Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Dear Retouchers: Stop advertising by friending me


MC Seoul Photography

Posts: 469

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

All I do is block you. I mentioned this once before, and the mods should look in to it. Because I seem to get these in waves. In the last few days I've suddenly had 3 retouchers add and tag me, for what seems to be the sole purpose of getting me to look at their profile. I don't know them, so I'm certainly not friends with them. Every once in awhile I get little clusters of these, and I wonder if they don't have a secret group or something coordinating this.

Jan 23 17 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 79

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

I don't know why people do it, but perhaps it's because MM doesn't have a follow option. For example, I request an add because I genuinely like the work of certain photographers, retouchers, and models, and I'd like to continually see their work. There are so many members here that keeping track of them and their work is only possible by adding as a friend. Another reason I do it is also because I'd like to work with other members eventually. Some people may just want to reach out and build their personal community of creatives. There's nothing wrong with that in my opinion. In fact that's an important thing /to do/. These are possible reasons why some people are adding you. Is it really a problem? From what I understand, they're not even messaging you. Why limit yourself from other creatives? Relationships and generosity are keys to success - ask any successful person if they've ever sought it themselves and gave it to others. Anyways, it's your choice, but again: Is it really that big of a problem for people to send your friend requests?

Jan 23 17 05:32 pm Link


Steven Burnette Retouch

Posts: 338

Mount Vernon, New York, US

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
I wonder if they don't have a secret group or something coordinating this.

Thought that last line was very amusing. Been here since 2013 and can assure you that at least from my experience, Retouchers go through similar (In my case it's with models, mua, designers, other retouchers and photographers). I even mentioned something about the "Friend Request" in my profile. It honestly can be just a little annoying, but you can't make it ruin your day, since there really is no ill intent (MM at its base is a community just like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. so people will eventually reach out to connect, it is what it is). When you get a "Friend Request" and you are not interested, just don't accept or deny (I personally would not feel right about blocking a member unless they actually did something inappropriate). As for the tags, not sure what to do here.

Jan 23 17 11:53 pm Link



Posts: 79

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Steven Burnette Retouch wrote:

Thought that last line was very amusing. Been here since 2013 and can assure you that at least from my experience, Retouchers go through similar (In my case it's with models, mua, designers, other retouchers and photographers). I even mentioned something about the "Friend Request" in my profile. It honestly can be just a little annoying, but you can't make it ruin your day, since there really is no ill intent (MM at its base is a community just like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. so people will eventually reach out to connect, it is what it is). When you get a "Friend Request" and you are not interested, just don't accept or deny (I personally would not feel right about blocking a member unless they actually did something inappropriate). As for the tags, not sure what to do here.

I wish I could "like" your comment.. sad

Jan 24 17 01:25 am Link


Black Z Eddie

Posts: 1903

San Jacinto, California, US

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
All I do is block you. I mentioned this once before, and the mods should look in to it. Because I seem to get these in waves. In the last few days I've suddenly had 3 retouchers add and tag me, for what seems to be the sole purpose of getting me to look at their profile. I don't know them, so I'm certainly not friends with them. Every once in awhile I get little clusters of these, and I wonder if they don't have a secret group or something coordinating this.

So last few days you've had like basically just a couple + 1?  And, that's a big deal?  Just block, delete, and move on.

Jan 24 17 02:14 am Link



Posts: 3436

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Inadvertently, this might result in "Streisand Effect"....
<just passing by>

Jan 24 17 03:24 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Maybe after hundreds of such threads all over the forums it is high time that we, who work as retouchers, also make a template answer to this. Here is a suggestion:

Dear photographers... stop advertising your ego by opening threads against retouchers. There are models who work for payment only and send you friend requests too. And their hourly rates are much much higher than ours although they don't come retouched on set. Still you accept them and pay them and never open a thread against their friend requests.

Remember that we get friend requests from you all the time too. And we accept them although you may never be our client, although your work may suck totally, although many of you read "Paid assignments only" but ask for a free test or attempt to devalue our hard work, eye strain and expensive monitors which we buy in order to deliver the best quality work to you.

