Forums > General Industry > Models who have obviously broken scales.....



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

dee740 wrote:
Yep, I'm guilty, but I figure, you know by looking at me I'm clearly not 100 pounds. I'm full figured/plus size whatever so you know better no matter if I put 10 pounds or not.It's really more  tongue in cheek than anything with me. It's like if I had Caucasian in the race slot.

So you don't mind that it annoys photographers who are needing a particular size/look for a client and use the search feature here?

If I have a client that wants someone 100 to 130 pounds, your profile might come up. How is that considerate?

Jan 10 07 07:09 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

(evil post-eating new page fodder)

Jan 10 07 07:14 pm Link


Jessy Leigh

Posts: 27

Tyrone, Georgia, US

I wouldn't say I lie, but I've been and try to maintain 110 lbs. But, I'll admit I have eating disorders that through my weight up a lil bit, maybe by 5 lbs... and it changes fast with me. So, everytime I go through a binge should I change it and add on the 5 extra lbs? They should have set up it a range... 110-115... weights never stay exact all the time.

Jan 10 07 07:18 pm Link


Sarah Hunter

Posts: 1463

Los Angeles, California, US

RED Photographic wrote:
Muscle wieghs more than fat, a well-known fact.  So, logically, something must weigh less than fat.  I suggest that the lightweight plus-sized models must have been injected with helium.


Jan 11 07 01:29 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

OK, I admit it

It's not 104. It's 105

Jan 11 07 01:32 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Jessy Leigh wrote:
I wouldn't say I lie, but I've been and try to maintain 110 lbs. But, I'll admit I have eating disorders that through my weight up a lil bit, maybe by 5 lbs... and it changes fast with me. So, everytime I go through a binge should I change it and add on the 5 extra lbs? They should have set up it a range... 110-115... weights never stay exact all the time.


Jan 11 07 01:39 am Link


Paxton Rylie

Posts: 89

Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

yah when i posted my weight, I was thinking.. ok.. well chances of me doing nudes is highly possible, as I love nude art, not because its nakedness (granted nakedness is good), but I find nude art to have more raw emotion in it, and I love it.. (this might just be me who thinks this)... and well if I say i'm 145lbs and I go to do a nude shoot, when i'm all naked the photog will most likely notice i'm not 145lbs... I'm hitting the gym like a maniac, hoping to be 155lbs before summer...

Another point...

two people of the exact same height and exact same weight can look completely different... it depends where they carry their weight!

Jan 11 07 03:05 am Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

Paxton Rylie wrote:

oh you mean the plus size model who is only 115lbs?

See, that's not even true. It's not usually the plus sized models who are misrepresenting themselves, it's the straight sized girls. Plus sized models tend to come to terms with their size, embrace it and keep working. It's the girls who fighting to be a size 0 who have the trouble.

Jan 11 07 03:19 am Link


Paxton Rylie

Posts: 89

Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

Sara Beth wrote:

See, that's not even true. It's not usually the plus sized models who are misrepresenting themselves, it's the straight sized girls. Plus sized models tend to come to terms with their size, embrace it and keep working. It's the girls who fighting to be a size 0 who have the trouble.

Yes but there are also some plus sized models who still aren't comfortable in their own skin.. me myself less than a year ago weighed 225lbs!!  and I was soooo uncomfortable in my own skin it was disgusting and I had been heavy since I was like 10 now that I'm down to usually anywhere between 175-180, and even now I know I need some work, but I'm comfortable enough that so what if i'm a size 12 - 14... I can still be sexy and beautiful... In my opinion girls who are a size 0 especially when over like 5'5" are TOOOOO skinny.. my cousin is a 00 but she's only 5'0 so it works for her.

Jan 11 07 03:24 am Link


Kellie Taylor

Posts: 161

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Jami Lea wrote:
how bout us high metabolism kids whose weight fluctuates 5lb loss and 3 months later, 5lb gain, 3 months later, 5lb loss? lol i'm not kidding, im weird

HAHA hunni thats not wierd.  my weight changes that much in two days, no lie.  i guess it is a high metabolism thing.  so i just keep my listed weight an average.
but i was just thinking about this topic yesterday.  there's so many girls that can't possibly have those measurements/weight.  this is modeling, isn't that illegal to lie about? lol
if your truely embarassed of your weight, aren't your photos saying more about your body, than a silly number?

