Forums > General Industry > Possessive photographers!!!!!



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Unbelievable! I know I experienced this when I was modeling. About how certain photog's complained about me having more of another photogs work up than his or not fowarding me to other photogs for work because that photog wanted to be the only one shooting you and so on...
now I'm running into this again with other photogs not wanting to pass on the work with a particular model they've worked with. How F'ing possesive can you be over some one? It's Fing pathetic.
here's an example of the conversation. : Each line is obviously a new email responce and I removed the name of course for privacy issues and respect. What little of it I have for this person...

ME:Who is this model in your AVI?
HIM:The models name Is Kimberley , and when this image was taken almost one year ago she was living in Calgary.
ME:How can I get in touch with Kimberley? Thanks,
HIM:the last known e-mail I have for her is such and [email protected]
HIM:I will phone her and try to get her to contact you through here
ME:Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
That was a couple weeks ago I think? I've sent numerous emails to this "last known" email address abomut a *paid shoot and haven't heard back of even to acknowledge receiving the email. I doubt very seriously a phone call was made for anything other than to book another shoot for himself.
Am I being paranoid or is this screaming possesive over his model? Don't try and sway me that that doesn't happen I've experienced it myself when I was modeling and it just flat out pissed me off when I found out later on that I had missed opportunities because the bastard photog I shot with was one of those possesive types over what he felt was "his" models...
Vent finished for now... smile

Nov 01 06 03:21 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


This behavior (coupled by a few other issues) has caused me to write off someone I shot with. What's ironic, is that some photographers will bitch and moan about models having possessive boyfriends, but then they get all pissy when you shoot with someone besides them.

So yeah- I have nothing really to add- just thought I would vent too smile

Nov 01 06 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

(sitting down to join the girls for our own Arbor Mist commercial)  big_smile  I've had that.

Nov 01 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

well from what I read it didn't sound that possessive, maybe the model just really sucks at returning emails?? I don't know.

But I agree, photographers can be very possessive. The first photographer I ever shot with canceled our 2nd shoot because I had shot with another photographer after him. He took it back later but I have not shot with him since then. He still hasn't gotten me my CD either.

Other than that all the photographers I have worked with have been praising me to other people and recommending me to other photographers.

Nov 01 06 03:26 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Just move on to the next model.

There's a million out there, why obsess over one?  big_smile

Nov 01 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Daniela V wrote:
This behavior (coupled by a few other issues) has caused me to write off someone I shot with. What's ironic, is that some photographers will bitch and moan about models having possessive boyfriends, but then they get all pissy when you shoot with someone besides them.

So yeah- I have nothing really to add- just thought I would vent too smile

Well your vent is welcome here. I guess I'm both venting for the first time abomut when I was modeling and that was happening and now as a photog because I think... damn it's so hard to express how pissed you are without cursing! haha, but yea,..... PATHETIC!

Nov 01 06 03:30 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Jessalyn wrote:
But I agree, photographers can be very possessive. The first photographer I ever shot with canceled our 2nd shoot because I had shot with another photographer after him. He took it back later but I have not shot with him since then. He still hasn't gotten me my CD either.

yea, lame... what an ass

Nov 01 06 03:30 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
those possesive types over what he felt was "his" models...
Vent finished for now... smile

I know exactly the type you're referring to. Yes, it does happen.

There's a photog (GWC) around here that's quite the model collector/model manager and has a fit when other photographers want to work with "his models". It's ridiculous!

Nov 01 06 03:31 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

C R Photography wrote:
Just move on to the next model.

There's a million out there, why obsess over one?  big_smile

haha I know, I'll only bitch about it for a little bit and then move on. but for the sake of the topic, it's just total BS that some models can't get noticed and get paying work because they never know about it.. reminds me of "days of our lives" way back.. when sammy was keeping carrie and austin apart... ya know? haha leave the drama for the soaps ya know?

Nov 01 06 03:33 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I don't know...I see that kind of thing happening...but I don't see anything in these emails that leads me to believe that the guy is giving you a fake email address and stuff to throw you off his model's trail. Maybe she just doesn't model anymore, or changed her email address, or your email got sent to her spam filter or something.

Nov 01 06 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

I know exactly the type you're referring to. Yes, it does happen.

There's a photog (GWC) around here that's quite the model collector/model manager and has a fit when other photographers want to work with "his models". It's ridiculous!

haha yes, one of my old photogs BEGGED! me to let him put me on his "managed models" on that other site. And was furious that I laughed and said no... still to this day (2 1/2 yrs later) that photog still owes me quite a bit of money... But that's a whole other story [zips lips] smile

Nov 01 06 03:35 pm Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Maybe he is her Sluggo.

