Forums > General Industry > Photographers need protection too, right?


Nalani Williams

Posts: 63

Memphis, Tennessee, US

We've all read the thousands of posts about models needing escorts.
However, why don't any of the photographers use some form of protection. I mean especially if you shoot out of your home.  Suppose you set up with this BEAUTIFUL girl who come with an escort and has a whole gang of people ready to rob you outside. I mean do the photographers seriously not fear for their safety? Do you take any other means of safety.
I read that one guy said he calls a friend with a plate number. However, your average shoot is about what 3 hours maybe. You could be dead if they call in three hours. The car could've been stolen .. so no leads their just some pretty girl pictures. I am not trying to cast this dark cloud. I just wonder there are photographers against escorts with a passion and some for it and some don't seem to care. What do you all think about your own personal safety though? Do you seriously think nothing could happen to you as well?
Just a question

Nov 06 06 10:18 am Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

Perhaps you have hit on the real #1 reason why SOME photographers prefer no escorts;

"Suppose you set up with this BEAUTIFUL girl who come with an escort and has a whole gang of people ready to rob you outside."


Nov 06 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 35

Macomb, Illinois, US

certain scammers calling themselves models have stolen photographers personal belongings and i know of one who tried to sue over dissatisfaction over a TFCD.

Not very bright.

From all of the mishaps that i have heard of and personally encountered, NONE have
really benefited from there back alley , unprofessional ,vindictive ways.

Nov 06 06 10:24 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Mtown Diamond wrote:
What do you all think about your own personal safety though? Do you seriously think nothing could happen to you as well?

Honestly, and this isn't a slam against you, I think the internet culture of fear that has sprung up around modeling and photography has just gone way too far.  I am a female photographer who often shoots alone with male models, and I have yet to feel threatened or unsafe.

I think everyone should study some form of self-defense or martial arts.  Not because it makes people invulnerable, but because it helps people stop feeling like potential victims, and gives people tools to help keep themselves safe.

Nov 06 06 10:24 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I thought this was going to be about condoms.

Nov 06 06 10:25 am Link


Nalani Williams

Posts: 63

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Oliver Cole wrote:
Perhaps you have hit on the real #1 reason why SOME photographers prefer no escorts;

"Suppose you set up with this BEAUTIFUL girl who come with an escort and has a whole gang of people ready to rob you outside."


Actually, you may be right.

Nov 06 06 10:25 am Link


Nalani Williams

Posts: 63

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
Honestly, and this isn't a slam against you, I think the internet culture of fear that has sprung up around modeling and photography has just gone way too far.  I am a female photographer who often shoots alone with male models, and I have yet to feel threatened or unsafe.

I think everyone should study some form of self-defense or martial arts.  Not because it makes people invulnerable, but because it helps people stop feeling like potential victims, and gives people tools to help keep themselves safe.

I agree with that last part knowing that you mightt be able to break someone's neck does make you feel much safer
inless they have a gun
then my bubble bursts

Nov 06 06 10:27 am Link


Doug Jantz

Posts: 4025

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:

Honestly, and this isn't a slam against you, I think the internet culture of fear that has sprung up around modeling and photography has just gone way too far.  I am a female photographer who often shoots alone with male models, and I have yet to feel threatened or unsafe.

I think everyone should study some form of self-defense or martial arts.  Not because it makes people invulnerable, but because it helps people stop feeling like potential victims, and gives people tools to help keep themselves safe.

Agreed.  And it perpetuates itself!  I have worked with females of many ages, from 16 up to 38 or so.  Some alone, some with others.  I have YET to have one problem with any one of them, parents included.  It would be a sad day to have something we love have us running scared to do anything.

Nov 06 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 9122

I used to need escorts, but then I became a musician and the bitches flocked to me...

Nov 06 06 10:31 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Mtown Diamond wrote:
I agree with that last part knowing that you mightt be able to break someone's neck does make you feel much safer
inless they have a gun
then my bubble bursts

But that's kind of my point.  How often does the average person run into gun-wielding maniacs?  What leads you to believe modeling & photography brings you into contact with more of them than any other activity?

Nov 06 06 10:33 am Link



Posts: 666

Palatine, Illinois, US

Was a couple times when I first started having models over to shoot that I would have someone else in studio just to make sure the model didn't stab me, rob my place and leave me for dead. I think it's a fair paranoia.

