Forums > General Industry > what is Art?


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

MarkMarek wrote:
If you need a MUA to make a photograph, it's not art.

Unless the Make Up ARTIST creates art and you photograph it?

Jan 26 06 11:34 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Art elicits an emotional response. Any emotional response.

Jan 26 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

David Moyle wrote:
Unless the Make Up ARTIST creates art and you photograph it?

That's correct. I totally agree. But I suppose you know what I meant. My bad though, I focused and limited my definition of art to photography art only. I somehow assumed that's the art we're talking about here.

Jan 26 06 11:42 pm Link


Daria S

Posts: 31

New York, New York, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Art elicits an emotional response. Any emotional response.

this is like saying 'everything that has four legs is a dog'

Jan 26 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

The Art of CIP wrote:
art is easily defined as everyone here already has there own definition of it...  We seem to have all of the usual suspects in here (and a few new ones) - so does anyone wanna answer the question - "What is good and art & what is bad art?" 
*goes to grab beer and waits for the fireworks..* wink~

I snagged the following off a forum some years back. Sorry, I didn't note the author.  I read it occasionally and ponder whether it's genius or bullshit.  My answer changes frequently.

"Art: Something experiential in essence, constructed with intent by a human, the primacy of which isn't in the utilitarian, communicates, through purposeful engagement of the senses, a reflection of human consciousness - conceptually / emotionally  / intellectually - which would not occur without the action of the artist.

As for Great Art, the further removed from the banal, the cliched, the obvious, the uncrafted, the purely organic or geological, while foregoing intrusive artifice/excessive sentiment, but referencing human development, still, without need of extensive exegesis, managing to captivate and inspire others, the more it qualifies."

Jan 26 06 11:47 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

ashfromdash wrote:
this is like saying 'everything that has four legs is a dog'

... or anyone on all fours is Art

Jan 26 06 11:53 pm Link



Posts: 81

Tampa, Florida, US

This question of art is just like the one about the meaning of life where there isn't really one answer.  The answer tends to be quite personal and varied (although many times it feels to me like people reply to it just out of a if not desperate need to fill in the blank space of dialogue). 

Artists use their work to explore and create (the ones I take seriously).  So to me art is a process of that more than whatever you can quantify as the result of that process. 

So the work result can be a failure.  It can be a piece of shit.  But as a result of the process, it is still art.  It doesn't need to be successful or beautiful -- whatever those ideas mean to you.

Jan 26 06 11:55 pm Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

Art is highly NON-commercial but grabs ya by the cahones and make you look into its face and say AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Jan 27 06 12:07 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Art is a shared emotionally perceived reality.  It can be any kind of media that involves sensory stimuli, but since it must be shared in full by each participant, food can only be a medium if it used strictly for visual, touch, or odiforous effect.

If you see it and all you get is a desire to go to another piece, the art was bad.

If you are still talking about the item 2 days after you experienced it, the art was good.

Jan 27 06 12:11 am Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Kansas City, Missouri, US

The Art of CIP wrote:
art is easily defined as everyone here already has there own definition of it...  We seem to have all of the usual suspects in here (and a few new ones) - so does anyone wanna answer the question - "What is good and art & what is bad art?" 
*goes to grab beer and waits for the fireworks..* wink~

***Danger Will Robinson! Danger!***
Adding qualifiers like "good" and "bad", IMHO, reduces the art itself to mere commodity. Is it "effective" perhaps, is a better question, but I don't think there is such a thing as good or bad art - it's simply art. Whether or not I "like" something is irrelevant unless the question is just "Would I hang this in my living room?"

Jan 27 06 12:23 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
Art elicits an emotional response. Any emotional response.

Dog crap on the ground elicits an emotional response if I step in it.

Jan 27 06 12:27 am Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

David Moyle wrote:

Dog crap on the ground elicits an emotional response if I step in it.

Ha ha...  Sounds alot like the art school story I wrote about earlier in this thread...!

Jan 27 06 12:29 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

MarkMarek wrote:

That's correct. I totally agree. But I suppose you know what I meant. My bad though, I focused and limited my definition of art to photography art only. I somehow assumed that's the art we're talking about here.

Just screwin with ya!

Jan 27 06 12:29 am Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

The Art of CIP wrote:

Ha ha...  Sounds alot like the art school story I wrote about earlier in this thread...!

Somehow I missed it the first time through! Good story!

Jan 27 06 12:32 am Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

David Moyle wrote:

Somehow I missed it the first time through! Good story!

Yeah it was great - dude you woulda' been rolling on the floor...  That was one of those moments that added to my views of art...  i really don't care what art is - it'll define itself..  All I know is I have a blast making it!!!

Jan 27 06 12:38 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

I have to take off, soon. I thought I'd throw in my two cents before I leave. I hope I'm not echoing sombody else's idea on art. I didn't get to read all the posts.

Click Hamilton wrote:
OK, I'm serious.
What is ART?

