Forums > General Industry > What would your Mother think of your photos???


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

They don't understand all of them, but they like most.

I don't show them my explicit crotch shots. but then again, I don't show many people those.

Jan 09 06 02:47 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US


Jan 09 06 02:50 am Link



Posts: 102

Keego Harbor, Michigan, US

My mum has seen mine she hates some likes other but she also used to work for a modeling school and be a model so she knows her shit. lol

Jan 09 06 02:53 am Link



Posts: 202

Los Angeles, California, US

My mother would say, you did all those shots for free you idiot!  Damn at least your brother would have gotten some money out of it! smile

Jan 09 06 03:31 am Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hell no my mother hasn't seen all my images! She hasn't seen most, actually.

My parents are the reason I have an alias. They're not progressive folk.

Jan 09 06 12:38 pm Link


Alli B

Posts: 906

Syracuse, New York, US

My mother has seen all the photos i have done, even the nude ones, she is so impressed with the variety of images i have, shes proud of me !  Hell we even did a photoshoot for my dad for xmas, and we had a lot of fun and my mom was like damn this is So yeah, my mom rocks !! And my dad lovedddd the photos of my mom, you had to be there on xmas to see his face....hehe big_smile

Jan 09 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 11

Baltimore, Maryland, US

my mother is more skeptical about the photographers and their professionalism which is why i dont take her with but as far as the images go she loves my pictures.

Jan 09 06 01:04 pm Link


Richard Beebe

Posts: 217

Tracy, California, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I just thought I would come back into this thread and mention a very surreal conversation I had with my mother through instant messanger. I keep in touch with a lot of my family 2500 miles away through IM often.

As mentioned before my mother is a Pentacostal Christian who has made comments like"my my son, I bet you enjoyed that shoot that day huh" about the shoots I have done.
My mother wanted to see my site when it is finished. This morning I decided it was close enough to finished to finally show her. Well, she looked at it and the first thing she said was about how much she absolutely loved the nude shot(which is the same nude shot of the model with the rope lights in my portfolio here). Considering her being a diehard Christian, and the sarcastic comments she has made about my shoots before, you can only imagine how many Neurons were exploding in my brain at this point. We started talking more in depth about my photography and the nude shoot I did of the same model on a cliff overhanging part of Santa Cruz beach.
She has asked to see some of those.

My brain is twitching right now trying to grasp the thought that she actually showed that much interest in my work. Especially the art nude styles.

I guess I should sort of feel honored that my mother likes my work that much. I know how good it makes me feel when a models mother compliments me on the work I did of her daughter. When you get moms approval that really means something wether you seek it or not.

like staying on the *good side* of the mother of the bride at a wedding.

Jan 09 06 06:36 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

markEdwardPhoto wrote:
Would you show you Mom or Dad ALL your photo image???

Just wondering how proud you are of you work.


Yep.  My mother the art professor bought me my first camera & is my harshest critic.
Subject matter never bothers her, but gods forbid I frame something poorly.
Stepdad looks but he's not an art person, it never connects with him.

Jan 09 06 07:11 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

I showed my mom and since she's a strict korean lady she hated them.  BOOOOO sad

Jan 09 06 07:23 pm Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

She was like who are these strange men photographing you?  tongue

Jan 09 06 07:23 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

StMarc wrote:
Me: "As we speak I'm editing pictures of a woman who's just cut the throat of another woman so she could drink her blood. It was my idea. I'm pretty sure that makes me weird."

Mom would probably ask me if that wasn't a cliche LOL
(and I'm not downing you, I shoot stuff like that too!)

Jan 09 06 09:26 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

BQueenGirl wrote:
i dont have the balls to show my mommy my pics

If you had balls, you'd have a lot more to explain to your mom than just your pics...  ;-)

Jan 09 06 09:27 pm Link



Posts: 1779

Denver, Colorado, US

Damn straight I would show them. Matter of fact, I already have and they love it enough to show the rest of the family on both sides smile

Happy and proud as can be smile

Jan 09 06 09:29 pm Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

My mom is my number one fan! She loves all of my photos and has been there for all of the shoots. There hasn't been one photo that she doesn't approve or dislike.


Jan 09 06 09:40 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

BQueenGirl wrote:
i dont have the balls to show my mommy my pics

You should! You are beautiful!

Jan 09 06 09:47 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
I just thought I would come back into this thread and mention a very surreal conversation I had with my mother through instant messanger. I keep in touch with a lot of my family 2500 miles away through IM often.

As mentioned before my mother is a Pentacostal Christian who has made comments like"my my son, I bet you enjoyed that shoot that day huh" about the shoots I have done.
My mother wanted to see my site when it is finished. This morning I decided it was close enough to finished to finally show her. Well, she looked at it and the first thing she said was about how much she absolutely loved the nude shot(which is the same nude shot of the model with the rope lights in my portfolio here). Considering her being a diehard Christian, and the sarcastic comments she has made about my shoots before, you can only imagine how many Neurons were exploding in my brain at this point. We started talking more in depth about my photography and the nude shoot I did of the same model on a cliff overhanging part of Santa Cruz beach.
She has asked to see some of those.

My brain is twitching right now trying to grasp the thought that she actually showed that much interest in my work. Especially the art nude styles.

I guess I should sort of feel honored that my mother likes my work that much. I know how good it makes me feel when a models mother compliments me on the work I did of her daughter. When you get moms approval that really means something wether you seek it or not.

I always know I have a good image if mom says it's OK
What you say here takes me to the thead where we were getting in to familial reaction...sometimes their love & pride can overcome their other issues.
That's one of the good things  :-)

Jan 09 06 10:09 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:
My Father loves my work.....but complains that I DON`T get paid enough for what I do, (he says I should have been rich years ago.....such is the real life of the struggling artist)

Do ANY of us get paid enough??

Jan 09 06 10:22 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

DemiM wrote:
My mom loves them,especially the animal photos.
She also thinks they should have a bit more clothes on and no make up.

The animals need wardrobe & makeup???   ;-)

Jan 10 06 12:22 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Diana Moffitt wrote:
She was like who are these strange men photographing you?  tongue

Just 'cause we're strangers doesn't mean we're STRANGE!

Ok, wait, no, I AM strange
I'll go back to my corner now...

Jan 10 06 12:27 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

Hmm...My mother used to give me how can you do that kind of photography sermons.....until I showed her the checks.

Jan 10 06 01:48 am Link