Forums > General Industry > Amateur models who ask $$$ per hour.


Nelly Do

Posts: 122

Davis, California, US

i absolutely agree with you! i would never charge you to shoot any of my photo shots, considering that i am new to it. i love your pictures by the way.

Jan 04 07 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

There's a very old joke:

The old neighbor walks up to the kid's lemonade stand and looks at the sign saying, "Lemonde, $100 a glass."

The neighbor tells the kid, "You won't sell many glasses of lemonade at $100 a glass."

The kid looks at him like he's a fool.  "I only have to sell ONE!"

I suspect there is a bit of that kind of thought at work.

Jan 04 07 09:48 pm Link


The Dave

Posts: 8848

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

They can ask, does not mean they will get it.

When you sell your car, do you start with a higher asking price so you can be chewed down some?

Jan 04 07 09:48 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

NC17 wrote:
They rarely know a photograph from a snapshot, and even GWC's have better images than their camera phone "pix" that currently fill their port.

Oh, wow, somebody complimented the photographic skills of GWC's, if only by comparison.  That's a first.  smile

Jan 04 07 09:50 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

on the one hand everyone has to eat, if it's a "trade for" i at least try to feed them and keep them comfortable,

on the other hand the model should understand the difference in value and marketability of different kinds of nude images.  what is frustrating to me is pricing for pornography being forced on other less profitable nude projects.  i have gone to the mat with models over this issue and usually we come to a compromise.  if you both want to work together badly enough you should be able to find a way to make it happen.

if i have a budget, or a projected income, for or from a shoot,  i have no problem
flowing fair amounts to the models.  their performance determines wether i will use them again.

but experience counts, at least in their ability to negotiate.  besides paying often spares you other drama that is often far more expensive than a reasonable rate. 

good luck,


Jan 04 07 09:50 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Iona Lynn wrote:

Sometimes...err once in a while???

I actually have a pretty good selection of fetish gear and custom coesets and such that I pose in...


Jan 04 07 09:50 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

A model's time is worth what the model feels it should be.

My time is worth something too.

My fee for my time can be just as arbitrary as anyone else's.

If a model feels her time is worth $60 (or $100 or $200) an hour, then so is mine.

If I am willing to waive my fee for my time (which is worth whatever I decide it should be) and the model is willing to do the same:


Simple... wink

Jan 04 07 09:51 pm Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Luminos wrote:
There's a very old joke:

The old neighbor walks up to the kid's lemonade stand and looks at the sign saying, "Lemonde, $100 a glass."

The neighbor tells the kid, "You won't sell many glasses of lemonade at $100 a glass."

The kid looks at him like he's a fool.  "I only have to sell ONE!"

I suspect there is a bit of that kind of thought at work.


Jan 04 07 09:57 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Bear in mind that some models do charge from day one and there are people who pay them.

Another thing to bear in mind is that for some amateurs (or I guess some pros, I know at least two pro photographers who make way more money than I do) if the model says she wants $200/hr, and they feel like shooting her, they literally do not care about $200/hr. They're just going to pay it. If I didn't have such an unpleasant financial situation, frankly, it wouldn't be anything to *me* to pay a grand or two in modeling fees a month just for fun, and I don't really make the big money. I *wouldn't,* but I easily could.

Yes, this messes it up for people who don't have a big budget. Yes, this creates unrealistic expectations on the part of models. But it's their money to spend, so if they choose to spend it that way, the rest of us should just politely ignore the foolish requests that the occasional photographic spendthrift generates. Models learn soon enough what is typical and what is not, or they don't get a lot of gigs.


Jan 04 07 09:58 pm Link


Papa Vic Photography

Posts: 8211

Glendale, Arizona, US

The models who are here strictly for the money will find no shortage of GWCs with sufficient cash.

They will get what they deserve: $$$ and a port full of crappy-to-mediocre motel-room nudes.

