Forums > General Industry > "NICE" is my kryptonite......... is it just me?


Jon Roberts

Posts: 505

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Larry Brown Camera wrote:
No one ever tells me my worik is nice..... sad

in that case you're lucky, I'm sure you get much better compliments!

Jan 01 07 05:20 pm Link


Jon Roberts

Posts: 505

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

MMDesign wrote:
Somebody says your work is nice and you want to kill them? Sounds like you have a lot more issues than just having nice photography.

hehe, well you know what I mean!!  It's a figure of speech!

Jan 01 07 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 650

Alexandria, Virginia, US

I find that people often post curt messages without much thought.  I feel that it's often used to get you to just look at their profile and tag them.  I specifically am referring to comments that state: "Nice work",  "I like this one", "kool shot".  Someone left me a tag once saying, "Welcome to MM" over a year after I had joined MM.  I was like, "wow, did this guy even see when I joined?"

Jan 01 07 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

you made me think i am guilty of this ,no more mr nice guy.

Jan 01 07 05:27 pm Link


Artistic Vision

Posts: 2207

Billings, Montana, US

Jon Roberts wrote:

No I don't, and I know I should, but that's not really what the rant is about. ....

What I'm trying to say is if you are busy, but see a fantastic image you love, then it doesn't take long to say "fantastic image I love it"  If you just see an image that you think is "nice" then surely it's not worth spending your time commenting on if you're in that much of a rush!!??

I would be here all day if I wanted to comment on every "nice" shot I see, surely comments are for praise or criticism (hopefully constructive)

I would rather have a portfolio of 15 bad shots and 5 amazing shots than 20 'nice' ones!!

I'm not saying my shots deserve any higher praise than nice....... all I'm saying is that if the shot doesn't 'do it' for the viewer then why do they leave a comment (unless it's constructive criticism).

I know what I mean, even if nobody else does !!!!


ok i see what you're saying now.

Jan 01 07 05:29 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Q: "does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?"

A: Nope, the way I see it is at least they said something.

Jan 01 07 05:30 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

markcomp wrote:

I wish you would have said something before I posted on Giselle's (33226) Port.

I said often, not always.  In Giselle's case they are understatements.... smile

Jan 01 07 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Comments are a freebie..  You don't get to rate freebies..  That's like asking someone for a favor and then complaining about what you get.

And, yes.. The p.s. in the OP made the tag you got mandatory.. wink

Jan 01 07 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

If I say something is "nice," it usually means I'm impressed.

Jan 01 07 06:00 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Scott Harrill wrote:

A lot more interesting!

when i rape and kill your mother and your wife or girlfriend in front of you i don't want to hear a fucking word of complaint. when i take a fork and shove it up your nose and then rip your nostrils open don't say a fucking word. when i take a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it and hit you in the balls with it as hard as i can just remember that i'm being "a lot more interesting"

god i hate full of shit people

Jan 01 07 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Scott Harrill wrote:

Yes, Nice is totally ambiguous. This is what you say when: you don't want to hurt someones feelings when you might think their work is crap, or you like their work but do not think that it deserves a good comment (don't want to reveal that you like it), or you do not want them to assume that you like their type of work (fetish for example). It is a very ambiguous response that can mean many things, but generally not something you would acknowledge as good.

anything can be ambiguous when you're stupid

Jan 01 07 10:46 pm Link


Lucian Schmit

Posts: 402

Vancouver, Washington, US

You have to factor in culture.

While someone from NYC is never going to say "that's nice", someone from Indiana is probably not going to say "That's f**king great". And then the indirectness of the west coast of the US is a whole subject of it's own. Yes means maybe, maybe means no ...

Jan 01 07 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Jon Roberts wrote:

Is it just me or does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?

I always seem to get comments saying "nice work" or "nice shot" or "nice portfolio" and every time I feel like killing the person who left the comment.

Don't people understand that most photographers (and probably models) would rather that you didn't comment on there work than say that it's "nice" nobody wants nice work, we want jaw dropping outstanding work or nothing at all.

p.s. If you've taken the time to read all of this and now you're thinking 'I know what would be funny, I'll put up a message saying you have a nice portfolio/nice shot/nice comment that would be hilarious' then 10 out of 10 for origionality, but please don't waste your time



you're far from fucking superman, you don't get any fucking kryptonite

Jan 01 07 11:05 pm Link



Posts: 7840


I am grateful for all positive remarks
and i appreciate them

when i went to school though, we were taught never to use the word ''nice'' as it is dull and rather meaningless.. just a lazy comment!

now, i am guilty too
of 'nice job' 'nicely done' etc
its not sooo bad....


be appreciative!
it says more about us swinging by
(blown away by the work or too tired to type anything more inspired) than it does about your work

Jan 01 07 11:09 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Aaron_H wrote:
when i rape and kill your mother and your wife or girlfriend in front of you i don't want to hear a fucking word of complaint. when i take a fork and shove it up your nose and then rip your nostrils open don't say a fucking word. when i take a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it and hit you in the balls with it as hard as i can just remember that i'm being "a lot more interesting"

god i hate full of shit people

Aaron_H wrote:
anything can be ambiguous when you're stupid

Aaron_H wrote:
you're far from fucking superman, you don't get any fucking kryptonite

Game Penalty. Rule #1 Violations (x3)
Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

[1] Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm. Please keep profanity and gratuitously inflammatory language to a minimum. Personal attacks will not be tolerated on

Jan 02 07 12:51 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 317

Los Angeles, California, US

Jon Roberts wrote:

Is it just me or does everyone else hate having there work described as "nice"?

I always seem to get comments saying "nice work" or "nice shot" or "nice portfolio" and every time I feel like killing the person who left the comment.

Don't people understand that most photographers (and probably models) would rather that you didn't comment on there work than say that it's "nice" nobody wants nice work, we want jaw dropping outstanding work or nothing at all.

p.s. If you've taken the time to read all of this and now you're thinking 'I know what would be funny, I'll put up a message saying you have a nice portfolio/nice shot/nice comment that would be hilarious' then 10 out of 10 for origionality, but please don't waste your time



Well when I comment I just don't keep it to one or two words. I try to see what the photog and model wanted to express and make note of it. Or forever hold my peace!

Some might not have the time to leave a more "nicer comments" ;-) and don't really have anything to say. They just want to be noticed.

Jan 02 07 02:18 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Everybody has a different communication and I don't think that there is anything wrong with "nice"... when I leave a tag saying "nice!" then I mean it as a compliment, because I will not leave a comment on a mediocre image.

Jan 02 07 02:20 am Link