Forums > General Industry > Models! Cancel your MySpace Accounts!


Seregon ODassey

Posts: 311

New York, New York, US

Hmmm...what happened to monitoring what our children do? If myspace didn't exist, the children and pervs would find another way to communicate. It must be nice to have a scapegoat...

Jan 20 07 10:56 am Link

Makeup Artist

Kimberly Pletz

Posts: 950

Los Angeles, California, US

How are they going to sue over BAD PARENING? because thats ALL it comes down to... Maybe if those parents of those assaulted children would inform their children & monitor them then maybe shit like that wouldn't happen....

Jan 20 07 11:02 am Link


Seregon ODassey

Posts: 311

New York, New York, US

No I didn't mean sue over bad parenting. Dear God half the country would be in prison. The more educated seem to have less children..(that's a joke people...). I meant that they can't put blame on one website or another. How someone raises a child is what matters. Teaching a little common sense. For example, weren't we all taught to not talk to strangers? Now we have to add "on the internet too, sweetie..." to that line of teaching. But I suppose shoving a kid in front of the tv and blaming violent movies, or "Satanic music" for the child's mean streak,  are the same...

Jan 20 07 11:10 am Link


Seregon ODassey

Posts: 311

New York, New York, US

Maycuplover wrote:
How are they going to sue over BAD PARENING? because thats ALL it comes down to... Maybe if those parents of those assaulted children would inform their children & monitor them then maybe shit like that wouldn't happen....

You are exactly right. If they monitored their children, they'd be safer. But not everyone has that kind of common sense. It's easier to blame someone else for their mistake(s). Now you and I have to suffer.

Jan 20 07 11:12 am Link


RGK Photography

Posts: 4695

Wilton, Connecticut, US

Seregon ODassey wrote:
The more educated seem to have less children..(that's a joke people...).

That's actually not a joke, but the truth

Jan 20 07 11:15 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
From MSNBC, Four families suing MySpace over assaults - Parents claim daughters were sexually abused by adults met on site.

The lawyers who filed the latest lawsuits said the plaintiffs include a 15-year-old girl from Texas who was lured to a meeting, drugged and assaulted in 2006 by an adult MySpace user, who is currently serving a 10-year sentence in Texas after pleading guilty to sexual assault.

Clearly, the risk here isn't creepy photographers, but creepy MySpace users! We've been obsessing over the wrong demographic, it seems.

Models, remember have an escort sitting with you whenever you log on to MySpace! Better yet, just delete your account.


Just in general ....
So if the perp was met on a beach, should we close the beach? Should no other minors go?
What about a park ... sue the city for having a park?

Jan 20 07 11:18 am Link


Baberham Lincoln

Posts: 5

Brooklyn, New York, US

Myspace is just an addiction people have for their egos.  "omg i got a new pic comment" or "omg i got a new message!!!!" wooopie.  i used to have it and i was the biggest myspace whore if u will.  (i guess thats what you call someone who is constantly on it lol).  then first i had a stalker who wouldnt leave me alone.  then i had plenty of people make fake myspaces of me, then i had people take my pictures that i didnt even have and make a fake facebook. 

pretty soon everyone and their mom will have a MM and someone will sue MM for meeting up with a photographer that didnt take good enough pics or something.  honestly the internet is a joke sometimes unless your always on the defense.

Jan 20 07 11:23 am Link


Carmen the MILF

Posts: 964

Sanford, North Carolina, US

Marcus Jones Photograph wrote:
STOP blaming the sites and blame who is commiting the crimes. Educate your daughters on how meeting strangers for dates is dangerous. Better yet if they are underage, dont give them internet.

In this day and age both my girls get straight A's in school because of the internet. YOU as a parent have to teach your child and watch what internet sites they use, and go to. They both have myspace accounts and have found friends that have moved away...for that its a good thing.

The creeps are going to wreck it for all the "Good" ones...they always do


Jan 20 07 11:26 am Link


Gabrielle Helms

Posts: 613

Phoenix, Arizona, US

JAY carreon wrote:

Hello Craig,

I am truly sad to hear this happen to your son.  Apparently, the legal system does not know the meaning of "good faith" - the people it comprises are only interested in the appearance of doing their jobs.  The government and its legal system has become a blind monolith that crushes people without mercy.

JAY carreon

I believe they should make you put in your driver's license number to sign up... not for everyone to see, but require it for an acct.

