:
tell her to suck a big fat .................


Feb 05 06 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I looked at your portfolio and I'm not clear on where you're headed.  You say that art nudes aren't your focus, but you don't say what your focus is.  It would be easier to answer the question if I had an idea of what you're aimed at.

Feb 05 06 09:10 pm Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US


There will be those who do not take you seriously no matter what you do. Such statements also beg the question "serious for what?"

Do what makes you happy.  (Looking at your pics make me happy! :-) )  Just go out there and be the best nude model you can be!


Feb 05 06 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 295

Killeen, Texas, US

Nerlande wrote:

tell her to suck a big fat .................

OMG I almost fell out of my chair laughing. That was my first thought too.

Feb 05 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'll do TFP work with creative photographers who I feel will enhance my portfolio.

Okay, this part of your portfolio is pretty normal...nothing to not be taken seriously there....

I always charge for nudes (it's reasonable), especially figure nudes because they aren't really the style that I'm looking for.

Okay, this is kinda will charge for nudes always...okay for a more experienced model, but if you really want to be a 'respected' nude model, you will try to get some nude work by great photographers in your book.

Your book is decent, but not so phenomenal that you will get regularly paid...unless you want to do porn or fetish.

However, you say you will particularly charge for figure nudes because they aren't your style...a) nobody wants to pay someone to do something they really don't want to do b) What is your 'style'? What are you looking for out of this whole modeling venture.

Lets be are too old and too short for fashion modeling. You are willing to do nudes, and that is probably going to be the area where you will get the most money.

However, if you are worried about being 'respectable', non erotic figure work is the most 'respectable' form of nude photography, if you are going from a traditional standpoint.

It also makes the least money.

Also, if you already have a port filled with nudes, why are you listening to someone who is telling you you won't be respected for having nudes. What she is saying is that she doesn't find it respectable. Is she an expert in the modeling field? Is she someone you aspire to follow in her footsteps? if not, ignore her.

Modeling for me is a marginally profitable hobby. IF you are lucky, it will be the same for you as well. You are not going to be a playmate, you are not going to be a VS, YOU have to define what you want to be.

However, I suggest that you spend more time looking at and researching photography, so you can get an idea of what quality photography is. You already slammed a door shut on one of the pre-eminent erotic photographers in the country by asking for money when he specified in his casting that he was looking for TFP..if you had researched, you would have learned that his prints are worth thousands of dollars. So, because you wanted 80$/hr, you lost out on many long term benefits. What do YOU want out of this business. You are new in this biz, and you really don't seem to know what YOU want. Figure that out, and you could go somewhere.

Feb 05 06 09:16 pm Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Model Sarah wrote:
At first I was offended by this topic and then I realized who started it.

What do you mean by that? The OP is known for offending? Or you meant that you changed your mind when you read that she, too, might have a problem with someone who dislikes "too much nudity"? I just don't see how your reply answers the OP's concern...

And even if someone was tired of too much nudity, I would suggest not taking offense - their interests simply don't coincide with yours, and perhaps they want to see more shots that reflect their kind of work? It can be frustrating if there's not enough of a market for one's niche, I would think.

Now, if someone stated as much in an offensive manner... saying there's no value in figure work, for example, I could see you taking offense ;-)


Feb 05 06 09:16 pm Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

Nerlande wrote:
tell her to suck a big fat .................


Donkey ****?

Feb 05 06 09:17 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
this girl wr0te me a message saying i sh0uld st0p p0sting nude pics b/c n0 0ne will take me seri0usly. smile any th0ughts?

She's lying to you.  Nude pictures won't cause people to stop taking you seriously.  That problem with your "O" key will be the cause...

I'm kidding.

Well, not really kidding but...

Nevermind.  I'll just address the point you raised.

If the photographer wants to shoot nudes, they'll probably take you seriously.  But I can really only speak for myself. 

Hypothetically, if you contacted me and asked to do some fashion or commercial shots, I wouldn't take you seriously.  That is, until you offered to pay my rates, then I'd take you very seriously once the check clears.  If I was casting something for fashion, I would look for someone with that kind of imagery.  If you didn't have it, then I'd just move on.  If I wanted to shoot nudes (which I don't) I'd certainly look over your selection of images.

I am, by-the-way, a self-proclaimed nobody.  So my word really means nothing at all...

