Forums > General Industry > The more I see artistic nudes...


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

Bruce Talbot wrote:

Creating exceptional nudes does not mandate sharing of same. That which is created in private has the luxury of staying private. 


Very well said...

Dec 15 06 07:21 am Link


Teila K Day Photography

Posts: 2040

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

#1:  You're right, they might not approve, but if THEY are not living  your life and fulfilling your dreams, whims and or fantasies.. you are.  You live your life to meet YOUR approval, not that of your parents smile        Thats called "true independence".  Doing something that you're parents don't approve of doesn't in itself have anything to do with whether or not you respect or love them.

#2:  You're boyfriend what?  Puuhleeeze!  A boyfriend, should get to know you for who you really are.  You NEVER squash your curiosity, motivations and dreams just because some guy thinks you should do otherwise.  Do you realize how many mothers of yesteryear didn't go to college just because their boyfriends and or husbands pleaded for them to stay home.
Either your boyfriend likes YOU for who YOU are (good and bad stuff) or too damn bad.  He can find another girl who fits him better, and likewise you can find another guy who is more into what you like to do and or are curious about.

#3:  What is the definition of the "right body"?  Arguably God designed it, so as far as I'm concerned, its "right".  Now difference people like different body types, and out of all the people on this planet, trust me, there are many people who like your body type.

Never suppress your dreams.. such a horrible rut to psychologically get into.  Thats why dreams are called "YOUR" dreams.. and not your parents, boyfiend's, best friend's, etc...  they are simply called YOUR dreams.  Treat them as such and hold your dreams close to your heart.

Get out there and "do it"  smile

Dec 15 06 07:49 am Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

You'll never ever make everyone happy. What you have to decide is whether you want to make yourself happy. That, at least, should be achievable if you spend a little time each day working on it.

Dec 15 06 07:53 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Milli wrote:
They're very intriguing...and there are so many exceptional ones on this site!

The more I see artistic nudes, the more I want to do them. 
But I can't sad

Just a random thought.

You have a lingerie shot with a CFM look in your portfolio.  To me those are always "dirtier" than tasteful art nudes.

Dec 15 06 10:04 am Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Scribe of Souls wrote:
I'm 53 and my Dad passed away 10 years ago and my Mom passed away 4 years ago.  When us kids were going through the estate we found some nude pics, pinup style, taken with a poloroid in the late 50's or early 60's.  They were beautiful and the pics were very tasteful and artsy (more Marilyn Monroe type) and to our surprise, when I looked closer, being the photographer in the family. they were of our Mother. 

All but one of my siblings (my oldest sister who is married to a preacher) also thought they were beautiful pics of Mom in her younger years (she easily could have been a model).  We set them aside to think about what to do with them. While sorting through more family pics, my oldest sister went to look at them again and when she picked them up she shredded them into tiny pieces, much to our horror.  She said she was not going to let pornographic smut of HER mother exist to tarnish her memory.

Mom had kept those pictures for almost 50 years.  To me that says she liked them and appreciated having those pics of her "younger days".  Mom & Dad always had nude paintings (old masters) and statues around the house when we were growing up and taught us to appreciate the human form in art.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that my sister tried to make the photos dirty and slutty and even made the comment she couldn't belive that Mom would pose in such a slutty way and that in the pictures was acting like a whore.  It made the rest of us sick to think of what she had done and destroyed.  There was no way to salvage them, but we at least still have the memories of what a beautiful woman Mom was and will always be in our hearts.

If you want to do Artistic Nudes, I say go for it.  The only question you have to answer to yourself is, "Later in life will you look back and regret having done Artistic Nudes or will you regret not having done them?"

I'm so sorry!  Your sister should seek professional help. That's not healthy behavior.

Dec 15 06 10:06 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Milli wrote:
But the thing about my parents is...well my mom is a, ahhh she would kill me if she found out.

Thou shalt not kill...she's stuck!

Dec 15 06 10:11 am Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

IF you decide to do artistic nudes (and yes, you DO have a bodystyle that would work well in that arena) then give us a shout, we'd love to help you out. All our work is tastefully done.

Dec 15 06 10:13 am Link


Ought To Be Shot

Posts: 1887

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Ransom J wrote:
So what if he doesn't approve?

C'mon!  Having a relationship sometimes means not doing something for no other reason than it'll make the partner uncomfortable.  Relationships are give and take.  In my 25 year relationship (married for 18) both my wife and I have bent for the other many times.

