Forums > General Industry > Feds Crack Down on Pre-Teen Modeling Site

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Okay...I just have to get in on this Anne Geddes debate...

First of all, I don't love much of her work.  I do think that her mother/baby shots are endearing.  Although I may have placed the baby differently in the B&W shot to cover the pubic hair.  (The little curlies are enough to send some people into fits!)  But it is just representing how the baby was before it was born.  Does that make the whole last trimester, when the baby's head is near the cervix, a dirty, shameful thing?? 

On that same train of thought, are videotaped births pornography?  There's a baby and a vagina...OH MY GOD!  It must be.  And don't even get me started on breastfeeding.  That's a baby enjoying a BREAST!  The horror of it all!

Well, I can tell you from experience...a woman doesn't give birth with panties on.  And while I didn't breastfeed, I could've if I wanted to. 

There's nothing dirty about any of this...and any parent knows this.

PS--EDIT...I HAVE SEEN the baby and roses pic.  But I can assure that it wasn't sexual...give me a break.  The baby was probably happy it's Mom was there cooing at it and babytalking to make it smile.  Jeezy creezy.

Dec 01 06 12:11 pm Link


3rd Floor Photography

Posts: 932

Tucson, Arizona, US

Ty Simone wrote:

I hate to say this, but my first impression was that the baby was crapping out roses!!!

hahahaha lol you're right!

Dec 01 06 12:13 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

That B&W Anne Geddes image is just to replicate how mother and baby were when the baby was in the womb...sort of like a before and after.

Now this rose pic...I am disgusted that anyone could insinuate that the baby is getting off with the rose at it's rear.  Please.  It is a slightly odd image, but I'm sure the baby was reacting to a toy overhead or it's mom cooing and babytalking to it.

Listen...women don't give birth with panties on.    The stork doesn't just drop babies at your doorstep and babies aren't grown in a cabbage patch!

In case anyone forgot, the entire purpose of the vagina and uterus is for procreation.  The purpose of breasts is to supply nutrition to a baby.  It's that simple.  That's why I don't find the nude mother and baby shots offensive.

Dec 01 06 12:23 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Double post...dammit, sorry.

Dec 01 06 12:23 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Ty Simone wrote:

Please read everything behind the story.
His images are a specific violation of current child porn law (and case law) in that at least three of his images show the genital region in a lacivious manner.

The Knox case showed that images that specific target the genital region (in his case video of a dance recital where he constantly focus on the genital region and zoomed in on those where the outline of the girl's genital was clearly visible through the leotards) is Child Pornography.

In the case above, he has at least three images that have the genital area predominately shown (her legs spread) of the the model in swimwear where you can clearly see the outline.

He violated the law.

Personally, I think cameltoe, regardless of age, should be illegal.

Dec 01 06 12:25 pm Link


David Allen Smith

Posts: 3055

Fayetteville, North Carolina, US

If they go after Anne Geddes...

how will that be anything new?

Sally Mann?

Jock Sturges?

The websites in question here are obviously pushing up as close to child pornography as they can and calling it "modeling"...

but going after artists with obscenity laws is nothing new.

With Anne Geddes I suppose the only "new" thing would be the images being of infants under 18 months, which are routinely shown on television completely nude

obviously thats "commercial exploitation" too... since they are diaper commercials and all...

Dec 01 06 12:27 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:
Whether there was a grey area to you or not, I will never agree with laws that try to draw some arbitrary line in the sand... particularly laws predicated on two completely arbitrary and non-objective concepts such as 18 years constituting the end of of being a "minor" and what is and is not lewd or pornographic.

The problem is that lawmakers have to draw arbitrary lines.  If legal adulthood doesn't start at 18, when should it?  Should it be different for every individual?  That would violate your desire for the rules to be objective.

How about speed limits?  55 MPH is pretty arbitrary.  Why not 50?  Or 57.8?  Or "Speed Limit: Use Your Best Judgment"?  Would any of those be better?

Should the arbitrary age of majority be removed altogether, along with the differentiation between minors and adults?  Should 7 year olds legally be permitted to engage in hardcore pornography?

I feel that, while it is not perfect for everyone, the age of 18 is a pretty good estimation of when adulthood begins for most people, and despite the arbitrary nature of the number, it should be upheld and supported.

Dec 01 06 12:28 pm Link


MS Foto

Posts: 2224

Manchester, New Hampshire, US

Bryanna Nicole wrote:
No.. this is why MM wants to keep tabs on what people of all ages post in their portfolio....

Your point is well taken. I think we actually mean the same thing, you just said it better.....

Dec 01 06 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 65

Sacramento, California, US

I thought all she shot was baby pictures!

