Forums > General Industry > Can you teach "sexy?"



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

There seems to be an "it" factor that some models just have.  Others--and I'm sure we've all run into them--could not pull off "sexy" if their lives depended upon it. 

Has anyone else run into this?

Nov 14 06 07:14 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

FemmeArt wrote:
There seems to be an "it" factor that some models just have.  Others--and I'm sure we've all run into them--could not pull off "sexy" if their lives depended upon it. 

Has anyone else run into this?

Yes I've run into it, as for your initial question of whether one can be 'taught' to be sexy I don't think so. It's my opinion that if one is sexy then trying to act sexy isn't needed and if one isn't sexy than trying to act sexy won't help.

Nov 14 06 07:19 am Link


Scribe of Souls

Posts: 564

Bonner Springs, Kansas, US

I've run into it too, I just have a different take on it.

I think anyone can be taught to "be sexy".  The real question is, "Is it worth the time and effort it would take."  Some people have been brought up to regard sexy, pretty, or appealing to be wrong and do everything in their power to prevent that image from coming out in their demeanor.  Others have never been exposed to it or simply have had other interests and have not cared whether they portray "sexy" or not. 

A lot simply has to do with the way a person carries themselves and how comfortable they are in doing it.  Anyone can be taught to not slouch, walk with their head held high, smile provocatively, etc.  Some do it naturally due to their upbringing or personality, others simply need direction, and still others need to be nurtured. 

I call it the ugly duckling syndrome, but yes, it can be overcome...if the person wants it bad enough.

Nov 14 06 08:14 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

I don't think it can be taught! Nope!
But................. it can be life learned.
there is something to be said for shooting 25-30 year olds instead of 18 - 21 year olds if you want a range of "sexy" looks.
Give me a "PT" flirt who knows how to "fake it" any day......... then I can get the range of emotions I want.

Nov 14 06 08:26 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

I'm not sure that you can teach it,
But a good photographer can help you to fake it for a photo shoot.

Nov 14 06 08:28 am Link


Brian Ziff

Posts: 4105

Los Angeles, California, US

I can bring sexy back.

Nov 14 06 08:30 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

FemmeArt wrote:
There seems to be an "it" factor that some models just have.  Others--and I'm sure we've all run into them--could not pull off "sexy" if their lives depended upon it. 

Has anyone else run into this?

Yes its very true.  I have her in my port.

Nov 14 06 08:31 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Chris Macan wrote:
I'm not sure that you can teach it,
But a good photographer can help you to fake it for a photo shoot.

I disagree with this. There are some people that not even Ansel Adams could make sexy (the woman from the movie "Throw Momma from the Train' comes to mind).

Nov 14 06 08:36 am Link


Kelley Mantia

Posts: 67

Naples, Florida, US

I'm glad you posted this because I am teaching myself to be sexy on camera.  I worked with a photographer who told me that I wasn't "bringing it" enough on camera lke I was in person.  I would freeze up when that flash went off.  Sure I can look sexy in the mirror but when it came up on film, i looked dead.  So i've been working on my acting and i've been practicing for my boyfriend.

Nov 14 06 08:36 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Kelley Mantia wrote:
I'm glad you posted this because I am teaching myself to be sexy on camera.  I worked with a photographer who told me that I wasn't "bringing it" enough on camera lke I was in person.  I would freeze up when that flash went off.  Sure I can look sexy in the mirror but when it came up on film, i looked dead.  So i've been working on my acting and i've been practicing for my boyfriend.

Kelly, is it that you're learning to BE sexy or that you're learning to bring the inate sexiness that you have inside you out when in front of the camera?

Nov 14 06 08:38 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Jeff Marsh wrote:
I don't think it can be taught! Nope!
But................. it can be life learned.
there is something to be said for shooting 25-30 year olds instead of 18 - 21 year olds if you want a range of "sexy" looks.
Give me a "PT" flirt who knows how to "fake it" any day......... then I can get the range of emotions I want.

