Forums > General Industry > Are women more willing to pose nude than men?


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Actually, there is a much larger market for shots of nude men than there is of nude women.  The problem is that it is generally sold to the gay market, which is not what most of us are interested in so we don't come in contact with it.

SLE Photography wrote:
Alan, aside from Playgirl type imagery, in the realms of fine art as noted I've had a lot of contact with the gay community & they're more likely to take one of my artful female nudes than one of my male, even tho they have drawings & paintings of male nudes

I don't argue that there seems to be more of a demand for female nudes than male nudes among the art crowd in this country, but that was not the point I was responding to.

What the poster said was that there was a greater market to sell nudes of females than to sell nudes of men.  Factually that isn't true.  There is a huge market for male gay porn and male gay erotica.  Since most of us aren't gay and don't buy the stuff, we don't realize that there are more magazines available through the gay market of naked men than there are of naked women.

There is no doubt that far more women model nude than men, simply because there are way more women models.  But there is a market that we don't look at on the net because it isn't what most of us are about.

Dec 01 06 07:36 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna


Dec 01 06 07:40 am Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Hell, I'll pose nude and I'm not even a model anymore :-)

Dec 01 06 09:16 am Link



Posts: 2534

Toledo, Ohio, US

I've done my share of nudes (see below)....but face it.....women are just more in demand than men when it comes to nudity. There is a much bigger market for it. This IS a business....and naked women bring in more $$ then naked men.

Dec 01 06 11:36 am Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

I actually think if I did male nudes they'd sell pretty well.  Around 25% of my sales are to women anyway, and if I can indulge in a little stereotyping the local gay male demographic does seem to appreciate art at higher levels than the general population.  I've done male nudes before and I think they came out really well but they were all portrait work and I don't have releases.  These guys were all fit but universally shy about their pictures being seen in public.

I've contacted male models before, and anybody who has expressed any interest have lacked any kind of definition, and for the shoots I have in mind that's a requirement.  The really fit muscular male models have all wanted a ton of money, and when I offered them artist rates they were rather insulting about the whole thing.  This turned me off from bothering to look anymore - who needs it?

Dec 01 06 10:15 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

There are a whole host of reasons:

(1) There are far more male photographers than female, especially on MM. And most male photographers are more interested in shooting female nudes than male. Therefore, more female nude photos.

(2) There are far more female models than male models, especially on MM. So just strictly by numbers, there are fewer male models available to work with, nude or otherwise.

(3) Cultural acceptability: Female nudes are much more broadly accepted in our culture than male nudes. There is a huge double standard. Men are taught that the female form is beautiful in art. Women are also taught to appreciate the female form in art. Both genders are more likely to be taught that the male form is dirty. Although most women can accept the male form as art, straight men are more likely to deny any appreciation of the male form for fear of appearing too gay (not all men, of course, but many). Likewise, many male models don't want to pose nude out of fear of looking gay. It is far easier to find two straight women to pose nude together than two straight men.

(4) The dangly bits: I've shot quite a few male nudes as art. A majority of the male models I've worked with have agreed to pose only under the condition that their penis doesn't show. They are comfortable being nude in the studio; they just don't want their penis to show in the photos. Often times when I'm talking to a potential model, and I notice that they are waffling, not sure if they want to pose or not, if I tell them they don't have to show full frontal, they accept. Either fear of not looking big enough, or fear of damage to their career or reputation makes many male models nervous to show their package. If I tell them they don't have to, I get a much higher acceptance rate.

(5) Market: While there is a substantial market for gay porn, there is not a very big market for nude male fine art photography. Despite winning awards and serious critical accolades, I don't sell very many of my male nude art photos. I sell many more of my art photos depicting women, even though I have far more male nudes available. The dangly bits affect the marketability too. One large gallery show I had earlier this year flat excluded any of my photos that showed the penis.

These are all broad statements, I realize. And of course there are exceptions. But these have generally been my experiences and observations after quite a bit of experience working with nude male models and selling male nude art photos.

Dec 02 06 12:08 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I am more willingt o shoot women nude than men...

Dec 02 06 01:15 am Link


Art Liem

Posts: 54

Los Angeles, California, US

McCauley Images wrote:
It seems like there are more women posing nude than men. Does anyone know why?

We men are dogs. We'll do anything to see a naked woman. We have strip joints, magazines, videos - heck this website and the Other Model Pornplace to seek out naked women and photograph them too!

Is there more of an expectation for women to pose nude?

Probably, but most men will deny it. The fact is that the place is full of GWCs.

Is it that women are more williing?