Nov 01 06 03:37 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Corey Wellman wrote:

haha yes, one of my old photogs BEGGED! me to let him put me on his "managed models" on that other site. And was furious that I laughed and said no... still to this day (2 1/2 yrs later) that photog still owes me quite a bit of money... But that's a whole other story [zips lips] smile

Yeah.... This guy manages all 18 (used to be 25) of the model's OMP profiles. Each one says the same exact thing. He insists that ANY query go through him first. I don't think these models he manages realize that he's doing nothing for them but holding them back.

A photog friend of mine contacted one of "his models" for an album cover. This guy had a fit! Wouldn't let her work with my friend.

I shot one of his models at a group shoot. I sent the model an e-mail just saying, 'it was nice working with you. Lets do it again in the future...' and then I got an e-mail from him bitching me out accusing me of trying to steal his models. As if they are his possesions. Just fuckin' ridiculous!

Nov 01 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
I don't know...I see that kind of thing happening...but I don't see anything in these emails that leads me to believe that the guy is giving you a fake email address and stuff to throw you off his model's trail. Maybe she just doesn't model anymore, or changed her email address, or your email got sent to her spam filter or something.

yea Kaitlin I know, and regardless of whether or not I ever take this trip up to Canada to shoot this model is up in the air. Depends if I ever get in touch with her O.o but yea, it just sparred this rant becauseI know it goes on and I think it's about time there be a place for us to bitch about it and laugh at those that do it ^.^

Nov 01 06 03:45 pm Link


Dave Bulger

Posts: 775

Austin, Texas, US

Rossi Photography wrote:

Corey Wellman wrote:
I shot one of his models at a group shoot. I sent the model an e-mail just saying, 'it was nice working with you. Lets do it again in the future...' and then I got an e-mail from him bitching me out accusing me of trying to steal his models. As if they are his possesions. Just fuckin' ridiculous!

I've encountered this.  My opinion at the time (as it is now) is that the photog is deathly afraid that you'll shoot his model better than he did.  I see it as basing his self esteem on his photographic abilities. smile  Good thing I don't!!  Hehe


Nov 01 06 03:45 pm Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
Am I being paranoid or is this screaming possesive over his model?

The only thing its screaming is that your pissed you can't get in touch with a model someone else has worked with. No where does this e-mail exchange show any signs of possesiveness. Get over it and move on.

However I think your all over looking the really important issue here:

Photographers asking for and expecting to get or photographers giving out models contact information. My policy is that I never give out any models information, no matter how minor it seams. When a photographer inquires about a model I have worked with, stating he wants to work with her, I tell him I will forward his information to the model and let the model contact you directly. After that its out of my hands if she chooses to contact him or not. Plus I have not released any of the models information (which I cleary state in my release/agreement that I will not do).

Nov 01 06 04:12 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I think it is rude to give out contact information for anyone without their consent.

If asked how to get in touch with a model, I'll forward a message from the inquiring party, but I wouldn't give out a phone number or even email address without knowing that such a move is welcomed.

I'm not in the business of finding models work with other photographers or vice versa.  I'm not possessive, and I couldn't care less if anyone shoots with anyone else, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to arrange a shoot for you.

Nov 01 06 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 6129

concurring with brian and the others preceeding who echo the sentiment.

honestly there are potentially serious legal ramifications when providing contact information should that turn into disaster.

its just something I would never do, nor would I ever ask another photographer to do.

Nov 01 06 04:24 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Corey, if I may suggest an alternative approach?  It won't do anything about those weird possessive types, but may keep from making a regular photographer more wary than s/he would otherwise be.  Instead of asking for contact info if none is listed, simply send an email with all of your contact info, express an interest in working with the model, and ask the photographer to please pass it on when s/he is able.

I've seen that work many times without ruffling any feathers.

Nov 01 06 04:29 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

oldguysrule wrote:
concurring with brian and the others preceeding who echo the sentiment.

honestly there are potentially serious legal ramifications when providing contact information should that turn into disaster.

its just something I would never do, nor would I ever ask another photographer to do.

With Brian (his fuzzy bear) and OGR on this. Having been on the other side--being publicly raked over the coals here for not giving out such information--think of all the reasons she might not have contacted you. Maybe she didn't like your work. Maybe she was busy. Maybe someone died. I've done nude shoots for friends who don't want me to identify them and people go bananas and claim possessiveness if you're simply honoring your agreement with them. Seems like the photographer was very kind to you

Nov 01 06 04:31 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Renee Jacobs wrote:
With Brian (his fuzzy bear) and OGR on this. Having been on the other side--being publicly raked over the coals here for not giving out such information--think of all the reasons she might not have contacted you. Maybe she didn't like your work. Maybe she was busy. Maybe someone died. I've done nude shoots for friends who don't want me to identify them and people go bananas and claim possessiveness if you're simply honoring your agreement with them. Seems like the photographer was very kind to you

That's true.  I had one guy become relentless because he wanted to photograph a decidedly non-model family member of mine, and wouldn't let it go even after I explained that the person is a family member I was practicing on, not a model.  It got really weird.

