Forums > General Industry > Feds Crack Down on Pre-Teen Modeling Site


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

I think the problem of people exploiting children for pornographic purposes is something worth solving.

I personally think it would be a problem better left to the job of good parenting to avoid their children getting involved in such things, not something for the state to meddle in.

Dec 01 06 04:07 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

I think the problem of people exploiting children for pornographic purposes is something worth solving.

inevitably laws established to govern people's homes and bedrooms are muddled messes of social and cultural attempts at control.  Most of them should be repealed.  Very few have anything to do with reality or what they are sold as being good for.

Child porn laws aren't mostly championed by the innocent... they are typically championed by the guilty as a way to clear their conscious.

Dec 01 06 04:09 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

James Jackson wrote:

I personally think it would be a problem better left to the job of good parenting to avoid their children getting involved in such things, not something for the state to meddle in.

So the state should turn a blind eye to those who would exploit children?

Dec 01 06 04:12 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:

I personally think it would be a problem better left to the job of good parenting to avoid their children getting involved in such things, not something for the state to meddle in.

You have stated that most people are capable of reproducing in their early teens, but most sociologist say western cultures are maintaining a person in a state of extended adolescence well in to their 30s.

Do you really expect all parents to be good parents?  Are children so expendable that you're willing to take that risk?

And even if a child has good parents, don't virtually all kids do things their parents don't know about?  Did you ever lie to your parents about where you were or what you were doing or with whom you were spending your time?

Traci Lords made porn movies at the age of 15.  Should that have been legal?

(And please don't imply that those supporting child pornography laws are guilty of anything.  It's as bad as people who imply that those who do not allow escorts are predators.)

Dec 01 06 04:20 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

You have stated that most people are capable of reproducing in their early teens, but most sociologist say western cultures are maintaining a person in a state of extended adolescence well in to their 30s.

Do you really expect all parents to be good parents?  Are children so expendable that you're willing to take that risk?

And even if a child has good parents, don't virtually all kids do things their parents don't know about?  Did you ever lie to your parents about where you were or what you were doing or with whom you were spending your time?

Traci Lords made porn movies at the age of 15.  Should that have been legal?

(And please don't imply that those supporting child pornography laws are guilty of anything.  It's as bad as people who imply that those who do not allow escorts are predators.)

Ding, ding, ding!

Very nicely stated, Mr. Diaz!

Dec 01 06 04:22 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:

inevitably laws established to govern people's homes and bedrooms are muddled messes of social and cultural attempts at control.  Most of them should be repealed.  Very few have anything to do with reality or what they are sold as being good for.

I agree, and I believe that consenting adults should be able to do just about whatever they want to themselves, as long as they don't hurt anyone else.

Notice two key phrases:  "consenting adults" and "as long as they don't hurt anyone else".

Child pornography does not take place between consenting adults (and you can't even tell me how "adult" should be defined) and it does hurt the children involved.  This is why we need legislation prohibiting it, as well as punishments for those who violate those legislations.

Dec 01 06 04:26 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Image K wrote:

So the state should turn a blind eye to those who would exploit children?

They already do.

Ever heard of sweat shops?  They don't just exist in China... they exist right here in america.

You don't think Anne Geddes exploits children for profit?  I find her work extremely exploitative... those babies don't get the money... she does.

How about all the child actors/singers/artists who don't get a dime from their work?

The problem already exists and the state already turns a blind eye.

Dec 01 06 04:26 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Child pornography does not take place between consenting adults ... and it does hurt the children involved.

What exactly doesn't hurt children?  Walking out in the sun hurts children and can lead to cancer later in life.  Does that mean that children should be outlawed from walking in the sun?

Please... find a real argument... not this boiler plate "It's for the children" crap.

Dec 01 06 04:28 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

James Jackson wrote:

They already do.

Ever heard of sweat shops?  They don't just exist in China... they exist right here in america.

You don't think Anne Geddes exploits children for profit?  I find her work extremely exploitative... those babies don't get the money... she does.

How about all the child actors/singers/artists who don't get a dime from their work?

The problem already exists and the state already turns a blind eye.

Your point is well taken.

A lot of truth here, actually.

When big corporations are involved, the feds doe tend to ignore in situations like those mentioned here.

Very sad indeed.

We need to keep trying, though.

Dec 01 06 04:32 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
You have stated that most people are capable of reproducing in their early teens, but most sociologist say western cultures are maintaining a person in a state of extended adolescence well in to their 30s.

Do you really expect all parents to be good parents?


Brian Diaz wrote:
Are children so expendable that you're willing to take that risk?

Yes... have you checked out the overpopulation statistics worldwide?  Have you seen some of the true atrocities committed in the world?  Damage to "the children" is really low on my priority scale.

Brian Diaz wrote:
And even if a child has good parents, don't virtually all kids do things their parents don't know about?

I don't know the statistics on that one, but I'm guessing *good* parents have a pretty good handle on what their children do.

Brian Diaz wrote:
Did you ever lie to your parents about where you were or what you were doing or with whom you were spending your time?

Uh... no... you know the afore mentioned good parents?  I had them.  My parents typically knew what I was doing, what I was getting in to, and where I was going.  They are both intelligent and street smart people, and they knew many of the dangers I would face and made sure I was prepared for them long before I ever faced them.

Brian Diaz wrote:
Traci Lords made porn movies at the age of 15.  Should that have been legal?

Again.  I don't know and don't care if it *should* have been legal.  It happened.  She's still alive, and actually a functioning member of society.  She has a house, a car, probably a husband and children of her own (not sure on that last bit... I don't know much about her).  At any rate she became a member of society high functioning enough to be well known and well known in a good light.  Did her childhood experiences damage her?  Some would say that overall they did not.

Brian Diaz wrote:
(And please don't imply that those supporting child pornography laws are guilty of anything.  It's as bad as people who imply that those who do not allow escorts are predators.)

No, it's not implication... it's fact... per this article... and per historical reference.  Often the people fighting and rallying hardest against something are guilty of that something themselves.  They have an internal hatred for what they've done and can thusly present the best arguments against it.

Dec 01 06 04:36 pm Link


Alix Andrea

Posts: 3035

Los Angeles, California, US

Sadistic Skye wrote:

I grew up with this picture on my bedroom wall because my mom has an obsession with her work... I have always found her work to be extremely creepy & disturbing. You don't? Hey, you didn't have to look at that everyday! haha

The expression is sort of sadistic if you look at it for long enough

Dec 01 06 04:46 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

This is the first time I have seen Brian get actively involved in a controversial dialogue.  I happen to agree largely with what he is saying, but that isn't the point.  I have stayed out of this discussion because it is a little too entangled for my taste.

I am please to see Brian get involved.  He has a great intellect and also my respect.

Dec 01 06 04:58 pm Link