Forums > General Industry > does porn make you lose respect?


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
How do you determine who is "better than" anything?

Ransom J wrote:
Well, first you have to put on your gleaming white armour. then you mount your pearly steed, then you ride down from on high and pass judgement like the protector and white knight one aspires to be.

We get a lot of those White Knights over on the escort thread. wink

Nov 16 06 03:40 am Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

No respect for porn from my side... to cheep by my belief and works on other obvious senses then the mind and hart

Nov 16 06 03:49 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

photomovement wrote:
No respect for porn from my side... too cheap in my belief and works on obvious senses other than the mind and heart

That was so artsy fartsy an answer I don't know where to start.

**I had to fix the spelling and grammar**

Nov 16 06 04:06 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

Stephen Dawson wrote:
I have worked with a number of models who did porn.

Some I knew at the time, some I found out later.

I think they are cool. But, then, I am a porn fan, and have known a number of porn stars more than casually.

Go girls.

you are a hero, damn thats where I want to be

Nov 16 06 04:08 am Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:

That was so artsy fartsy an answer I don't know where to start.

**I had to fix the spelling and grammar**

Let me wipe my tears off .."artsy fartsy" wow now I am really impressed...

Nov 16 06 04:09 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

I think I would make the most amazing porn, somthing that would be classy and sexy, kinda like my pictures

Nov 16 06 04:10 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

photomovement wrote:

Let me wipe my tears off .."artsy fartsy" wow now I am really impressed...

Don't cry.  There's a place for everyone here, feel free to be artsy fartsy.  That's not even my worst insult.  I could have called you hippy dippy, but I think they like porn.

Nov 16 06 04:17 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Like a lot of people in this industry...photographers succumb to this as least some I've known.  I think you have to have a solid base of artistic vision to continue the struggle as an "artist"'s much easier to give in eventually to just throwing down some canned work for the bucks. 

ALso, it can run in phases.... people do what they feel is necessary at the time.  It takes a very strong person to not take the fast buck routine.  I see a lot of models get hooked into the internet pay sites because they will do anything to be "a model"...and it can be a slippery slope to porno.  Doesn't mean it's forever, though...just your images online usually are. 

Art for arts for God's sake!

The Manchester Studio wrote:
where does modelling taper out and porn begin?
I have been following the work of a model, who seems to have been successful in making a niche for herself and whose work I have admired and looked forward to seeing new sets. Now she is starting a pay site and that magic in her poses seems to have disappeared.  I am tempted to write her that she is better than that but my fanmail doesn't pay her bills. Is porn bad because it shows too much or because it takes no skill to show it? Is it fair to knock a model who makes a wis business choice to make more money for less effort?

Nov 16 06 04:18 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

MM has REALLY made me not like the word "art".

Nov 16 06 04:20 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Q: How can you tell the difference between a porno and a Shania Twain video?

A:  Better music in the porno.  "Twanga, Thumpa, Humpa, POW POW.."

Nov 16 06 04:23 am Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Melissa Lynnette wrote:
Don't cry.  There's a place for everyone here, feel free to be artsy fartsy.  That's not even my worst insult.  I could have called you hippy dippy, but I think they like porn.

I'ts ok love the last thing I would feel bad by is a thread on MM ....


Nov 16 06 04:25 am Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Ransom J wrote:
MM has REALLY made me not like the word "art".

I feel you on that ... but if it was only here then it would have been fine sadly its a spreading infection beyond this site

Nov 16 06 04:27 am Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Porn is "bad" because we live in a society that makes it that way. Think about it...I know it was ingrained in my head all my life that sex is bad...we never even talked about it in my house. It's a religious thing if you ask me. God says sex is bad, so it must be, and people love to push their religion on everyone else. The fact of the matter is, porn is no better or worse than any kind of art...all can be done well and all can be done shitty...all can require the same amount of effort and um..."skill" wink It's just that in our society people repress the fact that we're sexual beings.

Either way's really none of your business...and porn is different things to different people, so without seeing it, I don't actually even know if it's porn or just more sexual than what you're used to.

Very well stated!

Nov 16 06 05:43 am Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Let's here it for the gals on here who like porn and admit it! Three cheers.

  I have told many women over the years that it is okay to admit to liking erotic imagery.  Most continued (and still continue) to deny their enjoyment of it, but in most cases I have good reason to suspect that they are not being totally honest--with themselves or with me. LOL

Jeeze--it is okay to enjoy it! It's SEX!

Nov 16 06 05:49 am Link


timothy dolph creative

Posts: 409

Encinitas, California, US

It's called CONTENT.

Consider a set of 80 images.
I will take her atleast the first 30 images to get her shirt off.
Most of the shots will look the same as the one before.

However, if you are a member to her site, you want to feel that you are getting something for your 29.95/month.

80 mediocre photographs > = 5 kickass playboy shots.

Nov 16 06 09:48 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Face Arts wrote:
Q: How can you tell the difference between a porno and a Shania Twain video?

A:  Better music in the porno.  "Twanga, Thumpa, Humpa, POW POW.."

So that is how it is spelled......
Who knew!

Nov 16 06 10:38 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Bang Bang Photo and Studio36uk are RIGHT ON with this.
I've been involved in the adult industry in several facets now for more than 4 years, longer, infact, than I've been modeling. I've done some video, and I've worked in an adult store, plus I've been around the alternative lifestyle scene for closer to 5 years. The adult industry is not near as bad as anyone tries to make it out to be. You can make good money at it.