If you have forgotten you are on a social website which has the function of sending friend requests. You have agreed to those terms when you opted in. Opening a thread just to abuse others under a common denominator is against the site rules.

Jan 24 17 05:26 am Link


Selena Jain

Posts: 102

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
All I do is block you. I mentioned this once before, and the mods should look in to it. Because I seem to get these in waves. In the last few days I've suddenly had 3 retouchers add and tag me, for what seems to be the sole purpose of getting me to look at their profile. I don't know them, so I'm certainly not friends with them. Every once in awhile I get little clusters of these, and I wonder if they don't have a secret group or something coordinating this.

I guess its very common for all!

Jan 25 17 02:22 am Link


Ram Iyer

Posts: 197

Delhi, Delhi, India

My humble submission. Every commercial or social activity gets to a shape only because of networking with people. Whether its photographer, retoucher or MUA artist. I think he is upset may be he is getting many retoucher requests. I've seen photographers chasing models, models chasing photographers and/or retouchers, retouchers chasing photographers etc., these things are very common. The basic objective is to get familiar or make money. That's the goal. Nobody is going to get marry here (Lolz!!) and trust me "profit is not a bad word"
So better, not accept if you don't like. I am a photographer and retoucher too... I have good amount of friends in my list. Some I wanted to connect and some requested me to connect. I have no regrets. Let's spread love not hate!!! If someone gets benefit from you by not making you fool or stealing something from you... what harm? Amen.

Jan 25 17 04:30 am Link



Posts: 75

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

anchev wrote:
Maybe after hundreds of such threads all over the forums it is high time that we, who work as retouchers, also make a template answer to this. Here is a suggestion:

Dear photographers... stop advertising your ego by opening threads against retouchers. There are models who work for payment only and send you friend requests too. And their hourly rates are much much higher than ours although they don't come retouched on set. Still you accept them and pay them and never open a thread against their friend requests.

Remember that we get friend requests from you all the time too. And we accept them although you may never be our client, although your work may suck totally, although many of you read "Paid assignments only" but ask for a free test or attempt to devalue our hard work, eye strain and expensive monitors which we buy in order to deliver the best quality work to you.

If you have forgotten you are on a social website which has the function of sending friend requests. You have agreed to those terms when you opted in. Opening a thread just to abuse others under a common denominator is against the site rules.

Yup That works for me!

Jan 25 17 04:48 am Link


Artem Skrobotov

Posts: 3

Thessaloníki, Voreia Ellada, Greece

Nope smile

Jan 25 17 03:59 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

It's easy to click the deny button. It takes very little time. You can deny models or anyone that doesn't float your Titanic. Just accept this part of the site, retouchers want work and they think its more effective to friend bomb than to write emails. Some have written emails to me, offering me a "test" price. It's been a long time since that has happened. So, the friend bombing must seem or be more effective for them. No is an easy word.

Jan 28 17 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 126

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

You're right, it get kinda annoying, it's written on my profile that I do all my I deny their request.

Jan 29 17 08:44 pm Link


MC Seoul Photography

Posts: 469

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

anchev wrote:
Maybe after hundreds of such threads all over the forums it is high time that we, who work as retouchers, also make a template answer to this. Here is a suggestion:

Dear photographers... stop advertising your ego by opening threads against retouchers. There are models who work for payment only and send you friend requests too. And their hourly rates are much much higher than ours although they don't come retouched on set. Still you accept them and pay them and never open a thread against their friend requests.

Remember that we get friend requests from you all the time too. And we accept them although you may never be our client, although your work may suck totally, although many of you read "Paid assignments only" but ask for a free test or attempt to devalue our hard work, eye strain and expensive monitors which we buy in order to deliver the best quality work to you.

If you have forgotten you are on a social website which has the function of sending friend requests. You have agreed to those terms when you opted in. Opening a thread just to abuse others under a common denominator is against the site rules.

