
ML Weston

Posts: 879

Seneca, Missouri, US

It's funny how the status term used by a lot of people is biased solely on their own perception of them selves.

I've seen guys with Wal-Mart point and shoot cameras listed as "professional" on their page. Since I knew one, I ask him to explain and his response was it referred to his attitude and behavior. That's not my take on the term but I can't compel anyone to change their use of the word as an adjective based on my use of the term as a noun.

professional - adjective,  of or relating to a profession, or behavior

As for my part, I define the terms as such...

1. GWC = Bought a camera to get his freak on. Shoots only girls, bikini, lingerie and nude. Uses only camera Auto settings, has no clue or desire to discover WB, ISO, F/stop....

2. Amateur = GWC that bought a camera and discovered beauty all around. Has passion for the art of photography. Eagerly seeks advice and knowledge from those more experienced and upgrades equipment as budget allows. Loves to shoot girls same as GWC but also photographs just about anything in front of them, animals, landscapes, flowers, trees, children... ect.

3. Simi-Pro = Very skilled Amateur. Has developed their own style and look to their photography. Some work published locally and is paid occasionally by friend, family and second or third tier referrals. Actively seeks publication in a major periodical.

4. Pro = This is what they do for a living. Skill levels and styles vary from WTF to WOW but all have one thing in common... they pay their bills with photography.

Professional - Noun - someone that engages in an activity to earn money.

Personally, this AMATURE likes the OP’s work and think it’s unfortunate that some forget the term “professional” should define both their status AND their behavior.

Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they actually look forward to the trip.

Dec 17 06 06:31 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

musart wrote:
why is it some 'pro' photographers feel the need to belittle beginners?

i just got 3 emails from 'established' photographers telling me to change my classification from 'semi-pro' to 'GWC'

so what does that make me?
a gwc?

f*ck me...

To me, you look like a true professional. Not only that. your work holds me speechless. You are destined to change the very face of art itself and will forever be a beacon of light to inspire future generations of  photographers and artists all over the universe!

Does that make you feel better? Take it with the same grain of salt as the other three comments you got.

Dec 17 06 07:00 pm Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

Just ignore all of it.  Your work is better than a lot of stuff I see on this site and others.  You know you can do the work and you seem very good at it.  Keep doing your thing.

Dec 17 06 08:14 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

I find it hard to believe that there are people with enough time on their hands to go out of their way to make unsolicited criticism of others.  I wish I had that amount of time, but I would not stoop to that level.
BTW nice port

Dec 17 06 10:20 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

The problem I see with your work is direction..or lack there of. Some are "sort of art" (ONLY MY OPINION) some sort of erotic some fashion/casual some product(Not the best site to put product shots even if that is your publication). And you do say you want to have a "diverse" portfolio. BTW I think that is bad for any form of pro but again, MY OPINION. Most of your work is good...none of it is steller when compared to the top of the crop here on MM. But none bad enough to be hazed either. But as for you being your toughest Be tougher.

Dec 17 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Another vote against GWC, for GWP.


Dec 17 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 461

Salisbury, Maryland, US

I love my Wal-Mart thu away . now I need A bikini girl lol

Dec 17 06 11:18 pm Link



Posts: 472

Chicago, Illinois, US

musart wrote:
why is it some 'pro' photographers feel the need to belittle beginners?

i just got 3 emails from 'established' photographers telling me to change my classification from 'semi-pro' to 'GWC'

i classified myself as semi-pro for these reasons:
1. i do it part-time (i'd go full-time if i could pay the bills)
2. i've been paid for my work - and published
3. i try to be oodles more professional than some pros - especially in the way i treat models who are good enough to work with me...

so what does that make me?
a gwc?

f*ck me...

