Forums > General Industry > Another CBS show about predatory photographers


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

This time it's CSI: Miami.......................


Nov 13 06 09:06 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

It's about time we were exposed for the murderous perverts that we are.

Nov 13 06 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Hmm - How about a show on flaky gold digger models ??

Nov 13 06 09:26 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

My favorite line:

"That proves I had sex with her. It's a photographer's perk."

Damn, I need to talk to my union rep about this.

Nov 13 06 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 6662

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

It's all a big scam to sell uzis to models. Ammo anyone?

Nov 13 06 09:53 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

I prefer the movies where the models have to seduce the unwilling photographer to stop shooting so they can have sex

Nov 13 06 09:56 pm Link



Posts: 122

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

I saw the Notorious Betty Page the other day. Laughed my bloody arse off too. I've seen a million of 'those guys' in our present day time that try to pass themselves off as credible photographers. I'm of course speaking of the photographers she dealt with at the start of the movie.

Movies are doomed to give us a bad name, as is tv. Its too bloody easy.

Nov 13 06 09:57 pm Link



Posts: 31

Tonawanda, New York, US

I just finished watching it. Between Dateline or 20/20 (or some show like that) that I saw the other day about a photographer who murdered models, to Tyra Banks making every model on the planet paranoid about photographers, and now CSI, I'm beginning to think they're all out to get us. Or is it, we're all out to get them? Either way, TV sucks...

Nov 13 06 10:00 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Clearly we aren't hiding the bodies well enough,

Nov 13 06 10:00 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Clearly we aren't hiding the bodies well enough,

I prefer chippers myself. Do it in the winter, when the body's frozen, and you're golden.

Nov 13 06 10:05 pm Link


Jeff Searust

Posts: 920

Austin, Texas, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:
My favorite line:

"That proves I had sex with her. It's a photographer's perk."

Damn, I need to talk to my union rep about this.

Damnit, I didn't get the memo on this...

Nov 13 06 10:08 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:

I prefer chippers myself. Do it in the winter, when the body's frozen, and you're golden.

I think it should be an intro class for all photo majors,

First semester should be......
B/W 1
Basic Lighting
Body Disposal
Materials & Processes
Ohhh.... and Phys Ed (You need to be fit to move the bodies)

Nov 13 06 10:10 pm Link


Aztec Doll

Posts: 2164

Winnetka, California, US

ForeverFotos wrote:
It's all a big scam to sell uzis to models. Ammo anyone?

OMG!!! I love uzis!  They're so cute!  Seriously,  its the reason House of the Dead 4 is the best arcade game EVER!

Nov 13 06 10:14 pm Link


John Pringle

Posts: 1608

New York, New York, US

We have to realize that photography is one of the many freelance professions that is difficult to manage if you can't control the taxation and dollars of it. Perhaps some big nut is out there spreading rumors to rope in the demographic market for their own benefit. Fear is one sure tactic to get unsuspecting young women back in the market for the big nuts to scam. Its most likely a marketing ploy with a  few bad people with cameras, selling a dream to young women willing to part from money. Imagine all the scout house scams that have been used to make big model shoot dates...only to sell hotel rooms and exposure in other areas, even pageants.

Nov 13 06 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The episode is partly based on the true story of CSI costar Eva LaRue's experience meeting and being photographed by a serial killer.

Eva obviously survived the dangerous situation, but her sister was not as lucky and was killed by the 'photographer'.

Part of her interview was shown on CBS's 48 hours last week. 

There are many 'photographers' out there who's only motive is to meet girls in order to get 'em naked, get a date, have sex, or any combination thereof... and, sadly, there are alot of naive young models that continue to fall for their b.s., despite all of the warning signals and danger signs.

I don't think either CSI or 48 hours is out of line by telling these stories.

Nov 13 06 11:06 pm Link



Posts: 562

Chicago Heights, Illinois, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
The episode is partly based on the true story of CSI costar Eva LaRue's experience meeting and being photographed by a serial killer.

Eva obviously survived the dangerous situation, but her sister was not as lucky and was killed by the 'photographer'.

Part of her interview was shown on CBS's 48 hours last week. 

There are many 'photographers' out there who's only motive is to meet girls in order to get 'em naked, get a date, have sex, or any combination thereof... and, sadly, there are alot of naive young models that continue to fall for their b.s., despite all of the warning signals and danger signs.

I don't think either CSI or 48 hours is out of line by telling these stories.

