Forums > General Industry > Possessive photographers!!!!!



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Mike Walker wrote:

In your case I wouldn't even do that because you state you don't do TFP and that means you want to make money of the model and I'm not here to help your business. Just another side of the argument for you to consider.

What a pity, that's disappointing, I'd help yours. But then again I'm not greedy with my business's. Some people are. And yes, I DO NOT do TFP , meaning I don't do free shoots. Where, I'm just curious does that state I don't pay models either?... I do both

Nov 02 06 08:50 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Pay it forward. Just thought I'd throw that out there smile

Nov 02 06 08:53 am Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

The possessive of photographers is "s" apostrophe.  There, that's cleared up.

Nov 02 06 09:09 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Vivus Denuo wrote:
The possessive of photographers is "s" apostrophe.  There, that's cleared up.

thank god we have you Vivus. thank god.

Nov 02 06 09:10 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US bad ^.^

Nov 02 06 09:43 am Link


Ken Norcross

Posts: 423

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Shyly wrote:
Instead of asking for contact info if none is listed, simply send an email with all of your contact info, express an interest in working with the model, and ask the photographer to please pass it on when s/he is able.

I've seen that work many times without ruffling any feathers.

I've tried that, with a well-known photographer in my area; I inquired about a model that he had on his web page, and asked if he would forward my contact information to her. His reply? "She only works with me". Of course, my first thought was 'Well, shouldn't  she make the decision on who she wants to work with?', but I decided not to press the issue, and moved on.

Nov 02 06 09:56 am Link


Vivus Hussein Denuo

Posts: 64211

New York, New York, US

Jessalyn wrote:

thank god we have you Vivus. thank god.

Shucks, 'tweren't nothin'!

Nov 02 06 11:06 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Ken Norcross wrote:

I've tried that, with a well-known photographer in my area; I inquired about a model that he had on his web page, and asked if he would forward my contact information to her. His reply? "She only works with me". Of course, my first thought was 'Well, shouldn't  she make the decision on who she wants to work with?', but I decided not to press the issue, and moved on.

exactly the point of this thread. THOSE kind of photogs... *slap

Nov 02 06 01:06 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Don't bother wasteing your time with tracking down elusive models,
Yes their are possive photogrpahers out there.
Yes there are beautiful NON models who have posed for sepcial occasions.
Yes models move and relocate and quit modeling.

Iona Lynn
[email protected]

Nov 02 06 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 35

Macomb, Illinois, US

waynesglamgirls wrote:
Hey it happens to many photographers.  I had a shoot scheduled with a model but her manager/boyfriend/photographer (

Nov 02 06 01:16 pm Link


Studio Spike

Posts: 978

New York, New York, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
I've sent numerous emails to this "last known" email address

man, chill with the stalker's not his job to hook you up with models.

Nov 02 06 01:32 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Are there not enough models in the world to work with?   There's like how many billion people on earth now, and I'd say half have been tortured by watching at least a few segments of ANTM, and so now probably half of them want to be models.  So that makes what, like 3 billion possible models?  GO FOR IT!

Nov 02 06 01:39 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

Concept Reminder:    NEXT!!!

Nov 02 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Studio Spike wrote:

man, chill with the stalker's not his job to hook you up with models.

stalker... cute; you're probably one of those lame as photogs that like to control models. Get over yourself.

Nov 02 06 02:10 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Ken Norcross wrote:

I've tried that, with a well-known photographer in my area; I inquired about a model that he had on his web page, and asked if he would forward my contact information to her. His reply? "She only works with me". Of course, my first thought was 'Well, shouldn't  she make the decision on who she wants to work with?', but I decided not to press the issue, and moved on.

I have had experience with 2 photographers in Ohio and one in the state up north that told me the same thing, that the model is their personal model and only works with them. Of course I didn't get any info about the model.

Nov 02 06 02:14 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
exactly the point of this thread.

Wait... I just want to be clear.  Is that the point of this thread?  That and this, right? 

Corey Wellman wrote:
Unbelievable! I know I experienced this when I was modeling. About how certain photog's complained about me having more of another photogs work up than his or not fowarding me to other photogs for work because that photog wanted to be the only one shooting you and so on...
now I'm running into this again with other photogs not wanting to pass on the work with a particular model they've worked with. How F'ing possesive can you be over some one? It's Fing pathetic.
here's an example of the conversation. : Each line is obviously a new email responce and I removed the name of course for privacy issues and respect. What little of it I have for this person...

