Forums > General Industry > The Paid 'Sexy Pics for Hubby' Shoot


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

First off do not ever delete the photos!!

They will come back for years even after divorce-breakup-death of thier partner..

Many partners will destroy the photos in fits of anger...OOOPPPs...they will be back real quick hoping you have copies!!

So do not delete them!!

Its a regular kinda thing to want sexy pics of the one you love..

Its your job to shoot them!!



Nov 27 06 10:34 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Nov 27 06 10:35 pm Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

I've done plenty of these. Never had a problem with the husband/boyfriend - as a matter of fact, many have later contacted me to let me know how much they liked the pictures.

My tip: Get your subject to relax; and if you really want them to have great pictures, plan for a long shoot. In my experience, invariably the best pictures come towards the end of the shoot, after they've become comfortable with everything. I'm constantly surprised how a seemingly 'ordinary' woman can transform into a femme fatale.

Nov 27 06 11:30 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

jasontheartist wrote:
She sought you out for a service, who cares what he is business. Do your job with your client. If he wants to harrass you about it then sue him and get paid again.

I like this!

Nov 28 06 01:46 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

I'd imgine if they were only for him he'd be happy as long as they weren't like spread/insertion shots.I bet my BF would like sexy pics of me as a surprise present.Just don't put them on the internet.

Nov 28 06 01:50 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I don't know what's in the air, but what is it that sets people off?

I emailed the client to mention the whole military uniform thing, and some concerns people here brought up about a non-military person wearing it, to make sure her guy would be cool with it and suggested a second outfit we could shoot as a backup plan. She had a mini-tirade about how unless my friend that told me this was paying for the pics, it was none of their concern.

I'm already taking half a day to shoot this with her for next to nothing (since she was referred to by a friend/model and figure word of mouth would be worth the investment of giving her a good deal), but I don't know if it's worth the hassle for this kind of attitude. You try to let somone know about something that could end up being an issue and get attitude back. All she had to say was "it's OK, he'll be cool with it." (BTW, the uniform is a costume replica, apparently).

Nov 28 06 06:02 pm Link


Mickle Design Werks

Posts: 5967

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I do this work from time to time.  Here are my suggestions:

- Hire a MUA/Stylist - This is an investment for you as well (assuming that she is cool with you using the images) and this will been seen by her friends as well so make the most of this.

- Plan your shoot - I usually try to get 4-6 look in for a 4-6 hour session.  Tear out/Print Out poses that you think will be flattering for her and lay them out for her.  It's likely that she had zero posing experience so it's helpful to show her what you want  her to do than to insturct her.  Also think about locations and themes (besides the military one).  Get what you need and move on quickly to the next theme.

- Begin with the end in mind - Is this going into a mini-album, or will be loose prints?  Are you shooting for a wall print?  The decisions on this would drive how I did the shoot and how much shooting I need to do.  Albums are a great opportunity for story telling through images.

Hope this helps.

Nov 28 06 06:43 pm Link


Jimi V Photography

Posts: 133

Omaha, Nebraska, US

I've been shooting a LOT of this stuff for the last year. Comes with living near a big AFB.  So far there has never been any issues with husband/bf not liking them or being upset.

Gave the girl a CD/DVD to send over to her man and put the images in a locked gallery so he could view on line. In many overseas spots, Internet is limited, but in some theaters it's easier than getting risky images past some censors.

In any case, I keep the images, in case of loss by the client. Never had a problem with that. Never had a girl say she wanted me to delete them.

Oh and the comment about Marines and their uniforms does seem to be the case. So instead of using the uniform, I used a Marine t-shirt, seems to have an entire different 'feel' to it to the Marines. 

Had one (at first) interesting experience.  I'm at a restaurant and a girl I worked with comes over with her husband. A Force Recon Marine. He said, "your the one who took those pictures of my wife, right?"   (I'm a big guy, but wouldn't want to tangle with FR.)  I said "Yes, I was".  He shook my hand and said "Thanks!"  :-)

Nov 28 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Hugh  Jorgen wrote:
They will come back for years even after divorce-breakup-death of thier partner..

It is hard for me to believe somebody would bother after divorce ...

Nov 29 06 01:28 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

"She had a mini-tirade about how unless my friend that told me this was paying for the pics, it was none of their concern."

She was right, it's no one else's business.  Just relax, it's my impression you are getting way too concerned about about something which happens every day. Only two people have a right to an opinion before the shoot is done, the client and you. If she wants to  use a uniform, use it, I've done that countless times for military wives. By getting overly concerned, you can't concentrate on what is actually important, the shoot itself.

Nov 29 06 09:55 am Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
II have done it many times; the secret is PRIVACY not price.

I ask them to bring a laptop. I load the pics on THEIR laptop and erase my card.

Hubby is satisfied that I am not looking at his wife's love box.

LOL this is why being a woman photographer rocks!! LOl I have done a few many shoots for women like this!! tongue

Nov 29 06 09:57 am Link


Stephen Dawson

Posts: 29259

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am doing a wee bit naughty shoot with an early 30's wife on the weekend. Her husband will be there, and I kinda prefer it that way. I have talked to hubbie on the phone a few times, and it is clear that he is into it. Just have to hope she is.

I have also had more than one young model pull out memory cards and ask me to take some shots for their boyfriends. I have wondered if they talk to each other.

Nov 29 06 02:56 pm Link


PPRO Analyst

Posts: 149

Chicago, Illinois, US

Sleepy Weasel wrote:
She assured me that her wearing the uniform would be OK by him (well, actually, taking it off--tee hee). But perhaps I can convince her to do a second set with the same poses, but with different clothing. Realistically, her guy is going to be the only one to see these, so if he isn't ticked off about it, then it shouldn't be an issue.  But with some of you voicing your opinions about it, I think perhaps I should have a backup plan in case he does take offense to it (and she's underestimating his reaction to it).

I'm a 25 yr vet of the Air Force.  During my last 3 years I shot at least 20 sessions for wives wanting to give hubby a special gift.  75% of the involved some item of uniform gear.  Not one husband was unhappy, because these photos rarely saw the light of day!  Most of these guy were like myself, senior NCOs, and understood the respect their SOs had for the uniform and the people who wore it.  Plus the fact they loved the photos.

The trust issue was never a problem in my case, for most of this time I was "Top" for the command, that being the senior enlisted man on the base and everybody's problem solver and confessor.

Shoot the photos the way she wants them and don't worry about it.

Nov 30 06 03:04 am Link