Perhaps someone already beat me to the punch. But why would you care what someone else thinks. I am the type of person who reaches out to other photogs for advice and to support work I think is incredible or striking.I asked a photg on here about photo assisting and he said I was self-taught, and that it would be unlikely I would make it as a photog or even a photo assistant. Grab a copy of last months American Photo and read about photographers (and photo assistants)-like others in this twisted world. They are talented yet unfortunately, paranoid, insecure, unwiliing to help others, just plain f'ing weird-you name it. I respect those that offer me advice good or bad. But no matter how talented, if they are social or mental derelicts I don't think twice about what they think about my work. Other photographers don't pay your bills. And (gasp)...there are some that attempt to berate other talented photographers. Simple rule-stay away from insecure people all across the board. There are some helpful people out there and then there are some frigging idiots who think because they are talented, they  can "shit on others". But no one can take your passion away-go to it-and stop worrying about "pros". Who gives a rats arse what "they" consider you to be. " A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step...."

Dec 17 06 11:38 pm Link


Shelby Rich

Posts: 208

Vancouver, Washington, US

All I have to say is I think your work is great, get rid of your "semi-pro" status and just say it like it are a photographer, and your pretty damn good at it, I think you have a great eye and I wouldn't be bothered by some moran with an attitude.  It's your clients you want to be happy, not some ass who thinks he's the shit!  If you like what you do and your clients do too, that's all it's about.  You know, I knew a guy many moons ago who was a GWC, but he honed his skill, had a great eye to start and now he was just named one of the top 50 photographers in the world, I am sure he ran into a few arrogant fck's along the way, but who's laughin now at 10K a day?! Keep your chin up, I don't see a GWC when I look at your stuff.

Dec 18 06 12:01 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

ML Weston wrote:
Personally, this AMATURE likes the OP’s work and think it’s unfortunate that some forget the term “professional” should define both their status AND their behavior.

So does this amateur.

It is pretty diverse. I'm just wondering how many of the pics are really yours.

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine, who's friend actually took the picture that is in the very last position of you pics page. I went to another website to view the other photog's images. It may be sized down from the one I was viewing, but the image on your page is the same image.

Is that what diverse is? Using other tog's images to build a portfolio?

If so, I'm off to Lithium Picnics, Johnny Crosslin's and Bob Randall's ports to build a way more cool and much more diverse port than yours.

Just kidding! I'll continue to try to build my own style and images. Thank you.

Dec 18 06 12:59 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

musart wrote:
why is it some 'pro' photographers feel the need to belittle beginners?

i just got 3 emails from 'established' photographers telling me to change my classification from 'semi-pro' to 'GWC'

i classified myself as semi-pro for these reasons:
1. i do it part-time (i'd go full-time if i could pay the bills)
2. i've been paid for my work - and published
3. i try to be oodles more professional than some pros - especially in the way i treat models who are good enough to work with me...

so what does that make me?
a gwc?

f*ck me...

Took a look at your port. WOW, Some really nice work. I particularly liked the image of the woman laying down surrounded by candles. FREAKIN' AWESOME. How did you do it? In fact, I Loved it so much that I took a screen print so that I could study it in depth (I really hope you don't mind). Funny what a small world it is, I happen to actually KNOW that model and she is totally amazing to work with. Lucky you.

Bye Bye!

Dec 18 06 01:23 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

i am a GWC as a matter of fact i have 4 cameras

Yes but do you shoot from the crotch specifically to hang out with hot chicks in trashy bikinis and stripper you shoot nudes like snapshots on a couch in your friends hangout basement?

Dec 18 06 01:27 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

musart wrote:
why is it some 'pro' photographers feel the need to belittle beginners?

i just got 3 emails from 'established' photographers telling me to change my classification from 'semi-pro' to 'GWC'

i classified myself as semi-pro for these reasons:
1. i do it part-time (i'd go full-time if i could pay the bills)
2. i've been paid for my work - and published
3. i try to be oodles more professional than some pros - especially in the way i treat models who are good enough to work with me...

so what does that make me?
a gwc?

f*ck me...

