Forums > General Industry > 500 Views And No Comments?!


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

Jose- JoseOnline wrote:
Yeah- I take it like:

losta views, few comments= eye catchy

lotsa views, lotsa comments= eye catchy and affects viewer (meaning affected viewer enough to actually feel compelled to comment)

Sounds about right to me.  What it really boils down to is this: lotsa views = "I want to see that image in a larger size."  Sometimes, I see all I need/want to see in the thumbnail.

As a viewer, have you ever found yourself automatically clicking on images with a high hit count (or high number of comments)?  If everyone else found it interesting maybe I will, too.  Hits and comments becomes a feedback loop of sorts.

Hell, I would be happy if ONE of my images broke 100 views.  What does a low hit count mean?  My work sucks?

Dec 19 05 01:47 am Link



Posts: 1078

New York, New York, US

"Quarter is neither given, nor is it asked for!!!"

The old pirate's line.  Truthfully, I think the whole idea of view counts, tags, friends, and comments is overrated.  It starts to become a popularity contest, a "feel-good" thing that means nothing in the end.  Eventually it becomes like a "if-you-say-something-nice-about-my-images-I'll-say-something-nice-about-yours" kind of thing with no real value.

I have posted images that have been published and never gotten a single nibble and seen other images of mine that weren't my strongest get more than their share of lovin'.

I see so many people fishing for comments, but then get their noses out of joint when you try to tell them the truth.  I think the view counts and comments (nice ones like "killer image" or "wow, what a hottie") are coveted like badges of honor.  Alot of people are reluctant to offer honest critiques when too many times they are put down as being harsh or non-constructive.  And what is the value of someone just blowing sunshine up your tail end??

I rarely ask for comments.  If the image is good and I know it, I don't need the reinforcement.  The check with my name on it is all the commenting I need.

Of course, I could be full of "you-know-what" wouldn't be the first time...

Dec 19 05 05:46 pm Link



Posts: 97

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I could care less how many comments I get, but who they come from is more important. If I get nice job! from another photog who rarely comments on anybody's work and that I admire or draw inspiration from, now thats when the comments matter. Comments from models with really bad pics is not a good thing and means nothing. So for me it's the quality of the comments over the quanity of comments


Dec 19 05 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I could care less how many comments I get, but who they come from is more important. If I get nice job! from another photog who rarely comments on anybody's work and that I admire or draw inspiration from, now thats when the comments matter. Comments from models with really bad pics is not a good thing and means nothing. So for me it's the quality of the comments over the quanity of comments


agree.  to a point, it's nice to get a comment from anyone, but from someone I admire is just SOOO  .....  (sorry no words.  but you know what I mean. It's like, Oh My God?  you noticed? "fans herself" "falls over")

Dec 19 05 09:03 pm Link


Eddy Torigoe

Posts: 478

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Truthfully, I think the whole idea of view counts, tags, friends, and comments is overrated.  It starts to become a popularity contest, a "feel-good" thing that means nothing in the end.  Eventually it becomes like a "if-you-say-something-nice-about-my-images-I'll-say-something-nice-about-yours" kind of thing with no real value.

well put.

Dec 19 05 10:29 pm Link


Geo Silva

Posts: 533

Whittier, California, US

The Art of CIP wrote:
A few hundred views is a pretty strong comment if you ask me...

That's a good point!

Dec 19 05 10:35 pm Link


Greg Rice

Posts: 550

Saint Peters, Missouri, US

The Art of CIP wrote:
A few hundred views is a pretty strong comment if you ask me...

I agree I almost never get comments but I get a decent amount of views I dont think its a bad thing

Dec 19 05 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 56

New York, New York, US

I get sad if I have a pic up with no comments, even if it has a lot of views. It just looks so lonely on the page sad

Dec 20 05 11:28 am Link