Jan 04 07 10:03 pm Link


Quay Lude

Posts: 6386

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Aaron S wrote:

How can you possibly compare these two things?

He he he... welcome to the neighborhood! Personally, I work it something like this...

I'm an IT guy by day and dabble as an amateur photographer. But I'll come back to that in a minute.

I also dabble as an amateur in the following fields and here are my rates should you choose to pay them. Because, let's face it, most people seem to agree that we can charge whatever we want, because we think we can, because some walking dead moron might stumble aimlessly into our lives and actually pay it.

Engineer: I like to specialize in large bridges. I have no experience to speak of but I charge $300 an hour for this kind of work. If you give me the chance, I'll build you one hell of a bridge. Cause, I think I can, I think I can. And, Cause I think some dufus will eventually pay me this amount of money for it so it's fair for me to ask for it and expect to get it. Please, take me seriously.

Dentist: I've kind of experimented with dentistry in my garage with big wood teeth. I've also had tons of cavities my whole life and have spent a lot of time in a real dentist's chair. So, I think then that it's fair for me to charge about $175 an hour for my dentistry work. Cause I think some dufus will eventually pay me this amount of money for it so it's fair for me to ask for it and expect to get it. Please, take me seriously.

Optometrist: Eyes have always fascinated me. So, I started to think I'd like to operate on people's eyes. Plus, I think lasers are really cool and I just want to start to do things with people's eyes and laser beams. For this I charge $225 an hour. Cause, I know lots of people don't want to wear glasses and might not to be able to afford an Optometrist that went to college and has a license to be a doctor and stuff. So I think some dufus will eventually pay me this amount of money for it so it's fair for me to ask for it and expect to get it. Please, take me seriously.

Creative Writer: I like to make up stories. Nobody has ever told me they like them but no matter how hard I try, I can't stop marketing myself as one. I have no clue what a real creative writer does. I've read their stories in books and magazines but I have no training, I don't spell goud and my gramner isn't always the best as what as another person could put in a sentence well. And my sentence structure. But I love speaking english and writing down the things that I think sometimes is fun for me to do. So, I charge $85 per an hour for that service. Cause I think some dufus will eventually pay me this amount of money for it so it's fair for me to ask for it and expect to get it. Please, take me seriously.

Photographer: TFCD.

Jan 04 07 10:25 pm Link


2020 Vision

Posts: 102

Alton, Illinois, US

Patrick Shipstad wrote:
Okay, I know I'm opening a can of worms here, but I've always been curious how amateur models (models without an agency or list of impressive credits) can ask for $50, $75, $100+ dollars an hour for modeling.

I've happily paid models $300-400 for a 2-3 hour session. More if they do their own hair and make-up on a pro level. They also have supplied gorgeous wardrobe. But some models (not all.. I'm not generalizing, just making a point) show up with a duffle bag and a handful of wrinkled cheap clothes...emphasis on the wrinkled!

Anyway, some photographers, including myself have spent 10's of thousands of dollars on equipment and countless hours and money on education, and I sure don't get that kind of dough! I mean, I sincerely want everyone to make a lot of money doing what they love to do.. but aren't there some dues to be paid to earn that level of pay?

What should they charge? I don't know..I'm sure it depends on the assignment .. but doctor's make $100+ an hour and people who have years of experience at a professional craft, sometimes don't make $50 hr. So please tell me how an amateur model can ask for the same rate..I'm really curious about this.

Because they are called a "GWB" that is a Girl With Body
very closely related to the “GWC”
They just come first, alphabetically that is.

Jan 04 07 10:31 pm Link


Steve Thornton

Posts: 950

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Patrick Shipstad wrote:
Okay, I know I'm opening a can of worms here, but I've always been curious how amateur models (models without an agency or list of impressive credits) can ask for $50, $75, $100+ dollars an hour for modeling.

I've happily paid models $300-400 for a 2-3 hour session. More if they do their own hair and make-up on a pro level. They also have supplied gorgeous wardrobe. But some models (not all.. I'm not generalizing, just making a point) show up with a duffle bag and a handful of wrinkled cheap clothes...emphasis on the wrinkled!