Every so often any more if I get an uneasy feeling and will make sure I have an "assistant" on site.

Nov 06 06 10:40 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

I don't need escorts for my safety and niether do the models I shoot with. I think this whole model saftey issue is blown far out of proportion. They're no more in danger than anyone else in any other profession. Just take precautions, have some common sense and live your life. Most importantly HAVE FUN!

Nov 06 06 10:43 am Link



Posts: 35

Macomb, Illinois, US

Violations of copy righted material and proofs are the most common thieves.

Its shocking to receive an after 6;00pm telephone call from a 24 hr super market who has a one hour photo lab asking if it OK from a couple to be scanning there proofs.

Nov 06 06 10:43 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yes and an airplane could crash into your house, a meteorite could kill you in your bed, a terrorist/model/escort could set off a bomb in your living room or spread anthrax all over your camera. For what it's worth, I operated a full service commercial studio out of my home for about 18 years; I often put models and their escorts up in my guest room overnight; I've had my name, address and phone number publicly posted on my web site for the fifteen years I've had a site; I've had hundreds of people I don't know in my home and I've never been robed, raped or murdered and have never had anything stolen. Well, I had a break in a couple of years ago, but the cops caught the guy and it had nothing to do with photography and one model who was staying overnight ate all of my popcorn and drank all of my Newcastle Brown Ale (Seems she had never had anything other than watery domestic beer).   

Sometimes we just worry too much!

Nov 06 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 666

Palatine, Illinois, US

Yeah we worry too much, but really it's all about para noia and feeling safe.

If having someone else is going to help you relax and do a better job, then great. All for it.

Nov 06 06 10:47 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

What if you woke up one morning and went to grab your camera and the camera JUMPS out of your hands! and screams at you I'M ON STRIKE!@!!! .. haha yea, then what would you do? O.o I bet there would be a thread about which cameras are safe and unsafe to own? haha

Nov 06 06 10:48 am Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

DigitalCMH wrote:
I thought this was going to be about condoms.

So did I, hehe!

Nov 06 06 10:48 am Link



Posts: 9122

XtremeArtists wrote:
I used to need escorts, but then I became a musician and the bitches flocked to me...

You crack me up dude...

Nov 06 06 10:49 am Link


Nalani Williams

Posts: 63

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:

But that's kind of my point.  How often does the average person run into gun-wielding maniacs?  What leads you to believe modeling & photography brings you into contact with more of them than any other activity?

Actually, I was half joking. I have been trained in combat and therefore that does make me feel a little safer. That was the serious part. the other part was a joke. I don't think photography puts you in touch with crazy people more so than any  other actvity. I've ran into more nuts in my 9-5. However, I have only worked with 2 photographers and setting up a shoot right now. So we'll see how that goes.

Nov 06 06 10:52 am Link


Nalani Williams

Posts: 63

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Rich Mohr wrote:

So did I, hehe!

you are bother a re crazy

Nov 06 06 10:52 am Link


Nalani Williams

Posts: 63

Memphis, Tennessee, US

XtremeArtists wrote:

You crack me up dude...

I'm sorry , I missed my cue

That was funny

Nov 06 06 10:53 am Link


Antonio Photography

Posts: 121

Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

In my opinion, it's easier for a model to get a scammer or even an abuse from pseudo photographers. Yep, you point something interesting. Photographers can get in danger too.
I don't fear about getting into danger because first, I'm not that handsome and I'm almost invisible all day until I get to work LOL and everyone looks at me then...
Security is important for everyone, but models get the most risk.

Nov 06 06 11:00 am Link


Big Jim Slade

Posts: 258

Arlington, Virginia, US

For months I have been keeping my doors locked and my blinds closed at night because I keep seeing Britney Spears lurking in my garden and I'm afraid she will come in and get me.

Nov 06 06 11:17 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Mtown Diamond wrote:
We've all read the thousands of posts about models needing escorts.
However, why don't any of the photographers use some form of protection. I mean especially if you shoot out of your home. ....
Just a question

And a question that is discussed over on the Escort Thread all the time.

