Forums > General Industry > do most MM models need a nosejob?



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Lestari wrote:


I cant imagine my nose being a caucasian nose

Nor would I want you to do that. Your nose is fine.

Dec 31 06 09:57 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Taylor C Lane wrote: are way too full of yourself and your work, which has yet to impress me.  do i know the fashion industry shuts down?  hello, i'm working in milan.  where are you?  probably no where important, beating off to photos that you've washed out with photoshop.

Don't make it personal, you'll get us both in trouble.

"The pictures in my portfolio here are salvaged images. Shots where the flash went off wrong, shots where the model was sneezing, etc." - my bio

Dec 31 06 11:42 am Link



Posts: 6427

Searcher wrote:

As a photographer, it's my job to push my ideas about beauty onto others. Don't you agree?

No. Everyone's idea of beauty is different.

Jan 01 07 04:25 am Link



Posts: 558

Chicago, Illinois, US

akemi wrote:

I disagree. I think that having an Asian nose on an Asian face is appropriate. It is sad if women from different backgrounds are persuaded that they are less attractive because they do not resemble someone else.

On a more light hearted note, I seem to have lost my nose completely when I became a manga character by the Japanese artist, Ochi-bo.

I so agree with you on the first paragraph and I love your humor in the 2nd. smile

Jan 01 07 06:24 am Link


Meum Corculum

Posts: 150

Medford, Oregon, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

If we said yes, would you really get a nose job or are you just looking for reassurance that your nose is fine? If you would...then you should go for it just for a valuable life lesson. Surgery sucks. A lot. You should never make a decision like that based on some idiot's opinion on the internet.

No, I am not looking for reassurance. I was just curious if my opinion of my nose was crazy or if others thought it was a little strong/big for me as I think it is. I am scared of getting surgery though so I am not totally sure if I would even get it but it is always nice to hear what other peoples perceptions are.

Jan 01 07 09:54 am Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

pixiedust0330 wrote:

No, I am not looking for reassurance. I was just curious if my opinion of my nose was crazy or if others thought it was a little strong/big for me as I think it is. I am scared of getting surgery though so I am not totally sure if I would even get it but it is always nice to hear what other peoples perceptions are.

Well, of course now that you point it out it looks a bit big so I went and looked at some other model's noses.  Your's looks fine in comparison.  Mostly it has to do with angle and lighting.  Basic photography.  Hopefully have had a chance to see other models in real life and compare them to their pictures.  There is a big difference.

Jan 01 07 10:14 am Link



Posts: 796

pixiedust0330 wrote:

No, I am not looking for reassurance. I was just curious if my opinion of my nose was crazy or if others thought it was a little strong/big for me as I think it is. I am scared of getting surgery though so I am not totally sure if I would even get it but it is always nice to hear what other peoples perceptions are.

Only get advice for something like this from those you know, care about you, and has actually see your nose in person.  Though I'm sure you know all that!

Jan 01 07 10:22 am Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

Savvy1007 wrote:

Only get advice for something like this from those you know, care about you, and has actually see your nose in person.  Though I'm sure you know all that!

Good advice.

Jan 01 07 10:25 am Link


Orpheus Faust

Posts: 68

Seattle, Washington, US

I guess I'm lucky to have a small button nose then

Jan 01 07 02:06 pm Link


Orpheus Faust

Posts: 68

Seattle, Washington, US

Taylor C Lane wrote:
also, bear in mind that MANY girls on here have no shot at modeling in general because they are too short, etc.  a nose job isn't going to fix the fact that they can't get work except with GWCs on this site.

I'll have to respectably disagree with that. I dont think models who are short have no chance at modelling at all. the views are changing on that. sure, they are still discouraged from runways, but a good photographer and pair of shoes can add inches to any girl. I've never been turned down by photographers because of my height, and frankly, I think I would look ridiculous taller

Jan 01 07 02:13 pm Link



Posts: 57

Germantown, Maryland, US

Not me, I like my nose.

Jan 01 07 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 286

Friendly, Maryland, US

I think my nose is great, and it fits my face nicely. As long as I'm happy what others think is quite irrelevant.

Jan 01 07 04:42 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

StMarc wrote:

"Because that's what this multi-billion dollar industry is really all about, isn't it? Inner beauty."


Oh yeah...I forgot tongue

Jan 01 07 07:39 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Im'age NY (INY) wrote:
Beauty's in the eye of what?

Oh man...I love you for that...that was an awesome episode. You always have the best pop culture retorts for threads.

Jan 01 07 07:41 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

pixiedust0330 wrote:

No, I am not looking for reassurance. I was just curious if my opinion of my nose was crazy or if others thought it was a little strong/big for me as I think it is. I am scared of getting surgery though so I am not totally sure if I would even get it but it is always nice to hear what other peoples perceptions are.

If you get plastic surgery based on what other people think of you, you will never stop getting plastic surgery. You should read the book "Autobiography of a Face". Not the best book I've ever read, but when I was in the hospital recovering from some pretty major "plastic surgery" on my chest (it's usually considered plastic surgery, but in my case, there was nothing cosmetic about it) it definitely made me rethink the way I looked at myself, and my new chest.

