Forums > General Industry > Young models Unprofessional?



Posts: 63

Dallas, Texas, US

I get it, makes me  mad as hell. in the past 2 weeks:

2 drunk calls at 3am wanting me to shoot her and her friends.
1 boyfriend who wonders why i wont let men on the set. I simply tell them I prefer females and your mother is welcome or her mom just not a boyfriend.
Another who brought her un Model friend to pose with her nude. UMMMM whos the model.
2 skin trade girls who need photos for their web site in real NASTY crotch shots. XXXXXXX no way.
1 girl who arrived being underage "but she looks older" she said.
2 girls who I absolutely clarified that I NEED TAN LINES when they arrived they had none and had skin that looked like tanned leather at the ripe age of 18.
About two weeks go a young lady who arrived shit faced and fell asleep in my waiting area.

TFCD models I love dealing with, with a desire to create moving/driving photos.
All in all I still love creating that perfect photo for a model or aspiring model that enjoys the cameras eye.

Dec 21 06 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 2142

Charleston, West Virginia, US

I am 20- have a baby and a husband (although he's not a jealous one)
i guess I must be a very unprofessional model even though I show up on time, all the time and give 110% to every shoot.... darn i knew i should've grown a beard sad

Dec 21 06 09:48 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

jerrell edwards wrote:
Okay Ive been doing this for a LONG while and though Im fairly young (26 is considered young nowadays???) I find work with "models" younger than I am has its problems.
Granted working with post 30s models means working around kids and spouses and such (and jealous husbands who call every 10 minutes during shoots) but they attempt to make a schedule work and Ive had very few flakers in the older age range. Seems the older the more reliable.
Has anyone else seen this?
I have scratched out under 18ers altogether (a few have been no call no shows simply to go to the mall with friends)
And the 18-22 bunch either are busy with college (too much so to even moderately consider "modeling" part time, yet they wont state that in their profile) or just put forth no real effort to come out to a 2 hour shoot
I know I cant be the only one having this issue.
And the whole "not replying must mean Im not interested" thing is annoying. What ever happen to a simple "no thank you"??? Takes 2 seconds to type.
Keep in mind models, Im not saying ALL young models are like this, just most Ive come across. Id even say at least 60-70% of models on these sites will no call no show at least a few times and not even follow up with an email explaining why.
So photogs anyone else have issues and how have you handled it?

26, huh?  Your imagery is outstanding.  Your ego is blooming.  You've passed puberty.  You're well on your way to being an "old pro!" 

No-shows can be frustrating, and they're occasionally a fact of life in this game we play, but if you're getting enough to make it a major issue for you then you're doing something wrong.  Communicate clearly.  Check refrences.  Have a personable attitude.  Show an interest in their needs as well as your own.

Try thinking of models as "people" rather than necessary evils. Unlike "models", "people" have lives. Other factors besides your desires factor into their priorities.  And, even if you pay them, they don't tend to make you the center of their universe.  But you'd be surpirsed how it reduces your flake rate.

Dec 22 06 02:06 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:

This girl is NOT a model:

Though with some experience and a better photographer, she could be (well, maybe not, she is only 5'2").  However, she is pretty and she does like her picture taken.  And she shows up. smile

She's a model in my book. And in yours also I guess smile Very well done and the fact that she shows up? Bless you!

Dec 22 06 02:08 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Avisual wrote:
I get it, makes me  mad as hell. in the past 2 weeks:

2 drunk calls at 3am wanting me to shoot her and her friends.
1 boyfriend who wonders why i wont let men on the set. I simply tell them I prefer females and your mother is welcome or her mom just not a boyfriend.
Another who brought her un Model friend to pose with her nude. UMMMM whos the model.
2 skin trade girls who need photos for their web site in real NASTY crotch shots. XXXXXXX no way.
1 girl who arrived being underage "but she looks older" she said.
2 girls who I absolutely clarified that I NEED TAN LINES when they arrived they had none and had skin that looked like tanned leather at the ripe age of 18.
About two weeks go a young lady who arrived shit faced and fell asleep in my waiting area.

TFCD models I love dealing with, with a desire to create moving/driving photos.
All in all I still love creating that perfect photo for a model or aspiring model that enjoys the cameras eye.

Your life is FAR more exciting than mine. I'd settle for 1 drunk dial at 3 a.m.

Dec 22 06 02:10 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Hamza wrote:

STOP the nonsense!  Like a model 'owes' you anything?

Some models get hundreds and I mean HUNDREDS of requests every day.  They are tired of typing "No Thank You".  If they had to type those 3 words everytime they had a request to shoot that they were NOT interested in, they would get cramps.  Don't you know a model's hands are delicate? 

Do you reply to EVERY model that requests a shoot?  Probably, only because you don't have to type "No Thank You" 300 times.

No Reply = Not Interested

Is that so hard to comprehend?

That is true. Thanks for defending us models for once. I get requests from my website, from OMP, MM, Muse Cube, and even My Space. In a typical day, I get 50+ emails in my regular inbox alone. I get a number from OMP as well. From MM, I might get 10 or so a day. I will admit, I get lazy. A lot of times, I ask photographers if I can call them.
I am not a high demand model, but I do get a lot of requests I decline. I am selective.

Dec 22 06 03:09 pm Link