Nov 06 06 11:22 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

My boyfriend almost got shot eating dinner at McDonalds. There is danger everywhere. Should we bring escorts to dinner? Of course not. You check people out and you take your chances. You can't prevent all violence.

Nov 06 06 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

I have two 38 supers, 7 knives with blood channels, two bats, a sledge hammer, two wolves, and a senile cockapoo... I think I'm pretty safe.

Nov 06 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

An interesting comparison from the photographer's point of view might be one of when a woman goes to the doctor...if the doc is a male, they ALWAYS bring in a woman nurse to stand there to prevent the woman from making false allegations that the doc molested her or something.  But, for a lot of photographers, it's just not practical to always have a female assistant or "witness" present.  So, I like the guy with the guns and bats and wolves!  His odds are pretty good!

Nov 07 06 01:51 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
My boyfriend almost got shot eating dinner at McDonalds. There is danger everywhere. Should we bring escorts to dinner? Of course not. You check people out and you take your chances. You can't prevent all violence.

You know... I hear that story almost every time I drop him off at home... (just kidding... heard it twice though... second time because I didn't remember it properly)

Nov 07 06 01:54 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Yes, everyone need protection. Use a condom, or abstain.

Nov 07 06 03:09 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

I think raising the level of paranoia evenly is fair.

But maybe everyone should just shut up.

Nov 07 06 03:12 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
My boyfriend almost got shot eating dinner at McDonalds. There is danger everywhere. Should we bring escorts to dinner? Of course not. You check people out and you take your chances. You can't prevent all violence.

I think escorts appreciate it when their clients take them to dinner first.  It's classy.  smile.

Nov 07 06 03:14 am Link


Neal Urban

Posts: 177

Buffalo, New York, US

I make sure I have security whenever I have a locations shoot no matter where it is. 

Not only to protect me and my thousands worth of equipment but to make the model feel safe as well. 

Cant get natural emotions from her if she is nervous about her safety in the woods, train tracks, city streets etc....

Nov 07 06 03:17 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

So, I need an escort to protect me from the model's escort.  But then the model's escort will need protecting from my escort, and my escort will need protecting from my model's escort's escort.  Then my model's escort's escort will need protecting from my escort's escort.  And if we go on like that the whole damn world would have to turn up for every damn photoshoot.  Which means I will have to give up photography because my studio's not big enough for everyone.

Nov 07 06 03:20 am Link



Posts: 194

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

RED Photographic wrote:
So, I need an escort to protect me from the model's escort.  But then the model's escort will need protecting from my escort, and my escort will need protecting from my model's escort's escort.  Then my model's escort's escort will need protecting from my escort's escort.  And if we go on like that the whole damn world would have to turn up for every damn photoshoot.  Which means I will have to give up photography because my studio's not big enough for everyone.

Here's the solution...just get Verizon wireless...then you'll have that whole network of people following you everywhere. Problem solved!

Nov 07 06 03:23 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Perhaps I should tell models that I'll be doing a live webcast of the shoot, so the whole world actually could be virtually there, so no escorts needed.

Nov 07 06 03:33 am Link



Posts: 338

Kilgore, Texas, US

ravens laughter wrote:
I have two 38 supers, 7 knives with blood channels, two bats, a sledge hammer, two wolves, and a senile cockapoo... I think I'm pretty safe.

HEHEHEHE The Senile cokapoo cracked me up. tongue

Nov 07 06 03:41 am Link


Quynh Nguyen

Posts: 16

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Oliver Cole wrote:
Perhaps you have hit on the real #1 reason why SOME photographers prefer no escorts;

I've never thought of it that way

Nov 07 06 04:01 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
I think everyone should study some form of self-defense or martial arts.  Not because it makes people invulnerable, but because it helps people stop feeling like potential victims, and gives people tools to help keep themselves safe.

Or you could do sufficient reference checks to make sure people are who they say they are.

Nov 07 06 04:07 am Link


Nalani Williams

Posts: 63

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Austyn229 wrote:

Here's the solution...just get Verizon wireless...then you'll have that whole network of people following you everywhere. Problem solved!


Nov 07 06 11:34 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
I have two 38 supers, 7 knives with blood channels, two bats, a sledge hammer, two wolves, and a senile cockapoo... I think I'm pretty safe.

Eep.  I need to re-think that movie night!

Nov 07 06 11:36 am Link