Forums > General Industry > Models! Cancel your MySpace Accounts!



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

From MSNBC, Four families suing MySpace over assaults - Parents claim daughters were sexually abused by adults met on site.

The lawyers who filed the latest lawsuits said the plaintiffs include a 15-year-old girl from Texas who was lured to a meeting, drugged and assaulted in 2006 by an adult MySpace user, who is currently serving a 10-year sentence in Texas after pleading guilty to sexual assault.

Clearly, the risk here isn't creepy photographers, but creepy MySpace users! We've been obsessing over the wrong demographic, it seems.

Models, remember have an escort sitting with you whenever you log on to MySpace! Better yet, just delete your account.


Jan 18 07 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
We've been obsessing over the wrong demographic, it seems.

Ain't that the truth. lol smile

I don't like myspace, but I'm on it to stay in touch with friends. I won't reply to any messages from random idiots and won't add anyone I haven't met in person already, so it's not a problem for me. My little headline thing even says "I'm not here to meet guys or hear your crappy band".

Now if a girl messages me... different story. It's too bad that doesn't happen much.

Jan 18 07 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Geez, how long have we had creepy people on the internet??

When will these young girls learn?

Jan 18 07 01:33 pm Link


Marcus Jones Glamour

Posts: 54

Houston, Texas, US

STOP blaming the sites and blame who is commiting the crimes. Educate your daughters on how meeting strangers for dates is dangerous. Better yet if they are underage, dont give them internet.

Jan 18 07 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I should point out that I had a MySpace account until about two months ago. I had over 3000 "friends" and it got me a lot of exposure when I needed it. But now that I'm concentrating on more artistic publications, and find I don't need it, I canned the account.


Because of this very reason! I don't know how many times I was accused of being a fake, having stolen the pictures in my gallery, and being there just to pick up young girls.

No, thank you. I don't need that kind of noise. You won't find me on MySpace.

Jan 18 07 01:37 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Lora wrote:
When will these young girls learn?

When they get older! wink

Jan 18 07 01:37 pm Link



Posts: 34

Los Angeles, California, US

I completely agree. Asking models to delete their myspace accounts is like fucking for virginity.

Jan 18 07 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

i've heard about girls getting abducted at the grocery store, or right off the street.  make sure to avoid those places as well!

Jan 18 07 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Someone's daughter died in a car accident while driving their brand new Toyota 4Runner... Let's sue Toyota for selling her the car.
An decorated x-marine buys a new gun from a local gun store. Two years laters gets drunk and depressed and kills himself because his wife cheated on him. The family sues the gun store for selling him the gun and sues the church that married him to an unfaithful wife.
Model get's raped by a photographer that she met on The family sues ModelMayhem for allowing her to meet this so called "photographer".
Fucking idiots. Accept the reasponsibility for what you do.
How about the parents sue themselves for poor parenting, or sue the daughter herself for her own actions... Well hell, then we wouldn't have any news right?

Jan 18 07 01:39 pm Link


Elle Chanel

Posts: 560

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Marcus Jones Photograph wrote:
STOP blaming the sites and blame who is commiting the crimes. Educate your daughters on how meeting strangers for dates is dangerous. Better yet if they are underage, dont give them internet.

couldn't have said it better.

Jan 18 07 01:39 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

Thank god my space didn't become big until I was 18.

Prior to turning 18, my dad parental-controlled my internet from when I first got on the computer at the age of 10 to when I was beginning college. He was sooo strict with me.

I probably would've missed out on my space if it came out when I was younger.

Then again, I also remember in the beginning my space didn't let young people on there. I think their original cut off was 16 or something? Now it's not.

Jan 18 07 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Marcus Jones Photograph wrote:
STOP blaming the sites and blame who is commiting the crimes. Educate your daughters on how meeting strangers for dates is dangerous. Better yet if they are underage, dont give them internet.

The problem with this position is that it flies in the face of established precedent. If, as in this case, one can make an argument for negligence, it is, indeed, appropriate to blame the venue.

In this case, MySpace has been aware of the problem and has chosen not to act, or has acted in a "too little too late" fashion.

Look up the legal concept of an "attractive nuisance," you might find it eye-opening.

Jan 18 07 01:40 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
Models, remember have an escort sitting with you whenever you log on to MySpace! Better yet, just delete your account.

unsure whether you're being serious or simply sarcastic; so hard to tell over the 'Net ...

... but what about the photographers who use such social-networking sites? and the other [legit?] businesses also there? you make it sound (imply?) that models, for one, are collectively unable to scrutinize with whom & how they network. there are a gazillion different threads right here on MM about the dorky stuff GWCs will tell them; we might think a good number - (maybe not the majority, but a good number) - have learned something about how to conduct themselves so far.

granted, for minors it's a different matter ... but to just throw out "delete your account" simply comes across as hasty.

safe! be safe models! and photographers too! safe!

