Forums > General Industry > America's New Top Model(spoiler)


David Gabel Photography

Posts: 454

Skippack, Pennsylvania, US

MonicaPrata wrote:
I'm pissed, I think caridee is annoying as hell.  The girl seems like a lunatic to me.  On the other hand I absolutely adored Melrose, she performed well throughout, she was consistent and likeable and kicked ass in the runway show.  I'm sure Melrose is already signed with Ford or Elite so whatever.

My point exactly.

Dec 06 06 10:17 pm Link


Lamar Scott

Posts: 223

New York, New York, US

StMarc wrote:
Melrose kicked CariDee's ass from Hell to breakfast.


The funny thing is that as they were showing Caridee's pics next to Melrose' pics. Caridee's stuck out more. I am so SICK of Melrose's look. She's so typical. Caridee is definitely more interesting to look at and watch. Melrose was a good model but she's so yesterday...

Dec 06 06 10:24 pm Link


David Gabel Photography

Posts: 454

Skippack, Pennsylvania, US

Michael Kirst wrote:

Did anyone besides me notice that she is wearing the little elephant nose Upside down??? It was the first thing I noticed when watching that episode. C'mon photogs..... we're supposed to have an eye for detail. I'm always noticing stuff like that.

(hint) The tusks don't go down like that... and there usually on the bottom of the trunk (turned upwards). Heh...

LOL big_smile

You get 10 points! Good eye!


Dec 06 06 10:33 pm Link


Laura Tillinghast Photo

Posts: 492

San Francisco, California, US

Scribe of Souls wrote:

Why?  Because she put in the effort to understand the industry?  Or was it because she was more mature and had better sense than the other girls?  Or because she was consistantly the winner of the challenges?  Or because she was a bitch and annoying since she wouldn't give in to the other models petty games, clics, and alliances?  Or.... what?

I think she came across negatively because all of the shit talking. She was constantly badmouthing someone. I thought the bitch was gonna get stabbed. There was some jealousy on the other girls' parts but mostly she was just in their faces all the time. That would piss anyone off.

Dec 06 06 11:17 pm Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

David Gabel Photography wrote:
I think people need to realize that the show was edited together to show what they wanted to show about each person when possible. To even begin to think you know the women to say one's a bitch or this or that doesn't seem fair. Not one of us actually knows any of the contestants (if you do, speak up) to give an accurate description of that person's true personality.

Who ended up outshining everyone collectively across the challenges? MELROSE! Hello!

Caridee...insulted a judge, completely tanked on the Spanish commercial, convulsed uncontrolably DURING a photoshoot. Am I getting my point across here?

Melrose..."could have done better" or "it's not your best work" (that's the worst they had to say).

Melrose was the clear professional all the way through. Should have won. Didn't. Will she get work? Um.. Yeah.



Well said, and I totally agree.  I also think that Melrose was probably not the image that their sponsors wanted and the spinmasters made it happen.  Even the photogs who did the cover shoot were singing praises to Melrose...maybe that's why they were not on the final judging panel.

Dec 06 06 11:29 pm Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

Laura Tillinghast Photo wrote:

I think she came across negatively because all of the shit talking. She was constantly badmouthing someone. I thought the bitch was gonna get stabbed. There was some jealousy on the other girls' parts but mostly she was just in their faces all the time. That would piss anyone off.

And the other models were not in Melroses face, dissing her, badmouthing her behind her back, rolling their eyes when she won a challenge...did you watch the same epidodes I did?

Dec 06 06 11:34 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

What did you guys think of Caridee winning? I thought the final two would of been between her and Eugena but was not surprised that Melrose lost in the end (cause  of her age perhaps?)

Let's discuss!!

Caridee definitely! Melrose was too plasticky. I agreed with the judges' assessment of the two finalists' personalities. Caridee is more model material just wanting to beat all of them and not really improving on her self. Melrose seems like an overachiever sort of individual. jmho smile

Dec 06 06 11:43 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Photography By Amaru wrote:

just look at those fantastic lines!

Dec 06 06 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 54

Round Rock, Texas, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
Did anyone besides me notice that she is wearing the little elephant nose Upside down??? It was the first thing I noticed when watching that episode. C'mon photogs..... we're supposed to have an eye for detail. I'm always noticing stuff like that.

(hint) The tusks don't go down like that... and there usually on the bottom of the trunk (turned upwards). Heh...

LOL big_smile

Tusks Down! duh...

haha yeah that really bothered me too

Dec 06 06 11:49 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Nuance Photography wrote:
I think the judges made the right decision and CariDee deserved to win. I also think the editing of the show helped to portray Melrose in a negatively light.

I won't forget that time when one of the twins (AManda or Michelle) won a challenge and she chose two friends to go with her to share her prize.

She chose Melrose and one other. The prize was for a shopping free for a limited time so off they went but after that it was revealed to them that whoever got the most number of articles wins all the other girls' stuff too.