I have really missed the boat! Except women (in my youth) who were already bed partners who I then photographed, with or without clothing, I'm still waiting for the first model to shoot naked and then have sex with (painfully even when they initiate and want to) given the present culture of sexual harrassment intepretation and my own "selective" conservative values. I feel very victimized by the few preditors, photographers or not, who are being used to trash the rest of us. Preditors may be found in every line of work and although I'm no expert on this, I feel confident that the statistics would show a better chance of being asaulted on the way to or from a shoot than falling prey to one of our ranks who are too "hands on."

Nov 13 06 11:19 pm Link


Ian Maddela

Posts: 113

San Diego, California, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
The episode is partly based on the true story of CSI costar Eva LaRue's experience meeting and being photographed by a serial killer.

Eva obviously survived the dangerous situation, but her sister was not as lucky and was killed by the 'photographer'.

Part of her interview was shown on CBS's 48 hours last week. 

There are many 'photographers' out there who's only motive is to meet girls in order to get 'em naked, get a date, have sex, or any combination thereof... and, sadly, there are alot of naive young models that continue to fall for their b.s., despite all of the warning signals and danger signs.

I don't think either CSI or 48 hours is out of line by telling these stories.

Eva's sister was not murdered.  She was interviewed on the same show, lol.

Nov 13 06 11:35 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

I don't get this whole escort thing ... for example, this model I worked with said didn't need any goddamn pansy-ass escort.  She was adamant about that.

Nov 14 06 12:35 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Clearly we aren't hiding the bodies well enough,

Stephen Melvin wrote:
I prefer chippers myself. Do it in the winter, when the body's frozen, and you're golden.

chippers are great; then you have mulch.

Sweet deal!

Nov 14 06 12:38 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

I sort of half-watched CSI Miami tonight, mostly because I really hate David Caruso (is it just me or is that guy creepy as hell?) and I think the show is incredibly over the top and down-right silly. There. I said it. And why is it when they show the "viewfinder" of the Nikons they're using in the field it doesn't look anything like a Nikon viewfinder? And what the hell was the deal with the strobes in the "studio?" I've yet to see photographic lighting done like that... And they were going off non-stop even though the dude wasn't taking any photos.

  CSI Miami: It's a silly show. Bad science. Bad acting. And bad photographic reference. Why do I watch it? I have no idea, really. I think it might be similar to watching a train wreck -- I want to see just how bad it is when it's over.


Nov 14 06 02:12 am Link


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:

I prefer chippers myself. Do it in the winter, when the body's frozen, and you're golden.

That wouldn't work didn't you see Fargo?  The body wasn't frozen but even if it was a few minutes being ground to beef would melt it anyway.

The junk yard crusher is the way to go!

Nov 14 06 02:22 am Link


JM Dean

Posts: 8931

Cary, North Carolina, US

CL Photography wrote:

That wouldn't work didn't you see Fargo?  The body wasn't frozen but even if it was a few minutes being ground to beef would melt it anyway.

The junk yard crusher is the way to go!

Thats why I live on the east coast. Theres a whole ocean out there smile 5 miles offshore and it's feeding time lol.

Nov 14 06 02:29 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Stephen Melvin wrote:
My favorite line:

"That proves I had sex with her. It's a photographer's perk."

Damn, I need to talk to my union rep about this.

Best line of the show! Without a doubt. Now, if reality was on television - or something like that. /tim

Nov 14 06 02:32 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
I sort of half-watched CSI Miami tonight, mostly because I really hate David Caruso (is it just me or is that guy creepy as hell?) and I think the show is incredibly over the top and down-right silly. There. I said it. And why is it when they show the "viewfinder" of the Nikons they're using in the field it doesn't look anything like a Nikon viewfinder? And what the hell was the deal with the strobes in the "studio?" I've yet to see photographic lighting done like that... And they were going off non-stop even though the dude wasn't taking any photos.

  CSI Miami: It's a silly show. Bad science. Bad acting. And bad photographic reference. Why do I watch it? I have no idea, really. I think it might be similar to watching a train wreck -- I want to see just how bad it is when it's over.


Silly? Doesnt' you studio look like a disco from the 80?s And don't your lights rain down sparks for 40 seconds when you jerk the power cord (my just fall over).  And don't your local police officials drive Hummers around town and work in labs that look like something from engineering dept. in the Death Star?  Seems all real to me wink

Nov 14 06 02:35 am Link


Sara Danielle

Posts: 1437

Ian Maddela wrote:

Eva's sister was not murdered.  She was interviewed on the same show, lol.

Actually she was. I watched the Dateline show on it a couple of nights ago.

Nov 14 06 02:44 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Eva LaRue's experience was about 25 years ago. Let it go.