Jan 11 07 03:31 am Link


Paxton Rylie

Posts: 89

Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

Kellie Taylor wrote:
if your truely embarassed of your weight, aren't your photos saying more about your body, than a silly number?

to add further on to this, if you're that embarassed, why do modelling?  Weight/Measurements seem to go hand in hand with modelling!

Jan 11 07 03:33 am Link


Kellie Taylor

Posts: 161

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

In my opinion girls who are a size 0 especially when over like 5'5" are TOOOOO skinny.. my cousin is a 00 but she's only 5'0 so it works for her.

Paxton i respect your opinion, and i am not a size 0.  but this whole "tooo skinny" thing on a MODELS website is really getting annoying.  respect everyones size just as you want to be respected smile
would you say someone is TOOOOO fat?

Jan 11 07 03:36 am Link


Paxton Rylie

Posts: 89

Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

Kellie Taylor wrote:

Paxton i respect your opinion, and i am not a size 0.  but this whole "tooo skinny" thing on a MODELS website is really getting annoying.  respect everyones size just as you want to be respected smile
would you say someone is TOOOOO fat?

no, and i would never tell someone they are too skinny to their face, but it is my opinion. there is a difference between too skinny and looking healthy, and too skinny and looking like a skeleton

Jan 11 07 03:45 am Link


Paxton Rylie

Posts: 89

Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

in other news, I found my tape measure, so assuming I took my measurements right.. 38-33-45...

Damn my ass!

Jan 11 07 03:51 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

okay look... lets make this really simple.

Models you are offering your body as a commodity to be photographed. Since you are advertising said body, ethics would mandate that you make truthful statements about said product.

A vw bug could not advertise itself as a tahoe. A hummer could not advertise itself as a compact vehicle. You cannot put that you are 110 lbs just because you want to be 110 lbs. You don't put thaqt you have blue eyes when you have brown just because you wish you had blue eyes do you???? You don't put down that you have long hair just because you wish you has long hair...... Why not? Because it isn't true, it's misrepresentational; and it's wrong.

It would be like me hiring a model to do a fashion shoot, and when she gets to the studio I tell her that we're doing nudes... Then trying to excuse myself for lying to her by saying.... well I put fashion in the casting call because I knew it would get more of a response. That is what you're doing when you are misrepresenting yourself on this site.

This is not play time for some of us here; a few of us are serious about our work. If you want to be taken seriously as a model, then forget all the feel good hogie pogie shit and be honest with what you are.

BTW I will not have some of you make it sound as though I am downing larger models. I have shot with quite a few larger models, and there are quite a few I would love to shoot. This isn't about big models versus small models, this is about honesty versus blatant disregard for everyone but yourself.

To the male model who said he'd rather shoot with a fluffy model who lies than a crabby hard body....  A person who is dishonest about a small think like their wieght is displaying a larger character flaw... an inability to deal honestly with others. Thus such a person would be less likely to even show up for a shoot.

Jan 11 07 07:04 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm honest about my weight...most of my weight is in my;-P

Jan 11 07 08:38 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

I love you susi. I have to shoot you.

Jan 11 07 09:17 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

ravens laughter wrote:
I love you susi. I have to shoot you.

I love you too Ravens.  2007, I'll definitely get to SoCal and you are definitely at the top of my list.  Thanks for being a sweetie:-)

Jan 11 07 09:31 am Link



Posts: 4039

Chicago, Illinois, US

Lamonica wrote:


That's like telling a schizo to just stop being schizo. Jesus.

Jan 11 07 09:34 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Ya lamo that was a bit insensative...
Come here you need a spanking.