Dec 01 06 12:35 pm Link


TA Craft Photography

Posts: 2883

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

ebarb wrote:
Have any of you actually seen any of these pre-teen modeling sites?  Awhile ago a friend of a friend asked me to check out the work of some hack photographer here locally...his website was linked to a whole bunch of these types of sites and he shot for them...the stuff was absolutely eye candy for pedophiles, there was no grey area here, it was little girls in underwear, with there legs spread.....

It just kills me that the "I'm an artist crowd" here an MM immediately take a positive action by law enforcement and somehow try and change it to some insidious plot to take away there right to shoot what is in most cases crap anyways....

get a clue...


I know that I'm probably being over cautious, but if you visit one of these sites.[on a professional level] images will get saved to you temp.internet pages, and if the feds come visiting. You will be open for prosecution yourself.  Be very careful out there.  Just stay well clear, I will not open any links in this type of forum, just in case.

Dec 01 06 12:36 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair wrote:
PS--I wish I could've seen the baby and roses pic.  The page is down.  But I can assure that it wasn't sexual...give me a break.  The baby was probably happy it's Mom was there cooing at it and babytalking to make it smile.  Jeezy creezy.

I love it.  You haven't seen the picture but you can assure us that it isn't sexual.  Um...what?

Dec 01 06 12:37 pm Link


DezLand Studios

Posts: 155

San Antonio, Florida, US

what about Sally Mann? oops someone already said it smile

Dec 01 06 12:38 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

similar to those in urban blight vs. suburban areas targeted for drug use, the pursuit of those creating the offense of underage imaging is in direct proportion to the trailer park or suburban area from whence they came.

to wit, brooke shields can have nothing but denim come between her and her calvin's, yet "lil amber" is offered no protection from an equal image produced in a double-wide.

damn the lower class.  how dare they seek to place themselves on equal footing to titillate those within their peer group. 

poor persecuted souls.  isn't it enough they have to huddle in fear at every tornado warning by adding the removal of their artistic expression to their existence?  this is a sad day for future supermodel barefoot cousins everywhere.

--face reality

Dec 01 06 12:38 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

jayedwards wrote:
I love it.  You haven't seen the picture but you can assure us that it isn't sexual.  Um...what?

They posted the image on the thread, shortly after my first post...scroll back!

For the first couple years of a baby's life...they may explore their genitals...and that's perfectly normal.  But from the various things I've read, there is no sexual gratification.

DO you have kids, Jay?

Dec 01 06 12:40 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair wrote:

They posted the image on the thread, shortly after my first post...scroll back!

That's not my point.  You said you didn't see the picture but made a judgment about it anyway.  Isn't that what you said?  (Before you edited your post)

Dec 01 06 12:44 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

jayedwards wrote:
That's not my point.  You said you didn't see the picture but made a judgment about it anyway.  Isn't that what you said?  (Before you edited your post)

YES...BUT IN GENERAL, BABIES ARE NOT SEXUALLY GRATIFIED!   What mind thinks they are!?!?!  Diaper chaning time would get really creepy if that were the case!

Dec 01 06 12:47 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair wrote:

They posted the image on the thread, shortly after my first post...scroll back!

For the first couple years of a baby's life...they may explore their genitals...and that's perfectly normal.  But from the various things I've read, there is no sexual gratification.

DO you have kids, Jay?

I was not making a point about the picture -- I think it's a little strange but it's not pornographic.  I made a point about you judging the picture without seeing it.   Whether or not I have children has nothing to do with what you said.

Dec 01 06 12:48 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair wrote:


Unfortunately, some people do view babies as sexual.  That's why there are laws to protect kids.

Dec 01 06 12:48 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

jayedwards wrote:

I was not making a point about the picture -- I think it's a little strange but it's not pornographic.  I made a point about you judging the picture without seeing it.   Whether or not I have children has nothing to do with what you said.

Well, I'm a Mom and I know that when my daughter was a baby, there was no sexual gratification when I wiped her between diaper changes.  That is how I made a generalization about a picture I had not seen.  If you were a parent, you'd understand that.

Dec 01 06 12:50 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair wrote:

Well, I'm a Mom and I know that when my daughter was a baby, there was no sexual gratification when I wiped her between diaper changes.  That is how I made a generalization about a picture I had not seen.  If you were a parent, you'd understand that.

You assume I have no children.  Then you insinuate that only parents can understand how a child could not be a sexual being.  Wow.  Seems we've hijacked the thread so let's get back to our regularly scheduled program.  ;-)

Dec 01 06 12:56 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

jayedwards wrote:
I was not making a point about the picture -- I think it's a little strange but it's not pornographic.  I made a point about you judging the picture without seeing it.   Whether or not I have children has nothing to do with what you said.

If I had not been somewhat familiar with Anne Geddes work, then I wouldn't have made such a generalization about an unseen image.  If the picture had been describes as a baby with a dildo, then I would've had a different opinion.

