Forums > General Industry > Another CBS show about predatory photographers


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Ice Princess wrote:
It's just TV.  We all know it's fictional.  And the Eva la Rue connection was seemed extremely self promotional to me.  BUT, there are a lot of younger girls on sites like this one who might need someone to tell them that you should think twice before going alone to meet some person that you only know by his internet avatar, whether it be online dating or modeling.  The internet has made it so easy for people to come in contact that wouldn't normally, and even easier for those people to misrepresent themselves.  For every fantastic photographer on here, we all have to agree that there are some people here who look they are using cell phones to take pictures.  Are they just beginners, or do they have other motives?  I am definitely against creating and using a culture of fear (don't get me started on our current administration, that's another topic) but I think precaution never hurts, and if that episode made one girl think twice about her "shoot" on Saturday with a total stranger, and caused her to research him a bit more, or let someone know where she would be and when she should be back by, is that so bad?  That being said, I think all the CSIs have gone downhill.  I never got into NY, and Miami was OK, but even Vegas I just can't get into anymore.  Just keep giving me my Nip/Tuck, Dexter and Weeds and I'm good to go!!

I like NCIS, actually. I like the characters, they have a totally hot lab tech (Abby) who never goes into the field or even sees the suspects, and there's decent action on it. Obviously, it has many of the silly factors that the "CSI" genre have, but I do know it's TV and is meant to be entertaining. It's just when a show becomes too stupid to suspend disbelief anymore that I start to rag on it. Like CSI Miami. Methinks that show jumped the shark a long time ago.

Nov 14 06 02:17 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US


Nov 14 06 02:22 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

Jim Ball wrote:
This time it's CSI: Miami.......................


But CSI did a show a few years ago about a nut job photographer who killed several models.  This is nothing new.   It was a good show for sure. bs

Nov 14 06 04:38 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

bobby sargent wrote:

But CSI did a show a few years ago about a nut job photographer who killed several models.  This is nothing new.   It was a good show for sure. bs

I never saw that episode.  I've only been watching the CSI triumvariate for about a year now.

Nov 14 06 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 866

Los Angeles, California, US

Well all as I know is, things like that do happen.

Nov 15 06 06:50 pm Link



Posts: 1513

San Diego, California, US

Sara Danielle  wrote:

Actually she was. I watched the Dateline show on it a couple of nights ago.

She is alive.

Nov 16 06 04:28 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

*fervently taking notes and names on all the pervs*

Nov 16 06 04:29 am Link



Posts: 1513

San Diego, California, US

The show was based on one of the TV star of the show CSI Miami . She is Eva La Rue. She was a model here at the Southern California Photo Days about 20 years ago (early 80's). The last time that I have seen her was at a photo day in Riverside, CA at Fairmont park at the New Faces Photo Days. Her sister was also a model at the monthly photo days. Eva La Rue sister photo was on a poster that the LA Sheriff want the public to idenify to see if they were alive because of a serial killer that happen in 1984 that attend the Photo Days in the late 70's and early 80's as a photographer. The TV show 48 hours on Saturday night had the information about the serial killer too. Here is a link about it

"November 11, 2006 Exposed!" TV show 48 hours

"Bill Lagattuta reports on the fascinating story of a CSI-Miami star who crossed paths with a real life serial killer."

Now they have a new poster for more information about other models too.

Making all the photographers that atend these shoots and workshops as prevs. Oh Well

I know other models that attended the photo days were Denice Richards who came to my Photo Days at Palomar College in San Diego county, and Heather Locklear attend the LA photo day shoots about 1979.

Nov 16 06 04:32 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:
My favorite line:

"That proves I had sex with her. It's a photographer's perk."

Damn, I need to talk to my union rep about this.

You're not the only one. lol

Nov 16 06 07:57 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

None of these shows can touch the movie, Hard Candy. Without giving away the horrific unfolding of events, here's the description from Netflix. It doesn't do it justice. This might be the most uncomfortable I've been watching a movie...ever. And nothing of what I expected when the movie started.

In this suspenseful drama from director David Slade, Hayley (Ellen Page) is an intelligent teen who's been spending time with Geoff (Patrick Wilson), a much older man she met online. Even though Geoff is a charming, good-looking photographer, Hayley should know better than to go home with a guy in his early thirties, especially since he may have ulterior motives. Of course, Hayley may have underlying motives of her own...

Nov 16 06 08:03 am Link


James Hilsdon

Posts: 31

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

It's not the show that scares me, it's the real life creeps.

Some guy goes out and gets himself a digital SLR camera and now all of a sudden, he's a "professional photographer"

then, he decideds to do all his work for free (TFP IS EVIL)

so in the end the moral of the story is,

(1) ask for the credentials of your photographer (where did he attend professional photography school? Ask for continuous training certificates (Nikon school, etc)

(2) pretend photogs who shoot TFP make it harder for the rest of us who own our businesses and make a living doing this. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD NOT BE FREE. Anyone who tells you differently is WRONG.

(3) How photographers are viewed in the eyes of other people is directly influenced by how the rest of us act and present ourselves. Act professional, be professional. And there won't be a problem.

Nov 16 06 08:03 am Link


The Photo Chick

Posts: 213

Fayetteville, North Carolina, US

PIC wrote:
Hmm - How about a show on flaky gold digger models ??

They have one:


Nov 16 06 08:04 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

CL Photography wrote:

That wouldn't work didn't you see Fargo?  The body wasn't frozen but even if it was a few minutes being ground to beef would melt it anyway.

The junk yard crusher is the way to go!

I disagree... the way to go would be displayed in wonderful intellectual detail in the movie "Snatch"

The best way , aside from a vat of acid, is pigs....

Nov 16 06 08:14 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Pixelmaker wrote:
I just finished watching it. Between Dateline or 20/20 (or some show like that) that I saw the other day about a photographer who murdered models, to Tyra Banks making every model on the planet paranoid about photographers, and now CSI, I'm beginning to think they're all out to get us. Or is it, we're all out to get them? Either way, TV sucks...

Yes tv sucks, but wait shouldn't photographers be a little skeered of Tyra Banks????
Isn't she the chick that throws stuff when she doesn't get her way... or cant find new baterries for her uh.... ummmm... cell phone.... LOL

Nov 16 06 08:17 am Link