Models are far more likely to be abused, assaulted, raped, and killed by their husband, boyfriend, significant other, or ex. About 65% of assaults are done by these people. Most assaults occur in the victim's own home, the home of a friend or neighbor, or a car. And despite the often-said statement that the internet makes people more vulnerable, the fact is, that the incidence of sexual assault is down dramatically over the last 10 years.

So yeah -- a photographer might assault you. And a safe might fall out of the sky and squish you flat too. Since Eva LaRue's brush with danger 20+ years ago, there have been literally 10s of millions of photo shoots without a single serial killer or rapist involved.

It's not that anybody is "out of line" by telling these stories -- it's that telling them over and over 25 years after the fact unnecessarily increases people's feeling of vulnerability, and makes them think crime is far more likely to happen to them than it actually is.

THAT'S why some of us are whining about this subject.

SayCheeZ! wrote:
The episode is partly based on the true story of CSI costar Eva LaRue's experience meeting and being photographed by a serial killer.

Eva obviously survived the dangerous situation, but her sister was not as lucky and was killed by the 'photographer'.

Part of her interview was shown on CBS's 48 hours last week. 

There are many 'photographers' out there who's only motive is to meet girls in order to get 'em naked, get a date, have sex, or any combination thereof... and, sadly, there are alot of naive young models that continue to fall for their b.s., despite all of the warning signals and danger signs.

I don't think either CSI or 48 hours is out of line by telling these stories.

Nov 14 06 05:46 am Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

All I know is that I had WAY more sex BEFORE I picked up a camera.. Now I see women creatively LONG before I look at them sexually..

So My camera has hindered my sex life.. DAMMMMIT.. the things we sacrifice for art..

Nov 14 06 05:55 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Are we talking about the real-life docudrama "CSI:  Miami?"  I always knew the stories were authentic.

Nov 14 06 07:39 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Clearly we aren't hiding the bodies well enough,

Stephen Melvin wrote:
I prefer chippers myself. Do it in the winter, when the body's frozen, and you're golden.

Curt Burgess wrote:
chippers are great; then you have mulch.

Sweet deal!

I think the proper gardening term is "BoneMeal",
The roses love it.

And to think some people pay top dollar for the stuff.

Nov 14 06 08:24 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

Sara Danielle  wrote:
Actually she was. I watched the Dateline show on it a couple of nights ago.

actually she wasn't, in fact she was in the csi episode...

Eva LaRue, above, in the cast of 'CSI: Miami,' appears with sister Nika (below, playing a reporter) in an episode based on their case.

Stephen Melvin wrote:
My favorite line:

"That proves I had sex with her. It's a photographer's perk."

Damn, I need to talk to my union rep about this.

Pat Thielen wrote:
I sort of half-watched CSI Miami tonight, mostly because I really hate David Caruso (is it just me or is that guy creepy as hell?) and I think the show is incredibly over the top and down-right silly. There. I said it. And why is it when they show the "viewfinder" of the Nikons they're using in the field it doesn't look anything like a Nikon viewfinder? And what the hell was the deal with the strobes in the "studio?" I've yet to see photographic lighting done like that... And they were going off non-stop even though the dude wasn't taking any photos.

  CSI Miami: It's a silly show. Bad science. Bad acting. And bad photographic reference. Why do I watch it? I have no idea, really. I think it might be similar to watching a train wreck -- I want to see just how bad it is when it's over.


he needs a neck, head flops over all the time, maybe he used to be a model, liked him in the 1st year of nypd blue

i liked the toll booth, passenger pays toll?  3 cute chicks in mini skirts as toll collecters? .. from there it was downhill

Nov 14 06 09:59 am Link


LightLab Studios

Posts: 755

Seattle, Washington, US

Sara Danielle  wrote:
Actually she was. I watched the Dateline show on it a couple of nights ago.

No, she wasn't. Eva's sister is alive and well and had a bit part on CSI Miami as a news reporter. She was on the police poster of women they were trying to identify from the serial killer's photographs, but.... is not dead. Try google.

Nov 14 06 10:06 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Are we talking about the real-life docudrama "CSI:  Miami?"  I always knew the stories were authentic.

sort of how ANTM is reality TV about real models.

Nov 14 06 10:07 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

bang bang photo wrote:
Eva LaRue's experience was about 25 years ago. Let it go.

Models are far more likely to be abused, assaulted, raped, and killed by their husband, boyfriend, significant other, or ex. About 65% of assaults are done by these people. Most assaults occur in the victim's own home, the home of a friend or neighbor, or a car. And despite the often-said statement that the internet makes people more vulnerable, the fact is, that the incidence of sexual assault is down dramatically over the last 10 years.