One thing I've learned over a long period of time as a fashion shooter is not to expect the models (which are almost universally under, oh, 22-23 mostly, and many are teenagers) to be sexy, and never to ask them to "look sexy" because it comes off almost clownish. They generally just don't have it (with a few very rare exceptions). On the other hand, those who decide to stay in the game or come back at a later period of time, after roughly 25 or so, have generally evolved it, and they don't have to act it either. It just oozes out of them.

Which is why my favorite art models are mostly over age 25.

Nov 14 06 08:44 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Chris Macan wrote:
I'm not sure that you can teach it,
But a good photographer can help you to fake it for a photo shoot.

Mark Reese Photography wrote:
I disagree with this. There are some people that not even Ansel Adams could make sexy (the woman from the movie "Throw Momma from the Train' comes to mind).

I said HELP you fake it,
I'm not talking about wine from water.
Obviously there may be some people who may be beyond help,
But for most a good photographer (Who specializes in sexy)
Can make a frumpy housewife look sexy for a shot or two.

Raw walking down the street head turning Sexy is almost impossable to teach,
But on film damn near anything is possable.

Nov 14 06 09:04 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

I teach my apprentices to have sex with the model first.  Getting that 'sexy look' out of her is much, much easier after that.

Nov 14 06 09:06 am Link


Scarlett St Vitus

Posts: 4597

Houston, Texas, US

I have a hard time with "sexy."  People always think I'm cute, but rarely sexy.  I'm working on it.  I also have a hard time looking mean on camera. 


Nov 14 06 09:13 am Link



Posts: 23

Minneapolis, Kansas, US


You may have Ansel Adams confused with Helmut Newton..........

Ansel Adams art nudes didn't involve much smoldering eye contact
(ie: bringing it to the camera)..nor stilletos or High Fashion Bondage/
Girl/Girl Erotic Nude activity~! Shot in the great hotels of Europe/NYC...

Most for the lack of a better word Adams "art" imagery were B&W "figure
studies" relying solely on God's gifts rather than any innate "modeling skills"....

Nov 14 06 09:25 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Sienna25 wrote:

You may have Ansel Adams confused with Helmut Newton..........

Ansel Adams art nudes didn't involve much smoldering eye contact
(ie: bringing it to the camera)..nor stilletos or High Fashion Bondage/
Girl/Girl Erotic Nude activity~! Shot in the great hotels of Europe/NYC...

Most for the lack of a better word Adams "art" imagery were B&W "figure
studies" relying solely on God's gifts rather than any innate "modeling skills"....

The point I was trying to make was that there are some people that no photographer, no matter how good, can make sexy,

Nov 14 06 09:26 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

I'm VERY familiar with the work of Ansel Adams, and I don't ever remember seeing a single nude by him, ever. Adams could make places and moments seem majestic and noble and philosophically romantic, but nothing was ever sexy in that guy's eyes.

Nov 14 06 09:27 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Send me the ones you don't like- I hate it when models try to look sexy. Fastest way to ruin a shot I know of:-)

Nov 14 06 09:31 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Most likely it comes from the inside. As somebody pointed out very wisely, it has a lot to do with how you were brought up and the opinions that surrounded you as to what "sexy" even is. I have seen some "sexy" things that I know many women would have termed "slutty" in a heartbeat. If that is the "image" that is being taught to a child, then likely they would grow up with that impression. It can take a long time to change that opinion, if it does. Thats likely why the "25 & up" group can do better, they have more life experiences, particularly relating to the opposite sex (or sex of their choice). Some can learn that sooner, others take longer.

Being sexy comes from the inside out, I believe. I have seen people that ought to have been pretty, but they weren't "pretty" on the inside, and it just wasn't the same.

Nov 14 06 09:43 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
I'm VERY familiar with the work of Ansel Adams, and I don't ever remember seeing a single nude by him, ever. Adams could make places and moments seem majestic and noble and philosophically romantic, but nothing was ever sexy in that guy's eyes.

Again, you missed my point. Read what I wrote above.

