Forums > General Industry > The more I see artistic nudes...


Wicked Illusion

Posts: 138

Woodland, California, US

i have one, I think it is good....  somewhat..

Dec 15 06 05:46 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Ought To Be Shot wrote:

C'mon!  Having a relationship sometimes means not doing something for no other reason than it'll make the partner uncomfortable.  Relationships are give and take.  In my 25 year relationship (married for 18) both my wife and I have bent for the other many times.

This is a good point.  You do things for those you love.  But you also DON'T do things because you love them.

Dec 15 06 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 572

Palm Bay, Florida, US

Stick to your morals, and your gut feeling.  Don't do something because other people do it.

Dec 15 06 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:

This is a good point.  You do things for those you love.  But you also DON'T do things because you love them.

Yeah like you DON'T make an issue out of something someone you love wants to do just because of your own insecurities.

Kinda like that?

Dec 15 06 05:57 pm Link



Posts: 87

Bossier City, Louisiana, US

My 0.02 is that people would just be happier if they lived for themselves. no, that does not mean not taking others feelings into consideration but it does mean not having to give up on your own dreams and things that make you happy. 
I have always been viewed as my own person and while that didn't make the favorite in the family I am, by far, the happiest. 

I live by the following:  I don't need permission to live my life. 

I'm not hateful, selfish or spiteful and I try to be nice to others.  Once  I was involved with someone who just couldn't deal with me modeling. period.  And if nude was involved he'd have a freaking break down.  I had enough of that and realized that if I gave in on that then it would be only a matter of time before he'd have problems with other areas.  I see this and saw that as a huge red flag and screams of his issues.  Just whatever you wish to be happy and follow your dreams.  good luck.


Dec 15 06 11:02 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

If you're comfortable with it, go ahead. If you're not, don't.

"Comfortable" includes factors other than just one person. Please note, she amended her "let" to "approve." I realize all this "live for yourself" stuff, but I enjoy my wife's approval on things, and I hope that she enjoys my approval. If we disapprove, we let each other know, and we expect each other to at least consider our individual disapprovals. A relationship, including marriage, is mutual respect and often compromise, not each person doing whatever they want to do, without regard to the other.

Realize that pictures are forever. If you have no problem with you and the people who are important to you having the pictures around forever, there's nothing stopping you.

Dec 16 06 01:15 am Link


Jack Blake

Posts: 162

Mission Viejo, California, US

ya know.. I couldn't read all the replies to this thread... so I hope I'm not completely repeating someone.. this seems kinda silly to me.. my work is downright prudish.. and I don't see the problem here.

perhaps it's cuz I'm old.

If you don't feel comfortable with posing nude.. then don't. If it's something you want to do to create some art and some memories then do it now or you'll end up wishing you had for a very long time.

who gives a rip what someone else thinks as long as you're not hurting them?

Now.. if ya love the guy.. and if you think he'd be emotionally scarred by you doing it.. AND wanna spend the rest of your life with it.. well then.. tha's one for a counsellor rather than a bunch of models and photographers.


You knew the answer to your own question before you put it up.

Dec 16 06 03:32 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Hi hun,

  I've only just started experimenting with them and only with professional photographers I know and trust. I think it's a pretty risky thing to do with anyone so I'm being very selective and so far, it's been without problem. But I completely understand how you feel. I WOULD be disowned if my parents knew and no one is my personal life approves. But tough, it's my life and if I make a mistake, I'll learn from it later. I'm not living for anyone else and that's basically why I decided ot go ahead with it. I was like you, fascinated with the genre and wanting to try it but my fear held me back. Not anymore though and I feel empowered for beating it smile I'm careful though and you should always be, even more so with that kind of work but if you can get past that insecurity, it's an amazing feeling to create something in that style that you are proud of.

Your chouice though, you should only ever do it if you've thought it through.

Kell xxx

Dec 16 06 03:54 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Shyly wrote:
I can give you my take on numbers one and three...

My papa is old school.  The man would never, and I mean never, be happy to find out that his oldest daughter has nude photographs all over the internet.  When I considered seriously doing art modeling (which is almost always nude), I had to think long and hard about that. 

If you do this, assume that at some point the person you least want to see the photographs will come across them.  Just presume it's going to happen, despite your best efforts.  Even if you're embarrassed, or it's uncomfortable, can you stand by your decision and be proud of what you've been part of creating?  If the answer is no, then you shouldn't shoot them, period.