Iv'e been told this [are ah not to my face] by a couple of giants in Chicago, and Im still standin

Dec 18 06 01:59 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

Shoreline Studio wrote:
David is so right!

A professional in any field would be much the same. The demands of making the work happen, and happen right, maintaining your business structure, planning, marketing, etc. - don't leave much time for this. It's fun to drop in now and then, see some work others are doing, exchange a few words here and there. But who has time for more? Certainly, who has time to be busy blowing other people out of the water, discouraging them from enjoying their life? What a waste of karma!

It doesn't matter if you are a GWC - if you are, you are a GWC who is doing some good work, ok!

When I catch the rare compliment - well, that's nice. Warm glow time.

When I get some crap like you got - I just figure they're having a bad day and need to unload someplace. (Sorry it was you.) It's the nature of people.

So keep on workng at it, and be glad you have that fortune 500 job that allows you to do good photography for fun. Having to do it to pay the rent can sometimes make a fun profession a little less enjoyable, LOL! (And then you wanta go beat up some poor GWC......)

i guess im a GWC  whose actually working

Dec 18 06 02:05 am Link


Ken Pivak Photography

Posts: 837

Los Angeles, California, US

Come on everyone... we know MM is not a pro site and we're here to help or entertain to a degree.  This is not a place to direct clients to, but a place we can bitch and moan.  If someone wants to rant about how one should be a "Blah Blah Blah or a Blah Blah"  who cares.  Don't place so much weight here.  If you're a pro then you have another site to advertise yourself ... professionally.  Let's just be friends and help each other out. 
with kindness-

Dec 18 06 02:06 am Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

musart wrote:
why is it some 'pro' photographers feel the need to belittle beginners?

i just got 3 emails from 'established' photographers telling me to change my classification from 'semi-pro' to 'GWC'

i classified myself as semi-pro for these reasons:
1. i do it part-time (i'd go full-time if i could pay the bills)
2. i've been paid for my work - and published
3. i try to be oodles more professional than some pros - especially in the way i treat models who are good enough to work with me...

so what does that make me?
a gwc?

f*ck me...

Tell these jerks to get their head out of their asses so they can see the sun better.

Dec 18 06 02:08 am Link

Makeup Artist

Riannan the Artist

Posts: 99

Punta Gorda, Florida, US

I think you have some great pictures.
Don't let other people get you down.  That's just dumb.  We are all on this website to network and meet people, so don't let other people in the area belittle you.

Also,  work on your "About Me" section of your page.  3-4 sentences does seem a little  unprofessional. Sure it's short and to the point,  but if you take time to really tell about yourself, your photography goals, what you want to work on etc., that will really help you out, and maybe get people to get off your back.
It's too bad people said that.  Keep on keepin on!

Take care smile

Dec 18 06 02:12 am Link


Merlyn Magic Photo

Posts: 4361

Long Beach, California, US

Oh, I see why they said that.. you shot some nudes and didn't do it in a studio with a black backdrop and a 1:3 ratio between the lights to have dramatic shadows to accentuate the curves of your subjects...

BTW, before anyone jumps up and bites my ankles... I'm only pulling your leg... Like your work, and agree with others that GWC goes to intent not skill.

Dec 18 06 02:18 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

Lohkee wrote:

Took a look at your port. WOW, Some really nice work. I particularly liked the image of the woman laying down surrounded by candles. FREAKIN' AWESOME. How did you do it? In fact, I Loved it so much that I took a screen print so that I could study it in depth (I really hope you don't mind). Funny what a small world it is, I happen to actually KNOW that model and she is totally amazing to work with. Lucky you.

Bye Bye!

Wow, guess nobody read my earlier post - there are jerks and then there are JERKS!