**And this thread was hijacked long before I came along.**

Dec 01 06 12:56 pm Link


Madcrow Photographics

Posts: 7805

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Well, I'm glad to see Web E Web shut down. I was into that stuff when I was the age of some of the girls on the site, but now that I'm older, I realize just how exploitative that stuff is. I've nothing against photographing teens (as you may know from my participation in various threads here), but to force ANYBODY to pose in a way that they're uncomfortable with is just wrong, especially when you get involved with minors. In addition, the work posted on those sites has NO legitimate artistic value. I've seen (much) better photography in catalogs. Why are there photographers who do stuff like this and give those of us who wish to work with minors (or anybody else) in a legitimate fashion such a horrible name?

Dec 01 06 01:06 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Madcrow Studios wrote:
... the work posted on those sites has NO legitimate artistic value

And exactly what credentials do you have to back that statement up?  Are you an academic scholar of the arts?  Do you have years and years of art history and art appreciation under your belt?

Or are you just making judgment based on the fact that it was not you that photographed them?

Dec 01 06 02:02 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair wrote:
... I can assure that it wasn't sexual...give me a break.  The baby was probably happy it's Mom was there cooing at it and babytalking to make it smile.  Jeezy creezy.

People people please... read before you post.

I am just making a point through facetious carrying of an idea to an overblown conclusion.  It's called satire folks.

I don't really want to feed the irish their own children here... I just am saying that the lines are too blurry to accept this "law" or the enforcement of it because it logically opens *ALL* photography and art related imagery to being called pornography.

Dec 01 06 02:06 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
The problem is that lawmakers have to draw arbitrary lines.  If legal adulthood doesn't start at 18, when should it?  Should it be different for every individual?  That would violate your desire for the rules to be objective.

How about speed limits?  55 MPH is pretty arbitrary.  Why not 50?  Or 57.8?  Or "Speed Limit: Use Your Best Judgment"?  Would any of those be better?

Should the arbitrary age of majority be removed altogether, along with the differentiation between minors and adults?  Should 7 year olds legally be permitted to engage in hardcore pornography?

I feel that, while it is not perfect for everyone, the age of 18 is a pretty good estimation of when adulthood begins for most people, and despite the arbitrary nature of the number, it should be upheld and supported.

No they do not *have* to draw arbitrary lines.

Though it was sold as a safety measure, the 55 m.p.h. law was made to save fuel.  It was repealed and now states can make any speed limit they want... in fact several states *do* have a speed limit of "use your best judgment" on several major highways.

18 is *not* a good delineation or approximation of age of change to adulthood... in fact, most humans begin to be capable of sexual reproduction (only kind of delineation accepted in any other animal) at around age 12 for girls and 15 for boys, while mentally most sociologist say western cultures are maintaining a person in a state of extended adolescence well in to their 30's for both men and women.

"Should the arbitrary age of majority be removed altogether, along with the differentiation between minors and adults?"

Don't ask two questions and make them one in an attempt to have a yes/no become obtuse... bad form... very bad form.

"Should the arbitrary age of majority be removed altogether?" Yes.  Age of majority is a fallacy... if we were to establish a true age at which most individuals become mentally capable of adult rational thought it would be somewhere around 30.

"Should we remove the differentiation between minors and adults?" Obviously this is impossible.  There are children and there are adults in every species on the planet.  Perhaps we should come up with a better definition of what a child and an adult is.  Only in humans do we wrap up the ideas of sexual and mental adulthood in to one.

"Should 7 year olds legally be permitted to engage in hardcore pornography?"
Do you know any 7 year olds who are mentally adult?

Dec 01 06 02:15 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

So, James, who should be legally permitted to engage in hardcore pornography?  How do you decide this without either making an arbitrary age limit or using subjective qualifiers?

Dec 01 06 02:19 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
So, James, who should be legally permitted to engage in hardcore pornography?  How do you decide this without either making an arbitrary age limit or using subjective qualifiers?

*I* don't decide it.  I'll leave it for others to decide since *I* don't photograph hardcore pornography.

Dec 01 06 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 11

Londonderry, New Hampshire, US

i think that pic of the baby is wrong
but im under 18, so does that mean most of you are saying i shouldnt be a model? a lot of teen models are involved in fashion and modeling industry these days. i dont think theres anything wrong with it if the under 18s restrict to a certain thing like catwalk etc. only thing wrong is nudity which an under 18 cannot do. i think we should still be allowed to be models tho. does anyone agree?

Dec 01 06 02:40 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:

*I* don't decide it.  I'll leave it for others to decide since *I* don't photograph hardcore pornography.

So the makers of pornography should decide who should be able to make pornography?

If you so adamantly oppose all arbitrary and subjective laws, surely you have an opinion as to what would be a more appropriate alternative to them.