~ F

Jan 18 07 01:40 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
I should point out that I had a MySpace account until about two months ago. I had over 3000 "friends" and it got me a lot of exposure when I needed it. But now that I'm concentrating on more artistic publications, and find I don't need it, I canned the account.


Because of this very reason! I don't know how many times I was accused of being a fake, having stolen the pictures in my gallery, and being there just to pick up young girls.

No, thank you. I don't need that kind of noise. You won't find me on MySpace.

Would you like me to get you a tissue?

Jan 18 07 01:41 pm Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

I think that it's ridiculous to blame myspace for stuff like this.I've been on myspace since I was 15 and I never ever thought about meeting people I didn't know.I think these people shopuld blame the stupid girls who put themselves in the situation.I mean ofcourse it's wrong on the guys part but there wouldn't be so many of these attacks if young girls would just wise up.I was taught that you aren't supposed to meet people you met online and yet sometimes it seems like I'm the only one.

Jan 18 07 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Frank M. Lopez wrote:
unsure whether you're being serious or simply sarcastic; so hard to tell over the 'Net ...

Oh, tongue planted quite firmly in cheek.

Jan 18 07 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
Would you like me to get you a tissue?

A beer would be better, since you're offering...

Jan 18 07 01:42 pm Link


Craig Seay

Posts: 8606

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Several years ago my then 21 year old son was arrested as he learned the girl he was dating from MySpace was not 18 as her profile said but was indeed a minor. My wife and I had met his girlfriend and she certainly carried herself like she was old enough to date our son so we never gave it a second thought. He's now serving 5 years felony probation. Young girls on MySpace lying about their ages so they can date older boys and men aren't the only victims here. Children should be banned from membership on MySpace.

Jan 18 07 01:48 pm Link


Pasha M

Posts: 948

Atlanta, Georgia, US

e-string wrote:

Ain't that the truth. lol smile

Now if a girl messages me... different story. It's too bad that doesn't happen much.

check your myspace messages.  lol

wait...I would need to know what you page is to message you, huh?  lol

Jan 18 07 01:51 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

Marcus Jones Photograph wrote:
STOP blaming the sites and blame who is commiting the crimes. Educate your daughters on how meeting strangers for dates is dangerous. Better yet if they are underage, dont give them internet.

ka PoW


Jan 18 07 01:52 pm Link


Pasha M

Posts: 948

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It is not myspaces fault that children lie about their age and adults lie about their age.  This problem has been with us for some time.  AOL messenger used to be the big topic for adults preying on minors.  All over the internet this is happening.  Parents need to monitor their children and watch what they are doing online.  There are plenty or programs out their that will show the parents everything their child is doing online without the child ever knowing they were being monitored.

Good parenting is the key.

Jan 18 07 01:54 pm Link


Erica McKenna

Posts: 126

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
Models, remember have an escort sitting with you whenever you log on to MySpace!

LOL.. I ALWAYS have my escort with me.. actually i've just hired him as a full time body guard to protect me from identity theft, myspace predators, rapists, serial killers, and the scariest of them all - the government.

Jan 18 07 01:57 pm Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Good points. And don't forget to stop sending your kids to church because they might get molested by a priest or minister. And school is out of the question because they might get molested by a teacher, coach, or janitor. And stay the hell away from malls, because we know they are a hotbed of gang activity and drugs.

Really, the only safe place is at home. Oh wait -- all that incest and child abuse. . .

Corey Wellman wrote:
Someone's daughter died in a car accident while driving their brand new Toyota 4Runner... Let's sue Toyota for selling her the car.
An decorated x-marine buys a new gun from a local gun store. Two years laters gets drunk and depressed and kills himself because his wife cheated on him. The family sues the gun store for selling him the gun and sues the church that married him to an unfaithful wife.
Model get's raped by a photographer that she met on The family sues ModelMayhem for allowing her to meet this so called "photographer".
Fucking idiots. Accept the reasponsibility for what you do.
How about the parents sue themselves for poor parenting, or sue the daughter herself for her own actions... Well hell, then we wouldn't have any news right?

Jan 18 07 01:59 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

bang bang photo wrote:
Good points. And don't forget to stop sending your kids to church because they might get molested by a priest or minister. And school is out of the question because they might get molested by a teacher, coach, or janitor. And stay the hell away from malls, because we know they are a hotbed of gang activity and drugs.

Really, the only safe place is at home. Oh wait -- all that incest and child abuse. . .

looks like we're all screwed lol

Jan 18 07 02:04 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
From MSNBC, Four families suing MySpace over assaults - Parents claim daughters were sexually abused by adults met on site.

The lawyers who filed the latest lawsuits said the plaintiffs include a 15-year-old girl from Texas who was lured to a meeting, drugged and assaulted in 2006 by an adult MySpace user, who is currently serving a 10-year sentence in Texas after pleading guilty to sexual assault.