I get far more random retouchers adding me than I get models spamming me their hourly rates, by an order of magnitude. And I should mention the retoucher profiles I get spammed at me are ones that are always leading with their prices, not ones that have any kinds of introduction, point of interest, or anything else. I'd suggest that anyone who simply blanket spams friend invites should have their profile looked at, it's just only been a problem with retouchers until now. Models will sometimes contact me looking for paid gigs if they're travelling in this area, I tell them I'm not interested in illiterate models, we mutually block each other and move on. But those are a drop in the bucket compared to the retouchers.

LA StarShooter wrote:
It's easy to click the deny button. It takes very little time. You can deny models or anyone that doesn't float your Titanic. Just accept this part of the site, retouchers want work and they think its more effective to friend bomb than to write emails. Some have written emails to me, offering me a "test" price. It's been a long time since that has happened. So, the friend bombing must seem or be more effective for them. No is an easy word.

Even denying them doesn't stop them. Last time I denied a couple, they went ahead and added me again a day later. I had to block them.

Jan 29 17 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
I get far more random retouchers adding me than I get models spamming me their hourly rates, by an order of magnitude.

If they are sending you this in PM - this is spam. But if they are simply sending FR it is not.

Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.

I also get far more messages from people who think $100 is some huge business. So what? Should I go to the photographers or models forum and write "Dear people, stop wasting my time. All I do is block you"?

And I should mention the retoucher profiles I get spammed at me are ones that are always leading with their prices, not ones that have any kinds of introduction, point of interest, or anything else. I'd suggest that anyone who simply blanket spams friend invites should have their profile looked at, it's just only been a problem with retouchers until now. Models will sometimes contact me looking for paid gigs if they're travelling in this area, I tell them I'm not interested in illiterate models, we mutually block each other and move on. But those are a drop in the bucket compared to the retouchers.

Do you go to protest in front of each company's office whose billboards you see in the streets? I hope not.

If the problem is the friend request notifications which you may be getting from MM to your email address, just set up a filter on your inbox. I have done this, so the FR emails go to Trash folder automatically while I still get other notifications delivered normally. Then periodically (e.g. once a day) I go to "my stuff" and simply approve them all with 2 clicks. That is not too much work. Or if you want absolute isolation you may browse all the 10k retoucher profiles and block them one by one and keep doing this for every newly registered retoucher.

For the fun of it, just see what kinds of messages I am getting sometimes:

"Hello, I'd really like to work with you if you could refrain from shaving or trimming the pubic area.

In Paris now models with bald pubes have gone out of fashion. Let me know if this is a problem for you."

Jan 30 17 01:24 am Link


MC Seoul Photography

Posts: 469

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

anchev wrote:
If they are sending you this in PM - this is spam. But if they are simply sending FR it is not.

Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.

I also get far more messages from people who think $100 is some huge business. So what? Should I go to the photographers or models forum and write "Dear people, stop wasting my time. All I do is block you"?

Do you go to protest in front of each company's office whose billboards you see in the streets? I hope not.

If the problem is the friend request notifications which you may be getting from MM to your email address, just set up a filter on your inbox. I have done this, so the FR emails go to Trash folder automatically while I still get other notifications delivered normally. Then periodically (e.g. once a day) I go to "my stuff" and simply approve them all with 2 clicks. That is not too much work. Or if you want absolute isolation you may browse all the 10k retoucher profiles and block them one by one and keep doing this for every newly registered retoucher.

For the fun of it, just see what kinds of messages I am getting sometimes:

"Hello, I'd really like to work with you if you could refrain from shaving or trimming the pubic area.

In Paris now models with bald pubes have gone out of fashion. Let me know if this is a problem for you."

Sending a friend request does generate an email to my private email and a notification on the site. But the entire purpose of the FR is simply to advertise their services to me, that is a de facto spam message. They don't send me a message introducing themselves because something in my profile interests them, and I'm sure if the mods checked they'd find those users sending out multiple messages. In fact, sometimes when I get a bunch and don't get back to them for a few days, when I do get around to checking their profiles, about 1/2 of them have had their profiles deactivated, probably because others have been complaining about it too.

and, and now that I look through the history, i find that you were one of them. No wonder you're trying to defend it.