Sure. Look at all the ads, the music vids, the images we see of women. It all points eventually to their nakedness. A young girl today get's bombarded with messages that her nakedness is becomming more and more a commodity. The western society has made it commercial and made it big bu$ne$$ for a good looking girl to pose nude. Her nudity is a commodity and there's lots of men willing to pay for it. It's kind of funny actually and smart girl with good looks should take full advantage of it. Easy money.

Is it that the general public appreciates nude women more than men?

No it's that men have made up the rules for so long and 'valued' the woman form. It's only just recently that women have started to take control of their bodies and began to understand men's mentailty. Like I said, the smart women will take control of their 'body image' and should take every advantage that we men are visually wired. I've seen men spend their life savings on seeing a woman naked. A shame their wives and kids get screwed, but I have no sympathy.

Regards, Art.

Dec 02 06 04:01 am Link


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I think women are generally asked to pose nude more than men are.

Supply and demand:
If the demand were higher I think that there would be more willing.

Dec 02 06 04:20 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

Tiia Something wrote:
I think women are generally asked to pose nude more than men are.

I think, therefore I am.

Dec 02 06 04:27 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Star wrote:
I am more willingt o shoot women nude than men...

That is true of most women photographers.  The vast majority of photos shot of male nudes, even in Playgirl, are shot by men.  But then again, since the majority of male nude photos are used in gay men's magazines, that should be no surprise.

Dec 02 06 08:01 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Actually, there is a much larger market for shots of nude men than there is of nude women.  The problem is that it is generally sold to the gay market, which is not what most of us are interested in so we don't come in contact with it.

I don't argue that there seems to be more of a demand for female nudes than male nudes among the art crowd in this country, but that was not the point I was responding to.

What the poster said was that there was a greater market to sell nudes of females than to sell nudes of men.  Factually that isn't true.  There is a huge market for male gay porn and male gay erotica.  Since most of us aren't gay and don't buy the stuff, we don't realize that there are more magazines available through the gay market of naked men than there are of naked women.

There is no doubt that far more women model nude than men, simply because there are way more women models.  But there is a market that we don't look at on the net because it isn't what most of us are about.

If that's true, then I stand corrected. I admit to not being aware of the entire nude male photograph market. However, my photographer market book seems to have more entries for publishers accepting submissions of female nudes than male nudes. That could just mean most publishers of male nudes don't accept unsolicited submissions, it's only something I noticed.

Dec 02 06 08:10 am Link


MS Foto

Posts: 2224

Manchester, New Hampshire, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
That is true of most women photographers.  The vast majority of photos shot of male nudes, even in Playgirl, are shot by men.  But then again, since the majority of male nude photos are used in gay men's magazines, that should be no surprise.

I agree with this. As a male who has posed nude, my experience has been that many (certainly not all) of the photogs who are looking to shoot male nudes are just gay GWCs. I have worked with some males who've been great professionals, and even one female.
   Also, I think many men are concerned about where the pics end up being displayed. Sure, I understand that it will be gay men that seek to appreciate male nude art, but many guys are not comfortable with this.
   So what you end up is that more men would pose nude if more females were willing to shoot them, but many female photogs are reluctant shoot male nudes. This just leaves gay GWCs shooting guys who just exhibitionists. Most of the time, that doesn't really make for good art......

Dec 02 06 09:37 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


Dec 02 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Scott Aitken wrote:
Although most women can accept the male form as art, straight men are more likely to deny any appreciation of the male form for fear of appearing too gay (not all men, of course, but many).

I run into that all the time when showing my figure book.  I can't tell you how many times men have said something to the effect that my male figure work (most of which isn't posted online) is the best work I do.  They say this even as they're squirming uncomfortably, or flipping to the next woman, or follow up with something like, "Just don't make me look at it anymore."

So weird to me.

Dec 02 06 09:44 am Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

I live in a romote area where the majority of men are lumberjacks.  If I asked one of them to pose nude I probably would be killed and buried in a shallow grave.
Hence, I use myself when I want to shoot a male form.
Females nudes are easier to come by however, seeing that their husbands are out cutting down trees all day.
Seriously though, It is easier and cheaper for me to step around in front of the camera than to arrange a male model.

Dec 02 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 1476

Lake Oswego, Oregon, US

Ahhhh, maybe because more photographers want to shoot women nude than men...