Dec 15 06 10:17 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Scribe of Souls wrote:
(my oldest sister who is married to a preacher) .. picked them up she shredded them into tiny pieces, much to our horror.  She said she was not going to let pornographic smut of HER mother exist to tarnish her memory.

Your sister who was married to a preacher, and the OP's mother is one.
And people wonder why some of us have problems with Christianity's affect on people's common sense and emotional ability to deal with the human body.
Anyway, it's very sad.

Dec 15 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 1349

Detroit, Michigan, US

If you aren't comfortable going directly to nudes in photography you could consider modeling for life drawing artists at a local college or gallery first. This will get you comfortable with being nude in front of others, and when you see some of the artwork resulting from your efforts, you will feel better about it. Also, you might want to use artwork to break the ice with your family. A drawing or painting of a nude model is usually better accepted by others than a photo is.

I have model extensively myself for artists over the years, and currently specialize in creating sets of reference photos for artists to work from. I can assure you that artists or art students are very accepting of every size, shape, and age.

Dec 15 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Ought To Be Shot wrote:

C'mon!  Having a relationship sometimes means not doing something for no other reason than it'll make the partner uncomfortable.  Relationships are give and take.  In my 25 year relationship (married for 18) both my wife and I have bent for the other many times.

Yeah and if you would be the type that would stop your wife from doing something SHE wanted to do that DIDN'T  hurt her just because it made YOU uncomfortable then you aren't doing much giving and all taking.

Dec 15 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I can give you my take on numbers one and three...

My papa is old school.  The man would never, and I mean never, be happy to find out that his oldest daughter has nude photographs all over the internet.  When I considered seriously doing art modeling (which is almost always nude), I had to think long and hard about that. 

If you do this, assume that at some point the person you least want to see the photographs will come across them.  Just presume it's going to happen, despite your best efforts.  Even if you're embarrassed, or it's uncomfortable, can you stand by your decision and be proud of what you've been part of creating?  If the answer is no, then you shouldn't shoot them, period.

For me, the answer was, "Well it would be excruciating, but I am still damn proud of the body of work I've created, so I can stand by my choices and feel that I've made them with integrity."  So, I became an art model.  But that's just for me.  You really - really - need to spend some time with the question before you make a decision, because once you've gone down that path, you can't go back.  There's no recalling nude photos once they're on the internet, so be as sure as you can be that it is the right choice for you.

There's always, as Bruce said, the option of privately commissioning photos just for you and your sweetie.  (That's what got me into this in the first place!)

As to body type, well, if I can model nude, anyone can.  Seriously.  Art modeling is the most forgiving genre of modeling there is, because literally anyone has the potential to do it.

Good luck with your decision.  smile

Dec 15 06 10:32 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

Ransom J wrote:
I've never understood how an adult can say that another person won't LET them do something.

Sometimes that's not the reason at all. Sometimes a person feels something is morally wrong (I'm not saying this is or isn't) within their own heart, and use others as excuses why they won't/can't do something.

Dec 15 06 10:34 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

I make nude photographs almost exclusively -- hopefully, they qualify as "artistic".

I am a little surprised by the responses on this thread.  Seems to me that the vast majority of the responses were intended to help you decide to pose nude; many folks have adopted different strategies to help you change your mind (or original post said that you don't want to pose nude).

So, speaking for the silent art photographers (or for just myself, perhaps), I'd say that nude modeling just isn't for everyone, for various reasons.  You mention three good reasons.  Yes, many nude models create uncomfortable (or even damaging) situations with family & friends, and for many folks, those difficulties are simply not worth the hassle.  Many models are not sufficiently comfortable with their bodies to expose it all, and speaking for myself, if the model is uncomfortable with her posing, the resulting images are rarely worthwhile.

I, for one, will accept whatever decision you make.  You don't have to pose nude if you don't want to.

Dec 15 06 11:10 am Link


FOTOgraphicART - Heinz

Posts: 1710

Hopkins, Minnesota, US

Scribe of Souls wrote:

Very true.  Are Americans obsessed with breasts, nipples and genitalia...or are we a country obsessed with hiding them behind even the skimpiest scraps of fabric.

I grew up in Germany and thus have a different outlook from many as far as nude art goes.  My sister is also a photographer, in Germany  At her studio she has three display windows overlooking the market square of her town.  One window is exclusively dedicated to nude photographic art.  If I were do display my nude photographic art in the same manner here in Minneapolis, I would probably get arrested. 

People need to differentiate nude photographic art and sex.  They are not one and the same.  Photography seems to be looked upon differently than other art forms.  Apparently it is perfectly acceptable to display nude art in form of paintings and sculptures in museums and public places, but with photography this is immediately equated with sex and even porn by many.  I guess after almost 200 years photography still has to fight to be considered a true art form.