Feb 03 17 07:28 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
Sending a friend request does generate an email to my private email and a notification on the site. But the entire purpose of the FR is simply to advertise their services to me, that is a de facto spam message. They don't send me a message introducing themselves because something in my profile interests them, and I'm sure if the mods checked they'd find those users sending out multiple messages. In fact, sometimes when I get a bunch and don't get back to them for a few days, when I do get around to checking their profiles, about 1/2 of them have had their profiles deactivated, probably because others have been complaining about it too.

and, and now that I look through the history, i find that you were one of them. No wonder you're trying to defend it.

I don't know what your personal definition of spam is but this very thread is 1. in the wrong forum 2. nobody requested this common denominator hate.

I also don't know what you mean "you were one of them". There is nothing to defend as I am not sending FRs to anyone. Last year there was a technical issue with my profile which resulted in a big number of friend requests sent from my profile to others without my knowledge. But that was fixed long long ago. As I said I also receive FRs all the time. There have been times when I receive 100 and more for a single day. I don't check them 1 by 1 if they are deactivated or not because I have more important work to do.

Feb 03 17 07:52 am Link



Posts: 79

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
Sending a friend request does generate an email to my private email and a notification on the site. But the entire purpose of the FR is simply to advertise their services to me, that is a de facto spam message. They don't send me a message introducing themselves because something in my profile interests them, and I'm sure if the mods checked they'd find those users sending out multiple messages. In fact, sometimes when I get a bunch and don't get back to them for a few days, when I do get around to checking their profiles, about 1/2 of them have had their profiles deactivated, probably because others have been complaining about it too.

and, and now that I look through the history, i find that you were one of them. No wonder you're trying to defend it.

I didn't send you a request and I'm "defending" the opposing stance. I'm not trying to attack you, but this is a little overdramatic in my opinion.

This is on your profile: "I do not compensate models as that would be contrary to the process. If you're coming to me for money, you're not really coming to me for art. If the photos were ever used commercially there could be compensation at that time."

I understand you have a personal belief that this isn't a place for business but.....that's untrue for the majority here, from my understanding. The "art" hasn't been lost. People want to use their skills to earn. Nothing wrong with that. Art's always been like that. Since this is your own, minority, view, you'll have to accept the "spam."

Feb 04 17 02:23 am Link


East West

Posts: 847

Los Angeles, California, US

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
All I do is block you. I mentioned this once before, and the mods should look in to it. Because I seem to get these in waves. In the last few days I've suddenly had 3 retouchers add and tag me, for what seems to be the sole purpose of getting me to look at their profile. I don't know them, so I'm certainly not friends with them. Every once in awhile I get little clusters of these, and I wonder if they don't have a secret group or something coordinating this.

1 click- Block, deny or delete. What’s so difficult?

Feb 05 17 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 164

Penitas, Texas, US

This Retoucher Spam problem just got worse with the introduction of the new MM format. I've been trying to delete an unwanted tag from a Retoucher for two weeks now.

Sep 11 17 08:42 am Link



Posts: 371

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

With pleasure sir

Sep 11 17 11:11 pm Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think the real problem is ego, and at times I'm as guilty of that as anyone. I've been working as a retoucher most of my life, starting with acid etching half tone films in 1972, and with my first work station in 1989. Many of the retouchers that contact me weren't even born then. That in itself doesn't mean I'm better at it than they are, but there is a bit of resentment involved when someone with 4 really bad before and after images tells me they can help me to improve my work. However, as with all things in this era of the computer and the internet, with a little self reflection, I've come to the conclusion that if I resent them all, I may miss out on the genius that actually can help my work. So, let them tag away, it can't really hurt anything except your ego.

Sep 12 17 07:54 am Link



Posts: 371

Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Robert Randall wrote:
I think the real problem is ego, and at times I'm as guilty of that as anyone. I've been working as a retoucher most of my life, starting with acid etching half tone films in 1972, and with my first work station in 1989. Many of the retouchers that contact me weren't even born then. That in itself doesn't mean I'm better at it than they are, but there is a bit of resentment involved when someone with 4 really bad before and after images tells me they can help me to improve my work. However, as with all things in this era of the computer and the internet, with a little self reflection, I've come to the conclusion that if I resent them all, I may miss out on the genius that actually can help my work. So, let them tag away, it can't really hurt anything except your ego.