Nov 01 06 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

IceCold, Brian, Rich and Shyly all got it right.  That's the way to handle such queries.

There is nothing in the OP's post to suggest that the photographer did anything wrong.  That's not to deny that such possessive behavior takes place - it does, far too often - but the jury ought to return a "not guilty" on this one without further evidence.

Nov 01 06 04:52 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Nov 01 06 04:52 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

There are indeed possessive photographers.

From what you've said of the situation and the way you're getting peturbed about it, I honestly would've pegged you for the more possessive between the two of you.  By comparison at least... 

I don't give people's info out unless they've said "Yes, give my info to..." whoever.  That means, if you want to get in contact with a model with whom I've worked, then I take your info and I pass it along.  And then I'm done.  It's not my place to make sure he or she gets in touch with you.

It doesn't sound like anything to jump to conclusions about.  The fact that you haven't been contacted doesn't suggest foul play.  It's entirely possible that... y'know... she just isn't interested in the gig...

Nov 01 06 05:06 pm Link


David Brinkman

Posts: 26

Palm Springs, California, US

I've run into this as well.  There's a photographer around my area with an ego the size of the moon, and the talent of an ant hill. 

When a photographer believes it is THE MODEL that makes his work, work, he's a farce.

The bottom line is that modeling is a 'project oriented' profession.  Models have to rely on getting jobs from multiple photographers to make a living.  I think they should have recourse against photographers that do not give model credits.  And that is especially true when the work was done as a trade!

What's even worse is when those photographers also serve as model agents, or are in some way linked to an agency that interferes with the model's ability to find work.  This is particularly true with a few internet-based agencies I know of;  you can call every day - but it will always be the model's fault, and you'll never connect with them.

Nov 01 06 05:25 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
Unbelievable! I know I experienced this when I was modeling. About how certain photog's complained about me having more of another photogs work up than his or not fowarding me to other photogs for work because that photog wanted to be the only one shooting you and so on...
now I'm running into this again with other photogs not wanting to pass on the work with a particular model they've worked with. How F'ing possesive can you be over some one? It's Fing pathetic.
here's an example of the conversation. : Each line is obviously a new email responce and I removed the name of course for privacy issues and respect. What little of it I have for this person...

ME:Who is this model in your AVI?
HIM:The models name Is Kimberley , and when this image was taken almost one year ago she was living in Calgary.
ME:How can I get in touch with Kimberley? Thanks,
HIM:the last known e-mail I have for her is such and [email protected]
HIM:I will phone her and try to get her to contact you through here
ME:Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
That was a couple weeks ago I think? I've sent numerous emails to this "last known" email address abomut a *paid shoot and haven't heard back of even to acknowledge receiving the email. I doubt very seriously a phone call was made for anything other than to book another shoot for himself.
Am I being paranoid or is this screaming possesive over his model? Don't try and sway me that that doesn't happen I've experienced it myself when I was modeling and it just flat out pissed me off when I found out later on that I had missed opportunities because the bastard photog I shot with was one of those possesive types over what he felt was "his" models...
Vent finished for now... smile

I think you're wacked man.  Even if he didn't make the phone call, he was quite generous to say that he would.  I've have given you their contact information and left it at that.  if she's not writing back, it could be because she's wacked, procrastinating, no interested, no longer models, is out of the country and doesn't check her e-mail on a regular basis, and/or read the e-mail and wants to reply but got distracted by life and forgot.

Nov 01 06 05:31 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Agree with CMH.. Someone seems off base here.. And it doesn't seem to be the guy you're ranting about..

Hell.. I'm impressed if I have current contact info for the models I worked with this month..

A year ago?  From out of country..

Get over it.

Nov 01 06 05:33 pm Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Must agree.. I see no signs of possessiveness here. If he'd replied "I don't give out any model info, not even names" he'd still have been entirely within his rights. But he gave you a name, city, and email! If he hasn't seen her for a year, and she's moved, what's he going to do? I've lost track of so many models over the years...

Nov 01 06 06:20 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

Nov 01 06 09:00 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

You have all the cool jpegs!

Nov 01 06 09:06 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Jessalyn wrote:
Other than that all the photographers I have worked with have been praising me to other people and recommending me to other photographers.

I told you how much I hate it that you're on these forums all the time...  ;-)

Nov 01 06 09:07 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28822

Phoenix, Arizona, US

All I have to add is that it makes me a little uncomfortable to give out a model's contact info (even if it's just an e-mail address) without asking her first. I'm not posessive though. I will pass your info onto her or ask her if I can give her info out.

