Forums > General Industry > 500 Views And No Comments?!


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

I've noticed some trends in the various portfolios.

Models generally seem to attract more image viewings than photographers. (I think I understand why.)

Images with nudity, even if they are horrible images, attract many more views than excellent non-nude images in the same portfolio. (That's easy to understand, but possibly a sad statement about the level of professionalism here on MM.)  wink

What I don't understand, is an image that has been viewed hundreds, maybe a 1000 times, or more, and no one has commented on it yet! I see this primarily in model's portfolios, but it happens in other cases as well. With that many people looking, can't someone say something?

In the case of a mediocre nude image, I get the feeling that several people are just wanting a free look at boobies, and are too "cheap" to even pay a compliment, or offer a simple comment, or some helpful advice. It seems a bit rude.

If I had a shot that received hundreds of views, but no comments, I would definitely pull the image from the portfolio. In fact, if I don't get a comment within 30-50 viewings, I'll pull the image from my portfolio. Why leave in an image that no one likes well enough to comment on? In my opinion, it's just dead weight in the portfolio, and it would be best to remove it.

My very polite suggestion to everyone is to comment more often on the images you actually take the time to view. If you don't have glowing praise to offer, just give your honest opinion, or offer some helpful advice.

For those people with portfolios containing images with hundreds of views and no comments, consider cleaning house. Your portfolio will become much more consistent and attractive.

This isn't something that keeps me awake at night, but I thought I should mention it. Maybe it will help some people improve the quality their portfolios.

take care,

Dec 18 05 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I agree with your opinion, and have one photograph in my port with 5 comments and 1200 or something views, maybe less, haven't checked, and was wondering about taking it out...However, it is one of my favorite photos, and isn't my most explicit one...I just think people don't know what to say in this case, as it is a gallery quality image.

Dec 18 05 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

you also reminded me I was gonna revamp my port this weekend as soon as this site got faster so I could sit there without losing my sh*t in front of computer.

Dec 18 05 12:57 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Glen Berry wrote:
Images with nudity, even if they are horrible images, attract many more views than excellent non-nude images in the same portfolio. (That's easy to understand, but possibly a sad statement about the level of professionalism here on MM.)  wink

"To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human."
- Mouse, "The Matrix"

Dec 18 05 01:00 pm Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

A few hundred views is a pretty strong comment if you ask me...

Dec 18 05 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 2719

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

My portfolio is filled with pictures from my girlfriend, and her portfolio is filled with.. well her pictures smile  Anyways, there is alot of overlap in both our friends lists and portfolio pictures and I can attest to the photographer vs model view/comment count.  The same picture in her portfolio will get many more views then mine, and many more comments.

Anyways, although I too tend to look more at the models, I find the creme d'le creme of portfolios is typically photographers.  They usually provide more variety.

Dec 18 05 01:13 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

I would rather have a photographer who loves my work take the time to email me about a job than leave a comment, wouldn't you?

I'm not worried about comments they are a false sence of security in my opinion.
I think I have left a few, but comments while giving us warm fuzzies don't pay the bills.

Dec 18 05 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Glen Berry wrote:
In the case of a mediocre nude image, I get the feeling that several people are just wanting a free look at boobies, and are too "cheap" to even pay a compliment, or offer a simple comment, or some helpful advice. It seems a bit rude.

No, it seem par for the course on a site driven by nudity, fetish and dimly lit art nudes.

Dec 18 05 01:15 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Yeah- I take it like:

losta views, few comments= eye catchy

lotsa views, lotsa comments= eye catchy and affects viewer (meaning affected viewer enough to actually feel compelled to comment)


Dec 18 05 01:16 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Lapis wrote:
I agree with your opinion, and have one photograph in my port with 5 comments and 1200 or something views, maybe less, haven't checked, and was wondering about taking it out...However, it is one of my favorite photos, and isn't my most explicit one...I just think people don't know what to say in this case, as it is a gallery quality image.

That image just got a few more views, and at least one new comment.  wink

In this particular case, I would leave the image in. I also think it's a gallery-quality image.

take care,

Dec 18 05 01:54 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Glen Berry wrote:

That image just got a few more views, and at least one new comment.  wink

In this particular case, I would leave the image in. I also think it's a gallery-quality image.

Thank you. I really just don't think people know what to say about it. And the gallery it is in agrees with our assessment.

Dec 18 05 01:57 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Actually, with my own port, I've been quite happy to notice it isn't my nude images that get the most views or comments. I think MM is the only site I have work posyed that this is the case. So, I actually get the feeling that people here are actually looking at the "good" photos first. Or, maybe my nudes suck... I dunno. But I do agree; there are very few comments left behind.