Nov 14 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I don't think I could fake it if I tried. Those are probably the shots I never show anyone. If I look sexy in my images now, I was really feeling it. And the only way I could feel it was being that comfortable in front of the photographer and his camera. If I come in and all you have to say is: "I expect this-and-that...." the mood will most certainly be ruined for me. My newest shoot was the most amazing experience ever. I never heard a peep out of the photographer until we were done with the shoot. The entire shoot was me doing what I wanted to do.

Just my experience smile

Nov 14 06 09:52 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

FemmeArt wrote:
There seems to be an "it" factor that some models just have.  Others--and I'm sure we've all run into them--could not pull off "sexy" if their lives depended upon it. 

Has anyone else run into this?


But there is sexy genuine and sexy learned.

Sexy real is like a pheromone.  It's exuded at a cellular level.

Sexy learned is what happens to every fresh scrubbed face that enters Hollywood and emerges from the machine a heart throb or sex kitten.    They are madeover and taught how to look, act, move, speak, etc.

Nov 14 06 10:03 am Link



Posts: 23

Minneapolis, Kansas, US

Ansel Adams..Nude Photographer!

Adams shot many nudes! Of course he is well known for
his burro-laden journeys into the Sierra's shooting 8x10
glass plates/neg film of stunning location scenes!!...

Adams: "ZONE SYSTEM" certainly came into play in
"previsualizing" the final print as well as attaining the
amazing tonal range & quality from his (negative) exposures!
"Expose for the shadows; develop for the highlights."

In the early 1930's his "f-64" years Adams shot many times
with dancer Bertha Wardell who was a friend of Edward Westons!
Weston was one of the best nude photographers of his day.
Shooting many wonderful nudes of her! Adams nude paled in comparison!
Westons work with Wardell can be viewed at the J. Paul Getty Museum...

So Adams took a burro & hiked into the mountains to attain his photo notoriety!

Nov 14 06 10:07 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

FemmeArt wrote:
Can you teach "sexy?"

Yes, I believe so,..., but you'll find it comes in different degrees. Kind of like signing someone up for Ballet lessons: some will have that natural, flowing grace whilst others can be helped through body awareness exercises to bring it out a bit more ...

Comfort level [for the model] both with the photographer & themselves seems to play an important role in [this].


Nov 14 06 10:14 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

FML-Photography wrote:

Yes, I believe so,..., but you'll find it comes in different degrees. Kind of like signing someone up for Ballet lessons: some will have that natural, flowing grace whilst others can be helped through body awareness exercises to bring it out a bit more ...

Comfort level [for the model] both with the photographer & themselves seems to play an important role in [this].


I agree with this to a point but what about those who have absolutely NO natural ability to dance, can they be taught?

Nov 14 06 10:18 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

I think if you are asexy and you just don't know how to show it then yes you can be taught, but it's more a thing you have to teach yourself by looking in the mirror and practicing.

Nov 14 06 10:19 am Link



Posts: 671

Chicago, Illinois, US


Nov 14 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Sexy can mean different things and can be interepreted in many ways. What one thinks is sexy may not be sexy to another.

Nov 14 06 10:26 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
I think if you are asexy and you just don't know how to show it then yes you can be taught, but it's more a thing you have to teach yourself by looking in the mirror and practicing.

Let's look at this for a second.... "If you are sexy and you just don't know how to show it"... That means that the person already HAS an innate sexiness so doesn't need to be taught how to be sexy. Now that's not the same as teaching someone to act sexy, I think that one can be taught to let the sexiness they have inside them come out.

Nov 14 06 10:27 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Mark Reese Photography wrote:
what about those who have absolutely NO natural ability to dance, can they be taught?

yes ... but there you're starting to see what distinguishs an average teacher from a gifted teacher; the latter will see through the student's struggles, both mechanical (dance movements) and other (psych), and help that student [over a period of time] realize the best of his/her abilities.