When I try to think about it my brain expands faster than my ability to comprehend then I get lost in the abyss

Please help me narrow this down

I consider this quite easy. Art is anything created by man. Architecture, automobiles and even toilets were all created by some sort of artisan. Be it captured by camera, paint brush, pencil , pen clay, porcelin or mud, art is art. Not all art is to be appreciated by everybody and some art is just everyday useful stuff, as in a table on which we eat. There are just many different forms of art. Who would hang a chiar on a wall, well, other than the Amish.

Now fine art, what exactly is that?

Jan 27 06 12:57 am Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

Wow your work is really interesting!

Jan 27 06 01:02 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

MarkMarek wrote:
If you need a MUA to make a photograph, it's not art.

David Moyle wrote:
Unless the Make Up ARTIST creates art and you photograph it?

MarkMarek wrote:
That's correct. I totally agree. But I suppose you know what I meant. My bad though, I focused and limited my definition of art to photography art only. I somehow assumed that's the art we're talking about here.

I honestly don't know what you meant.  What you're saying is that a makeup artist can create art, but a photograph of a model in makeup is not art.  Is that correct?

By correlation, if you take a photo of a building, is it automatically ineligible for "photography art" status because it required the aid of an architect.  Likewise, if you take a photograph of a model wearing clothes, it's not art because it required the aid of a clothing designer. 

Or am I totally misunderstanding you?

Jan 27 06 01:49 am Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

ART is a naked chick shot on film in black and while that does not look like an export car girl, or a stripper / porn star, that you can sell a print of for $1800 +.

Jan 27 06 04:37 am Link



Posts: 591

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Stacy wrote:
Wow your work is really interesting!

Hey, thanks for having a look at my stuff.  I really appreciate it.

(please please please don't correct me here!  please?)


Jan 27 06 05:55 am Link



Posts: 208

New York, New York, US

John Pringle wrote:
Art is highly NON-commercial but grabs ya by the cahones and make you look into its face and say AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Art has Big Guts! Art takes Risks and it's not always in league with popular taste and is created and exhists without the primary need to turn a profit. Somewhere else here I saw the words organic and Believe at it best it's also that too,when a work becomes too measured or mechanical that often makes it staid or stiff.

I have come to the idea that there no bad ideas in art just poorly executed ones,to quote Picasso  "it's not simply a matter of's knowing what to steal."

  In addition to being a Photographer I am also a Classically Trained Painter and put alot of value on foundation and training,while these are not always primary prerequisits to art they help make for better execution of before said ideas.

Not all photography is art many may agree for even a monkey can press a botton or lift a brush and paint with some expression, and in other cases if it's hanging in your mothers kitchen it's most likely not Art either. Does that statement get you rallied up cause Art also ANTAGONIZES!

Jan 27 06 06:42 am Link



Posts: 7

Chicago, Illinois, US

Art provokes emotion: hate, lust, envy to name a few...
Art is what drives a select few of us...
Art balances the "normalcy" of a dayjob...
Art gives life to my inner thoughts...
Art is my addiction, my life...

for examples of what i'm talking about check MM#23527

Jan 27 06 06:54 am Link



Posts: 28

Atlanta, Georgia, US

For me art is a feeling, statement, or comparison.  My art reflects my life.  Not everyone gets the same feeling or the intended statement all the time.  When I show, If people just walk by my images then I failed somewhere.  If they stop and look, it doesn't really matter if they love it or hate it, it's the reaction.  If it's somewhere in the middle, I've failed.  Statements like "What was he thinking!" or "He must have been off his meds when he took that one" are just as successful for me as the statements "that rocks", or "that's beautiful".

On the technical side, there are very specific boundries that I won't go past. The last one being I don't shoot anything my x-wife or my children would be humiliated to have other people see.  Those are simply my rules, no one elses. 

I am curious to see what history has to write about this period and art.

Jan 27 06 08:19 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Tom Lezniak wrote:
... When I show, If people just walk by my images then I failed somewhere.  If they stop and look, it doesn't really matter if they love it or hate it...

And this is why I've come to the conclusion I have about what is art and what is an artist.

Everyone says something along the lines of "what drives you?" or "something that drives you to emotion"....we should be more specific though.  It's not fair to art or artists to just leave it up to the's up to the art and to the artist to be and create something that can't be ignored.

"If you can honestly not walk away from it without saying something about it, it is art.  If you can honestly walk away from it without caring one way or the other it is not art"

An artist is someone who's aim is creating the above defined art.

And I agree with this statement 100%:

Nihilus wrote:
Something about the "i know it when I see it" answers don't sit well with me. Perhaps because it is the same mentality that draws the imaginary line between what is porn and what is art...what is evil and what is good...what is right and what is wrong...

I understand that the nucleus of art resides in its ability to engorge the emotions, but that's no excuse for not more aptly defining it, at least to one's self.

Please don't say "I know it when I see it"...if you do that you're being wishy washy...  Art is much more worthy of definition than that and so are artists.

Jan 27 06 08:43 am Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

Click Hamilton wrote:

super FREEKIN' cooool!

Jan 27 06 08:48 am Link

Makeup Artist

Belinda Muir

Posts: 192

London, England, United Kingdom

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Scott Adams

Jan 27 06 08:51 am Link



Posts: 5216


Art is the intercourse between artist and audience.