Anyway, some photographers, including myself have spent 10's of thousands of dollars on equipment and countless hours and money on education, and I sure don't get that kind of dough! I mean, I sincerely want everyone to make a lot of money doing what they love to do.. but aren't there some dues to be paid to earn that level of pay?

What should they charge? I don't know..I'm sure it depends on the assignment .. but doctor's make $100+ an hour and people who have years of experience at a professional craft, sometimes don't make $50 hr. So please tell me how an amateur model can ask for the same rate..I'm really curious about this.


It is just business. You can take the deal or not.

Jan 04 07 10:47 pm Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

because they never check out this thread. smile

Jan 04 07 10:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 317

Los Angeles, California, US

Deal or No Deal.... That is the question...

You want a deal then go for it... You don't ... well move on to the next case. Pic another model and vice versa...


Jan 05 07 02:03 am Link



Posts: 93

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I've got to agree with the spirit of "A model can ask for X ammount and that won't mean they'll get it..." 

I've seen some very poor (i'm talking BADLY done, Cheap camera phone quality) portfolios, of some very beautiful models, and the model is asking for: NO LESS than $300 an hour, 2 hour minimum shoot, travel expenses paid, MUA and all outfits must be provided, etc.... And these are models who don't have any work to back up their demands.

I have indeed politely suggested, to one of the models I'm referring to above, that she be a little more reasonable for X number of reasons.

Her reaction.  Absolute silence.  But she did lower her fee, to $200 an hour.

I GET that models might not work regularly.  I GET that images can go across the world, that they can sell a book, poster, product... and make the photographer lots of bank.   That once a nude is out there it can never be removed.  That it's damn hard to hold still in some amazingly strange and complicated poses and setting.  That a good model is worth her weight in gold... I Get that, I really do.

But a model should EARN the money, with reputation, a good portfolio and one hell of a work ethic.

I busted my ass for 7 years to be a PT.  The idea that someone thinks that with no formal training, no contribution to the creative project, and no experience they can ask for such a large ammount of money per hour is.... absurd.

My $0.02


Jan 05 07 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

ADGibson wrote:
Come on...None of these models make that kinda money to shoot. They can demand whatever they want, but they won't get it.

Ahh, but they do, and thus they continue to ask for that kind of money. I was OFFERED that kind of money when I first started out and didn't understand the business so well. GWC types capitalize on new model's ignorence (they don't know what they don't know... how could they!) and exploit that weakness to their benefit waving big dollar signs. If the models aren't smart then they fall into the trap and stay there. If they are smart, they realize that the photographers aren't that good, and move on trying to get to bigger and better things, that will benefit them in the long run, such as being selective about who they choose to shoot with and reasonable about their rates to attract "better buyers."

Jan 05 07 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

PapaVic Photography wrote:
The models who are here strictly for the money will find no shortage of GWCs with sufficient cash.

They will get what they deserve: $$$ and a port full of crappy-to-mediocre motel-room nudes.

Mmmm, don't be so quick to judge. There are those of us that are smart enough to get the good pics and still exploit the GWC's weaknesses all at once. GWC's are some of my main clientel, if their money is green, I might as well take it. However, I know where my goals lie and know how to define my own success.

Jan 05 07 06:35 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:

Oh, wow, somebody complimented the photographic skills of GWC's, if only by comparison.  That's a first.  smile

*laughs* People always seem to knock the GWCs... but I think they knock them for the wrong reasons. Really now, is someone that manages to get pretty girls naked and take pictures as often as he wants all that stupid? He even has the images to prove it, which last him a lifetime of jerking off. He knows enough to talk the talk well enough to seduce girls into getting what he wants before he moves on to the next model. These are often (though not always) the ones that you see with "credits" for models that they've shot with in their bios that are hundreds long.