So yeah -- a photographer might assault you. And a safe might fall out of the sky and squish you flat too. Since Eva LaRue's brush with danger 20+ years ago, there have been literally 10s of millions of photo shoots without a single serial killer or rapist involved.

It's not that anybody is "out of line" by telling these stories -- it's that telling them over and over 25 years after the fact unnecessarily increases people's feeling of vulnerability, and makes them think crime is far more likely to happen to them than it actually is.

THAT'S why some of us are whining about this subject.

You had a great thread where you provide links to sites with information
about how fears that the media often inflates works on the publics psyche.
Bird flu, killer storms, rapist photographers and because I live in a somewhat
rural area, rampaging raccoons run rampant.  There always a new fear to exploit
and people eat this crap up.

Nov 14 06 10:08 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:

You had a great thread where you provide links to sites with information
about how fears that the media often inflates works on the publics psyche.
Bird flu, killer storms, rapist photographers and because I live in a somewhat
rural area, rampaging raccoons run rampant.  There always a new fear to exploit
and people eat this crap up.

They do. 

Fear is an amazing drug.

Nov 14 06 10:09 am Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

That episode was great!

They had damsels in distress. They had a simulated sex scene, They got to tut tut about just how horrible it is that people have sex. Heavens!! Typical of CSI and Jerry Bruckheimer. Tease 'em with sex and beautiful girls and then get self righteous about our decadent sensualist society. The only thing missing was a swipe at Lesbian Chic!
What a load of Bu*l S#!t.

Nov 14 06 10:49 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Tim Baker wrote:

Silly? Doesnt' you studio look like a disco from the 80?s And don't your lights rain down sparks for 40 seconds when you jerk the power cord (my just fall over).  And don't your local police officials drive Hummers around town and work in labs that look like something from engineering dept. in the Death Star?  Seems all real to me wink

Damn! I forgot about the sparking lights! I'll bet he was using Norman powerpacks; that would account for that!

  Actually, CSI: Miami has always bothered me, but I know it's obviously fiction. The Hummers bug the hell out of me, but I like the lab scenes (even though I know they're a load of crap too). I also like how they get their DNA tests back on the same day -- consistently. And how the lab people are interviewing suspects. And why the hell is that Caine guy everywhere...?

  I saw a show on some cable channel that showed the real CSI people in action. They drive old station wagons and use Polaroid cameras to document the crime scenes. I would think digital photographs would be immediately suspect due to the ease of manipulating them. And on CSI they're always using Nikon D200 or D2x cameras with SB-29s ring flashes from six feet away (or the built-in flashes). I also like how they add the "poof" sound for the flash. My ring flash doesn't go "poof!" Now I feel bad...

  TV is stoopid. Now I have to go; I'm trying to catch up with "The 4400" on DVD.


Nov 14 06 01:49 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Reality is too boring. They can't show how utterly mundane a photo shoot can be because it would put people to sleep.

Nov 14 06 01:51 pm Link



Posts: 133

San Antonio, Florida, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
I also like how they get their DNA tests back on the same day -- consistently. And how the lab people are interviewing suspects.

Don’t forget how the critical piece of evidence is revealed during a phone call while they are being interviewed.

Nov 14 06 01:54 pm Link


Ice Princess

Posts: 90

Gainesville, Alabama, US

It's just TV.  We all know it's fictional.  And the Eva la Rue connection was seemed extremely self promotional to me.  BUT, there are a lot of younger girls on sites like this one who might need someone to tell them that you should think twice before going alone to meet some person that you only know by his internet avatar, whether it be online dating or modeling.  The internet has made it so easy for people to come in contact that wouldn't normally, and even easier for those people to misrepresent themselves.  For every fantastic photographer on here, we all have to agree that there are some people here who look they are using cell phones to take pictures.  Are they just beginners, or do they have other motives?  I am definitely against creating and using a culture of fear (don't get me started on our current administration, that's another topic) but I think precaution never hurts, and if that episode made one girl think twice about her "shoot" on Saturday with a total stranger, and caused her to research him a bit more, or let someone know where she would be and when she should be back by, is that so bad?  That being said, I think all the CSIs have gone downhill.  I never got into NY, and Miami was OK, but even Vegas I just can't get into anymore.  Just keep giving me my Nip/Tuck, Dexter and Weeds and I'm good to go!!

Nov 14 06 02:10 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Robert Helm wrote:
I prefer the movies where the models have to seduce the unwilling photographer to stop shooting so they can have sex

That's called Fiction

Nov 14 06 02:12 pm Link