I'm assuming these are the points of your thread.

Corey Wellman wrote:
THOSE kind of photogs... *slap

Are you asking if this guy could be one of "THOSE" kinds of photographers?  There is no way to tell, dude.

Corey Wellman wrote:
ME:Who is this model in your AVI?
HIM:The models name Is Kimberley , and when this image was taken almost one year ago she was living in Calgary.
ME:How can I get in touch with Kimberley? Thanks,
HIM:the last known e-mail I have for her is such and [email protected]
HIM:I will phone her and try to get her to contact you through here
ME:Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

That was a couple weeks ago I think? I've sent numerous emails to this "last known" email address abomut a *paid shoot and haven't heard back of even to acknowledge receiving the email. I doubt very seriously a phone call was made for anything other than to book another shoot for himself.

Okay, so here's what I see.

•You wanted to work with a model this guy knows from a shoot 12 months prior.
•You ask him how to get in touch with her.
•He gives you an email address.
•He says he'll give her a call on your behalf.
•You've heard nothing from her in two weeks.
•In these two weeks, you've sent her several emails to which she hasn't responded.

Now, your reasoning, if I understand you correctly, is that because you haven't heard from her that it MUST be foul play.  He must have called her to book a shoot for himself.  Because she would've certainly contacted you otherwise.  Naturally, he badmouthed you because it defies reason that she just might not want to work with you.  He couldn't possibly have done exactly as he told you...

Corey Wellman wrote:
Am I being paranoid or is this screaming possesive over his model?

I'm confused.  Is this a trick question?  I think that you are both paranoid and a screaming possessive over this model with whom you've never worked.  Not either/or... both.  You're jumping to conclusions.  And the fact that you won't let it drop is baffling. 

Email systems are prompt in telling you that a message has gone to an address that is inactive or doesn't exist.  Unless you got one of those mailerdaemon responses, then assume that your emails got through.  If the strength of your work, the promise of the project, or the lure of the pay isn't enough to make her sign on, then drop it.  And stop insinuating that the guy has done anything other than what he said he would.

Find someone else to work with.  For every 5'10" blue-eyed brunette named Kimberly, there are a ton others who have the same stats and figures.  You were a model, you should know this.  Just get another model and go shoot your project...

Corey Wellman wrote:
Don't try and sway me that that doesn't happen I've experienced it myself when I was modeling and it just flat out pissed me off when I found out later on that I had missed opportunities because the bastard photog I shot with was one of those possesive types over what he felt was "his" models...
Vent finished for now... smile

Yet, you're acting the same way?  This is one way that possessive photographers get that way...

Nov 02 06 03:50 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

PhotographerShine wrote:
...then you learn that the simple e mail conversations you had thinking it was the model were actual the envious jealous BF wannabe

Yep. Had that happen, also. Thought I was communicating with the model and turned out it was her sluggo manager pretending to be her. Lol...

Nov 02 06 03:52 pm Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Eat alone, Die alone .. But yet again, I don't believe someone would share a grave with me .... smile.. So eat alone it is then .....

Nov 02 06 03:55 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

This has happened to me as well.  I'm a MUA and I was blasted for working on a model and using her photograph from ANOTHER photographer..  Can you believe that!???  I find it very UNPROFESSIONAL and PETTY.  HORRIBLE 'business' practice.

Corey Wellman wrote:

yea, lame... what an ass

Nov 02 06 03:57 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

That's why, as a rule, I don't work with online models that have ONLINE PHOTOGRAPHERS hidden as MANAGERS. 

Rossi Photography wrote:

Yep. Had that happen, also. Thought I was communicating with the model and turned out it was her sluggo manager pretending to be her. Lol...

Nov 02 06 03:58 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
wow, it seems many of you are mistaking that I, and [we] are claiming the said photog in this post is the POSSESIVE one and that is not the case at all. I was simply inquiring if anyone hints the thought of it in [this] situation. I agree with most in that not so much, HOWEVER it brought to attn the topic OF "possesive photogs" and the conversation continued from there. Follow now? The said photog in this post is not being attacked [as] a possesive photog. Hell yea I'm pissed of the "thought" that he isn't as helpful as I would be to others, can I get over it? Of course O.o Did I ask him to give me her phone number? No, where the HELL did you see that>? I wouldn't give out my models phone numbers either. I [would] make a phone call on the behalf of another photog. I'm disappointed to hear most of [you] wouldn't.
so again, so we're all clear. The said photog in this post is not the one being claimed to be a POSSESIVE photog got it? Great thanks! smile

You need to learn how to write then.  Clear communication is VERY important...