Clearly, the risk here isn't creepy photographers, but creepy MySpace users! We've been obsessing over the wrong demographic, it seems.

Models, remember have an escort sitting with you whenever you log on to MySpace! Better yet, just delete your account.


MySpace should counter sue the parents for abdicating their parental responsibilities in keeping track of their own children.

Jan 18 07 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 95

Clearwater, Florida, US

I definitely have to agree with those saying the responsibility is with the parent to educate thier children as with anything.  There are predators everywhere.  Myspace alowing younger people was surely a way to try to combat the kids that were lying about thier age to qualify.  No system is ever perfect.  There will always be scary people out there searching for victims to prey on.  No matter where you are it lies with you to take steps to ensure you are not victimized.

Jan 18 07 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

A beer would be better, since you're offering...

Jan 18 07 02:06 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Craig Seay wrote:
Several years ago my then 21 year old son was arrested as he learned the girl he was dating from MySpace was not 18 as her profile said but was indeed a minor. My wife and I had met his girlfriend and she certainly carried herself like she was old enough to date our son so we never gave it a second thought. He's now serving 5 years felony probation. Young girls on MySpace lying about their ages so they can date older boys and men aren't the only victims here. Children should be banned from membership on MySpace.

I remember this coming up a while back and I still stand by my previous opinion.  Your son could have done many things to protect himself.  First off, he should have gotten to know her a LOT better before having sex.  I dunno, maybe like...oh...oh...look at her drivers license?  Find out what school they go to?  What kind of job they have?

Is your son a victim?  Yeah, that girl certainly set him up.  And that sucks. He started thinkin' with the wrong head.

Jan 18 07 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 796

Christopher Bush wrote:
i've heard about girls getting abducted at the grocery store, or right off the street.  make sure to avoid those places as well!

So everyone cancel your MySpace account, get rid of your computer, and never go outside ever again...

Jan 18 07 02:13 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:
MySpace should counter sue the parents for abdicating their parental responsibilities in keeping track of their own children.

Which law, exactly, lets a private corporation sue on those grounds? :-)

Jan 18 07 02:14 pm Link


MJ McGuire

Posts: 79

New York, New York, US

How is MySpace any different from Model Mayhem in this respect?

Jan 18 07 02:14 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Corey Wellman wrote:

That's not beer. You insult me, sir!

Jan 18 07 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

MJ McGuire wrote:
How is MySpace any different from Model Mayhem in this respect?

Bingo! We Have A Winner! ... and before the 2nd page, no less!

Jan 18 07 02:15 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Every once-new area where young people hang out - malt shops, pool halls, dance halls, etc., etc. - has been seen as a danger to our youth.  And such places CAN BE dangerous.  Parents just need to instill in children some basic rules about being suspicious of strangers, staying with the other kids, not getting into cars, etc., etc.  Those are tried-and-true rules and they work in the internet age as well as they ever did.  If you shouldn't go somewhere with a stranger that you met in RL, then you shouldn't go there with a stranger you met online.

Jan 18 07 02:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Susan Verdugo

Posts: 904

Los Angeles, California, US

cancel it because it's TIRED.

Jan 18 07 02:18 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

My Space, like really fast cars, extremely fast motorcycles, and other dangerous toys, are simply a tool used by Mother Nature to separate some of the idiots from the rest of society.  Don't mess with Mother Nature.

Jan 18 07 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 340

Brookfield, Illinois, US

don't blame is only making pages for what is out there.
Blame society and all the stupid people in it. To the what the hell your kids are doing..
To the people that hurt kids.. we just need to start hanging them or cutting off a limb.

Jan 18 07 02:22 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

Which law, exactly, lets a private corporation sue on those grounds? :-)

Probably none, but if our court system is going to allow people to sue other people for not watching their kids, then we need a way to sue parents for not watching their kids.

Jan 18 07 02:23 pm Link



Posts: 1636

Salisbury, Maryland, US

Craig Seay wrote:
Several years ago my then 21 year old son was arrested as he learned the girl he was dating from MySpace was not 18 as her profile said but was indeed a minor. My wife and I had met his girlfriend and she certainly carried herself like she was old enough to date our son so we never gave it a second thought. He's now serving 5 years felony probation. Young girls on MySpace lying about their ages so they can date older boys and men aren't the only victims here. Children should be banned from membership on MySpace.

THAT situation sucks, but the same thing can happen meeting someone in starbucks. Ronald Reagan said it best, "trust but verify".

Jan 18 07 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I put up a MySpace profile, and within a day had creepy messages from creepy dudes wanting to be my friend.  I haven't logged in for a long time.  Just gives me a weird vibe.

I will say, though, that it is NOT the website's fault that people are acting irresponsibly.  It's the PEOPLE'S fault. 

And, Craig, I'm terribly sorry to hear that such an unfortunate thing happened to your son.  That girl should be punished for falsifying her identity.

Jan 18 07 02:39 pm Link