Forums > General Industry > with children in a critique!!?



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

I have the image below posted on This is one of the critiques that was made on it. I was, needless to say, a bit shocked. Does anyone else see this?

"A picture is worth a thousand words...this picture makes the point better than I could have imaged to child molesters and those who go to asian countries to have sex with children. But it may have been better if this child had some clothes on. Even though you make the point, you, yourself need to assess did this "obvious child" need to be exploited this way as used in this picture."

Dec 08 06 09:13 am Link


Lauren F.

Posts: 60

Tuscumbia, Alabama, US

wtf?! Is this critique for real?

Dec 08 06 09:17 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

How old is the model, if you don't mind me asking?

Dec 08 06 09:17 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Somebody has some issues,
(and I don't mean the photographer)
This crit wasn't by chance posted by "Mr. Foley" was it?

And how old is the "Kid"......
Not that it matters but you know... I'm curious

Dec 08 06 09:19 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Lamonica wrote:
How old is the model, if you don't mind me asking?

This was my response to him (that will answer your question).

"Sorry to disappoint all of the closet pedophiles, but the young lady in the photograph is a college graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art who poses for art classes, fine art photographers, etc.. Posing nude was one of the ways she paid her way through college. I recommend that if you are offended by this image that you loiter elsewhere."

Sincerely Michael Morris

Dec 08 06 09:20 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Somebody has some issues,
(and I don't mean the photographer)
This crit wasn't by chance posted by Mr. Foley was it?

And how old is the "Kid"......
Not that it matters but you know... I'm curious

Here is a link to the page for the guys name.

Dec 08 06 09:21 am Link


Evan Hiltunen

Posts: 4162

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I think it is a fascinating composition and very well done. My first impression did not lead me to any thoughts about the Asian sex slave/trade/children problem. In fact, my first humorous thought was, " a better mouse trap".

Now that I've reflected on it, I'm sure the image is making a scathing comment about "how to pick up chicks" publishers.


Dec 08 06 09:27 am Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

MMDesign wrote:
I recommend that if you are offended by this image that you loiter elsewhere."

Sincerely Michael Morris

I don't know that I would have said that.  You obviously struck a nerve with this person but sometimes you can get some good insight as to how your photo evokes emotions in people by entertaining their thoughts good or bad.

Dec 08 06 09:27 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

The guy who wrote that critique obviously has some serious issues and probably could use some therapy. Its a terrific photograph and the model is obviously of age. If you had posted a photo of a can of Pepsi and an Reeses Peanut Butter Cup he would have found something sinister in that as well.

Dec 08 06 09:27 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Somebody has some issues,
(and I don't mean the photographer)
This crit wasn't by chance posted by Mr. Foley was it?

And how old is the "Kid"......
Not that it matters but you know... I'm curious

MMDesign wrote:
Here is a link to the page for the guys name.

I was refering to that "do as I say not as I do" peodophile preacher/congressmen like Mark Foley,
Not really asking for the ID of this particular individule,
(I should have used "quotes" to make more obvious)
But seeing the actual thread and the cumulative responses was interesting.
It's an interesting concept photo.

("food for thought.... the second mouse usually gets the cheese")

Dec 08 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

MMDesign wrote:

This was my response to him (that will answer your question).

"Sorry to disappoint all of the closet pedophiles, but the young lady in the photograph is a college graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art who poses for art classes, fine art photographers, etc.. Posing nude was one of the ways she paid her way through college. I recommend that if you are offended by this image that you loiter elsewhere."

Sincerely Michael Morris

I figured this much. I'm sorry, but she doesn't look like a child at all. Like you said, she looks college age at the most. I think people just like to find reasons to bitch about anything. It's a great shot, IMO.

Dec 08 06 09:28 am Link



Posts: 729

Los Angeles, California, US

Tim Little Photography wrote:
The guy who wrote that critique obviously has some serious issues and probably could use some therapy. Its a terrific photograph and the model is obviously of age. If you had posted a photo of a can of Pepsi and an Reeses Peanut Butter Cup he would have found something sinister in that as well.

Pepsi tastes like shit and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups suck TOO!  LOL!

Dec 08 06 09:30 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Where did he get Asian out of that picture? He's just clueless.

Dec 08 06 09:31 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

markcomp wrote:

I don't know that I would have said that.  You obviously struck a nerve with this person but sometimes you can get some good insight as to how your photo evokes emotions in people by entertaining their thoughts good or bad.

I tend to type pretty quickly when irritated and sometimes regret what I've written. You might be right here.

Dec 08 06 09:32 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

When you post images looking for critiques you need to be big enough and ready to accept whatever may come. The guy is an idiot so what; ignore the flakes.

Dec 08 06 09:33 am Link


Michael Harmon

Posts: 1412

Austin, Texas, US

Cool concept!

