Forums > General Industry > My Harlem Experience


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Jessa Rae wrote:

Bigotry, and all other such horrific comments are (or at least should be) noted based on a malicious intent... NOT on your perception of typed words that have no connotation or inflection to suggest otherwise.  Try expecting better of people.

I have had this problem about a million times.  Because I am a white female and because I generally don't see race or take it into consideration, I don't watch what I say around black people.  And sometimes they take offense to something that was never meant to be offensive, or that my other friends have never been offended by.  If she didn't maliciously choose to offend you than she is not a bigot. YOU took offense to her words but she did not mean to offend.

Ms. Rae, please note I too agreed walking through any strange area alone would
make a women nervous.  However I took issue with the title of her story.
She explained what she meant and it was cool.  I expect nothing from anyone
but when I suspect something has a racial flavor to it I'll ask.  Maybe you're
new to these threads but there have been jokes about the Katrinia victims
as well as outright racist remarks including the N word among others. 
At times it may seem I am  too touchy about things but given our
history its understandable.  Not every remark, joke or story about Black people
or area is racist or bigoted but sometime they are.  I really don't expect some
people to understand this.  I think of this as images of Rodney King and
Dr. King and a 64 year old retired Black teacher beaten in New Orleans flash
through my mind.  I don't think she meant any harm just a intresting story
but what if she did would you defend her?  Some here would.  It would be funny
to them and I would be told I'm always bringing up race or Hey buddy shut up.
I'm often wrong about many things so I ask the questions.  Its the answers that
are really intresting.  There are many people here of every color that are totally
cool and they make Black jokes and they are funny.  I laugh, myself but those
people are clowns they have no hidden agenda.  However there are some who
have a pardon the pun, darker agenda its those bigots those racists I speak to.

Jan 23 06 10:12 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Thanks thats all I wanted.  She said what she meant and it was cool.
I seem to pissed some people off because I asked.  I wonder why?
Here's where the knives coome out.  Its okay I can handle it.

Jan 23 06 10:15 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

Eh, I've stayed in Harlem twice and never felt particularly unsafe. I was aware, but certainly not terrified. My best friend lives in the neighborhood and has never had any issues. However, I can understand feeling unsafe in a place you aren't familiar with- be in Harlem or Pittsburgh or Oklahoma. It can be a scary world.

Jan 23 06 10:58 pm Link