Jan 01 07 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 5367

Chicago, Illinois, US

Searcher wrote:
Is it just my imagination/interest in cute button noses, or would 80-90% of the models with profiles here benefit greatly in their professional careers by getting their beaks tweaked?

Seriously, I'm not trying to make fun of anyone, it's just something I picked up on when reading/viewing that Angelina Jolie at 17 thread a little while ago.

the work you have posted is very much like what you have described the models on here to be , IN NEED OF WORK. when images that are so basic and done by untalented persons, who have to question everyone else's look.
wake up , look at yourself and what you reproduce before you can make such claims.
Seriously im not tryin to make fun of your work or anything, it;s something i picked up on when I was Looking at what You seem to call "Art" .

Jan 02 07 12:19 am Link


Julia B

Posts: 73

Nashville, Tennessee, US

MonicaPrata wrote:
I'm glad this thread was started.  I was thinking of starting one myself.  Do you think I should get my nose done?  I have scheduled a couple consultations with plastic surgeous, I think it's something I would like to do.  I would love to know your wont hurt my feelings.

Hell NO!  Your nose looks fine to me....suits your face.  I have considered getting mine done, as it is a kind of big for my face, as I see it.  Also, I have broken it twice, had it fixed the first time, but not the second time.  So now it is obviously crooked, and when I shoot I know what angles I can turn my face so you can't see that it's crooked.  I changed my mind years ago when I first started modeling.  The first photographer that I ever worked with complimented me on my profile and said that I had a great nose.  I have had several other photographers tell me the same thing over the years.  Now I feel blessed to have a classic Italian nose, and if I ever do anything to it, it will be fixing where it is broken....but definitely not plastic surgery.  I think yours looks great as it is!

Jan 02 07 12:27 am Link


Julia B

Posts: 73

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Searcher wrote:

Done right, it would probably help your career as a model.

Girlfriend, don't listen to him.  The general consensus here is that he is an idiot.

Jan 02 07 12:30 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Julia B wrote:
Girlfriend, don't listen to him.  The general consensus here is that he is an idiot.

Precisely. He doesn't care about "helping" anyone's careers, given that he also thinks models should be willing to cut themselves on camera for the sake of his art. It's all about what HE wants, not necessarily what would be best or a good idea.

Jan 02 07 12:34 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Catriona wrote:
Precisely. He doesn't care about "helping" anyone's careers, given that he also thinks models should be willing to cut themselves on camera for the sake of his art. It's all about what HE wants, not necessarily what would be best or a good idea.

That's a really low plebeian assessment of what I said in the other thread.

Jan 02 07 01:16 am Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Searcher wrote:
As a photographer, it's my job to push my ideas about beauty onto others. Don't you agree?

Jan 02 07 01:17 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Kasmia wrote:


Jan 02 07 01:17 am Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Searcher wrote:

People come to their own conclusions about what they find attractive, you can try to appeal to those people with your work, expose to new ideas but you aren't going to make them change their ideas.  If your work appeals to someone great, if not, then it doesn't, no big deal.

Pushing your ideas onto others is never ever a good idea, it shows a one track ethnocentric way of approaching things, and usually comes with the assumption that whatever you do is correct and others should therefore accept it.

Jan 02 07 01:19 am Link



Posts: 210

Santa Rosa, California, US

Milli wrote:
How boring would that be if everyone had a small nose.

Kind of like all the fake boobs, where will the real ones be in the future?


YES! YOU GO MILLI! I'm so sick of fake boobs and fake noses. Everyone here...well most everyone here would probably tell me to run as fast as I could to a plastic surgeon for my nose...and you know what? At 17 I did but the surgeon told me I didn't need to. Turns out my nose is a sign of royalty or something...I dunno. It comes down to self-acceptance in  my opinion. You work with what you have.

Jan 02 07 01:23 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Searcher wrote:
That's a really low plebeian assessment of what I said in the other thread.

Are you going to deny that your primary reason for wanting models to get nosejobs is your own personal preference for a certain type of nose?

You have given no evidence whatsoever that models with button noses get more work or more exposure than models with other types of noses. Therefore, your advising models on what "would probably help" their careers has far less to do with providing an informed opinion and far more to do with trying to convince models to do what you want. This strikes me as merely a more extreme extension of your views in the other thread - and if I'm a "plebe," I guess anyone else who "misinterpreted" your statements that filming a rape would be interesting if you didn't think you'd get in trouble must be one as well.

Jan 02 07 01:31 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I love my beak. it is even a bit crooked on the bridge where it got broken. but I like that too.

Jan 02 07 01:33 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Kasmia wrote:
People come to their own conclusions about what they find attractive, you can try to appeal to those people with your work, expose to new ideas but you aren't going to make them change their ideas.  If your work appeals to someone great, if not, then it doesn't, no big deal.

You're right, in a way, but you ignore the two basic reasons for anyone to take a commercial photograph. You either want people to look at it and love how it makes them feel, therefore desiring the image itself, or you want them to desire what the image suggests to be a good thing. The job of a photographer working on the majority of shoots where the models used would be paid, is to sell an idea. I don't suggest that I enjoy imposing a notion of beauty or desirability of an object or a place or a celebrity on someone. I say that it is what I get paid to do.