The model looks young, but doesn't look like an "obvious child".  People like this (the one who gave you the critique) are scarier than the predators they're talking about.  Are shows like "To Catch A Predator" (which are getting top ratings) about helping children or ratings (ie - making money)?  I think this "awareness" is way over hyped preying on the general publics fears.


Dec 08 06 09:33 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I must be too innocent...

Dec 08 06 09:35 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

this photo shows how people going to crambialia have been using their airplanes to buy mouse trops that are savin money but americun workers are felling the pinsh!!

Dec 08 06 09:37 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

lotusphoto wrote:
this photo shows how people going to crambialia have been using their airplanes to buy mouse trops that are savin money but americun workers are felling the pinsh!!

"felling the pinsh!"

Have you been drinking this morning? smile

Dec 08 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 127

Ocean City, Maryland, US

His critique of your picture is another example of how quick people are to slap a "guilty" tag on someone without knowing the facts.   It is easier to follow the path-of-least-resistance to make an accusation rather than asking the more inteligent question how old is the model? 

By the way, if you can edit your response on , I would change it to, something simple like she is 23 and say nothing more.

Dec 08 06 09:43 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

MMDesign wrote:

"felling the pinsh!"

Have you been drinking this morning? smile

no, i don't drink actually or take any type of drug..

i wanted to show how silly bad english and lack of meds looks when directed towards the mouse trap instead of the person..

Dec 08 06 09:49 am Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

lotusphoto wrote:

no, i don't drink actually or take any type of drug..

i wanted to show how silly bad english and lack of meds looks when directed towards the mouse trap instead of the person..

Sorry, I'm a bit slow this morning. I didn't get the Mark Foley reference either.

Dec 08 06 09:50 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

The critique was misinformed, presumptive and a bit moralistic....but not negative. I think the response was a bit harsh (subtly calling him a name was kind of a cheap shot). He assumed that the image was meant to convey an idea/theme/story that it wasn't and got a bit carried away with it.

Interesting thing is...your retort insults him for giving you more credit with the 'message' of your image than it apparently merits.

Dec 08 06 09:51 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

MMDesign wrote:
Sorry, I'm a bit slow this morning. I didn't get the Mark Foley reference either.

all kidding aside, i see something about your composition that you might work on..

it's a cool picture btw..

except for one easy to fix thing..

Dec 08 06 09:52 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

SculptedLife wrote:
His critique of your picture is another example of how quick people are to slap a "guilty" tag on someone without knowing the facts.   It is easier to follow the path-of-least-resistance to make an accusation rather than asking the more inteligent question how old is the model?

His comments never suggest that MMDesign is any sort of perpetrator of such a crime at all. He's actually applauding him for a great visual work that he thinks is telling a story it wasn't meant to.

[EDIT: The last sentence by the critiquer does slip into an accusatory tone...but he's suggesting that perhaps the use of an "obvious child" to make such a point is itself iffy. His blatant assuredness of the model's (under)age is rather pompous, adittedly.]

Dec 08 06 09:54 am Link


Derek Wallace

Posts: 12

Spring Valley, Nevada, US

WOW! Where DO they come from?

First off, I'm sure you didn't take this personally, as YOU knew what your vision was before the picture was even taken and posted.

Second, this "obvious child" has a tattoo on her thumb. While I'm sure there are some underage children in Asia with tattoos, I can't say I've EVER seen an Asian, underage or otherwise, with a tattoo on their thumb. Furthermore, I don't see ANYTHING else that makes this model even seem to be portraying an "exploited child".

Third, this freaks inability to discern ethnic variences in facial features of the model shows that you're dealing with someone in their own universe. You can't use logic with illogical people!

If ANYONE was exploited, it was the Victor mousetrap corporation, and I don't think this photo is gonna hurt their business one bit!

Let me commend you on a very creative, non-offensive photograph!

~ Derek

Dec 08 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 729

Los Angeles, California, US

That is a cool shot!  But where can I get a mouse trap that big?  I need to catch some models too!

Dec 08 06 10:08 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Dammit! That's where you guys get all the good models.

Where's a good place to put the trap? And how long till the bruises fade?

Dec 08 06 10:12 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

MMDesign wrote:
This was my response to him (that will answer your question).

"Sorry to disappoint all of the closet pedophiles, but the young lady in the photograph is a college graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art who poses for art classes, fine art photographers, etc.. Posing nude was one of the ways she paid her way through college. I recommend that if you are offended by this image that you loiter elsewhere."

Sincerely Michael Morris

That's right, Mike, f ck 'em.  big_smile  Try a little of this in your coffee, I like it:

"Forgive them their dirty minds and gossipy mouths, for they neither worldly nor educated."