Jan 27 06 09:14 am Link


Eric Foltz

Posts: 432

Lake Forest, California, US

"a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination."

Encyclopedia Britannica says it better than I could.

Eric Foltz

Jan 27 06 09:43 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

ashfromdash wrote:
here is a cliché

art is a state of mind

Far more than a cliché
Life is sweet.
Life is whatever we want it to be.

Jan 27 06 09:46 am Link



Posts: 208

New York, New York, US

blon wrote:
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Scott Adams

Michelangelo said "It's a sorry Artist who once you return all the parts of his work to the original owners you are left with nothing of the artist himself." I have also long held the view that what makes Art Great is not how the artist adopts all his strengths but how he deals with his weaknesses! Art is about making a Statement/Antagonizm not all this wish wash banter here saying the same things I said a different way right after me without concurrence or with an echo.
  If you have something to add then that's another matter not just a catch phrase or that your life is art bullshit most of take no risks and create in relative saftey.
  I just want to give a heads up to Click who started this thread he is out there and his work is RAW and Bizzare and not like half this Maxium style commercial crap!

Jan 27 06 09:46 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

David Moyle wrote:

Dog crap on the ground elicits an emotional response if I step in it.

.... and some people stick a crucifix in it to find deeper artistic meaning.
Indeed, dog crap can be very emotional stuff.

Jan 27 06 09:51 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Stacy wrote:
Wow your work is really interesting!

AllenA wrote:
Hey, thanks for having a look at my stuff.  I really appreciate it.
(please please please don't correct me here!  please?)

Haha .. Allen. That was a nice diversionary plug of shameless self promotion.

Jan 27 06 09:56 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

I just want to give a heads up to Click who started this thread he is out there and his work is RAW and Bizzare and not like half this Maxium style commercial crap!

awwwww .... shucks.

Jan 27 06 10:07 am Link



Posts: 52

Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

AllenA wrote:
NOT Art: … _11_steps/

But, you know.. this comes with that standard internet disclaimer:  IMHO.



The second one that was mentioned not art reminds me of something I did two years ago … eface2.jpg

Jan 27 06 10:09 am Link



Posts: 263

Denton, Texas, US

I go with, in its most basic form, art is fundamentally unneccessary.  Any action that doesn't stem from the simple logistical requirements of the situation.  If I'm making an Excel spreadsheet for work, and I use fonts and colors to make the sheet more readable, that's craft.  If I use fonts and colors because I just feel like it, that's art.  If I manage to do that in a way that does not detract from the readability of the document, that's aesthetic.

Or, another way, anything that can't be traced back to the basic instinct for survival.  If I do it because I'm getting paid, it's not art.  The extent to which I modify it to make it more likely that I will get paid, or get paid more, makes it less art.  The extent that I modify it to either ignore the fact that I am getting paid, or make it less likely that I would get paid, makes it more art.  That's a simplification and watered-down version.  But the more something is done in order to provide income, shelter, protection, sex, respect, reputation, etc., the less 'artistic' it is.  The more something is done for its own sake, regardless of the externals, the more 'artistic' it is.  Skipping down the street instead of walking, for example.

When people talk about the 'art and science' of a given subject, it tends to imply that many things are governed by rules (science) but also improved by intangibles (art).  Or perhaps, the science aspect governs rules that are metric, objective, written and understood, while the art aspect governs rules that are abstract, subjective, unwritten and felt.  But rules, nonetheless.

Jan 27 06 10:23 am Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

ashfromdash wrote:

this is like saying 'everything that has four legs is a dog'

Good point. Let me modify... Art is something intended to elicit some emotional response. There has to be some desire on the part of the creator.

Jan 27 06 02:52 pm Link



Posts: 294

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Art is pretty much anything.

"Art photography" is pretty much anything not done for a client.

Your personal opinion of what is art may vary, and there is little consensus.

In the lead photo, what that photographer was taking a picture of, was not art, most likely.  The _picture_ of the photographer taking the picture in the train station is art.

BTW: We shot a model in the #1 IRT up and down broadway 20+ years ago.  About a year or two before the Prince did the same thing in London (?).  It was published, and I'm looking for the negs to put one or two in my portfolio here.  The story of how that shoot came about is even more interesting than the shoot.  But in 1983, it was pretty "shocking" and came close to getting a few of us kicked out of school ....   Up tight administration, rather than anything to do with anything else.

Even the cops were cool smile  Nothing brightens up a NYPD's night than a nekkid lady making "art" on the subway   And, actually, it was legal, sort of, by the letter of the law, since we weren't disturbing anyone. 


Jan 27 06 03:01 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I love art, but I love his brother better. (this is a canned line...)

Jan 27 06 03:03 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:

.... and some people stick a crucifix in it to find deeper artistic meaning.
Indeed, dog crap can be very emotional stuff.

Hey, if that's their thing, who am I to judge!

Jan 27 06 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Digiography wrote:
...Craft is something you can pee in, Art is something you can pee on.  Hope this help, every time I think I've created art, I remember this and chuckle.

I now judge my images by observing which one my cat would pee on.  Thanks Digiography.  It may take a while for me to make art...

Jan 27 06 03:11 pm Link