Forums > General Industry > "NICE" is my kryptonite......... is it just me?


Jon Roberts

Posts: 505

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom


Is it just me or does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?

I always seem to get comments saying "nice work" or "nice shot" or "nice portfolio" and every time I feel like killing the person who left the comment.

Don't people understand that most photographers (and probably models) would rather that you didn't comment on there work than say that it's "nice" nobody wants nice work, we want jaw dropping outstanding work or nothing at all.

p.s. If you've taken the time to read all of this and now you're thinking 'I know what would be funny, I'll put up a message saying you have a nice portfolio/nice shot/nice comment that would be hilarious' then 10 out of 10 for origionality, but please don't waste your time



Jan 01 07 09:18 am Link



Posts: 60

Atlanta, Georgia, US

You know - I never thought about it they way you just said - but your right.
NICE is used alot on this site.  I am guilty.  But I for one - try to squeeze in my web surfing time among my busy day and I'd rather leave a quick "nice work" or "nice shot" rather than nothing at all. 

But after reading your post - I will try to think of better way to say it with out going overboard.

Happy New Year


Jan 01 07 09:26 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

thats nice

Jan 01 07 09:33 am Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

nicely said

[just kidding] I have the same prob

Jan 01 07 10:01 am Link


Art Film Cameras

Posts: 701

Poland, Maine, US

It's definitely not just you.  Not just here, but in life people see a picture or something and say it's nice.

But you're right: nice is safe, nice is calm and ambiguous.

Jan 01 07 10:11 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

Kinda sorta like being called a nice guy?

Jan 01 07 10:14 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Nice is nice. It's not, perhaps, nice if edgy or dramatic is desired, but there's nothing inherently wrong with nice--it depends on your audience.

Jan 01 07 10:34 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

The main reason I don't like "nice" used to describe my artwork, nice things are put in children's nurseries not art galleries.  What I've found is that I have to create some work that is "nice" because people buy more nice work.  Frustrating isn't it!

Jan 01 07 11:11 am Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

Comments in order of importance:

OK - Boring usual crap
Nice - A little better than OK, not very interesting
Good - Average
Excellent - Above average
Awesome - Deserves a second look, shows talent
WOW - Very good
Stunning - Excellent
Perfect - Doesn't get any better than this

Jan 01 07 11:12 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
Kinda sorta like being called a nice guy?

Yeah -- that's actually my kryptonite.

Jan 01 07 11:13 am Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
Kinda sorta like being called a nice guy?

Nice guy = Loser

Jan 01 07 11:14 am Link


The Cameraeye

Posts: 619

Orange, California, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
Kinda sorta like being called a nice guy?

New Year's resolution: No More Mr. Nice Guy!

Jan 01 07 11:14 am Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Scott Harrill wrote:

Nice guy = Loser

But if there weren't nice guys out there, what would the world be like?

Jan 01 07 11:17 am Link


Larry Brown Camera

Posts: 1081

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

No one ever tells me my worik is nice..... sad

Jan 01 07 11:18 am Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:

But if there weren't nice guys out there, what would the world be like?

A lot more interesting!

Jan 01 07 11:19 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Somebody says your work is nice and you want to kill them? Sounds like you have a lot more issues than just having nice photography.

Jan 01 07 11:25 am Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

I am not so sure “Nice” is bad thing.  It is brief and concise.  When a piece really moves me, takes me on a journey and speaks to me, I try to elaborate.  Sometimes I am busy but I want to let the person know I enjoyed their work and appreciate their effort.  Words like “Cool” and “Wow” can say a lot.  Take a moment and interpret the meaning.  A model says it, she is in essence saying she wished it was her in the image.  An inexperienced photographer, they wished they could do it.  From someone whose work you admire, do they really need to expand on the lighting or compositional lines of the image?  Is that not implied?

I was watching a football game yesterday.  The Dallas QB was caught in the end zone, slipped a tackle and threw for a 1st down while on his way to the ground.  I jumped out of my chair yelling “NICE”.  I look at your image of Anne O’Conner sitting in a chair and I am thinking “NICE”.  Read into it what you wish.

Jan 01 07 11:32 am Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

byReno wrote:
I am not so sure “Nice” is bad thing.  It is brief and concise.  When a piece really moves me, takes me on a journey and speaks to me, I try to elaborate.  Sometimes I am busy but I want to let the person know I enjoyed their work and appreciate their effort.  Words like “Cool” and “Wow” can say a lot.  Take a moment and interpret the meaning.  A model says it, she is in essence saying she wished it was her in the image.  An inexperienced photographer, they wished they could do it.  From someone whose work you admire, do they really need to expand on the lighting or compositional lines of the image?  Is that not implied?