Dec 02 06 09:47 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I mentioned earlier in the thread the gay male photographer who had an exhibit in my area recently where his male nudes were censored and his female nudes were not.  A few people PMed me to ask about it.  The photographer's name is Adam Nehr.
The article (with an example of one of the male nudes) can be found here:
(the picture is at the top, the text of the article is about half way down the column)

This's a quote from the article:

At the Dec. 4 reception, the photos that featured naked-girl parts were right there on display, but the two featuring naked-boy parts weren't. Asked about the discrepancy, OMA marketing manager Sherry Meadows Lewis said, via e-mail, "We feel that some works of art, while of quality and value, are simply not appropriate to present when one of the museum's goals is to serve children and families."

Dec 02 06 02:36 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
That could just mean most publishers of male nudes don't accept unsolicited submissions, it's only something I noticed.

I doubt that there are many gay male erotica magazines represented there at all.  I suspect they have their own way of soliciting work, but your point is well taken.

Dec 02 06 03:04 pm Link



Posts: 7840


i wish there were more that look that great with their clothes off ...

Dec 02 06 05:53 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

McCauley Images wrote:
It seems like there are more women posing nude than men. Does anyone know why? Is there more of an expectation for women to pose nude? Is it that women are more williing? Is it that the general public appreciates nude women more than men?

I think women fall into tree categories when it comes to posing nude.

First. Those who want to and do, because they want to see themselves as the pin up of desire.

Second. Thoses who really would like to but are just too shy.

Third. Those who do not realize they want to pose nude.

I think a large majority of men would rather not.

Dec 02 06 07:33 pm Link



Posts: 413

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Women are also more likely to want to pose for photos in general. A photography magazine recently had an article on wedding photography where they were talking about the troubles of getting the groom relaxed in the photos, and mentioned a survey where the answers showed that about 80% of men hated having their photo taken at all, ever, compared to about 15% of women.

Dec 03 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 1113

Beverly Hills, California, US

I would never make a model do something I would not. So in that spirit, I would pose nude. Hell, I already have back in my better days of college Lacrosse when I was all vascular. I probably would again in the future after my current training schedule completes I'll be built pretty hardcore again wink

Dec 03 06 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I do find this to be true.  I've been looking for more male models that will do nudes but it's not easy.  I've found some that don't belong to MM though.  I pose for myself a lot in the mean time.

Dec 03 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 59

Macedon, Victoria, Australia

Leo 3 wrote:
I've done my share of nudes ...but face it.....women are just more in demand than men when it comes to nudity. There is a much bigger market for it. This IS a business....and naked women bring in more $$ then naked men.  [quote/]

Have to agree and with that, when it come to business, the demand for female nudes is higher than males.

Dec 03 06 03:13 pm Link


Processed Pixels

Posts: 426

Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, US

There's no need to lump all men in the category of being dogs. A beautiful photo is a beautiful photo, is a beautiful photo... whether it be male or female. If it is done well and is simply not about sex then it's still beautiful. Yes there are more nude female images on here than there are male but to simply leer at the pic because of naked boobies puts most of you square in the GWC categories. Granted you may have extreme talent with that camera, but it should be more about the image than the subject especially from a photographer point of view.

Perfect example

that is a beautiful man!!!

No I'm not gay LOL.

Dec 17 06 11:33 am Link



Posts: 725

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

Processed Pixels wrote:
There's no need to lump all men in the category of being dogs. A beautiful photo is a beautiful photo, is a beautiful photo... whether it be male or female. If it is done well and is simply not about sex then it's still beautiful. Yes there are more nude female images on here than there are male but to simply leer at the pic because of naked boobies puts most of you square in the GWC categories. Granted you may have extreme talent with that camera, but it should be more about the image than the subject especially from a photographer point of view.

Perfect example

that is a beautiful man!!!

No I'm not gay LOL.

Well said, I totally agree....

Dec 17 06 12:06 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

McCauley Images wrote:
It seems like there are more women posing nude than men. Does anyone know why? Is there more of an expectation for women to pose nude? Is it that women are more williing? Is it that the general public appreciates nude women more than men?

Nudity can be a very vulnerable situation, something that women are much more accustomed to experiencing than men.  Also, most photographers are still straight men...Many of whom still aren't comfortable with the idea of staring at another guy for long periods of time.

Dec 17 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 581

Walnut Creek, California, US

RED Photographic wrote:

I have to disagree with you, I'm afraid.  The Ancient Greeks had more nude male statues than female nudes, and they believed that men were as aesthetically pleasing as women.

It's a cultural thing.

and they also had a sex practice nicknamed after them. Cool huh?

Dec 17 06 02:21 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Melvin Moten Jr wrote:

Nudity can be a very vulnerable situation, something that women are much more accustomed to experiencing than men.  Also, most photographers are still straight men...Many of whom still aren't comfortable with the idea of staring at another guy for long periods of time.

spot on

the Greeks, just liked cock

Dec 17 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
the Greeks, just liked cock

If it's the last thing I do, I swear I'll find a way to use this phrase in converstaion...somewhere.