Corel Wellman wrote:
I'm running into this again with other photogs not wanting to pass on the work with a particular model they've worked with. How F'ing possesive can you be over some one? It's Fing pathetic.
here's an example of the conversation. : Each line is obviously a new email responce and I removed the name of course for privacy issues and respect. What little of it I have for this person...

Sure, you say he isn't the one being claimed, but yet you use THAT conversation for your example and mention how little respect you have for them.  H-E-L-L-O!!

Nov 02 06 03:59 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Jessalyn wrote:

thank god we have you Vivus. thank god.

The first letter of a new sentence should begin with a capital letter.  God should have also probably been capitalized as well.


Nov 02 06 04:01 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

Yeah , heres a crazy one for you to ponder over ....

i had a good friend who was a photographer . He asked me to send potential models to him for TFCD work . So , i had this girl who paid me for some work , and asked about modeling . i told her that i could help , and i knew another photographer who was looking to do some TFCD work .

i hook them up . They do a shoot . She calls and says that she wasnt impressed with his work , and that she wants me to shoot her again ... monthly . Fine , no problem .

so , in talking to him , he says that she didnt really have potential and hes not sure if he will use her ... OK ... whatever ..

she and i lost contact and while talking to him , he says ... yeah , i havent heard from her in a while . then a few days later , he got new pics of her up ...
again , no problem ... what do i care ... ???

he then stops returning my phone calls ... and she has stopped a while ago ....
which doesnt bother me at all ... but i run into them together at lunch , and we exchange hellos and the both say theyre going to call me ...

Havent heard from either since ...

Nov 02 06 04:14 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

we have such fragile egos

Nov 02 06 04:20 pm Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Face Arts wrote:
That's why, as a rule, I don't work with online models that have ONLINE PHOTOGRAPHERS hidden as MANAGERS. 

Yes, I've since learned from that and no longer bother with them. Lol...

Nov 02 06 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Interesting thread.
This is a very competetive business, we're all egoists, we're all just a tad's human nature... why not admit it.

When I "discover" a really hot, talented model, I like to work with her 2 or 3 times, before everyone else goes after her. As it's gonna happen weather I like it or not, and I move on to the next discovery.  Love 'em and let 'em go. It's the only way to deal with the reality.
   These days I know more models than I can possibly shoot with...but yes, sometimes it's tough to say goodby.

Nov 02 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

Corey Wellman wrote:
exactly the point of this thread.

Wait... I just want to be clear.  Is that the point of this thread?  That and this, right? 

Corey Wellman wrote:
Unbelievable! I know I experienced this when I was modeling. About how certain photog's complained about me having more of another photogs work up than his or not fowarding me to other photogs for work because that photog wanted to be the only one shooting you and so on...
now I'm running into this again with other photogs not wanting to pass on the work with a particular model they've worked with. How F'ing possesive can you be over some one? It's Fing pathetic.
here's an example of the conversation. : Each line is obviously a new email responce and I removed the name of course for privacy issues and respect. What little of it I have for this person...

I'm assuming these are the points of your thread.

Corey Wellman wrote:
THOSE kind of photogs... *slap

Are you asking if this guy could be one of "THOSE" kinds of photographers?  There is no way to tell, dude.

Corey Wellman wrote:
ME:Who is this model in your AVI?
HIM:The models name Is Kimberley , and when this image was taken almost one year ago she was living in Calgary.
ME:How can I get in touch with Kimberley? Thanks,
HIM:the last known e-mail I have for her is such and [email protected]
HIM:I will phone her and try to get her to contact you through here
ME:Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

That was a couple weeks ago I think? I've sent numerous emails to this "last known" email address abomut a *paid shoot and haven't heard back of even to acknowledge receiving the email. I doubt very seriously a phone call was made for anything other than to book another shoot for himself.

Okay, so here's what I see.

•You wanted to work with a model this guy knows from a shoot 12 months prior.
•You ask him how to get in touch with her.
•He gives you an email address.
•He says he'll give her a call on your behalf.
•You've heard nothing from her in two weeks.
•In these two weeks, you've sent her several emails to which she hasn't responded.