Jan 20 07 11:27 am Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

Erica Michele J wrote:
Myspace is just an addiction people have for their egos.  "omg i got a new pic comment" or "omg i got a new message!!!!" wooopie.  i used to have it and i was the biggest myspace whore if u will.  (i guess thats what you call someone who is constantly on it lol).  then first i had a stalker who wouldnt leave me alone.  then i had plenty of people make fake myspaces of me, then i had people take my pictures that i didnt even have and make a fake facebook. 

pretty soon everyone and their mom will have a MM and someone will sue MM for meeting up with a photographer that didnt take good enough pics or something.  honestly the internet is a joke sometimes unless your always on the defense.

Not everyone has an addictive personality.

Jan 20 07 11:32 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

That Look Photo wrote:

Well here on Model Mayhem everyone tells the truth about everything. LOL

hahah RIIIIIGHT that's it O.o How is myspace different? Seriously, is that a real question? considering the network is about 100x larger, entirely different media, and do you really think we can code up our profiles at all ? lol
I love MySpace, I love MM, but you can't compare apples to oranges.

Jan 20 07 11:35 am Link



Posts: 340

Brookfield, Illinois, US

Its so simple.. for those that hate or are afriad of myspace..delete your accounts right now. It is easy. It wasn't meant to be this big or part of pop culture anyway.

THEN.(as i rub my evil hands together..).. more pople will go to mine:

(evil laughter fades).. then.. end scene......

Jan 20 07 11:38 am Link


Sincere Hogan

Posts: 4

Houston, Texas, US

bang bang photo wrote:
Good points. And don't forget to stop sending your kids to church because they might get molested by a priest or minister. And school is out of the question because they might get molested by a teacher, coach, or janitor. And stay the hell away from malls, because we know they are a hotbed of gang activity and drugs.

Really, the only safe place is at home. Oh wait -- all that incest and child abuse. . .

I couldn't have put it any better.

Jan 20 07 11:40 am Link



Posts: 39

Charleston, Arkansas, US

All I can say is, "Ditto" Christopher, you said it all for me! And, you are right on the money honey!!

Jan 20 07 11:41 am Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

Corey Wellman wrote:

hahah RIIIIIGHT that's it O.o How is myspace different? Seriously, is that a real question? considering the network is about 100x larger, entirely different media, and do you really think we can code up our profiles at all ? lol
I love MySpace, I love MM, but you can't compare apples to oranges.

Well, the medium would be the internet.

However, they are both networking sites. Myspace being a broder social site, and MM being a bit more specific.

Jan 20 07 11:42 am Link


Christian Starr

Posts: 105

Barrington, Illinois, US

Paranoia, Paranoia - everybodies coming to get you -

Americans WAKE UP - stop letting the media run your lives - 4 people out of what 40 million?  Your chances of letting a creep or any other criminal harm you are just as great driving down the street, walking down the street, going to a mall, how many beautiful women get followed just driving around?  You people with your cancel your account someone met a bad person - The bad person would have found away to satisfy his desease whether it were on myspace, the internet in general or in public

You people should be smarter than to join the American Media Scare Tactics!  Read or Watch something educational!

Jan 20 07 11:43 am Link



Posts: 319

Miami, Florida, US

never mind.

Jan 20 07 11:44 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

This is why I only add people I know, people who are not minors, and remove automatically anyone who spams me, as well as reporting any inappropriate messages as spam or abuse. I am happy to say that I don't get any creepy messages anymore, and that I have met and communicated with many people on that site. However, I use that site primarily for networking and keeping in touch with friends and acquaintences. I do not add people indiscriminately, and if they get out of line, they are blocked and removed from my friends list. Simple as that. Same thing with my profiles here....Of course, Lapis is a bit intimidating (or at least that is what I have been told) and as a moderator on this port it is pure idiocy to attempt to attack me here. Most people that I add on myspace already know who I am, so, I don't get creepy people or messages. It is just sad and amusing at the same time how younger people going into modeling do not know how to protect themselves most of the time. The internet is all about sifting the wheat from the chaf, and by doing that, I have met amazing people here, on omp, and at myspace.

Jan 20 07 11:47 am Link



Posts: 242

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Its not myspace.
I'm "underage", and I have a myspace account. However, I have ALWAYS been taught that you don't EVER agree to meet up with somebody you met online, no matter how well you think you know them. I have always stuck by this, and it keeps me safe - why can't those other girls just do the same?
They need to be better educated rather than delete their myspace account.

Jan 20 07 02:09 pm Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US

Please when I was15 in was CB radio...there will always be a way. My 13 year old niece is on MYS and she is educated as not to go meet strangers and there are wackos out there. She's been fine .
And by the way, I am POSITIVE this poop happens on this site and other modeling sites. There are wackos EVERYWHERE.
Being on MYS doesn't make you any less legit. Sony knows so!

Jan 20 07 02:13 pm Link