Dec 01 06 02:46 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

1barbiedoll wrote:
i think that pic of the baby is wrong
but im under 18, so does that mean most of you are saying i shouldnt be a model? a lot of teen models are involved in fashion and modeling industry these days. i dont think theres anything wrong with it if the under 18s restrict to a certain thing like catwalk etc. only thing wrong is nudity which an under 18 cannot do. i think we should still be allowed to be models tho. does anyone agree?

Good lord I hope no one here is saying that < 18 year olds should not be models... that would just put the whole fashion industry out of business...

and you are incorrect about not being able to be nude... you can be nude all you want if you are under 18 you just can not be photographed for pornography.

Dec 01 06 02:48 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
So the makers of pornography should decide who should be able to make pornography?

If you so adamantly oppose all arbitrary and subjective laws, surely you have an opinion as to what would be a more appropriate alternative to them.

Nope... I have no idea.  The only idea I have at this point is that the law is way too arbitrary and established on concepts that are way too arbitrary and concepts which have no legal precedent anywhere else in our legal system.  They are established on religious and moral code concepts not on legal concepts.

The laws on this topic should be repealed.  If the community wishes to establish new laws, then let them be established by the community.

Personally I don't photograph "hard core" photography and I rarely view "hard core" pornography, so I really wouldn't be a good person to ask to write a law governing pornography since I don't partake of it as much as the average american.  If market indicators are any judge though, the average american has a much better idea of what is and is not porn than I do.

Dec 01 06 02:50 pm Link



Posts: 11

Londonderry, New Hampshire, US

James Jackson wrote:

Good lord I hope no one here is saying that < 18 year olds should not be models... that would just put the whole fashion industry out of business...

and you are incorrect about not being able to be nude... you can be nude all you want if you are under 18 you just can not be photographed for pornography.

Dec 01 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 11

Londonderry, New Hampshire, US

i think its fine for models to be under the age of 18 but a lot of people are saying its wrong.
and yea thats what i meant sorry: i meant that we cannot be photographed for pornography related purposes.

Dec 01 06 02:53 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

1barbiedoll wrote:
i think its fine for models to be under the age of 18 but a lot of people are saying its wrong.
and yea thats what i meant sorry: i meant that we cannot be photographed for pornography related purposes.

Mind you this is mostly a discussion of american politics.  I have no idea what the laws are in the UK re: modeling and photography of individuals under the age of 18.

Dec 01 06 03:02 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:

Nope... I have no idea.  The only idea I have at this point is that the law is way too arbitrary and established on concepts that are way too arbitrary and concepts which have no legal precedent anywhere else in our legal system.  They are established on religious and moral code concepts not on legal concepts.

Arbitrary ages limiting who can do what and when are written into the Constitution.

Was it a religious or moral code that made the founding fathers decide that presidents should be at least 35 years old?

Arbitrary decisions such as making the age of majority 18 (or thereabout, as many countries and states have done: is not a perfect solution, but it is better than none.

Dec 01 06 03:08 pm Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Madcrow Studios wrote:
Well, I'm glad to see Web E Web shut down. I was into that stuff when I was the age of some of the girls on the site, but now that I'm older, I realize just how exploitative that stuff is. I've nothing against photographing teens (as you may know from my participation in various threads here), but to force ANYBODY to pose in a way that they're uncomfortable with is just wrong, especially when you get involved with minors. In addition, the work posted on those sites has NO legitimate artistic value. I've seen (much) better photography in catalogs. Why are there photographers who do stuff like this and give those of us who wish to work with minors (or anybody else) in a legitimate fashion such a horrible name?

Apparently you haven't worked a lot with teens. Believe me, they don't have to be forced to hit any of these poses. Your biggest problem is, often, that is what they do without being asked. You do have to be on guard -- even with mom in the room who often instigates the sexier poses.
They don't understand that you need to be very careful with glamour with a minor. They will sometimes just stop whatever you are doing and just peel off the t-shirt.

Dec 01 06 03:23 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Yes, soon it will be illegal to photograph children at all.  No one under that age of 18 can be photographed in the United States because people might think of some sexual thoughts. 

Dec 01 06 03:26 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

MS Figures n Physiques wrote:
An example of why MM needs to be Firm in it's 18+ Policy:

Florida firm’s owners face child porn charges for provocative photos of kids

   The operators of dozens of teen and preteen “modeling sites” that critics say are nothing more than eye candy for pedophiles have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Alabama for allegedly trafficking in “visual depictions of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct.”

   See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.......

It's old news being rehashed ...

Dec 01 06 03:27 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Arbitrary decisions such as making the age of majority 18 (or thereabout, as many countries and states have done: is not a perfect solution, but it is better than none.

Some things are better left unsolved than solved.

Dec 01 06 03:30 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

James Jackson wrote:

Some things are better left unsolved than solved.

I think the problem of people exploiting children for pornographic purposes is something worth solving.

Dec 01 06 04:02 pm Link