Kasmia wrote:
Pushing your ideas onto others is never ever a good idea, it shows a one track ethnocentric way of approaching things, and usually comes with the assumption that whatever you do is correct and others should therefore accept it.

I think that's the business model used by Young & Rubicam. It may not be right philosophically, but in our a capitalist society it is what we are compelled to do, or we will have serious difficulty in paying the rent on time.

Perhaps it is better said that the job of a photographer is not to impose ideas of beauty, but to impose a personal concept of order. Though, I tend to think there is often beauty in order.

Jan 02 07 01:36 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Now I'm getting a little paranoid, do you guys think I need a nose job?

Jan 02 07 01:37 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Kizzy  wrote:
Now I'm getting a little paranoid, do you guys think I need a nose job?

Yes. it is too small and upturned. You need to make it bigger.

Jan 02 07 01:40 am Link



Posts: 775

New York, New York, US

Catriona wrote:
I guess anyone else who "misinterpreted" your statements that filming a rape would be interesting if you didn't think you'd get in trouble must be one as well.

You have a reading comprehension problem. Go back through the whole razor thread before you run around accusing me of saying something like that. I was being sarcastic because I was asked a silly question.

Jan 02 07 01:41 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Lapis wrote:
Yes. it is too small and upturned. You need to make it bigger.

My nose is a little crooked and has a hump in it and one of my eyes droops when I get tired from getting smacked with a softball a couple of times.

Jan 02 07 01:42 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Kizzy  wrote:

My nose is a little crooked and one of my eyes droops when I get tired from getting smacked with a softball a couple of times.

so you are saying you look....human? OMG....well, that would keep me from shooting you. lol.

Jan 02 07 01:42 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

More so than any nose job, some lack the confidence which makes them beautiful! Confidence makes people more attractive, so I say instead of turning into one big barbie doll, we should all appreciate the uniqueness of our own beauty!

Jan 02 07 01:44 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Lapis wrote:
so you are saying you look....human? OMG....well, that would keep me from shooting you. lol.

LOL  That's not all...I have huge scars on my knees from sliding in softball and also chipped a front tooth.  That's what I get for playing down and dirty!  But, I guess it gives me character!  :-)

Jan 02 07 01:45 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brittney Harrington wrote:
More so than any nose job, some lack the confidence which makes them beautiful! Confidence makes people more attractive, so I say instead of turning into one big barbie doll, we should all appreciate the uniqueness of our own beauty!

uh...pretty much. Modeling is about a lot more than what your nose looks like. but, I think that has been covered by others here. Being a model or being anyone means that you will do better and be happier if you are confident within yourself and do not make your appearance your sole asset, whether male or female. We all get old and, better have something in terms of character, and better to start doing that when the world still thinks you look good. BTW, the older you get, the more attractive older people start to look. Thank God. When I was a teenager, I remember boys in their early 20's looked scary to me. Too much hair.

Jan 02 07 01:48 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Lapis wrote:

uh...pretty much. Modeling is about a lot more than what your nose looks like. but, I think that has been covered by others here. Being a model or being anyone means that you will do better and be happier if you are confident within yourself and do not make your appearance your sole asset, whether male or female. We all get old and, better have something in terms of character, and better to start doing that when the world still thinks you look good. BTW, the older you get, the more attractive older people start to look. Thank God. When I was a teenager, I remember boys in their early 20's looked scary to me. Too much hair.

Ditto! A pretty face is a pretty face. Personality and character will carry you much farther no matter what industry you are in!  In any business or personal affair, people work with who they want to work with and hang with who they want to hang with. I can guarantee that he/she who may not be the 'prettiest' but is the easiest and most enjoyable to work with will most likely get the job!

Last time I checked there were 300,000 members and who knows how many models comprise that number! Can you really validate your judgement? And in the event that somehow your statement is justified, I sincerely hope you can convey your remarks in a more positive manner!

Jan 02 07 02:15 am Link


Marquita C

Posts: 84


I love my nose. It brings balance to my face.

OH and it does all kinds of neat things like smell things and when I sneeze really really hard boogers come out!!! KOOL!!!! LOL!

Jan 02 07 02:26 am Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Searcher wrote:
As a photographer, it's my job to push my ideas about beauty onto others. Don't you agree?

Huh? Where the hell you get this idea from? As a photographer, you present your ideas of beauty and let others to see if they accept or reject your ideas. Not the other way around. It would be an ugly world if your ideas were accepted, IMO.

As for nose job, ever heard of PhotoShop?

Jan 02 07 12:47 pm Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

UdoR wrote:
Mr. Searcher!

Dude... we have to have brunch soon, so that I can straighten you out... soon!!! big_smile

Later man, and happy new years!


UdoR, please make it happen ASAP.

Jan 02 07 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 6427

Clearly, you're idea of beauty is a personal opinion, and you shouldn't enforce it on anyone.

Jan 02 07 01:26 pm Link