Sep 12 17 10:02 am Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

I just tag a retoucher this


then blocked her. 

I think I will do this again next time. 

Sorry it has to be this way

Sep 21 17 09:05 am Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

East West wrote:
1 click- Block, deny or delete. What’s so difficult?

Not so easy.  For some MM cache doesn't purge for a while.

Sep 21 17 09:07 am Link



Posts: 186

Dallas, Texas, US

I occasionally get the odd friend request from a retoucher, although I would hardly consider it irritating. I also get tags and FR from models (usually traveling models), and on the rare occasion a fellow photographer. Since MM changed their messaging allowances for those of us with unpaid accounts, I am fairly understanding of folks who initiate contact via friend request or tag. I'm actually more irritated by the occasional traveling model who DMs me with a message that is clearly a boilerplate with the date/times changed to reflect her current travel schedule. I get more business offers from traveling models than I do from retouchers. And I imagine the occasional business offer from a retoucher is no more irritating for us photographers than offers to shoot TFP are to some models who clearly only work for pay. Everybody is irritated by someone somewhere. If you do all your own retouching and have an inability to tolerate the occasional contact from a retoucher, then put a notice on your profile to that effect and feel free to block whomever ignores your public request. I myself usually just ignore FR or tags from retouchers, not because they irritate me, but because I have no intention of hiring a retoucher at this time. So any retouchers reading this should probably not bother contacting me. I'm already connected to a few of you on here, and if I ever end up needing one, I'll use one of them.

Sep 21 17 09:37 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11736

Olney, Maryland, US

I feel your pain.  Blocking and deleting takes so much more time than posting here and reading this thread.

Sep 21 17 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 352

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

MC Seoul Photography wrote:
All I do is block you. I mentioned this once before, and the mods should look in to it. Because I seem to get these in waves. In the last few days I've suddenly had 3 retouchers add and tag me, for what seems to be the sole purpose of getting me to look at their profile. I don't know them, so I'm certainly not friends with them. Every once in awhile I get little clusters of these, and I wonder if they don't have a secret group or something coordinating this.

Im sorry to tell you this but you are being dramatic, what did you expect when you decided to create your business online? networking is a huge part of it and if you are blocking everyone who wants to add you and be connected with you then you will never grow as a business, and it doesnt matter if its a retoucher, model, mua etc. people remember these people who block you wink

We are living in a different time, where "friend request" dosen't mean you are BBFs, its just so you have an easy way to find someone online and remember them for when you want to check their work and get inspiration, god forbid that someone wants to get to know you!

for example: if a retoucher decided to add you and wanted to get to know you and follow your work here, they would add you as a friend so they could see your work more easily, and then if they find out you blocked them for no reason?! big mistake! you just don't know who they know, they could have great connections with people who you would like to work with, but if you block them?... guess you never will wink

all you need to do is ignore their request, blocking is stupid to do for no real reason.

Oct 10 17 06:52 am Link


Image by Justin J

Posts: 7

Los Angeles, California, US

Networking like none other-- as others mentioned, I don't think there's ill intent involved. However, maybe a feature that could be implemented is disabling messaging unless for business purposes only, or implementing a filter type of system. Just a thought.

Oct 12 17 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 20

Columbus, Ohio, US

I'm fairly new to the community, but I see a Friend Request in turn as a "FOLLOW" button. I choose to add people who I genuinely like their work or would like to work with. I don't see a request as SPAM or a trick to advertise. Maybe I haven't been a member long enough, I wasn't under the impression that MM was to friend only 'FRIENDS". I thought the community as a whole was in the interests of creating awesome work and collaborating with photographers, stylists, retouchers, models, etc.. Please correct me if I'm wrong. In turn, you can easily deny the request or as you stated "block" them. But I don't see it as an option for a moderator to control who someone can submit a request to. That seems a bit arbitrary. If "retouchers" are really what you are against in becoming friends with, maybe the moderators can create a profile demographic option where you only show up to models, photographers, stylists, etc. and you cannot view or be viewed by retouchers.