Dec 18 05 02:03 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
Yeah- I take it like:

losta views, few comments= eye catchy

lotsa views, lotsa comments= eye catchy and affects viewer (meaning affected viewer enough to actually feel compelled to comment)




Dec 18 05 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hugh  Jorgen wrote:



Hugh, your rating system makes me go blind. I need a bigger monitor.

Dec 18 05 02:06 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
I would rather have a photographer who loves my work take the time to email me about a job than leave a comment, wouldn't you?

I'm not worried about comments they are a false sence of security in my opinion.
I think I have left a few, but comments while giving us warm fuzzies don't pay the bills.

I think you might possibly be missing the point. Your portfolio on MM is supposed to not only attract attention and comments, but motivate people to act upon that attraction and want to work with you. If people aren't motivated enough about a particular image to leave a comment on a web site like this one, I think it's a fair question to ask if that image is actually helping your portfolio. It's a fair question to ask, if another image might be better suited to include in your portfolio, one which would possibly help secure more job offers for you.

Do you really think I'm suggesting pruning your portfolio just to enhance your percentage of "warm fuzzies", as you put it?

No. It's to get more attention, and a better quality of attention, from people in a position to help further your career.

take care,

Dec 18 05 02:06 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
Yeah- I take it like:

losta views, few comments= eye catchy

lotsa views, lotsa comments= eye catchy and affects viewer (meaning affected viewer enough to actually feel compelled to comment)


Maybe, in other words:

losta views, few comments= You got some attention, but ultimately couldn't satisfy your audience.  (aka: "shaken, but not stirred" syndrome)

lotsa views, lotsa comments=  You not only succeeded in getting the attention of people, but also motivated them into action.

Now, from an advertising perspective, which effect would you rather have on people? Do you just want to be able to get their momentary attention, or do you want to be able motivate people into action?

take care,

Dec 18 05 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

My two newest images, 2 days ago, each have over 30 views but no comments. I'm thinking they are not crapy enough to ignore, but not good enough to say anything. Course you guys could prove me wrong and comment on them? :-)


Dec 18 05 03:33 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Hi Star,

At the risk of saying the wrong thing, here is my opinion of those two images.

I get the sense that "Project Angel 2" was part of a picture story? I think that viewing the image on its own probably takes away the significance of the image. Also, that particular image seems a bit chaotic and lacking focus. (That is, lacking a principal subject, I'm not saying it's out of focus and blurry.) Having the highlights blown out is also bit distracting to me. Your "Mather 2" image would please me much more, if it were not for the very bright, distracting highlights. I don't think these two images are your most appealing images, or your best works. Perhaps, if I saw the whole series I might like them better? Again, it's just my opinion, and I might well be in the minority.

As for the rest of your portfolio, I found several images that I really liked quite a bit. So, it's not a question of whether you have talent, because you do. I'm just not so attracted to those two images.

take care,

Dec 18 05 03:57 pm Link



Posts: 12930

Eagan, Minnesota, US

I comment on AT LEAST one picture from every profile I view.  I agree with you.  It is rude to look and not leave comments or constructive criticism.

Dec 18 05 04:12 pm Link



Posts: 94

Newport Beach, California, US

I have a bad image with 500 + views and 2 comments. Its kinda sad.

Dec 18 05 04:26 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Are comments really that important? Is a "I love this shot, or "keep up the good work" going to do anything more than what the work itself is supposed to say? What matters the most is the quality of the work not how many people comment on it. And btw, if you want your work commented on, there's a critique section for that.

Dec 18 05 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Glen Berry wrote:
Hi Star,

At the risk of saying the wrong thing, here is my opinion of those two images.

I get the sense that "Project Angel 2" was part of a picture story? I think that viewing the image on its own probably takes away the significance of the image. Also, that particular image seems a bit chaotic and lacking focus. (That is, lacking a principal subject, I'm not saying it's out of focus and blurry.) Having the highlights blown out is also bit distracting to me. Your "Mather 2" image would please me much more, if it were not for the very bright, distracting highlights. I don't think these two images are your most appealing images, or your best works. Perhaps, if I saw the whole series I might like them better? Again, it's just my opinion, and I might well be in the minority.

As for the rest of your portfolio, I found several images that I really liked quite a bit. So, it's not a question of whether you have talent, because you do. I'm just not so attracted to those two images.

take care,

I wasn't questioning the images, j8ust the need for people to view them 50 times,


Dec 18 05 06:47 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

aguynamededdy wrote:
Are comments really that important? Is a "I love this shot, or "keep up the good work" going to do anything more than what the work itself is supposed to say? What matters the most is the quality of the work not how many people comment on it. And btw, if you want your work commented on, there's a critique section for that.