The nature of people is fascinating. Its often the ones that society gives the least credit to that are the smartest.

Jan 05 07 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Herb Way wrote:
Very mature insight.  Guess I won't give up on twentysomethings just yet.

Please don't! There are plenty of us that are quite something to contend with smile
Thank you for the complement.

Jan 05 07 06:38 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

stonescorpion wrote:
I've got to agree with the spirit of "A model can ask for X ammount and that won't mean they'll get it..." 

I've seen some very poor (i'm talking BADLY done, Cheap camera phone quality) portfolios, of some very beautiful models, and the model is asking for: NO LESS than $300 an hour, 2 hour minimum shoot, travel expenses paid, MUA and all outfits must be provided, etc.... And these are models who don't have any work to back up their demands.

I have indeed politely suggested, to one of the models I'm referring to above, that she be a little more reasonable for X number of reasons.

Her reaction.  Absolute silence.  But she did lower her fee, to $200 an hour.

I GET that models might not work regularly.  I GET that images can go across the world, that they can sell a book, poster, product... and make the photographer lots of bank.   That once a nude is out there it can never be removed.  That it's damn hard to hold still in some amazingly strange and complicated poses and setting.  That a good model is worth her weight in gold... I Get that, I really do.

But a model should EARN the money, with reputation, a good portfolio and one hell of a work ethic.

I busted my ass for 7 years to be a PT.  The idea that someone thinks that with no formal training, no contribution to the creative project, and no experience they can ask for such a large ammount of money per hour is.... absurd.

My $0.02


I understand where you are coming from but...
A models career is often very short.  It may only last a year or so.  She really
doesn't have time to waste.  Keep in mind in this case I'm speaking of fashion
level girls.  There is a huge difference between a photographer who has a
learning curve and equipment to buy and a attractive model with nothing to
really add but being attractive.  If I were a pretty girl showing my myself for
photographers and getting lots of interest then I'd look for $300.00 a hour also.

If I didn't get many or any bites then I'd lower my rate.  A attractive model
doesn't really need a world class portfolio but we do.  A attractive model
doesn't require a work ethic because on-line and in the real world there are
plenty of men with cash willing to pay.  I recently read about a young web cam
girl.  She is under 18 and has a web cam in her bedroom.  She's never
nude that people can see but she's in lingerie, etc. and chats all the time
with people.

This young lady makes around $2,000.00 per month.  This is after school and
on weekends that she appears.  She gets gifts too.  I wonder how many
models who are over 18 but pretend to be underage are around.  There are
lots of models making $300.00 per hour by working with GWC'S.  I again
understand where your coming from but as my friends say.  'Don't hate the
playa hate the game.'

Jan 05 07 06:52 pm Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

Right on Tony...

Some of use even take the game to the next level...

And get paid hundreds of dollars an hour for shootng as well as posing...

The real question is, will any of this matter in 100 years?...

Jan 05 07 07:01 pm Link


Jordan Hamilton May

Posts: 276

Lake Forest, California, US

People can ask for what they want and thats why certain models will always remain amatuer models. Just like photographers who pay girls $300 to shoot portfolio images with them, thats ridiculous to me. To me that's just another GWC looking for nudies.

Jan 05 07 07:04 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

2020 Vision wrote:
Because they are called a "GWB" that is a Girl With Body
very closely related to the “GWC”
They just come first, alphabetically that is.

Are there more GWB's on the site, or GWC's?

Hereafter, I guess we can thank 2020 for providing the definition - body, no experience/talent, but big fee.

Jan 05 07 07:16 pm Link


Virgin Isles Test Shoot

Posts: 334

Flora, Illinois, US

Say...anyone ever heard of the model or actor who was accidently discovered while serving tea in a coffee shop? It happens once in a while...rarely. What was it that turned the discovered on to the discoveree? Experience? Naw. It was their looks.

You don't need experience if you have the right look. What is the right look? The 'right look' is in the eye of the beholder (discoverer) who has access to people with $bling-bling$. The beholder convinces these guys to go with that model and instant super model.