Truly, Kathy Jean

Dec 08 06 10:13 am Link


Derek Wallace

Posts: 12

Spring Valley, Nevada, US

AH, I JUST read his comment again...

..."child molesters and those who go to asian countries to have sex with children."

Aren't they one in the same?

So MAYBE he wasn't implying she looks Asian. He STILL lacked the intellect to inquire about the models age before accusing you of "exploiting children".

Dec 08 06 10:13 am Link


Erwyn L

Posts: 325

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

hey... without reading all responses, I must say.. I really like this image

Dec 08 06 10:17 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Oh, by the way, she doesn't look the least bit underage to me.

Dec 08 06 10:21 am Link


Daniel Norton

Posts: 1745

New York, New York, US

MMDesign wrote:
I have the image below posted on This is one of the critiques that was made on it. I was, needless to say, a bit shocked. Does anyone else see this?

I wouldn't be so offended if I were you. While I didn't think, "child molesters beware" on first glance, I can see that some might see this as "be careful about your desires, they might get you in trouble" and the girl does seem youngish, and the critique is basically a positive one.

EDIT: I think a better response to the critique would have been to explain your intention/message.

EDIT:  Why didn't this critique bother you as well, it's basically saying the same thing.

"Very unique idea, I just have to say it "looks like Jail bait to me"
Love it"

Dec 08 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

MMDesign wrote:

This was my response to him (that will answer your question).

"Sorry to disappoint all of the closet pedophiles, but the young lady in the photograph is a college graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art who poses for art classes, fine art photographers, etc.. Posing nude was one of the ways she paid her way through college. I recommend that if you are offended by this image that you loiter elsewhere."

Sincerely Michael Morris

Its important for folks not to jump to conclusions when they see a young person that to them looks underage. I get it all the time and its like dude? I'm a freakin 23 year old college student. Yes, I can be buying wine without you needing to get security cause you assume my I.D is a fake. Sheesh!

Dec 08 06 11:14 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Often a critique says more about the person giving it than about the thing being critiqued.

Dec 08 06 11:17 am Link



Posts: 7840


i noticed this pic and commented i think
i know i said something nice
it stands out

i think the comment you have HERE proves this is actaully True Art

it evoked emotion
and sent a real message
and provoked a response


just like poetry ..yes? the reader gets their own message

i wonder how old he thought he model was
i assimed over 18
how old is she?

Dec 08 06 11:58 am Link



Posts: 7840


Tim Little Photography wrote:
The guy who wrote that critique obviously has some serious issues and probably could use some therapy. Its a terrific photograph and the model is obviously of age. If you had posted a photo of a can of Pepsi and an Reeses Peanut Butter Cup he would have found something sinister in that as well.

going by that comment?
rubbish !!

he knows about it and the image resonated with his experience
he hasn't gone off like a psycho

Dec 08 06 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Taste for Eden wrote:
..."child molesters
AND those who go to asian countries to have sex with children."
So MAYBE he wasn't implying she looks Asian. He STILL lacked the intellect to inquire about the models age before accusing you of "exploiting children".

he did say she was exploited for this picture
maybe thats  a careless statement
might be taken badly
but yes she is being used in the picture
USED and exploited
he is just using a longer word

and he explained he was just wishing she had some clothes on
so that's his point of view
based on his life experineces

i am bringing mine in now too
i use longer words than most Americans  I have come across

Thus when i write people sometimes think i am getting excited or being disrespectful in my tone just becasue i am saying things in what strikes THEM as a more precise way upon occasion

if i wrote 
Hey  yeah mate is cool, is all good, way to go dude

then, they think i am more friendly?

Dec 08 06 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 7840


SculptedLife wrote:
His critique of your picture is another example of how quick people are to slap a "guilty" tag on someone without knowing the facts.   It is easier to follow the path-of-least-resistance to make an accusation rather than asking the more inteligent question how old is the model? 

By the way, if you can edit your response on , I would change it to, something simple like she is 23 and say nothing more.

seriously i didnt see it as an accusation
is a response

it wasnt angry or making threats was it?

she does look very young
so what!

why reply at all?

Dec 08 06 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Daniel Norton wrote:

I wouldn't be so offended if I were you. While I didn't think, "child molesters beware" on first glance, I can see that some might see this as "be careful about your desires, they might get you in trouble" and the girl does seem youngish, and the critique is basically a positive one.

EDIT: I think a better response to the critique would have been to explain your intention/message.

EDIT:  Why didn't this critique bother you as well, it's basically saying the same thing.

"Very unique idea, I just have to say it "looks like Jail bait to me"
Love it"

Yes, I probably could have been more diplomatic in my response.

The "jail bait" critique was obviously tongue-in-cheek. The child molester critique obviously wasn't.

Dec 08 06 12:27 pm Link