Forums > General Industry > Photographers need protection too, right?



Posts: 6129

Oy Vey.

and here I thought photographers had somehow been prepared to demonstrate and stick to a higher level of evolution (responsibility for oneself)... but then I suppose in the midst of the coming of age of an entire generation raised to place responsibility for oneself elsewhere, this should be no surprise.

I'm quite sure the intent of the thread was comedy... I've however lost patience with the level of ignorance on this site and am likely to take all stupidity expressed seriously.

Nov 07 06 11:41 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Photographers should also use caution.  There have been cases of some being robbed.  There have also been times when models have used plane tickets to
travel to various locations and never shown for their shoots.  A pretty face and
nice breasts may hide a cold heart.  Escorts have been known to steal too.
This doesn't mean we should fear each other but quite often models know all about
the photographer or at least his address, phone numbers and people he has worked
with but in many cases all the photographer could tell the cops if he was robbed was Bambi did it.

Nov 07 06 11:47 am Link


wishingtree photography

Posts: 1042

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

hey maybe photographers should all bring big, burly bodyguards with them.  and promise that they will be 'unobtrusive.'

oh wait, i have my 130-pound dog with me on most shoots.  he's definitely not unobtrusive though.

Nov 07 06 12:33 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

This brings to mind something that happened to me a few years back when I first opened a studio I used to have.

I was smart enough to meet with models at a cafe or somewhere quiet but public before we did a shoot, even if it were a shoot where they hired me. I did this because I had a lot of valuable equipment there and I live close to a city very well known for crank heads who have serious clepto problems.I wanted to make sure they were someone I wanted in my studio, or see if I felt they may just want to gain access to "case the joint" so to speak.

There was this one local girl who answered an ad I posted about my new business. We met at a cafe and talked things over about her posing for some projects I had in mind. I had this feeling that this girl was a little,,,,,,,,off. I made it a policy to never reveal the studio address publically. After our meeting I told her I would get in touch with her abou t working with me on some of the projects as soon as things are all in order for them.

After this meeting I and my fiance, who also assists me at shoots as time permits, headed off to the studio to set some things up for a shoot we had the next morning.

About 5 minutes after we got there and are in the back side of the studio we hear the front door open and close.My fiance was the first one there and I hear a little conversation going on between her and another female. I get to the front and the girl I had just had the meeting with walks in and starts asking me for her schedule.

I was like,,,,,uh,,,,um,,,,schedule?
She says yea, for when I model for you. I need to know when so I can plan.
I tell her that first off, it is not a full time job that you need a schedule for, second I    never said it was definite that I was going to hire you for anything yet.
She got all whiny cause she evidently though she was gonna be some full time model for me or somethin(insert cuckoo clock sound here) and got pissy and left.

She evidently followed us to the studio! Fuh-REEKY!

I immediately placed her on my never work with list and realized it is a good thing my fiance was there as a witness and that I should never be there alone.

Nov 07 06 01:37 pm Link