Forums > General Industry > Photographers & Models Sex: Approach/Experiences?!

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

I really appreciate all of the candor in your responses. Its great to know that there are many professionals out there with higher standards and great business ethics. I have learned to check references and work ethics/habits if you are planning long term work with the photographer and your models (I have a team of 50 women models). If the assignment is short term and their skills are top notch their ethics will not matter, just the photography. Lastly, from now on I will not just accept those that appear and wish to work with me and my team without doing the aforementioned research.

Feb 15 06 01:16 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28741

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I frankly see nothing wrong with it. I mean, we all like to get laid. That said, if you do choose to screw your models/photographers, you better be prepared and willing to face the consequences.

To me, there is a difference between two people mutually 'getting it on' and someone who uses photography as a way to meet and manipulate hot chicks.

Feb 15 06 01:23 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I seem to recall during the Tsunami in indonesia about a model and her photographer who were involved as being victims... it happens in the real world too!! I don't remember some huge backlash about them being a couple!

Feb 15 06 01:28 am Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Pemberton Street Studio wrote:
Once you stop seeing the models you work with as artistic partners-in-crime, but as potential lovers, you've muddied the waters, possibly forever.

I agree here I don't cross the border between Photographer and Model, it's strictly professional and JAMAIS ! (NEVER) personal.

Feb 15 06 01:29 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28741

Phoenix, Arizona, US

RFAphoto wrote:
I seem to recall during the Tsunami in indonesia about a model and her photographer who were involved as being victims... it happens in the real world too!! I don't remember some huge backlash about them being a couple!

Hef does it too. And no one would dare call him unprofessional.. But maybe it's ok for editors.

Feb 15 06 01:33 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

i would never approach a nude model sexually. that would only serve to perpetuate the common perception that everybody who works with a nude model is a sleaze.

if they want to approach me sexually, that's fine by me, but i'm very careful to be 100% professional.

everybody who is NOT, ruins my reputation by association.

Feb 15 06 01:35 am Link



Posts: 890

Houston, Texas, US

Never done it and never will...its unprofessional...end of my story. I like to keep this as my business and main source of income, not end up been another statistic.

Feb 15 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

half the people here are acting as if the subject is whether or not it's ok for models and photographers to perpetrate hanky panky, (a subject which in fact has exceeded the legal limit for discussion here) but it's not clear whether that's the actual subject of the thread. The original incident brought up was on set, or post set, oral fixation on the subject of model bangology, then the question asked was how common is that "in the industry" (another can of worms)? So Mr.. OP, are you asking how common it is for people to be talking that kind of shite amongst each other on, or post shoot? Or how common it is for shooters/models to be doing the deed w/each other?, or having that as a goal? Why I'm bothering to seek clarification, or to read this thread at all is somewhat beyond me at the moment anyway.... I guess I'm tired and bored.

Feb 15 06 03:56 am Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

It certainly happens, just like in any other industry, and is more common than models and photographers care to admit.  Other industries see it as well: doctors and nurses; attorneys and paralegals; producers/directors and actresses.  The fact of the matter is that you're going to be attracted to the people that you happen to be around.  If you a photographer and spend most of your time with models, chances are, you're probably going to be attracted to some.  If you are a veterinarian and spend most of your time with animals, then god help you...

Seriously, folks, 99.9999% of the time, it is simply consensual sex between two people who become mutually attracted to each other, caught up on the moment, etc., etc.

Certainly, photographers do not use their status as such as means to entice models to sleep with them--just as models do not use their status as such to "hook" a photographer they happen to find attractive.

Bottom line: we're all adults.  As much as we'd like to think that we're so different from everyone else on this planet...

Jun 22 06 04:37 pm Link