[EDIT] Woops. I'm a little late.. seems some others have said the same thing before me.

Nov 01 06 09:14 pm Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
Unbelievable! I know I experienced this when I was modeling. About how certain photog's complained about me having more of another photogs work up than his or not fowarding me to other photogs for work because that photog wanted to be the only one shooting you and so on...
now I'm running into this again with other photogs not wanting to pass on the work with a particular model they've worked with. How F'ing possesive can you be over some one? It's Fing pathetic.
here's an example of the conversation. : Each line is obviously a new email responce and I removed the name of course for privacy issues and respect. What little of it I have for this person...

ME:Who is this model in your AVI?
HIM:The models name Is Kimberley , and when this image was taken almost one year ago she was living in Calgary.
ME:How can I get in touch with Kimberley? Thanks,
HIM:the last known e-mail I have for her is such and [email protected]
HIM:I will phone her and try to get her to contact you through here
ME:Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
That was a couple weeks ago I think? I've sent numerous emails to this "last known" email address abomut a *paid shoot and haven't heard back of even to acknowledge receiving the email. I doubt very seriously a phone call was made for anything other than to book another shoot for himself.
Am I being paranoid or is this screaming possesive over his model? Don't try and sway me that that doesn't happen I've experienced it myself when I was modeling and it just flat out pissed me off when I found out later on that I had missed opportunities because the bastard photog I shot with was one of those possesive types over what he felt was "his" models...
Vent finished for now... smile

I get several such Emails every week. Photographers wanting to get in touch with people I've shot. First, I NEVER pass on info unless the model has a web presence and then it's just that addy. I don't want to have it look like i reccomend the photog. Now if the work is very good I'll pass the photog's info along to the model, usually with a note explaining that i don't know the photg at all. In your case I wouldn't even do that because you state you don't do TFP and that means you want to make money of the model and I'm not here to help your business. Just another side of the argument for you to consider.

Nov 01 06 09:18 pm Link


Chris Beyond

Posts: 1526

Tustin, California, US

I get it sometimes. Only with actual friends though..and sometimes it's just because they did some really great work with other people. wink "Photo-jealousy" I call it.

Sometimes the relationship between a photographer and a model can be like having a boyfriend or girlfriend without the sexual elements. I certainly have a few people who seem to work with me exclusively, but most of my friends are all artists or photographers and we all usually have the same subjects in each other.

It does sound like the guy did more than he had to. If it were me, a lot of my friends aren't even professional models and I know they probably wouldn't be interested, BUT that really does depend on the person being inquired about. I'm sure I would screen the person's work too to see if they weren't a GWC or looking for somebody for their porn site.

I say move on. There's plenty of fish in the sea.

Wait... Were we talking about fishing?

Nov 01 06 09:20 pm Link



Posts: 609

Los Angeles, California, US

Yeah, I think he did more than his part. I'd hardly consider this possessive behavior.

Just as an aside, often times its good for a model who is just starting to shoot with the same photographer repeatedly, given they're getting good results.

Nov 01 06 09:24 pm Link


The Dave

Posts: 8848

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Don't know about the other guy however all of the pics in my port are from paid shoots (you know the kind the model pays the photographer)  So I would not be giving out any info about them to anyone. 

When I change some pics to include MM models I will link the pics to thier ports.

Nov 01 06 09:26 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

when people pee in the corners of my yard, the grass grows there

Nov 01 06 09:29 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
when people pee in the corners of my yard, the grass grows there

Oooh, I was hoping you didn't notice. sad

Nov 02 06 12:14 am Link


Wayne Chow Photography

Posts: 586

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hey it happens to many photographers.  I had a shoot scheduled with a model but her manager/boyfriend/photographer (

Nov 02 06 12:18 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

wow, it seems many of you are mistaking that I, and [we] are claiming the said photog in this post is the POSSESIVE one and that is not the case at all. I was simply inquiring if anyone hints the thought of it in [this] situation. I agree with most in that not so much, HOWEVER it brought to attn the topic OF "possesive photogs" and the conversation continued from there. Follow now? The said photog in this post is not being attacked [as] a possesive photog. Hell yea I'm pissed of the "thought" that he isn't as helpful as I would be to others, can I get over it? Of course O.o Did I ask him to give me her phone number? No, where the HELL did you see that>? I wouldn't give out my models phone numbers either. I [would] make a phone call on the behalf of another photog. I'm disappointed to hear most of [you] wouldn't.
so again, so we're all clear. The said photog in this post is not the one being claimed to be a POSSESIVE photog got it? Great thanks! smile

Nov 02 06 08:47 am Link