Forums > General Industry > model changed her mind //



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

BCG wrote:

with the demand for erotic damsel in distress images for their portfolios being so high, i am sure you can write off the tpf session(s) on your taxes as a charitable contribution to mankind.

It's nice to know that the work i do still upsets you.  Apparently I've still got the touch.

Dec 14 05 09:30 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Wow. Four pages about a woman who changed her mind?

Women may change their minds about anything at any time. That is a woman's prerogative. C'mon. This is a modeling site. Everyone should know that.

Dec 14 05 09:32 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

theda wrote:
No, it's no big deal to change your mind several day BEFORE the shoot, though.

I'll bear this in mind.  I'll definitely be adding this subject to my discussions with prospective collaborators in the future.  It's always nice to know what people may be thinking and what to watch out for.

Dec 14 05 09:32 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
This is the story of a new model being swept away by bad advice.  That really is the long and the short of it.

The thread really should have been about inexperienced managers misguiding models.

You're right...this is why I almost never work with inexperienced models.  Who needs the greif?

Dec 14 05 09:35 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Kevin Connery wrote:
The evening before the shoot, i get a call "to confirm the schedule", and she slipped in the phrase "This is a paid shoot, right?"--even though I'd made it clear in the original invitation and many other conversations that it wasn't--and she'd confirmed/accepted that.

I said no, it wasn't a paid shoot, and she cancelled based on that. I created a simple database of people not to deal with in the future, and put her name as the first entry, and moved on.

That's why I prefer to negotiate via e-mail -- there's an audit trail left behind.  If someone pulled the "This is a paid shoot, right?" game on me, I just forward the documented agreement back.

Dec 14 05 10:13 am Link


Mark - SydelineWorks

Posts: 422

Wexford, Pennsylvania, US

Hmmmmmmmm..................... I wonder if the various "Bait & Switch" laws apply?  Obviously she's offering a product/service............... and then changing to a more expensive service!?!?

Dec 14 05 10:24 am Link