Feb 05 06 09:19 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Sonntag wrote:
What do you mean by that? The OP is known for offending? Or you meant that you changed your mind when you read that she, too, might have a problem with someone who dislikes "too much nudity"? I just don't see how your reply answers the OP's concern...

And even if someone was tired of too much nudity, I would suggest not taking offense - their interests simply don't coincide with yours, and perhaps they want to see more shots that reflect their kind of work? It can be frustrating if there's not enough of a market for one's niche, I would think.

Now, if someone stated as much in an offensive manner... saying there's no value in figure work, for example, I could see you taking offense ;-)


First off just for future reference everyone knows I am 90% sarcastic. smile

Second, from the earlier thread(s) she started I doubt anyone will take her seriously from this site at least.

*It isnt because of nudity.

Feb 05 06 09:20 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Just do Edgy


Feb 05 06 09:20 pm Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Addie Juniper wrote:
this girl wr0te me a message saying i sh0uld st0p p0sting nude pics b/c n0 0ne will take me seri0usly. smile any th0ughts?

Nooooo we don't take you seriously because of your other recent posts. 

Please don't try to distract people from that smile

aka Bodyartist

Feb 05 06 09:23 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Lapis said it a billion times better than I did...

Feb 05 06 09:23 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
Lapis said it a billion times better than I did...

You stole my line


Feb 05 06 09:24 pm Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Er - entirely irrelevantly, about your "o" key: annoying as it is, you could find an "o" somewhere, copy it, and keep pasting it :-P

Don't know if it's worth the efforts, but at least there is no "ctrl + o" command that I'm aware of, or you'd certainly be stuck with that zero :-)


Feb 05 06 09:25 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Model Sarah wrote:
Second, from the earlier thread(s) she started I doubt anyone will take her seriously from this site at least.

*It isnt because of nudity.

I think that's a bit harsh... well... ok maybe not but I'm pretty sure that the OP isn't Addie (the model in question) but her boyfriend/escort. Take a look at the other post. The model seems to know how to put together a decent sentence while the boyfriend seems plagued with l337 syndrome.

Feb 05 06 09:28 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Kitapanda wrote:

I think that's a bit harsh... well... ok maybe not but I'm pretty sure that the OP isn't Addie (the model in question) but her boyfriend/escort. Take a look at the other post. The model seems to know how to put together a decent sentence while the boyfriend seems plagued with l337 syndrome.

you could be on to something....


Feb 05 06 09:29 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:
You stole my line


:::WARNING! The following statement contains sarcasm and lies!:::

Stole your line?  What, were you about to tell everyone that Lapis said it better than me?!  Of all the pompous...


Feb 05 06 09:30 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

:::WARNING! The following statement contains sarcasm and lies!:::

Stole your line?  What, were you about to tell everyone that Lapis said it better than me?!  Of all the pompous...



Not me.. sweet little ole me?


Feb 05 06 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 295

Killeen, Texas, US

Ok help a lost person out. What thread did she start that I obviously missed.

Feb 05 06 09:31 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Kitapanda wrote:
I think that's a bit harsh... well... ok maybe not but I'm pretty sure that the OP isn't Addie (the model in question) but her boyfriend/escort. Take a look at the other post. The model seems to know how to put together a decent sentence while the boyfriend seems plagued with l337 syndrome.

Hmmm, fascinating.  The theory certainly has merit...

Feb 05 06 09:32 pm Link


Red Tack Arts

Posts: 65

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Having cut a few teeth down south, specifically in L.A. [that' Lower Alabama if you live North of Chattanooga] I can relate.  But seriously, I am not sure you should respect whomever told you that you wouldn't get respect posing nude.  Well unless its your mom said the same thing to me...  :-)

You get the point.


Feb 05 06 09:33 pm Link


One Eye Blind

Posts: 547

San Martin, California, US

write back and tell her to get serious...

Feb 05 06 09:37 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:

Not me.. sweet little ole me?


Lies.  All lies...

I'd describe you as neither sweet nor ole.  Thusly, disqualifying the "Not me."

The nerve...

Feb 05 06 09:37 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

safiraangel wrote:
Ok help a lost person out. What thread did she start that I obviously missed.

The thread that has 554645864653 replies that doesnt have the name "Audrey" in it.