Jan 11 07 10:19 am Link


R A Woodward

Posts: 548

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I've had it happen more than once where a model showed up 10-30 lbs. heavier than her photos and\or profile indicated.  It's a disappointment for sure...and when you are paying a model it can make you very angry.  If it's tfp, I don't mind, but if I'm paying a model from now on I'll be sending models home if I catch them lying like that.  It sounds mean, but it's not cool when you hire a model for a nude\erotica shoot and expect her to be 100lbs and she shows up as 150lbs.  In the instance where that happened to me, 98% of the photos could not be used. The ones that I was able to use, I had to spend HOURS photoshopping. I have and will continue to shoot plus sized models nude, but only when that is the look I want and need.  When I *need* a skinny model and pay for one that's what I expect to get. That being said, I have gotten some really good shots where the model has turned up heavier than expected.  It's win some loose some tongue

Jan 11 07 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

azcra woodward wrote:
It sounds mean, but it's not cool when you hire a model for a nude\erotica shoot and expect her to be 100lbs and she shows up as 150lbs.

Oh come on, you know you can tell a staggering difference of fifty pounds from looking at photos! lol tongue
Fifty pounds is a lot of weight to gain in a little amount of time...maybe you should ask for recent photos, or pay attention to when the photos were uploaded on their port if they're from MM.  Not that it really makes much of a difference since some people upload old photos, but it could help.

Jan 11 07 02:40 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

seems to only happen with internet models.
course, I've always known not to ask a woman her age or her weight...
if I'm payin and she shows up not as represented, I'm afraid they don't get past the lobby...unless she looks even better! And I've had that happen.
Haven't we all?
Oh, and I'm 5'10.75" and 218.... and 65. (old age sucks)

Jan 11 07 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 107

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Well here's a bit of a new twist to ask the photographers out there.... do you search by the weight a lot?  If I keep my honest weight of 135 on my profile (sometimes I'm even 140) - Does that keep me from getting jobs because I don't make the 125 lb (or wherever) cutoff?   

And about that whole muscle-is-damn-heavy notion...oh how true it is.  I'd hope photographers seeking fitness models don't search by weight!

Jan 11 07 02:58 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Paxton Rylie wrote:

no, and i would never tell someone they are too skinny to their face, but it is my opinion. there is a difference between too skinny and looking healthy, and too skinny and looking like a skeleton

Yeah, but if I were to say girls who are 5'5" and over 130 are toooooo fat, you would throw a hissy fit. Please, think about what you say before you say it. "Skinny" people have feelings too.

Jan 11 07 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Alexis Silsbe wrote:

That's like telling a schizo to just stop being schizo. Jesus.

No it's not... she openly admits to having an eating disorder than complains about her fluctuating weight... it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Instead of posting in the forums maybe she should go and get some help instead of advertising it.

Jan 11 07 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

I weight 105- and I don't look like it. I think I look a little bit heavier, but thats what the scales at my house and the ones at the doctors say...

Jan 11 07 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 314

Cookeville, Tennessee, US

ravens laughter wrote:
I have a question....

models, do you think that your posting that you're 105 lbs when you are obviously not will get you jobs? Do you think that photographers will look past the obvious and hire you?

Photographers.... I know that you see these portfolios. Would you hire a model who lies about her weight?

MM Mods... why allow profiles to exist when they are misrepresenting themselves?

AMEN to that! it urks me so much to see that. it's not fair to the rest of us who are real serious about modeling and don't want to lie on our statistics. *huff*

Jan 11 07 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 314

Cookeville, Tennessee, US

ravens laughter wrote:
I have a question....

models, do you think that your posting that you're 105 lbs when you are obviously not will get you jobs? Do you think that photographers will look past the obvious and hire you?

Photographers.... I know that you see these portfolios. Would you hire a model who lies about her weight?

MM Mods... why allow profiles to exist when they are misrepresenting themselves?