Now, your reasoning, if I understand you correctly, is that because you haven't heard from her that it MUST be foul play.  He must have called her to book a shoot for himself.  Because she would've certainly contacted you otherwise.  Naturally, he badmouthed you because it defies reason that she just might not want to work with you.  He couldn't possibly have done exactly as he told you...

Corey Wellman wrote:
Am I being paranoid or is this screaming possesive over his model?

I'm confused.  Is this a trick question?  I think that you are both paranoid and a screaming possessive over this model with whom you've never worked.  Not either/or... both.  You're jumping to conclusions.  And the fact that you won't let it drop is baffling. 

Email systems are prompt in telling you that a message has gone to an address that is inactive or doesn't exist.  Unless you got one of those mailerdaemon responses, then assume that your emails got through.  If the strength of your work, the promise of the project, or the lure of the pay isn't enough to make her sign on, then drop it.  And stop insinuating that the guy has done anything other than what he said he would.

Find someone else to work with.  For every 5'10" blue-eyed brunette named Kimberly, there are a ton others who have the same stats and figures.  You were a model, you should know this.  Just get another model and go shoot your project...

Yet, you're acting the same way?  This is one way that possessive photographers get that way...

You have way too much time on your hands. but read the entire post if you wish to stake your claims that I ever said [that] photog is a possessive photog. I simply asked in the beginning if it felt like that to anyone else. On the first page the conversation changed into stories of others in the industry dealing with [clearly] possesive photog experiences. Oh, and if this post is a waste of time and should be dropped feel free to let yourself out at any time. Thanks smile

Nov 02 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Yerkes Photography wrote:
Yeah , heres a crazy one for you to ponder over ....

i had a good friend who was a photographer . He asked me to send potential models to him for TFCD work . So , i had this girl who paid me for some work , and asked about modeling . i told her that i could help , and i knew another photographer who was looking to do some TFCD work .

i hook them up . They do a shoot . She calls and says that she wasnt impressed with his work , and that she wants me to shoot her again ... monthly . Fine , no problem .

so , in talking to him , he says that she didnt really have potential and hes not sure if he will use her ... OK ... whatever ..

she and i lost contact and while talking to him , he says ... yeah , i havent heard from her in a while . then a few days later , he got new pics of her up ...
again , no problem ... what do i care ... ???

he then stops returning my phone calls ... and she has stopped a while ago ....
which doesnt bother me at all ... but i run into them together at lunch , and we exchange hellos and the both say theyre going to call me ...

Havent heard from either since ...

haha yea, that's an interesting one... O.o

Nov 02 06 10:34 pm Link


Morticia the Mortician

Posts: 17

Astoria, New York, US

I've run into horribly possessive photographers before so I feel your pain. It's like I could only work with them for weeks and that really wasn't paying well and I just wasn't happy. Eventually, I broke away from the photog. because I wasn't being networked because he wasn't "through" with me yet. I mean, how selfish can a person be? This is my CAREER here, damnit!

So yeahh.. You got me to vent too. Lol.

Nov 02 06 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Morticia the Mortician wrote:
I've run into horribly possessive photographers before so I feel your pain. It's like I could only work with them for weeks and that really wasn't paying well and I just wasn't happy. Eventually, I broke away from the photog. because I wasn't being networked because he wasn't "through" with me yet. I mean, how selfish can a person be? This is my CAREER here, damnit!

So yeahh.. You got me to vent too. Lol.

haha well happy to hear it. that's what this is here for. But participant beware... you have those in here like everywhere else that have a lot of time on their hands to pick your every grammtical mistake apart and make pretty interesting claims on the behalf of those possesive photogs... sad really... but welcome smile

Nov 02 06 10:45 pm Link


Morticia the Mortician

Posts: 17

Astoria, New York, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
haha well happy to hear it. that's what this is here for. But participant beware... you have those in here like everywhere else that have a lot of time on their hands to pick your every grammtical mistake apart and make pretty interesting claims on the behalf of those possesive photogs... sad really... but welcome smile

Well, in spirit of..erm.. good spirit, I say LET THERE BE BLOOD SHED. I mean no. wait. Let them pick me apart.. Screw them. No one owns me. My life will go on. I'm sure I won't stay up at night and cry about it.
My pictures are the only part of me they own. Not who I talk to and how and when and why.

Nov 02 06 10:58 pm Link