I was watching a football game yesterday.  The Dallas QB was caught in the end zone, slipped a tackle and threw for a 1st down while on his way to the ground.  I jumped out of my chair yelling “NICE”.  I look at your image of Anne O’Conner sitting in a chair and I am thinking “NICE”.  Read into it what you wish.

Yes the Dallas quarterback is a very good example of a "Nice" player. After being touted as their savior he has lost a lot of games. A real Loser.

Jan 01 07 11:49 am Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Ville de Nice, France
My Niece lives in Nice

Jan 01 07 12:01 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Actually the word "nice" is derived from the Latin word that is pronounced "nee-shay" which originally was defined as "superb, excellent and without compare."

I just made that up but if it helps...

Jan 01 07 12:07 pm Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote:
Actually the word "nice" is derived from the Latin word that is pronounced "nee-shay" which originally was defined as "superb, excellent and without compare."

I just made that up but if it helps...

You can make it fact... just throw it in Wikipedia...everything in Wikipedia must be true... right?

Jan 01 07 12:10 pm Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

Larry Brown Camera wrote:
No one ever tells me my worik is nice..... sad

Uh, Oh.  You got trouble.  A review of your "nice" port shows some very beautifiul pictures.  Certainly in the top 5% on MM.

Jan 01 07 12:15 pm Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

Nice is the word you use to describe your neighbors kids when talking to their parents face to face...not what you would like to say...that they are totally obnoxious and without any redeeming social value.

Jan 01 07 12:34 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Jon Roberts wrote:

Is it just me or does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?

I always seem to get comments saying "nice work" or "nice shot" or "nice portfolio" and every time I feel like killing the person who left the comment.

Don't people understand that most photographers (and probably models) would rather that you didn't comment on there work than say that it's "nice" nobody wants nice work, we want jaw dropping outstanding work or nothing at all.

p.s. If you've taken the time to read all of this and now you're thinking 'I know what would be funny, I'll put up a message saying you have a nice portfolio/nice shot/nice comment that would be hilarious' then 10 out of 10 for origionality, but please don't waste your time



wow, you're really smart.. cutting through social hypocrasy and all..

weeding out the double standards, upholding sanity with the laser beam of thought you must posess...

Jan 01 07 12:53 pm Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

Crickets Photography wrote:
It's definitely not just you.  Not just here, but in life people see a picture or something and say it's nice.

But you're right: nice is safe, nice is calm and ambiguous.

Yes, Nice is totally ambiguous. This is what you say when: you don't want to hurt someones feelings when you might think their work is crap, or you like their work but do not think that it deserves a good comment (don't want to reveal that you like it), or you do not want them to assume that you like their type of work (fetish for example). It is a very ambiguous response that can mean many things, but generally not something you would acknowledge as good.

Jan 01 07 01:16 pm Link


RDPhoto - Ric

Posts: 601

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Larry Brown Camera wrote:
No one ever tells me my worik is nice..... sad

Yeah, they use "amazing" way too much on you...

Jan 01 07 01:20 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

I appreciate "nice." smile

I appreciate any positive comment on my work.  I even appreciate any negative comment as long as is is accompanied by helpful critique that shows me a way to improve.

I don't appreciate the "you suck" kind of empty comments that those insecure in their own work feel compelled to leave on others work.

Jan 01 07 01:26 pm Link


Orpheus Faust

Posts: 68

Seattle, Washington, US

I agree. I hate when I've done something, anything, and then they say its 'nice', its like 'if its not wonderful, tell me how to make it better, damn you.'

end rant

Jan 01 07 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 475

Orlando, Florida, US

Jon Roberts wrote:

Is it just me or does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?

I always seem to get comments saying "nice work" or "nice shot" or "nice portfolio" and every time I feel like killing the person who left the comment.

Don't people understand that most photographers (and probably models) would rather that you didn't comment on there work than say that it's "nice" nobody wants nice work, we want jaw dropping outstanding work or nothing at all.

p.s. If you've taken the time to read all of this and now you're thinking 'I know what would be funny, I'll put up a message saying you have a nice portfolio/nice shot/nice comment that would be hilarious' then 10 out of 10 for origionality, but please don't waste your time



Well.... I dont have any "Nice" comments, so I can't say one way or the other.

I do sometimes feel it's kind of like a cop-out to just say "nice" or "good job". But I have done it myself on occasion when at a loss for words on an image that realy catches my eye, but that I don't love. There are times you want to let the photog/model know they are doing a good job, or on the right track, without wanting to praise too much.