I'm a senior retoucher at one of the largest commercial studios in ohio and I personally know how hard it is currently for young creatives coming up and trying to get involved with whatever work they can. This community seems to be an outlet for the young inexperienced and seasoned experienced creatives to work together. What you are suggesting is that they be blocked of this opportunity? Seems a bit hostile, if you have Venmo I'll buy you a coffee haha. I get your point to an extent, but try to keep an open mind for everyone that just wants to better themselves.

Best regards

Oct 16 17 08:23 am Link



Posts: 20

Columbus, Ohio, US

PJKRetouching wrote:

Im sorry to tell you this but you are being dramatic, what did you expect when you decided to create your business online? networking is a huge part of it and if you are blocking everyone who wants to add you and be connected with you then you will never grow as a business, and it doesnt matter if its a retoucher, model, mua etc. people remember these people who block you wink

We are living in a different time, where "friend request" dosen't mean you are BBFs, its just so you have an easy way to find someone online and remember them for when you want to check their work and get inspiration, god forbid that someone wants to get to know you!

for example: if a retoucher decided to add you and wanted to get to know you and follow your work here, they would add you as a friend so they could see your work more easily, and then if they find out you blocked them for no reason?! big mistake! you just don't know who they know, they could have great connections with people who you would like to work with, but if you block them?... guess you never will wink

all you need to do is ignore their request, blocking is stupid to do for no real reason.

Agreed whole heartedly!

Oct 16 17 08:24 am Link


Albert Brusakos

Posts: 9

New York, New York, US

Hi I'm kinda new here,

Im a retoucher here just getting into it from watching youtube videos and photoshop/lightroom tutorials.
I have used photoshop for years but never did any retouching until i was introduced to it a few months ago.
The more I did it the more I got into it because its super fun and interesting. Its really an art form unto itself and i really enjoy it.

I joined model mayhem a couple of weeks ago and I have to say I really enjoy my time here. I have learned so much about photography and retouching here than I ever have on youtube. I really wanna get out on the internet showcasing my art and having a good time and model mayhem seemed like a great place to show my art and potentially make art with others.
Some of you may not like my art and that's fine art is subjective and i respect your opinions as artists. I remain committed to advancing in my craft and getting better at what I'm trying to do.

There is a forum where nice models and photographers give photos to retouch for free and they are super cool people for doing that. In my time here i have never spammed anyone and don't want to bother anyone. I'm not here to sell people things or be annoying to anyone I just came here to learn from people who are better than me and work with artists to create art and really expand on what I'm doing.

Its really disheartening to see how many people hate retouchers on this boards, but I aim to be a really good one one day and maybe I will change some of your minds working with a retoucher. If anyone would like to work with me they can message me anytime. I don't charge money just looking to expand my port and upgrade my skillset by working with other talented individuals.

I don't aim to make pictures "better" because a lot of photographers are also retouchers and they do awesome work and the word "bettter" is subjective. Your art is your art I can't make it better I can only appreciate it for what it is. What I aim for is something different and interesting. I look to show something new and make the photos really stand out.

And most importantly just have fun and work with awesome people.

thank you for reading this,

Albert Brusakos wink

Nov 12 17 03:56 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 71

San Antonio, Texas, US

So is the Retouching forum just the Photogs Bitching forum now? Should be labeled accordingly.

Nov 16 17 02:31 am Link



Posts: 3195

San Diego, California, US

See this link a retoucher post … st19764847

They don't read they use bots to spam

Nov 17 17 10:22 am Link



Posts: 1464

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

barepixels wrote:
See this link a retoucher post … st19764847

They don't read they use bots to spam

It seems the opposite is also true - they solicit services in PM (and by email). Some retouchers keep approaching me with offers to outsource my retouching work to them because (as per their words) they would do it very qualitatively and much cheaper.

With so many educators nowadays it is easy to learn all kinds of "clever" things.

Nov 17 17 01:02 pm Link