The theory is, if you get hundreds of page views without any comments at all, it is quite likely an indication that a particular image isn't beneficial to your portfolio, and is quite possibly a detriment to your portfolio. If after hundreds of views, it can't motivate anyone to say anything at all, do you expect it to help "sell" you as a model, photographer, etc and help advance your career?

Of course, I'm assuming that everyone is concerned with optimizing the impact of their portfolio. If you don't care about your portfolio's ability to interest and motivate people, then I suppose page views and comments don't matter at all.

take care,

Dec 18 05 08:37 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Star wrote:
I wasn't questioning the images, j8ust the need for people to view them 50 times,


I think the 50 views are an indication of people's curiosity. I suspect that a lot of people don't try to accurately judge an image based on its thumbnail, but want to see the full-sized version before deciding what they think of the image.

I think the lack of comments after 50 views, is possibly an indication that upon satisfying their curiosity, they didn't feel quite as impressed with those images as some of your other images. I could easily be wrong, but that would be my first guess.

take care,

Dec 18 05 08:44 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

The theory is, if you get hundreds of page views without any comments at all, it is quite likely an indication that a particular image isn't beneficial to your portfolio, and is quite possibly a detriment to your portfolio. If after hundreds of views, it can't motivate anyone to say anything at all, do you expect it to help "sell" you as a model, photographer, etc and help advance your career?

the only thing that sells you is the quality of your work and your efforts in marketing that work, not a bunch of comments or page views. also, having a bunch of worthless comments (as in "another great shot", 'excellent", "i love it", etc... doesn't exactly sell your work.

Of course, I'm assuming that everyone is concerned with optimizing the impact of their portfolio. If you don't care about your portfolio's ability to interest and motivate people, then I suppose page views and comments don't matter at all.

again, that's what the critique section is for. so you can post your work and get constructive criticism on your images. constructive criticism to me is far more beneficial than a boatload of useless comments and hundreds of page views.

Dec 18 05 09:47 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

aguynamededdy wrote:
the only thing that sells you is the quality of your work and your efforts in marketing that work, not a bunch of comments or page views. also, having a bunch of worthless comments (as in "another great shot", 'excellent", "i love it", etc... doesn't exactly sell your work.

Caring about the ratio of views to comments for a given image is part of the business of selling yourself. It's one way of judging how effectively you are marketing and advertising yourself to the audience here at Model Mayhem. If you don't care how the folks here at Model Mayhem regard your portfolio, then why would you even bother to post one?

aguynamededdy wrote:
again, that's what the critique section is for. so you can post your work and get constructive criticism on your images. constructive criticism to me is far more beneficial than a boatload of useless comments and hundreds of page views.

They aren't "useless" comments. Don't think of them as individual comments. Think of them statistically. They provide you with feedback on your marketing and advertising efforts here at Model Mayhem. They are indicators of how many people you are reaching, and what effect you are having on them. I repeat, the statistics of your page views and comments are a way of judging your effectiveness of reaching your target audience here at Model Mayhem. Your portfolio is part of your personal promotion, an advertisement, if you will. It's audience is people who browse Model Mayhem. Wanting to have some idea if you are effectively reaching your target audience, and looking for ways to optimize your effectiveness just makes good business sense.

take care,

Dec 18 05 10:50 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I get no views, but lots of comments...what does that mean?

Dec 18 05 10:54 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
I would rather have a photographer who loves my work take the time to email me about a job than leave a comment, wouldn't you?

I'm not worried about comments they are a false sence of security in my opinion.
I think I have left a few, but comments while giving us warm fuzzies don't pay the bills.

Exactly. Comments are all nice and well, but they don't really correlate to anything meaningful.

Krista Muller wrote:
I get no views, but lots of comments...what does that mean?

You broke MM!

Dec 18 05 10:57 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Krista Muller wrote:
I get no views, but lots of comments...what does that mean?

I checked your portfolio, and 15.5% of your image page views result in a comment. I didn't bother to read how many comments were positive, and how many were negative, but I think it's clear that you are having a significant impact on the people who view your images. My first impression, is that you're doing pretty well, efficiency wise. A lot of other portfolios don't have this sort of efficiency in motivating their audience.

take care,

Dec 18 05 11:24 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Caring about the ratio of views to comments for a given image is part of the business of selling yourself.