Of course Melrose won and I thought out of good graces she'd just let the other two girls keep what they shopped but no no no, she took all the clothes including that of Amanda (or Michelle) who chose her as a friend. Melrose has a twisted attitude, jmho.

Dec 06 06 11:51 pm Link


Lelah G

Posts: 956

Inglewood, California, US

IMHO, Caridee has that look you'd see in VOGUE, or COSMO.  Melrose is more of the actress, commercial, theatrical.  Both are fantastic models, just in different arenas.  Caridee usually kept a straight face, with controlled facial expression (now emotion???  that's another story); Melrose was very cheesy-smiley, bubbly, always up for the challenge.  Yeah, Melrose was very boastful, especially when she told the judges that she would purposely wake up two hours earlier than the other girls and practice.  She's a true competitor, yes, but there comes a time when you're laying it on too thick.  In other words, a brown-noser.

Nevertheless, both ladies will be successful.  Even Eugena will be successful, if she'd just keep showing more facial expression.

Dec 07 06 12:01 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


I am sooo glad I'm out of probation so I can comment on this.

CariDee- to me, is a beautiful girl. But so are many others. She has nothing special to offer, and her runway show was ridiculous....and she got ripped apart for it too. She looked like a spaz, and reining that in should be easy enough, but is the end product worth it? I don't think so. Sure her covergirl ad was pretty- but it's a beauty shot- big deal. That runway show is supposed to be the final challenge, and Melrose won that hands down. Frankly, I wouldn't have reacted as much about the dress, but c'mon, in that situation, none of you wouldn't have been at least a touch upset. The fact that she walked down that runway with the hole made her an amazing model. You didn't see she was upset on that runway- a true professional. So she overreacted backstage, so what? Should she have been calmer, sure. But c'mon, put yourself in her shoes.

When their polaroids first appeared online I said I think Melrose is going to win, and I never once thought differently. I thought it was GARBAGE that Tyra said Caridee had the "passion" for she didn't, she was just a nutcase. A good model? Sure. Top model? No way. Melrose was hated because she was there to model, not to make friends. This is a competition, not a sorority house. I related to her the entire time she was there. Sure she gossiped...but calling CariDee a "ho"? Please- plenty of girls I know refer to their girlfriends as sluts and hookers- it's become a random term; it's meaningless. Once again, the editors made her out to be something she's not: the devil. She wanted this so much more, and she was better at it. She was exactly what Jay said "intelligent, classy, beautiful" etc...and all the judges did was slam her for it. You can't win with those people. So what that she was a bitch. Who cares. Naomi seems to be doing just fine.

I'm addicted to this show and never miss an episode- and yeah, it's reality tv, not the real world of modeling...but c'mon. Last night was terrible.

I hope Melrose goes far.

Dec 07 06 11:00 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Photography By Amaru wrote:
It was her attitude and disrespect. She called Caridee a ho! Melrose was not humble in my opinion.

So many girls call their friends hos, hookers, sluts...means nothing.

She had an ego- why shouldn't she? But she wasn't like Jade was portrayed, and frankly, she was the stronger of the two. I think CariDee will crack.

Dec 07 06 11:01 am Link


Kelly Sedivec-Ealy

Posts: 2704

Iowa City, Iowa, US

Cari Dee was the best choice...look at her features , her height , her age and her photos...flawless...Melrose..okay but not as strong features and her nose had a problem...( look closely ) not as tall and overall not as good.....add the bad attitude and she was not going to win....

Dec 07 06 10:06 pm Link



Posts: 1642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Daniela V wrote:
I am sooo glad I'm out of probation so I can comment on this.

Probation? what is that??

Dec 07 06 11:21 pm Link


Lelah G

Posts: 956

Inglewood, California, US

Probation? what is that??

The Brig.  Who ever thought we'd have a place designated for those considered cyber-offenders?

Dec 08 06 01:44 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US

I wanted Cari from the beginning so i was happy

Dec 08 06 01:48 pm Link


Crazy Cel

Posts: 243

Miami, Florida, US

From the beginning I wanted Melrose or Caridee to win.  I love Melrose. She wanted it and it was obvious.  I hated Eugena. I felt like they kept her there to mix it up.  Which is a shame cuz week after week that girl just didn't evolve or grow. She took a few good pics big deal.  Melrose won a lot of the challenges and just because she has a little bit of an attitude doesn't mean anything.  I'm glad in the end Caridee won over Eugena cuz if it had been the other way around I'd have questioned the whole show.

Dec 08 06 01:52 pm Link


Special Ed

Posts: 3545

New York, New York, US

Michael Kirst wrote:
Did anyone besides me notice that she is wearing the little elephant nose Upside down??? It was the first thing I noticed when watching that episode. C'mon photogs..... we're supposed to have an eye for detail. I'm always noticing stuff like that.