(doesn't mean the student will become an award winning dancer ... but (s)he might certainly find more enjoyment in dancing)

likewise, we photographers also come with different abilities to bring out, teach if necessary, whatever mood from the model on any given concept; we have our responsibility too in any shoot or project.


Nov 14 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 2200

New York, New York, US

I don't think it's a matter of 'teaching' sexy as it is to bring it out in the model.  I worked on am indy movie project recently and between scenes the director an actor and I were talking and I mentioned being in front of the camera is a strange experience.  He director said that he noticed people will totally relax when there are multiple cameras in play.  One camera is far more harder to deal with for most.
A few times I've attatched a cable release to the shutter after focusing and came out from behind the camera and just started talking to the model.  As we connected on certain subjects I clicked away and came out with far better shots.

Nov 14 06 10:43 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Mark Reese Photography wrote:

Let's look at this for a second.... "If you are sexy and you just don't know how to show it"... That means that the person already HAS an innate sexiness so doesn't need to be taught how to be sexy. Now that's not the same as teaching someone to act sexy, I think that one can be taught to let the sexiness they have inside them come out.

what I really meant is someone who is pretty already..because if someone is not physically attractive then they wouldn't ever be sexy in my opinion

Nov 14 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

FemmeArt wrote:
There seems to be an "it" factor that some models just have.  Others--and I'm sure we've all run into them--could not pull off "sexy" if their lives depended upon it. 

Has anyone else run into this?

I believe different people have different ideas of what sexy is. Each model knows that very well, because in most cases it's 50/50 of those who say "wow" and those who throw something neutral or do not say anything at all.

I guess if it's not sexy period, it couldn't be 50/50.

Nov 14 06 10:48 am Link


Miss Nicole

Posts: 1517

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I think that it depends so much on the photographer. I don't consider myelf much of a sex kitten in my day to day life: I once tried bending over in heels and fell flat on my face...BUT if a photographer is good, I start to feel like a bombshell...

Nov 14 06 10:53 am Link


Alli Michelle

Posts: 1611

Miami, Florida, US

Miss Nicole wrote:
I think that it depends so much on the photographer. I don't consider myelf much of a sex kitten in my day to day life: I once tried bending over in heels and fell flat on my face...BUT if a photographer is good, I start to feel like a bombshell...

yeah but you can't photograph what sn't there.You have to atleast have posing ability.Some girls on here have a whole portfolio with all pictuires of them with expressions making them look like they have down syndrome

Nov 14 06 10:59 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Miss Nicole wrote:
I think that it depends so much on the photographer. I don't consider myelf much of a sex kitten in my day to day life: I once tried bending over in heels and fell flat on my face...BUT if a photographer is good, I start to feel like a bombshell...

Interesting .... I feel the opposite sometimes. I consider myself sexy in everyday life, but I do not expect all photographers share my opinion because it's normal that everyone has his own idea of "sexy" (read my post above).

In fact it's  perfect duet photographer/model when he shares her view of her own sexuality and capable of showing it in his work or even goes beyond of her view.

Nov 14 06 11:01 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
Some girls on here have a whole portfolio with all pictuires of them with expressions making them look like they have down syndrome

C'mon, don't be hard on others smile Haven't you thought it might be just certain photography style wink ?

Nov 14 06 11:02 am Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Scribe of Souls wrote:
I think anyone can be taught to "be sexy".  The real question is, "Is it worth the time and effort it would take."

Love that!!

Nov 14 06 11:05 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

To me "sexy" is an attitude... a playful flirt that exudes self-confidence while maintaining a certain coy playfulness... if you bring out the right mood in a model, she can be sexy and once she finds that spot she will always be able to do it afterwards.
I may not always been able to do it on a first shoot, but eventually I can always get that look from a model.

Nov 14 06 11:06 am Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

Nora_Neko wrote:
Some girls on here have a whole portfolio with all pictuires of them with expressions making them look like they have down syndrome

Very un-politically correct, but hilarious... I think I know what you're talking about, but haven't run across many examples!! lol... guess it doesn't help that I'm not perusing through model profiles smile

Nov 14 06 11:08 am Link