Dec 15 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Conflicts of this nature with parents can break a relationship.  Especially when there are moral objections, regardless how wrong they may be.  You need to ask yourself “Is this worth the consequence?”.   

It is not really any of the boyfriend’s business.

Artistic nudes are a personal choice for many.  What BT said.  I have taken a lot of nudes that have never been seen by anyone other then myself, the subject and those they wish to share them with.

Dec 15 06 11:25 am Link


Art of Vincent Wolff

Posts: 2925

Wheaton, Illinois, US

Milli wrote:
They're very intriguing...and there are so many exceptional ones on this site!

The more I see artistic nudes, the more I want to do them. 
But I can't sad

Just a random thought.

Some great points have been made here, so I will make mine brief. 

I wanted to get back to the core issue, which, as you stated in your opening post, that you want to do artistic nudes.  You wouldn't have created this thread if you weren't interested. 

With all of the opinions back and forth, it really comes down to one thing:  are YOU comfortable with doing them?  Forget about your family issues for a moment, will you be comfortable?  If you really think so, then do it!  get your family involved if you want, but you are of age, are responsible, are a professional model, and its is YOUR decision. 

Nudes have been a part of Christian art for centuries, I don't buy any crap about nude art as being 'dirty.'  God created us, and it wasn't with clothes on.  Are we not honoring Him but tastefully displaying His creation? 

No, I am not a devout Christian, but I do believe that God's purpose was to let us make our own decsions, and nudge us along in making the right ones.  Ultimately, though,it is one's own choice as to what the correct one is.

Dec 15 06 11:44 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have been shooting figurative art for probably as long as you have been alive and show a large number of them on my web site.  They have been exhibited in art galleries throughout the US, in Canada, in New Zealand, in Italy and Germany. They sell to art collectors and to others for use as home decor. With that having been said, I have never tried to convince someone to pose nude. Over 90% of the ladies on my web site were not 'models' at all, instead they came from all walks of life and frequently travel substantial distances to pose. My last session was with a lady who traveled from the Denver area to Atlanta for her session. They come from all occupations and all ages, ranging from 18 into their early 60s. There is no right body type for the artistic nude. If you look at my site you'll see everything from the very skinny to the very heavy.

They all found posing for B&W nude art to be interesting to them and wanted to get it a try and to have the images for their own use.  Take a look at my web site,, and tell me if you can pick out the corporate executive, the airline pilot, the military officer or the pastor (Yeah, I said pastor, one of them is a working minister.) Can you pick out a couple of models who "do not do nudes"? No you can't because we made simple agreements to the effect no image would be used on the internet which showed the face and no true name would be used. That's easy because in most figurative art the intent is for the model to be anonymous. Art collectors prefer a photograph of "woman" rather than of a woman. Many of the ladies in their 40s and 50s commented that they had wanted to pose nude while in their 20s, but didn't do it because of fear of family reactions. As they grew older, they no longer looked the same, but were mature enough to make their own decisions.

Find a photograpehr you feel you can trust and whose work you like, make a written agreement to the effect that your face will not be shown and your name not used, then if if you want to do it, do it.

Dec 15 06 12:14 pm Link


Chi - Rue99 Photography

Posts: 1838

San Francisco, California, US

There's nothing wrong with appreciating artistic nudes without doing it. It's like appreciating fine food without wanting to be a chef.

Everyone has boundaries, and the opinions of friends, family, and SOs *do* matter. At the end of the day, they're the ones who will support you, not the photographers shooting you. Your relations are the ones who will help you out in times of need, not the photographers.

If you continue to be intrigued by artistic nudes, I suggest finding a photographer whose work you really like and is very tasteful, then show it to friends/family/BF and see what they think. If you get their support, you'll likely feel more comfortable. But if you personally feel uncomfortable doing nude work, you shouldn't!

Dec 15 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

Never let your boyfreind tell you what to do....Ever.

Dec 15 06 12:31 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

Go read Shyly's post again because she's right on target and it bears repeating.

I've worked with models who email me after the shoot to tell me grandma loved the pictures, and others who want to make sure I use their stage name so they can't be googled for whatever reason.