I disagree. When I look at a models' port, I don't read the comments. What do I care what someone else thinks of her images? I look at the images and try and get a sense of whether  the model has a look i'm interested in. Comments don't do me any good nor do the number of page views.

If you don't care how the folks here at Model Mayhem regard your portfolio, then why would you even bother to post one?

again, you're mistaking the fact that I don't care about comments/page views for not caring about my portfolio here on MM. the two are mutually exclusive. the fact that you equate comments/page views to how much someone cares about their portfolio is incomprehensible to me.

Don't think of them as individual comments. Think of them statistically. They provide you with feedback on your marketing and advertising efforts here at Model Mayhem. They are indicators of how many people you are reaching, and what effect you are having on them.

and you have statistcis and quantifiable data to back up this assumption? and for the record, anyone can bump up their page views by clicking over and over again on their own images. which can make statistics misleading.

I repeat, the statistics of your page views and comments are a way of judging your effectiveness of reaching your target audience here at Model Mayhem.

No, they're YOUR way of judging effectiveness. Considering that when I contact models I send them links to my actual web site, they seldom even see my stuff here on MM.

Dec 18 05 11:53 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Glen Berry wrote:
The theory is, if you get hundreds of page views without any comments at all, it is quite likely an indication that a particular image isn't beneficial to your portfolio, and is quite possibly a detriment to your portfolio.

Where can I read more on this theory?  The MM FAQ?

Perhaps you should spend more time reading them.  I'm sure you will be enlightened by all the "sexy," "you are so hot," and other meaningless snippets that comprise the majority.  In fact, I dare say that you would be hard pressed to find those that extended beyond a dozen or more words. 

Certainly there is great importance in what can be gleaned from such important imaging commentary and how that relates to the benefit of one's portfolio.  But I can't for the life of me figure out what that importance might be...

Dec 19 05 12:14 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

i totally agree I have some images that have been veiwed a 100 times but no comments. I gess ppl are just to damn lazy

Dec 19 05 12:16 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

aguynamededdy, our discussion has been orthogonal. In other words, we aren't discussing exactly the same things here. It's no wonder we don't sound like we are in agreement on anything.  wink

I still think you misunderstood a few of my comments, and I quite possibly might have misunderstood some nuance of one or more of your comments. I'll look at this thread again later, when I'm not so tired.  wink

take care,

Dec 19 05 12:20 am Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

welp, i actually like a couple comments left on my pics... good or bad... let me know if i'm atleast doing something right lol or what can i improve

Dec 19 05 12:23 am Link


Sarah Schaf

Posts: 243

Wyandotte, Michigan, US

I totally understand this!!!! I was actually just thinking this earlier today!! Glen, two great minds think alike-haha! I am guilty of part of it myself, by starting a thread on "my nips" so that got it about 250 views. But since (about 1 week), I have over 650 views! That' crazy-it's only a sheer shirt. Not to mention, someone on another website mentioned "nice rack", well thank you, but thats not what I want someone to comment on. It's very odd because it looks like my breasts are large, but they aren't at all! I can't believe that picture has that many views in that little amount of time. I've only been a member for like 3 weeks-c'mon! With 6 comments. 1 out of 100 people will comment, okay?! Like I said, it's my fault partially for the thread, but it disappeared in 2 days, so I guess maybe there's a lot of non-MM's that are viewing our work. That's my guess.

Dec 19 05 12:44 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
i totally agree I have some images that have been veiwed a 100 times but no comments. I gess ppl are just to damn lazy

Maybe some people don't think the image comments feature is the place to post "this image is so bad I had to look again," I'm just here to read the other comments" or "there is nothing of note about this picture after all."

Dec 19 05 12:48 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

theda wrote:

Maybe some people don't think the image comments feature is the place to post "this image is so bad I had to look again," I'm just here to read the other comments" or "there is nothing of note about this picture after all."

I thought there was something weird goin on there, so I enlarged it, but it didn't show what i hoped it did, so i didn't think I would have to comment on that.

Dec 19 05 12:53 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

It must be the Trouser Snake that gets me all the Hits!!



Dec 19 05 12:57 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Lapis wrote:
so I enlarged it, but it didn't show what i hoped it did,

Thats what she Said!!



Dec 19 05 12:59 am Link


Sarah Schaf

Posts: 243

Wyandotte, Michigan, US

Thanks for the comments on my new pics Glen! Greatly appreciated! By the way, I did my own hair and makeup in just 30 minutes! It was a last minute shoot, I had no time to shower, I was surprised myself when I finished.

Dec 19 05 01:20 am Link