For me, the answer was, "Well it would be excruciating, but I am still damn proud of the body of work I've created, so I can stand by my choices and feel that I've made them with integrity."  So, I became an art model.  But that's just for me.  You really - really - need to spend some time with the question before you make a decision, because once you've gone down that path, you can't go back.  There's no recalling nude photos once they're on the internet, so be as sure as you can be that it is the right choice for you.

There's always, as Bruce said, the option of privately commissioning photos just for you and your sweetie.  (That's what got me into this in the first place!)

As to body type, well, if I can model nude, anyone can.  Seriously.  Art modeling is the most forgiving genre of modeling there is, because literally anyone has the potential to do it.

Good luck with your decision.  smile

Wow I didn't realize so many people had responded after I left.  I know its been a couple of days, but this thread got buried and I just randomly decided to do a search to see if anyone else had offered advice.
And an update, my boyfriend has changed his mind. smile
I didn't even argue it with him.  It was weird.  I just brought it up again and he said he would be fine with it.

So I'm still thinking about it but I think it will be a while.

Shyly, thats a very good point, and yes I know that if the person who I least wanted to see it happened to come across it, I would not regret doing it, and I would still stand firm in my decision and be proud of what I've created.

Thanks again for the advice everyone.

Dec 20 06 05:57 am Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Milli wrote:
And an update, my boyfriend has changed his mind. smile
I didn't even argue it with him.

Why the sudden change of heart smile

Dec 20 06 06:06 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Primal Lens wrote:

Why the sudden change of heart smile

He said because he knows its something I really want to do, and that he has actually thought about it and he is fine with it as long as its tasteful and not erotic.

Dec 20 06 06:14 am Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Milli wrote:

He said because he knows its something I really want to do, and that he has actually thought about it and he is fine with it as long as its tasteful and not erotic.


If you ever decide that is a road you want to go down(art nudes, not erotic) and our paths cross someday, I would love to arrange a shoot with you..

Dec 20 06 06:19 am Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Primal Lens wrote:


If you ever decide that is a road you want to go down(art nudes, not erotic) and our paths cross someday, I would love to arrange a shoot with you..

That would be nice.
If i do decide to do it, you should travel frequently to Texas lol.

Dec 20 06 06:22 am Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Milli wrote:

That would be nice.
If i do decide to do it, you should travel frequently to Texas lol.

Ya never know smile

Dec 20 06 06:23 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Vance on 12/15 wrote:
You will be doing nudes in 2007. You have already decided. You are building couraqge right now. (...) She wont make it to 2008 without at least on artistic nude. I'd put 100 on it....any day

Milli on 12/15 wrote:
Oh no, I'm doing IMPLIED nude in 07.  Sorry I guess I wasn't clear on that.

Milli on 12/20 wrote:
update, my boyfriend has changed his mind (...) said he would be fine with it (...) because he knows its something I really want to do

this sounded oh so different just a few days ago; hmm.

(*reaches for checkbook*) Vance ... ?

~ F

Dec 20 06 06:44 am Link


Paul Verite

Posts: 100

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

If you decide to do artistic nudes, choose your photographer carefully. Look at his previous work closely.

Dec 20 06 06:59 am Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12165

Austin, Texas, US

What I have suggested before when this has come up is start with a model release that says the usual bit about waiving rights to approve the pictures, but add "except in pictures with full frontal nudity and in which your face is recognizable."  Its a matter of how you are posed or how the picture is cropped.  No, that doesn't gaurantee that they would never surface but if you shoot with legitimate photographers it should help.

Then give it a week and see how you feel when you see the pictures.  Hopefully, the photographer will do a good job and you'll love the results.  The real question though, whether they are that good or not, is how you feel.  Even if they aren't great, do you feel you want to shoot them again to get them right.  In that case go for it.  If not, then its just not for you.

Dec 20 06 07:39 am Link


ML Ward

Posts: 187

Atlanta, Georgia, US

i agree, they're are some really beautiful ones on the site

Dec 20 06 07:53 am Link


Tom Winstead

Posts: 551

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

"No other subject is so indicative of the photographer's taste and talent as the nude."
- Peter Lacey

Dec 20 06 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Bruce Talbot wrote:
Creating exceptional nudes does not mandate sharing of same. That which is created in private has the luxury of staying private. 



I agree..  smile

Dec 20 06 12:26 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

it moves me when i see artistic nudes. it just did again !

Dec 20 06 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Shyly wrote:
As to body type, well, if I can model nude, anyone can.  Seriously.  Art modeling is the most forgiving genre of modeling there is, because literally anyone has the potential to do it.