Feb 05 06 09:37 pm Link


sexy sarah

Posts: 4

Centerville, Georgia, US

i would tell that person not to be so close-minded and get with the program...we nude photographers are ont the way up the totem pole and her small-mindedness is on the way out...geez the freaks that u meet...

Feb 05 06 09:38 pm Link



Posts: 14

Portland, Arkansas, US

I see nothing mat all wrong with you pics -- you are attractive and the female form is an art form.

Feb 05 06 09:38 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

Lies.  All lies...

I'd describe you as neither sweet nor ole.  Thusly, disqualifying the "Not me."

The nerve...

sniffle sniffle

Feb 05 06 09:38 pm Link


Zion Imaging

Posts: 890

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, US

Nerlande wrote:
tell her to suck a big fat .................


Feb 05 06 09:43 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

No such thing as "too much nudity."

D. Brian Nelson

Feb 05 06 09:49 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

Hmmm, fascinating.  The theory certainly has merit...

=x sorry was what I said obvious? Or were you *not* being sarcastic?

Feb 05 06 09:49 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Kitapanda wrote:

=x sorry was what I said obvious? Or were you *not* being sarcastic?

you forgot to replace your "o's" with "0's"


Feb 05 06 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Do what makes you happy!
Respect has more to do with your character and attitude ...

Feb 05 06 09:54 pm Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Model Sarah wrote:

you forgot to replace your "o's" with "0's"


My bad, s0rry, was what I said 0bvious?

:-p No, but really, I don't get it.

Feb 05 06 09:58 pm Link



Posts: 182

Los Angeles, California, US

Sonntag wrote:
Er - entirely irrelevantly, about your "o" key: annoying as it is, you could find an "o" somewhere, copy it, and keep pasting it :-P

Don't know if it's worth the efforts, but at least there is no "ctrl + o" command that I'm aware of, or you'd certainly be stuck with that zero :-)


LMMFAO!! I am laughing sooo hard!! You wanna know why? Because my G and H isnt working right! Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt but ive never thought about using copy and paste..LOL Im using my on-screen sucks!! Thanks for that laugh I really needed that!

Feb 05 06 10:04 pm Link


Addie Juniper

Posts: 147

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Lapis wrote:
I'll do TFP work with creative photographers who I feel will enhance my portfolio.

Okay, this part of your portfolio is pretty normal...nothing to not be taken seriously there....

I always charge for nudes (it's reasonable), especially figure nudes because they aren't really the style that I'm looking for.

Okay, this is kinda will charge for nudes always...okay for a more experienced model, but if you really want to be a 'respected' nude model, you will try to get some nude work by great photographers in your book.

Your book is decent, but not so phenomenal that you will get regularly paid...unless you want to do porn or fetish.

However, you say you will particularly charge for figure nudes because they aren't your style...a) nobody wants to pay someone to do something they really don't want to do b) What is your 'style'? What are you looking for out of this whole modeling venture.

Lets be are too old and too short for fashion modeling. You are willing to do nudes, and that is probably going to be the area where you will get the most money.

However, if you are worried about being 'respectable', non erotic figure work is the most 'respectable' form of nude photography, if you are going from a traditional standpoint.

It also makes the least money.

Also, if you already have a port filled with nudes, why are you listening to someone who is telling you you won't be respected for having nudes. What she is saying is that she doesn't find it respectable. Is she an expert in the modeling field? Is she someone you aspire to follow in her footsteps? if not, ignore her.

Modeling for me is a marginally profitable hobby. IF you are lucky, it will be the same for you as well. You are not going to be a playmate, you are not going to be a VS, YOU have to define what you want to be.

However, I suggest that you spend more time looking at and researching photography, so you can get an idea of what quality photography is. You already slammed a door shut on one of the pre-eminent erotic photographers in the country by asking for money when he specified in his casting that he was looking for TFP..if you had researched, you would have learned that his prints are worth thousands of dollars. So, because you wanted 80$/hr, you lost out on many long term benefits. What do YOU want out of this business. You are new in this biz, and you really don't seem to know what YOU want. Figure that out, and you could go somewhere.

Thanks f0r taking the time t0 answer my p0st. H0w am I t00 0ld f0r anything? I'm 21! smile That's funny. And which ph0t0grapher are y0u referring t0?

Feb 05 06 11:40 pm Link