(hint) The tusks don't go down like that... and there usually on the bottom of the trunk (turned upwards). Heh...

LOL big_smile

So true, it looks like a limp dick!!! tongue

Also, I thought Melrose should have won. She went in as a contestant in a competition, not to meet friends. She kept her focus on the tasks at hand which is why she got to where she was. To bad for her age, if she was 7 yrs youger, she probably would have taken the title

Dec 08 06 01:54 pm Link


Crazy Cel

Posts: 243

Miami, Florida, US

Daniela V wrote:
I am sooo glad I'm out of probation so I can comment on this.

CariDee- to me, is a beautiful girl. But so are many others. She has nothing special to offer, and her runway show was ridiculous....and she got ripped apart for it too. She looked like a spaz, and reining that in should be easy enough, but is the end product worth it? I don't think so. Sure her covergirl ad was pretty- but it's a beauty shot- big deal. That runway show is supposed to be the final challenge, and Melrose won that hands down. Frankly, I wouldn't have reacted as much about the dress, but c'mon, in that situation, none of you wouldn't have been at least a touch upset. The fact that she walked down that runway with the hole made her an amazing model. You didn't see she was upset on that runway- a true professional. So she overreacted backstage, so what? Should she have been calmer, sure. But c'mon, put yourself in her shoes.

When their polaroids first appeared online I said I think Melrose is going to win, and I never once thought differently. I thought it was GARBAGE that Tyra said Caridee had the "passion" for she didn't, she was just a nutcase. A good model? Sure. Top model? No way. Melrose was hated because she was there to model, not to make friends. This is a competition, not a sorority house. I related to her the entire time she was there. Sure she gossiped...but calling CariDee a "ho"? Please- plenty of girls I know refer to their girlfriends as sluts and hookers- it's become a random term; it's meaningless. Once again, the editors made her out to be something she's not: the devil. She wanted this so much more, and she was better at it. She was exactly what Jay said "intelligent, classy, beautiful" etc...and all the judges did was slam her for it. You can't win with those people. So what that she was a bitch. Who cares. Naomi seems to be doing just fine.

I'm addicted to this show and never miss an episode- and yeah, it's reality tv, not the real world of modeling...but c'mon. Last night was terrible.

I hope Melrose goes far.

^5 to this.

Dec 08 06 01:54 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

MsB wrote:
i'm glad she won instead of melrose. i wanted to choke that bitch.

LMAO. That caught me off guard.

Dec 08 06 01:58 pm Link


Guy Daniels

Posts: 423

New York, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:

that's how i feel.  It's funny that I don't know ANY women that wanted Melrose to win and it's never for a decent reason.  It's always "she was annoying, she was a bitch, I just didn't like her'.  The men I know mostly wanted whoever they wthought was hottest to win lol.

Umm helloooooo she wasn't there to make friends, she was there to win the competition.  She didn't play underhanded games or be overly fake towards any of them, she was cordial and attentive and did her job but was a flat out competitor and didn't give a fuck if you liked her or not as long as she won.

I agree 100% with Ransom..Melrose (even though i hated her too) was the SHIT..she always outshined to the point where people began to stop worrying about her because she was THAT GOOD..her runway walk was the shit (only AJ i think could walk better than she could)...

now what i hated was she was a perfectionist to the point where she'd bitch and moan if she didn't get it right or win. She was too much...

Hell Eva was a bitch and she won.....JADE from last season was a bitch and she has 5 contracts, about 3 of them in Thailand and Singapore....People don't care if you're a bitch, as long as you do your job and make that money. Hell, Naomi Campbell is still around after these years

Dec 08 06 02:19 pm Link


Guy Daniels

Posts: 423

New York, New York, US

Photography By Amaru wrote:

I didnt say that she wasnt a good model. She just wasnt a total package for me. She got the job done but her obsession with perfection hurt her a bit. She worked that runway show to pieces but she broke down so easily when the dress ripped eventhough she shone more after that. She became fierce but I dont see her winning Top Model. Especially with the panel they had. She did really well and she will make it long after the show. Most of the models from ANTM make it bigger than the winners.

To tell you honestly, Eva was the most successful winner i think....and then Yoanna with nicole as a close third...but i think Lisa d'Amato, Toccara, and Yaya are the most successful of the cycles.

Dec 08 06 02:24 pm Link


Guy Daniels

Posts: 423

New York, New York, US

Either way, Melrose will get a contract, and so will AJ and Eugena.

I wouldnt be surprised if Jaeda got one.

Dec 08 06 02:31 pm Link


David Gabel Photography

Posts: 454

Skippack, Pennsylvania, US

Ed Remington wrote:
To bad for her age, if she was 7 yrs youger, she probably would have taken the title

She's only 23. She's not old, but should have started earlier, so I agree only to a point, though

Dec 08 06 08:09 pm Link