AMEN to that! it urks me so much to see that. it's not fair to the rest of us who are real serious about modeling and don't want to lie on our statistics. *huff*

Jan 11 07 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 314

Cookeville, Tennessee, US

ShaunaLea wrote:

AMEN to that! it urks me so much to see that. it's not fair to the rest of us who are real serious about modeling and don't want to lie on our statistics. *huff*


Jan 11 07 03:22 pm Link


Michelle Renee

Posts: 1073

Los Angeles, California, US

Sara Beth wrote:

See, that's not even true. It's not usually the plus sized models who are misrepresenting themselves, it's the straight sized girls. Plus sized models tend to come to terms with their size, embrace it and keep working. It's the girls who fighting to be a size 0 who have the trouble.

I am a plus model, and my weight fluctuates 10 lbs. in either direction pretty easily, though I have to try and stay pretty much the same size as I do alot of fit work, I put 190 though I may be anything from 180 to 200 at any given time. (I am 192 today, I know because was just at the doctor!) I think having accurate measurements is generally more important than actual weight in reality anyway. Weight can be very misleading. When someone reads I weigh 190, that is alot, but I am a bit over 5'9" and my thighs are only 21.5", which is pretty small for a plus model.

I do kind of agree with Sara Beth when she says that plus models are pretty confident with their size and shape and therefore fairly honest about themselves. What good is misrepresentation anyway? I would feel ridiculous if I said i was a size 10 and tried to submit for a casting. I think people who are serious will be more truthful or it will only hurt them in the end.

Jan 11 07 03:25 pm Link


Wendy McCracken

Posts: 490

Osgood, Indiana, US

Weight can be overrated. I went to the doctor today, and their scale said I weigh 140 lbs. I have told a few of my friends that, and they don't believe the scale is right. They agree I don't look like I wiegh 140 lbs., so they are convinced the doctor's scale is wrong. My scale at home reads between 120 and 130 lbs., depending on the time of the month.

Jan 11 07 04:12 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

I would think that measurements matter more.I see girls that weigh about 150lbs or more and they look WAY thinner than I do.I think everyone carries their weight and measurements differently.About delusional Plus models..I saw a girls profile last night that ..lets just say you cant see her waist line, but she had she has a 25 inch waist and 35 inch hips.That's obviously not possible.At least I dont see how.

Jan 11 07 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

alright, I seem to think some are not seeing the forest for the trees.... The point here isn't simply about weight, it is about honesty and accurately representing yourself to prospective employeers.

Jan 11 07 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

ravens laughter wrote:
alright, I seem to think some are not seeing the forest for the trees.... The point here isn't simply about weight, it is about honesty and accurately representing yourself to prospective employeers.

I feel you Raven... I feel you. wink

ps: I'm writing you a pretty good pm... I have this awesome idea for a shoot.... actually, it was Mia Salem's idea, but I have all the schematics in my head.... big_smile

Jan 11 07 10:01 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

as long as you're naked... thats all that matters....


Jan 11 07 10:13 pm Link


A l e x i a

Posts: 77

New York, New York, US

I am actually 105, but always put 110 -- because i look like 110 (I am not muscle type -- never in the habit of going to gym regularly -- so my flesh weights less than it looks like).  Plus, photographers usually tell me i look skinner in person than in the pictures (maybe pale skin tone or whatever...).  Anyways, I would say, we should all date our pictures, then there will be less disappointment (you can retouch a 30 year old to look like 25, but it's unlikely that you can retouch a 150 lb to look like a 105 lb).

Jan 11 07 10:33 pm Link


Ekaterina Hristova

Posts: 42

Atlanta, Georgia, US


Jan 11 07 11:36 pm Link


Ekaterina Hristova

Posts: 42

Atlanta, Georgia, US

i'm overweight right now ,so i'll keep my mouth shut....

Jan 11 07 11:38 pm Link



Posts: 65

Smyrna, Georgia, US

I am 6"0'. And the lowest I've been is 138 lbs. And it was size 4. I has never been size 0, like some tall girls claim they are. I am a plus size now (size 10). But when I tell people my weight (170) they don't think it's true. And if I gain few lbs. it's not that obvious, but on a girl that is only 5" 0' few lbs would look like she gained a tonn.
I think it all depends on proportion more then anything else.
And 2 girls will post the same 36-24-36, but will be different hight and will look absolutely different too.

Jan 15 07 08:19 pm Link