Personally, if you think about going down that path, you have to assume they'll see them sooner or later.  Use a stage name to defer that, but don't do it unless you're willing to have that conversation at some point.  Once the shots hit the net somebody's going to save them.  Heck, I just had some idiot copy my pictures to put in "their" portfolio - if I'd deleted those pictures off my site your parents would be asking how you worked with a photographer in another state. :-)

At some point I had to "come out" with my in-laws - I had a little set of pictures ranging from implied nude to full nude, and kind of set them out one at a time figuring I'd stop if their heads looked ready to explode.  Thank God mother-in-law appreciates art and she got to the very end.

Think about doing that.  If the pain of doing it would be more than the joy of creating the art, don't do it.  If you're not sure, don't do it.  The world isn't going to end if there's one less nude model in it.

Edit: I should also add, this is why I do a pretty good business in nude portrait work.  Folks want the experience and a couple of prints without the risk of the pictures getting out there.  So it's not just you!

Dec 15 06 12:39 pm Link


James S

Posts: 1103

Spokane Valley, Washington, US

Milli wrote:

Hmm...I think maybe he can be convinced.
But the thing about my parents is...well my mom is a, ahhh she would kill me if she found out.  I don't know I guess I'm paranoid that some one in my family will find it online one day if I do it.  I found one of my sister who models and I had no idea she was into that (it wasn't artistic).
For some reason, don't ask why, my brother decided to google my name a while ago and found some random stuff that almost got me in trouble, very silly story, but the point is I would not want them to stumble upon it.

Family or friends googling my name can cause problems too, and it has in the past. That's why I don't use my first name on any site where I have my nude photography anymore. I use my middle name, which no one in my family would associate with me, because I don't use it otherwise.

I'm also in a position where there could be problems if family and some of my friends knew I shot artistic nudes. I simply don't tell them about it. If you want to do artistic nudes, then don't let anyone stop you.

Dec 15 06 12:39 pm Link


Bruce Talbot

Posts: 3850

Los Angeles, California, US

Bruce Talbot wrote:
Creating exceptional nudes does not mandate sharing of same. That which is created in private has the luxury of staying private. 


ravens laughter wrote:
you cannot live your life thinking that you can live hidden. Everything you are is exposed... one day. "all those things which are in darkness will come into the light."

I disagree. Private ≠ Hidden.

I've stated so on a nationally aired news segment.

Note my closing comment and that of the news anchor.


(( quicktime movie is 4.5MB and may take a while to load ))

Dec 15 06 12:42 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

They are in many cases, beautiful artistic works. That said...

The more I see artistic nudes... the more they all start to look the same. Kinda boorish. At one time it was really on the forefront of what I wanted to create. So I googled artistic nudes and looked at many photographers websites with countless beautiful works of art to gain inpiration. After awhile, I started to question if I had seen the same pose, lighting, etc. on someone elses site just with an elbow here instead of there or perhaps a bit more cropping on this side, etc., I started to think.... not only am I bored with it (just looking at it) but can I really create something where somebody will think any different than what I am thinking right now. At this very burned out moment?

Dec 15 06 12:44 pm Link


Oriental Silk

Posts: 535

London, England, United Kingdom

If you are curious to experience modelling for art nude images, you should do so. As other people have said, you could keep the pictures for your eyes only.

As for modelling for others to see the art nude images, that is a different matter. Of course you have the right to do it, as you are an adult and live in a society that does not prohibit women from modelling. Whether you should do it is a matter for your careful consideration. We don't all have to exercise every right we possess - it is also your right not to have to do it [gentle smile].

I come from a very traditional Japanese background and work in a very conservative academic environment. Most people would not expect me to also model for art nude images. However, it has been my experience that most people who really have any claim to comment on my activities know me well enough to respect my decision. The few who express negative opinions tend to be the ones on the periphery, who do not know me well enough to understand the thought behind the action.

It is worth remembering that once a picture has been published it may well be around for ever, so be prepared for the pictures of your twenties to be seen in your fifties.

Dec 15 06 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 6305

Seattle, Washington, US

Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

Number stated your mom was a pastor.....So what she has religious beliefs.......before Adam and Eve ate the fruit of life they were naked....point this out to her if she has a problem with it. God was displeased when Adam and Eve became ASHAMED of their bodies and hid them with fig leaves.

I love the way someone once put this to me in regards to Number 2.

Posing nude is the ultimate test of TRUST in a relationship. If the other your case your boyfriend.....has a problem then a) they don't trust you/your judgment b) are of the jealous type or c) both.

As for me....I tend to believe what this person told me.

As to number 3 its been said already....there is no such thing as the right body......Now for Glamour nudes...that is a totally different story.