Sorry, but that's how it works. Talent? Heck you can train 'talent' into people. Some are naturals and the public will see the talent in addition to the looks and they will be destined to greatness. Those in whom the talent training does not take will become a flash in the pan, vaguely remembered and once in a while getting high paying gigs.

$100 a hour is NOT a high paying gig. I call that supplemental income.

I've never gone 'out-of-pocket' to pay a model. I see a face I like, I contact my list of clients and see if anyone wants them, negotiate a price they are willing to pay me to put together a promo campaign for them, find out what the model wants or I can negotiate the model into accepting, and we have a gig. Other times, agencies or business clients come to me with a face they want me to shoot. They know my rates and what I charge.

I've had models come to me wanting to TFP/TFCD.  Telling the truth, after 24 years of shotting, I had never even heard of the term TFP/TFCD until I joined an internet modelling site. I had to ask what it was.

The models ask me to TFP/TFCD to 'benefit' my portfolio and theirs. Huh? Should I take that as an insult? What's wrong with my portfolio? It is making me plenty of money. Heck, most businesses that hire me never even see my portfolio. They see me shooting, or get refered to me by other clients or see my business card. Besides, I am too busy to shoot for free. My t ime is worth money, not photos.

Now, technically, in my opinion and experience, a photographer probably needs a much more varied portfolio than a model does. With my busy schedule and agencies' busy schedules and my clients' busy schedules if 5 to 10 photos has not convinced them, a hundred in not going to do the trick.

What does a model mean when she says "I'll do TFP/TCFD only if it benefits my portfolio"? Heck, polaroids and snap shots will do a model fine. I need to see what your face and body looks like and sometimes if you can show proper emotion and poise. What more do I, as a photographer or agent need? To see the model in fancy clothes, astonishing settings and phtoshopped doohickery? The masterpiece of a great photo is the photographer's doing, not the model's. Acknowledging that the model's looks, talents and abilities help make a great photo, the model can still show me those things with a plain background, non-descript/non-distracting setting. Face facts...if a model wants me to see her, then let me be able to focus on her, not the artwork.

Like what once happened when I worked at a graphic arts house/print shop. MOdel came in asking if any of our clients might have use for her. We looked at the portfolio and the owner of the shop said: "Wow, great photos! How can I get in touch with the photographer?"

So, bottom line is...if y ou are a photographer who needs to produced those great images that will convince agencies to work with you, then you had better shell out the bucks to get someone with great looks and some talent to convey the emotion to give some 'snap' to the picture.  ANd, if a photographer saves up his bucks to hire someone with a 'name', past or present, this helps the photographer because agencies then see that someone with a 'name' had confidence enough to use you.

As a photographer, set your rate for shotting a portfolio of a model and stick to it. If a model knows what she is doing and has some type of intelligence about the industry, she will pay your price if you are good enough. SHe should pay your price and she should only pay it once. A model does not need a portfolio by ten different photographers. She needs a variety of shots done once a year by one photographer, then she should charge everyone else because, after all, unless she has a fetish about collecting photos of herself, she wants to make money and gain fame.

Then, after you two have had your initial introductions, COLABORATE, DANG IT!!! If the model has paid you money for a portfolio and you see looks/talent there...ferchrissakes...PROMOTE HER to your clients. And vice-versa. So very few people make it to the big time, so it is about mutual sustenance. With collaboration, you ain't charging the model and the model ain't charging you. Both of yous is charging the client.

Get it?

Of course, there are those who are not interested in earning money and just want to see some booty. That's another story, another case. More power to them. If a model wants to pay a photographer to take her clothes off...well, nothing in the world will help her since one is born with common sense. However, if a photographers wants to pay a model to strip, well, that's the model's choice and I hope the money is well enjoyed. If the model strips for TFP/TFCD........................