Dec 17 06 02:34 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

There's also the question of body standards.. despite the endless stereotype of women having to be "perfect" to be considered beautiful, it remains bullshit. The acceptable range of figure and appearance for women is actually much broader than it is for men.

Professional nude male models are expected to be very fit, very athletic- whereas a female model generally just has to be not overweight (and of course both should have reasonably attractive faces). I can walk into any university classroom and instantly see a dozen women who would make great nude models- but I'd be lucky to find one male. The "ideal" female form is more a product of youth and genetics, the male "ideal" is virtually never naturally occurring, but the result of serious training in either athletics or bodybuilding. It's no wonder that it's a harder thing to find.

Dec 17 06 02:44 pm Link



Posts: 7840


i knew you'd like it


Melvin Moten Jr wrote:
If it's the last thing I do, I swear I'll find a way to use this phrase in converstaion...somewhere.

The Greeks, just liked cock

but Greece might not be the best place to say this

they might offer to show you!!

Dec 17 06 02:47 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Star wrote:
I am more willingt o shoot women nude than men...

Would you be willing to pose nude?

Dec 17 06 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

Funny that every conversation around here boils down to Industry this and money demand that..

Museums are full of nudes and those people died BROKE.. it wasnt about any industry or money.. it was about art..

Women are more aesthetically pleasing than men.. more curvy and less hard angles.. hence the numerous paintings of women over the centuries..

Men are captured in statues and castings.. hard angular bodies, rippled muscles, what they saw as the IDEAL man, rarely what the actual man looked like.. (Julius Ceasar comes to mind with that.. short, balding with bad acne by all written accounts)

So beyond the glamour "industry" talk that this always ends up at, WOMEN are just more pleasing artistically to capture.. whether painted or photographed.. Market or no market..

Dec 17 06 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

McCauley Images wrote:
It seems like there are more women posing nude than men. Does anyone know why? Is there more of an expectation for women to pose nude? Is it that women are more williing? Is it that the general public appreciates nude women more than men?

I pose nude, very well - at the drop of a hat.

Dec 17 06 02:58 pm Link


Eric Haywood

Posts: 8247

Elaine on "Seinfeld" said it best:

"The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian. It's for gettin' around. It's like a Jeep."

Dec 17 06 03:00 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Funny that every conversation around here boils down to Industry this and money demand that..
Museums are full of nudes and those people died BROKE.. it wasnt about any industry or money.. it was about art..
Women are more aesthetically pleasing than men.. more curvy and less hard angles.. hence the numerous paintings of women over the centuries..
Men are captured in statues and castings.. hard angular bodies, rippled muscles, what they saw as the IDEAL man, rarely what the actual man looked like.. (Julius Ceasar comes to mind with that.. short, balding with bad acne by all written accounts)
So beyond the glamour "industry" talk that this always ends up at, WOMEN are just more pleasing artistically to capture.. whether painted or photographed.. Market or no market..

I'm not even sure where to start...
Many artists did not "die broke" and their life was certainly one of commerce and making a living. There are virtually no artists before the French Revolution who weren't living off either patrons or commisions. Try naming a famous pre 19th Century artwork that wasn't a commission. "Art for Art's sake" is a very new concept. Obviously these people were artists, and driven to create, but the subject matter was rarely of their own chosing. Art has never existed on a large scale outside of an industry of consumerism.
Women aren't "inherently more aesthetically pleasing" than men- we just feel that way because of our culture and taste. As somebody mentioned, the ancient Greeks and Romans had many more depictions of nude men than of women. And the history of art, again until relatively modern times, doesn't give us more nude women than men.
Appealing to sexuality is a good way to make money, and men traditionally had more money than women, so it's hardly suprising that we've fetishized the female body the way we have. It's desire versus the pressure of religion. Male nudity is pretty much acceptable except for the penis itself, so it's been harder to fetishize. But we can't assume our culture and tastes are somehow "natural".

Dec 17 06 03:07 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Eric Haywood wrote:
Elaine on "Seinfeld" said it best:

"The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian. It's for gettin' around. It's like a Jeep."

Yes, that's it exactly.

Dec 17 06 03:13 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

McCauley Images wrote:
It seems like there are more women posing nude than men. Does anyone know why? Is there more of an expectation for women to pose nude? Is it that women are more williing? Is it that the general public appreciates nude women more than men?

It's always been this way, don't rock the boat.
Men should be able to repair plumbing, women should be nude whenever possible.

Dec 18 06 10:30 pm Link