Good luck with your decision.  smile

I disagree.  nude modeling is HARD!!!  (I tried it finally so I can say now.)  It's so much easier to do with your clothes on.  I think you have to have an ability for it, even if you have an understanding, it's not easy.   body type, just...  i don't know a little clicky thing in your head? 

I don't know, maybe I'm just not used to it, but it sure seemed more difficult.

Dec 20 06 12:31 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

Number 2 sucks.

He won't "let" you? Is that the role he plays? Telling you what you can and cannot do?

If you're going to be in modeling, seriously be in modeling, tell your bf to relax or take a hike.

Dec 20 06 12:33 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Ransom J wrote:
So what if he doesn't approve?  You're grown.

And this is number 9834 of why I'm single.

No one tells me what I can and cannot do. And if I'm going to have a boyfriend, he's going to be MAN enough to be OK with it, or step aside.

To the OP: so, he doesn't "approve", what's he going to do, break up with you? So what?

edit: i see he's "ok" with it now.

You can't please everyone. Try to do what makes you happy.

Dec 20 06 12:34 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

i shot a model the other day, i had to tell her to cover up.

doing nude is one thing, but being out of shape is where i draw the line.

Dec 20 06 12:37 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Paul Verite wrote:
If you decide to do artistic nudes, choose your photographer carefully. Look at his previous work closely.

His? lololol. ;-)

Dec 20 06 12:43 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Milli wrote:

He almost did not want me to do implied nudes, but I convinced him because nothing would be showing.  I haven't done a shoot yet but I have a couple set up for the beginning of next year.

I had a boyfriend who didn't like nudes at first. He got use to it after I shot a few sets. In my case he just wanted to see how they turned out. He is now proud that I am a nude art model. Maybe you should have him join you on the shoot. I know that can help, change his mind. A lot of times there is just a miss understanding.

Dec 20 06 12:44 pm Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
i shot a model the other day, i had to tell her to cover up.

doing nude is one thing, but being out of shape is where i draw the line.

I don't quite understand... Why did she have to cover up just because you're out of shape?

Dec 20 06 12:45 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

models and their controlling bf. these are the days of our lives.

Dec 20 06 12:46 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

GLB Graphics wrote:

I don't quite understand... Why did she have to cover up just because you're out of shape?

im out of shape. but the models has too many rolls. i don't want to see rolls.

Dec 20 06 12:47 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Renée Jacobs wrote:

His? lololol. ;-)

i heart renee.

Dec 20 06 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

Primal Lens wrote:

1- You can`t live for their approval. Most parents of models don`t know all of what their son/daughter poses for, especially when it comes to art nudes which are not always done for big time publication,etc.

2- Have you talked with him about it seriously? Shown him examples? Told him that some photographers would even let him be there?I have talked to quite a few boyfriends who said their girl couldn`t pose for nudes and once they talked to me personally, they changed their mind. A lot of boyfriends are just scared the photographer is doing nudes out of perversion or oggling their girl or trying to get in their panties. Once they see this is not the case some do change their mind.

3- Hog wash!There is really no right or wrong body type for true art nudes of any medium from drawing to photography.

big_smile yup

ps... my parents dont know. I dont tell them. and if they found out.. oh well. I'd show them everything. and how beautiful it is. And hope they'd understand. It's ART

I love art smile

Dec 20 06 12:49 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Huynh Photography wrote:

im out of shape. but the models has too many rolls. i don't want to see rolls.

Where's that pic of the girl in the bikini doing a handstand on the beach with the caption "LOOK AT ME!  I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE!" when you need it?

Dec 20 06 12:49 pm Link


Huynh Studios

Posts: 384

Sacramento, California, US

go back and read up on your photography skills before you can talk to me. i don't want to lecture you about photo 101 again. this is the a and b conversation. c your way out.

Dec 20 06 12:51 pm Link


Tied And Taped

Posts: 4735

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Huynh Photography wrote:
go back and read up on your photography skills before you can talk to me. i don't want to lecture you about photo 101 again. this is the a and b conversation. c your way out.

Go back and read Dale Carnegie's HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE before talking to me.  While you're at it, pick up a couple of books on grammar and spelling.  I'm a little too busy right now to lecture you on respecting women AND not butchering the English Language.

Like I said, who's got that ATTENTION WHORE photo lying around?

Dec 20 06 12:53 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

I did not read the whole thread so maybe this has been said before but a jealous boyfriend means one of two things. 1. you quit modeling 2. you say ba bye to the boyfriend.

Dec 20 06 12:58 pm Link