Dec 18 06 02:19 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

if you are a GWC than being one is harder than owning a camera big_smile

Dec 18 06 02:21 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

Koray wrote:
if you are a GWC than being one is harder than owning a camera big_smile


Dec 18 06 02:25 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:

Yes but do you shoot from the crotch specifically to hang out with hot chicks in trashy bikinis and stripper you shoot nudes like snapshots on a couch in your friends hangout basement?

or do you drink champaine in the rain.......

Dec 18 06 02:29 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Lohkee wrote:


I like your name, but you have to register to view your link and this GWC cant do that either...ha ha ha ha...ha

Dec 18 06 02:30 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Im still standing, stronger than I ever stood

Dec 18 06 02:30 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Pixel Fisher wrote:
Come on everyone... we know MM is not a pro site and we're here to help or entertain to a degree.  This is not a place to direct clients to, but a place we can bitch and moan.  If someone wants to rant about how one should be a "Blah Blah Blah or a Blah Blah"  who cares.  Don't place so much weight here.  If you're a pro then you have another site to advertise yourself ... professionally.  Let's just be friends and help each other out. 
with kindness-

wise words from a wise man

Dec 18 06 02:31 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Koray wrote:
if you are a GWC than being one is harder than owning a camera big_smile

this as a man with passion

Dec 18 06 02:31 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

jonathan ledeux wrote:

this as a man with passion

You must be drunk :-)

Dec 18 06 02:35 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US


Dec 18 06 03:27 am Link


The Dave

Posts: 8848

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Musart MM #60689 is not a current member.

Hmmm.... Wonder why?

Dec 18 06 03:41 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Lohkee wrote:

jonathan ledeux wrote:
I like your name, but you have to register to view your link and this GWC cant do that either...ha ha ha ha...ha

I got to see it, and it's the less pixelated version of the woman in the glow of candles from his page, and it's on the original photgrapher's (of mentioned image) page.

This guy is lower than a GWC. I'm not even sure he has a camera or just the ability to download other Tog's images.

Dec 18 06 03:43 am Link


Morbid Rockwell

Posts: 593

Fresno, California, US

Double Eagle Studios wrote:
Musart MM #60689 is not a current member.

Hmmm.... Wonder why?

Wow! That was fast on the mod's part.

Dec 18 06 03:44 am Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

Dredful Jaymz wrote:
Wow! That was fast on the mod's part.

Kinda takes your breath away. Doesn’t make much sense to argue with an officer who pulls you over for speeding if you just happen to have a corpse or two in the trunk of your car – Oh well, some folks are just, well, um, sort of really strange I suppose.

Dec 18 06 03:59 am Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

musart wrote:
why is it some 'pro' photographers feel the need to belittle beginners?

i just got 3 emails from 'established' photographers telling me to change my classification from 'semi-pro' to 'GWC'

i classified myself as semi-pro for these reasons:
1. i do it part-time (i'd go full-time if i could pay the bills)
2. i've been paid for my work - and published
3. i try to be oodles more professional than some pros - especially in the way i treat models who are good enough to work with me...

so what does that make me?
a gwc?

f*ck me...

the fact that they actually contact you concerning your proclaimed status sort of eliminates any connotation of professionalism on their part.
This site has about as much to do with professional photography as my mom's cat.....who, by the by, died last year.
It used to, vaugely, back when it started but now its just a free for all.

so hang on a minute....let me get this straight....the loudmouth who started this eloquent thread on his lack of respect from his peers, was actually ripping off other people's images, yet still couldn't keep off the forums???

Hmmmm...... i think that pretty much sums up the sorry state of affairs here at MM forums.

Dec 18 06 02:21 pm Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

photofashion wrote:
so hang on a minute....let me get this straight....the loudmouth who started this eloquent thread on his lack of respect from his peers, was actually ripping off other people's images, yet still couldn't keep off the forums???

Hmmmm...... i think that pretty much sums up the sorry state of affairs here at MM forums.

Those master card  "priceless" slogans come to mind . . .

Dec 18 06 02:38 pm Link