In most cases, I don't comment unless I feel it's deserved... (Could explain why I don't have many comments myself.)

Jan 01 07 02:05 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

How does that work in other venues?  Let's see:

"You have nice teeth."  - I'll take that compliment.

"Nice car."    -  Thank you.

"As far as pimps go, you're really nice."  -  Awww.

Nice works for me.

Jan 01 07 02:09 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

markcomp wrote:
How does that work in other venues?  Let's see:

"You have nice teeth."  - I'll take that compliment.

"Nice car."    -  Thank you.

"As far as pimps go, you're really nice."  -  Awww.

Nice works for me.

Excellent!  Fantastic!  Wonderful!...blah, blah, blah...

These kind of compliments are often empty praise with little meaning or sincerity behind them.  When someone says "nice," I think they tend to mean it more often than not.

Jan 01 07 02:19 pm Link


PK Brazil

Posts: 4265

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Sure "nice" is a middling term, but it is fully appropriate for quite a bit of content.

Now, "That's niiice!" is a high compliment.

Jan 01 07 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 2974

Tucson, Arizona, US

today i left a tag saying "really nice work!!!"

once I clicked it i wish I would have said something othre than nice but i couldt change it sad

That should be the new years rezz 4 all!!

Jan 01 07 02:35 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

i would complain but i dont get too many comments... :*(

Jan 01 07 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Jon Roberts wrote:

Is it just me or does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?

I always seem to get comments saying "nice work" or "nice shot" or "nice portfolio" and every time I feel like killing the person who left the comment.

Don't people understand that most photographers (and probably models) would rather that you didn't comment on there work than say that it's "nice" nobody wants nice work, we want jaw dropping outstanding work or nothing at all.

p.s. If you've taken the time to read all of this and now you're thinking 'I know what would be funny, I'll put up a message saying you have a nice portfolio/nice shot/nice comment that would be hilarious' then 10 out of 10 for origionality, but please don't waste your time



Nice? rant

Jan 01 07 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 197

Columbia, Maryland, US

I had professors who forbid us from using 'nice' in a critique.

Jan 01 07 04:23 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

Jon Roberts wrote:

Is it just me or does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?

I always seem to get comments saying "nice work" or "nice shot" or "nice portfolio" and every time I feel like killing the person who left the comment.

Don't people understand that most photographers (and probably models) would rather that you didn't comment on there work than say that it's "nice" nobody wants nice work, we want jaw dropping outstanding work or nothing at all.

p.s. If you've taken the time to read all of this and now you're thinking 'I know what would be funny, I'll put up a message saying you have a nice portfolio/nice shot/nice comment that would be hilarious' then 10 out of 10 for origionality, but please don't waste your time



So when you leave comments you leave full critiquing?

Jan 01 07 04:39 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Jim Ball wrote:

Excellent!  Fantastic!  Wonderful!...blah, blah, blah...

These kind of compliments are often empty praise with little meaning or sincerity behind them.  When someone says "nice," I think they tend to mean it more often than not.

I wish you would have said something before I posted on Giselle's (33226) Port.

Jan 01 07 05:06 pm Link


Jon Roberts

Posts: 505

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

TooCoolQueeniee wrote:

So when you leave comments you leave full critiquing?

No I don't, and I know I should, but that's not really what the rant is about. ....

What I'm trying to say is if you are busy, but see a fantastic image you love, then it doesn't take long to say "fantastic image I love it"  If you just see an image that you think is "nice" then surely it's not worth spending your time commenting on if you're in that much of a rush!!??

I would be here all day if I wanted to comment on every "nice" shot I see, surely comments are for praise or criticism (hopefully constructive)

I would rather have a portfolio of 15 bad shots and 5 amazing shots than 20 'nice' ones!!

I'm not saying my shots deserve any higher praise than nice....... all I'm saying is that if the shot doesn't 'do it' for the viewer then why do they leave a comment (unless it's constructive criticism).

I know what I mean, even if nobody else does !!!!


Jan 01 07 05:18 pm Link


Jon Roberts

Posts: 505

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Scott Harrill wrote:
Comments in order of importance:

OK - Boring usual crap
Nice - A little better than OK, not very interesting
Good - Average
Excellent - Above average
Awesome - Deserves a second look, shows talent
WOW - Very good
Stunning - Excellent
Perfect - Doesn't get any better than this

wohoo it's not just me that thinks this way!!

Jan 01 07 05:19 pm Link