Jan 05 07 07:27 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

*looks at post above*

Ok, that is it. from now on D. Brian Nelson is in charge of shooting my entire portfolio one a year...

*laughs maniacally*

Jan 05 07 07:39 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Iona Lynn wrote:

Yes they can, and yes they do...

Although I have never showed up with a wrinkled bag of clothing...

So then I assume you have made enough in the last couple years to retire.

Jan 05 07 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 6065

Columbia, Maryland, US

jkmtyro wrote:
Say...anyone ever heard of the model or actor who was accidently discovered while serving tea in a coffee shop?

Yep.  But she wasn't charging $100 per cuppa.

Jan 05 07 07:42 pm Link


Virgin Isles Test Shoot

Posts: 334

Flora, Illinois, US

Luminos wrote:

Yep.  But she wasn't charging $100 per cuppa.

Maybe she an L.A. Starbucks!

Jan 05 07 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

jkmtyro wrote:
The models ask me to TFP/TFCD to 'benefit' my portfolio and theirs. Huh? Should I take that as an insult? What's wrong with my portfolio? It is making me plenty of money.

*laughs* I have heard the SAME thing from the other side of the fence. Its quite insulting to have a photographer insist that I need better images for my port, and that I need his images for my port... as if I can't decide myself what will and will not benefit my own port... good grief!! Its quite insulting as I consider myself to be pretty darn successful. Six shoots in 11 days sounds pretty successful to me (it is a record, but still...)

Ahh well, sometimes people aren't all that bright...

Well written post!

Jan 05 07 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

yes indeed newbies, ask what you want, stupidity knows no bounds.

Jan 05 07 08:46 pm Link


Gabes Photography

Posts: 244

Copperas Cove, Texas, US

Patrick Shipstad wrote:
very true and good point. I guess I feel like they're pricing themselves out of the game right out of the gate. But I never thought to counter offer anyone. thanks for the response.

I used to ask llama how much they charged for shoots, but I normally received over inflated rates. I hate to negotiate, if a llama say a price I either pay or say No thanks, I’ll find another llama. So I have now started to make my offers very clear
1. Amount of time the shoot will take
2. Level of llamaing required  (bikini, lingerie, nude)
3. I quote amount the shoot pays.
This has really reduced the amount of silliness.

Rene Vickers wrote:
This is where the negotions come into play. The photographer calls or emails you with his proposal. Write him back or ask him: "How many others involved in this?"
If he says five, or two, say: "Who did you call first?"  His answer will tell you where you stand in the Preferred llama queue.  Negotiate accordingly.  Good luck.

LOL, so what your saying is that I should always tell the llama she is the last one I called? Lmao…thanks for the tip.

Herb Way wrote:
In many cases, you can blame the beer bellied, horny GWC's who have inflated the egos of many of these llama wannabe's by paying $50 to $100 an hour to see them nude or scantily clad.  Personally, I see little difference between that and stuffing bills into the g-strings of "dancers" at titty bars.

I blame these guys for not only paying llamas their inflated rates, but then turning around and giving them a Photo CD full of every image taken at the shoot. I can’t even count how many times I have contacted a llama for a paid shoot, and received a reply that they also required a photo CD of every  images taken at the shoot…???? Like I said I don’t negotiate ….What are they going to do with the images, anyway?  The llama release I use when paying a llama strictly prohibits the llama from using the images at all.


Because it has twoallbeefpattiesspecialsaucelettucecheesepicklesonionsonasesameseedbun.

LOL, I have not laughed that hard in a while…

This debate will never end, and it will pop again in a few weeks by some other photographer who's had it with silly over inflated rates from unexperienced internet llamas...not that all llamas on the internet are bad, but just like Photographers have to put up with the GWC stigma, legitamate llamas have to put up with silly wannabe internet llamas.

that's my $0.02 , thanks for letting me vent.


Jan 06 07 07:51 pm Link


Malice in Wunderland

Posts: 45

Johnstown, Colorado, US

I gotta jump into this one.