Dec 15 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

1. Dont tell
2. Dont show
3. Yes you do


Dec 15 06 02:54 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

1. Parents are more forgiving than you think.  I wouldn't let them find out from a secondary source as it is the feeling of being the last to know that hurts them more than finding out you posed naked.

2 The only person with the power to give you permission to do anything is you.  Only you get to decide what you will do.

3. The most important thing about art photographs is a model that is comfortable posing.  You have a good body and should have no problem finding photographers that want to work with you.

Dec 15 06 03:20 pm Link


MS Foto

Posts: 2224

Manchester, New Hampshire, US

Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

For 1 & 2 consider the proverb that goes," It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission" Not that you need anybody's permission...

For #3 I really must disagree. I saw you port and you have a lovely figure. If you ever feel ready to try posing nude, pay an experienced professional you'd feel comfortable with. That way, the images will be of good quality, and YOU will own the pics. That way, you can determine who sees what.....

Dec 15 06 03:27 pm Link


Mz Nova

Posts: 2608

Portland, Oregon, US

Kimberley wrote:
Never let your boyfreind tell you what to do....Ever.

Hum...i wonder if you feel you have the right, then, to tell your boyfriend what to do and expect him to do it.

Dec 15 06 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

NovaG wrote:

Hum...i wonder if you feel you have the right, then, to tell your boyfriend what to do and expect him to do it.

Of course one can have that right.  They also have the right to be disappointed when an adult makes an independent adult decision.

Dec 15 06 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Turn your head. Lots of art nudes don't include a face, or head.

Dec 15 06 05:25 pm Link



Posts: 323

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

reason number 2 is often cited & i cannot believe it. is this 1890? or 1950?

what happened to independent women?

my wife & i are nearly 60--college in the 60's. if i were to tell her that she could not do something, she would immediately do it to show me that she is independent. we are mutually respectful of each other's autonomy.

i've been shooting artistic nudes for 40 years and every time i hear this weak excuse from a model i'm dumbfounded. i do not understand why any woman would want anything to do with man who thought he had the right to make decisions for her.

end of rant.

hook em horns! UT '69


Dec 15 06 05:26 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Milli wrote:
They're very intriguing...and there are so many exceptional ones on this site!

The more I see artistic nudes, the more I want to do them. 
But I can't sad

Just a random thought.

Milli is going to show the Vanilli..Whooooo!

Dec 15 06 05:27 pm Link


revolution photography

Posts: 114

Los Angeles, California, US

Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

1. They had their turn. Now it's yours.
2. Dump. That. Bitch.
3. A good photographer could make Mother Theresa look hot.


Dec 15 06 05:28 pm Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Milli wrote:

Hmm...I think maybe he can be convinced.
But the thing about my parents is...well my mom is a, ahhh she would kill me if she found out.  I don't know I guess I'm paranoid that some one in my family will find it online one day if I do it.  I found one of my sister who models and I had no idea she was into that (it wasn't artistic).
For some reason, don't ask why, my brother decided to google my name a while ago and found some random stuff that almost got me in trouble, very silly story, but the point is I would not want them to stumble upon it.

Move to Canada, we're naked here all the time and no one makes a big deal out of it big_smile

Dec 15 06 05:30 pm Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

RanIan wrote:
Sadly America is the most sexually repressed society west of Saudi Arabia... Most women I have met here have been brainwashed about sex being a high priced commodity i.e given in ultra small doses for a lot of effort on any guy's part.

In terms of artistic work no wonder globalization means also tons of foreign actresses or models have the edge... not because they are "easy" nudity wise, but simply don't consider it a big deal or a symbol of degradation. I mean when you're in that bikini you're already 97% naked... so big friggin deal if you show the nipples or that bush (or lack of it).

I agree.

Dec 15 06 05:30 pm Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

Bruce Talbot wrote:

Creating exceptional nudes does not mandate sharing of same. That which is created in private has the luxury of staying private. 


I agree. Your port is for photographers and related profesionals to see. Should not be for your Mom and Dad. High quality artistic nudes is a sign of a state of profesionalism.

Dec 15 06 05:36 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Milli wrote:
Many reasons...

1.  my parents would not approve
2.  my boyfriend would never let me
3.  I don't think I have the right body to do it

Do it for yourself.  Not portfolio.  Not publication.  Just a private photo album for yourself.

The others don't have to know.

Dec 15 06 05:42 pm Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

did your boyfriend purchase you? and to think i thought that feminism had come farther than this...

"I'm not allowed to do this because my boyfriend say so" are some words no modern woman should have to say. consider why it might make him upset and take his opinion seriously, but don't let him dictate your actions.

Dec 15 06 05:44 pm Link