However, it isn't like it was 10 years ago when the internet was first entering mainstream and porn sites were a lot fewer. Then it was easy to "Get rich quick" off of a porn site. Now there is so much free porn, plus the volume of sites in general is so overwhelming that its REALLY difficult to stand out in the crowd. There is definately money in the industry, however so many people are after a piece of the pie (pardon the pun) that everybody's wedge is getting smaller and smaller.

I have to agree with others, why does it matter to you what she chooses to do to pay her bills? Maybe you'd do better to ask her, WITHOUT being judgemental to find out yourself, rather than making the assumption that she is doing something that isn't good for her. That kind of attitude will only upset her and end up with a friendship broken.

Best of luck.

Nov 16 06 10:44 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Damn straight your fanmail doesn't pay the bills.

The art modeling world is a very tough one, Don't ever knock a model who is smart enough to make wise buisness choices to stay in the buisness she loves.

So we may do some stock, or start a pay site, or some fetish work, for a quick easy buck. It sure beats working at retail 60+ hours a week where we would have NO TIME for the art modeling.

400.00 full day art jobs do not come about very often.

Why don't you do soemthing to support your favorite art models...
offer to buy a print. or a gift card.

Nov 16 06 11:39 am Link



Posts: 7840


...expressing a personal response

I never make blanket statements!!

Oh, uh, wait.....!!

We want money!     (there's another one)

Nov 16 06 12:01 pm Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

bang bang photo wrote:
Every time an artist changes direction, there are people ready to accuse them of selling out. The first time Bob Dylan played an electric guitar at a concert, the fans hated it.

It's not surprising -- we like what we like, and if you change it, we might not like it so much.

On the other hand, just because somebody changes doesn't mean it's a good change.

Ultimately each of us has to decide where our art takes us. The value judgements of critics, fans, and observers provide input -- sometime valuable, sometimes not.

In this particular case, I think you may be being too harsh. What photographer doesn't do what it takes to pay the bills from time to time? Not everything we do is great art. Models are no different.

Very well said!

Nov 16 06 12:16 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

ADG Photography wrote:
Let's here it for the gals on here who like porn and admit it! Three cheers.

  I have told many women over the years that it is okay to admit to liking erotic imagery.  Most continued (and still continue) to deny their enjoyment of it, but in most cases I have good reason to suspect that they are not being totally honest--with themselves or with me. LOL

Jeeze--it is okay to enjoy it! It's SEX!

Hip hip hooray for me then!!  Melissa Lynnette:  Lover of porn since 2001

Nov 16 06 03:02 pm Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

dgold wrote:
"Taste is the enemy of art."

What I abhore is not porn, it's violence, blood, guts and gore.
...make love, not war.

Well said. Porn is natural. If you do this stuff at home then it is human nature. How did we get so much shame and blame surrounding the body and what it does? How did sex become this horrable sin?

Nov 16 06 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Pixel Fisher, I am thankful for your post and read every word of it - very enlightening and educational for me.
Truly, Kathy

Pixel Fisher wrote:
I wonder what our fellow artists in Europe think....
Porn is a subject that I have given thought to.  I keep telling my friends, just wait, we'll be seeing it in advertising sooner then we think.  However once accepted these women we see today on MM may be overtaken by more successful models, when nudity will become more mainstream.  Porn sites have been a stencil for online business for years...hell the gov't has been following them for the same reasons.  And as long as men and women are watching, then a good majority of them will pay to see more and more detailed images.
Years ago, when Maxim first was published, I was asked to shoot for them.  At that time, my company 2wist Photo LLC, turned down the offer.  My partner (female) and digital artist felt the mag was too risky and so did our rep in NYC.  Yes I did agree and then it was risky...well time certainly made an offer to re-think that offer.  Today given the market as it is, I think I would take the offer.  I will say this.  Many advertising clients sell to a general conservative market and to have more nudity in mainstream America, as Europe already does, would be difficult.  However, many of those conservatives will view porn from the privacy of their home or office...and that is part of the market who is buying.  I personally have shot 3 porn video box covers in my career...good money too. However, having the oppotunity to work with 3 top productions...the girls are not pretty, as they appear in images or film ( make-up artists cover everything...everything ), not fun to talk to and the language is very crass amoung everyone involved.  Maybe there are a few productions out there like Andrew Blake, where there is no dialogue only images and cool music...he knows better.  Basically the sets were very street and not so nice to be around.  Many of the women had stories to tell and after befriending for about a year or two a famous known actress in the industry...she was the one who told me to run far away...and I never gave it another thought.  Now if you can get into Jim South's agency, then your good and will most likely make money, but much of it is just garbage and only for disposable use.  So if a model wants to travel her career into this direction, the only thing I can hope for is that she keeps healthy and safe.  Remember beauty is disposable and only as good as much as those who are buying it.  Life is different and the choices we make now do make a difference much later.  In a way I am glad that I did not shoot for Maxim....Have you ever seen that mag to show anything different other than overly painted girls...and even now the women who are showcased are not the know actors that once were covered by that mag..they had a few lawsuits and lost.
I am not offering any debates over my experiences and what I know...I am just sharing.

But to the OP...I suppose your interest in this woman has lost it's charm.  But there are many out there and even here on MM who can fill those shoes very easily, and perhaps its time to hit that browser tab just above. 

with kindness,
PixelFisher the way are you!

Nov 16 06 03:35 pm Link