I do this as a career.  Plain and simple.

GWCs and Photographers alike are willing to pay rates for llamas.  We are willing to do something the photographer can't do on their own.  If they were "Model" material, they wouldn't need subjects.

Since many Photographers are in the business of taking pictures/images, there are llamas in the business of being the subject matter.

If the photograher has an issue paying my rates as a llama, then they better find a way to impress me with their images and make it help me further my career.  I know their photographer buddies will be impressed that they got good images.  They might even sell them as prints, Online, or to a mag.

This is business, not a hobby.

Oh, why do photographers insist on charging llamas for Portfolio development?  I have been quoted as much as $5000 by certain agencies/photographers to build one.  Can they guarantee that i will see a return on that just because they took them?


Jan 06 07 08:02 pm Link


PK Brazil

Posts: 4265

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Patrick Shipstad wrote:
I don't know..I'm sure it depends on the assignment .. but doctor's make $100  an hour and people who have years of experience at a professional craft, sometimes don't make $50 hr. So please tell me how an amateur llama can ask for the same rate..I'm really curious about this.

If people are willing to pay for it then I guess that is why they can ask that rate.  Some people want consistent work and some people want the occassional big pay day.  It's all a part of the market place.

Jan 06 07 08:25 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

a lot of ass kissing..hilarious!

Jan 06 07 08:32 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Gabes Photography wrote:
I used to ask llama how much they charged for shoots, but I normally received over inflated rates. I hate to negotiate, if a llama say a price I either pay or say No thanks, I’ll find another llama. So I have now started to make my offers very clear
1. Amount of time the shoot will take
2. Level of llamaing required  (bikini, lingerie, nude)
3. I quote amount the shoot pays.
This has really reduced the amount of silliness.

Thank you!! Finally someone that is to the point and knows how to actually put valuable information in an initial inquiry. Fishing for whatever it is that a photographer wants to do for a shoot after being contacted gets frustrating and tiring, especially when I don't have the time to waste.

I don't mind negotiating. This is business to me. At the end of the day I've got to be sure that I get what *I* feel is worth my time. If I shot with every photographer that wandered along and requested TFP/CD shoots, I'd end up with a whole hell of a lot of crappy photos to show for it. So I limit my shoots to extremely selective TFP situations (most of which I initiate) and paid work. I also don't mind negotiating rates, time, hours, travel, etc. Things are flexible, I'd be a fool to attempt to maintain everything rigid all the time. The important thing is knowing when to adjust and when to stay firm.

Glad to see that there is someone out there thats smart enough to supply the important in the initial inquiry!!

Jan 06 07 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 1572

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Monica Jay wrote:
Ah, let them dig their own grave.

Unless they're amazing and have something great to offer, I wouldn't pay a llama. I could care less about experience.

Hmmm... you are a llama?

" Manhattan Island (NYC) was purchased by Peter Minuit from Native Americans for $24 worth of beads and trinkets in 1626. "

The only value something has, is what someone places on it.

Jan 06 07 08:41 pm Link


PK Brazil

Posts: 4265

Baltimore, Maryland, US


Jan 06 07 08:50 pm Link



Posts: 243

New York, New York, US

I'm a new llama, as new as it gets and I wouldn't DARE ask for pay, not atleast for another year. It would be more logical for a new llama to pay the photographer; unfortunately some llamas can't afford this so theres the wonderful TFP.

I don't think that new llamas should be asking for money, but I guess after the photoshoot it would be cool if the photographer treated the llama to some pizza or something. :-P

Jan 06 07 09:13 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Its interesting to be a fly on the wall and poke a looksee into the GWC world of paid 'figure' llamaing.  Its good to see our market system successfully:  llamas that cannot compete commercially for day rates in the thousands able to make a happy living finding GWCs with money to spend in the hundreds.  I say more power to the GWCs and the llamas they support, like NC17...

Jan 06 07 09:14 pm Link