Forums > General Industry > What do you like best about photography?



Posts: 2853

What do you like best about photography? 

Shooting men, and or woman.
The art aspect of expressing oneself.
Or to get attention?

If you want to add on cool.....

Oct 27 06 06:45 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

The smell of fixer in the morning,

Oct 27 06 06:48 pm Link



Posts: 413

San Diego, California, US

All of em, I like being praised, helpful, interaction..... I only dislike the bills.

Oct 27 06 06:50 pm Link



Posts: 1304

Vallejo, California, US

i remember back in college when i was first exposed to photography and made my first print in the darkroom i was hooked.
now after 32 years of creating images (and making a very decent living from it) i am still hooked like that kid i was back then. you never stop learning, you never forget what you know, and the images keep getting better. sometimes i have to pinch myself to believe that i get paid to do something i love and that the corporations i work for will spend so much for a photo of their products or for advertising. another thing i find crazy is getting checks in the mail from my stock agency for work i did years ago that i used to have sitting in a file cabinet.
but my absolute favorite thing is when i get any kind of praise or support from other photographers who view my my work. i really value that and it is an elixir that gives me the energy to come up with something new.

Oct 27 06 07:09 pm Link



Posts: 2097

Saginaw, Michigan, US

In what seems like a past life ago, in highschool I got involved in theater, or theatre if you're feeling refined/snooty.  I quickly learned that I prefered "technical theater" to acting.  That is lighting, sound, set contruction, props, etc.  There were two things appealing about technical theater.  One is that it combines technical knowledge with creative ability.  The second is that you're behind the curtian, part of the magic, but not in the spotlight. 

Fast forward 10 years... I'd lost touch with theater but started picking up photography.  It took me several years to realize the depth of the connection between the two.  Generally I'm not in the spotlight (or strobe light smile) and it combines aspects of technical knowledge and creative awareness plus it's cheaper than opening a theater! smile  That's what I really like about photography.


Oct 27 06 07:11 pm Link


Ought To Be Shot

Posts: 1887

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

It's the attention!  That's all it is.  Anyone who tells ya different is fibbing!

Oct 27 06 07:14 pm Link


The German Woman

Posts: 1346

Berlin, Georgia, US

I like to look at beautiful things.....
even more I like creating the beautiful things I look at myself.

Oct 27 06 07:18 pm Link


Caroline Ann Martin

Posts: 1761

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

The ability to connect with my subject be it nature, a person, an animal or myself...  When I'm modeling, what I enjoy most is being able to express myself.  Also, having lost so much weight, it has helped my "head catch up to my body".
smile  Caroline
-225 lbs

Oct 27 06 08:21 pm Link


Robert Ector

Posts: 386

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I love the final product. For me to be able to turn something into art, is like a high to me.

Oct 27 06 10:11 pm Link


miss z

Posts: 977

San Francisco, California, US

I just enjoy the eye candy in its many forms..feeds my visual soul.

Oct 27 06 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 2853

I like art!

Oct 28 06 02:00 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

The experience. So many stories to tell.

Oct 28 06 02:19 am Link


Maynard Southern

Posts: 921

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Pawning my cameras to buy cigarettes and booze.

Oct 28 06 06:51 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Mos Photography wrote:
I love the final product. For me to be able to turn something into art, is like a high to me.

Yeah... what he said.

Oct 28 06 06:54 am Link



Posts: 468

Dumont d'Urville - permanent station of France, Sector claimed by France, Antarctica

In looking at my prints over the past decades, I've decided my photography marks the trail of my search for Truth and Beauty. If I see either, I take a picture of it.

Oct 28 06 07:08 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

The pay check?

Oct 28 06 07:19 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Maynard Southern wrote:
Pawning my cameras to buy cigarettes and booze.

ROTFLMAO, dude your out of here,

Oct 28 06 07:20 am Link



Posts: 523

Sunbury, Pennsylvania, US

All the pretty girlies, and traveling to new places.

Oct 28 06 07:27 am Link


Telephoto Studio

Posts: 1439

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Cecil Sharps wrote:
The smell of fixer in the morning,

Yes - I know what you mean.  When I go around to some of my favorite camera stores, it's more like going to Radio Shack or Best Buys than the camera stores of old.  No paper in a bright yellow box, film cameras and enlargers selling for pennies on the dollar, and everyone thinks that doing stuff in Photoshop makes up for poor composition, lighting and posing.

My apolgies to John Milius and Francis Ford Coppola:

You smell that?  Do you smell that?  Fixer, son!  Nothing else in the world smells like that.

I love the smell of fixer in the morning.  You know when you do an all-nighter in the darkroom.  For twelve hours, and when it is all over, you walk outside.  There's no one else there, nobody!  The smell, you know, that fixer smell!  The whole place  - it smelled

Someday film's gonna be gone.

Sad but true!

Oct 28 06 10:44 am Link


Kollisions Studio

Posts: 1897

Los Angeles, California, US

the art aspect- creating something unique.

Oct 28 06 10:49 am Link


Sean Abel Photography

Posts: 318

Newburgh, New York, US

expressing myself through my camera

Oct 28 06 10:50 am Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

I just like throwing away all my free time and money. Almost as much fun as going to Vegas. It's also very addictive and habit forming. I would give it up if I could, but then I would shrivel up and die from (creative) starvation.

Oct 28 06 10:52 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

Oct 28 06 01:44 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

I hate family photo albums. 

Not all, but as a rule I'm not fond of them.  Too many "say cheese" kind of photos.  You could tell that "Oh, yeah, that's from little Billy's eighth birthday party" but do the photos accurately capture what happened during the day? 

When I decided to pick up photography, it was because I had decided that I didn't want to remember life through "Say cheese!!" pictures.  I wanted to turn my visual perspective into something real.  Showing what I "see" when I my eyes are open.  What gets my attention when I walk into a setting... what I remember when I walk away... 

I'm not always successful with that, but I'm getting better.  I'd like my work to eventually represent the way I view life.  What I saw in life.

Or something to that effect.  I'm not certain that I can effectively convey the reason...

Oct 28 06 02:04 pm Link


KD Lett

Posts: 5

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Cecil Sharps wrote:
The smell of fixer in the morning,

Come on, Stop Bath is way better.

Oct 28 06 02:07 pm Link


KD Lett

Posts: 5

Charleston, West Virginia, US

Maynard Southern wrote:
Pawning my cameras to buy cigarettes and booze.

Just had to say what a kick I got out of this one.

Oct 28 06 02:09 pm Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

the hunt smile

Oct 28 06 02:16 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

The b(.)(.)bies are... like... more "real" than in a drawing.


Oct 28 06 04:00 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Huge black and white prints, framed on the walls, protected in folios, mailed to buyers and models.

There is nothing like a beautiful print to show the potential of this craft.

I also like getting boxes of magazines with my stuff featured in them.  And I also like hanging with naked chicks. 


Oct 28 06 04:24 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

The look on a gal's face when she sees herself for the first time as a beautiful piece of art.

Oct 28 06 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 392

Mill Valley, California, US

Just now finished slicing out about 2 dozen 11X14 and 9X12 fim and digital on the rotary trimmer.

Film: I thought they would look good when I saw the proofs. Digital: I thought they would look good when I saw them on the dinky little screen. Now they are physical (never going away)THINGS, dang they look good. Not just good, they may be the images this individual will think of when they think of themself. I said out loud even, "I love being a photographer".

Sorry, back to our regularly scheduled Mayhem. Mostly it's just work, but wow it is nice when everything is right.

Oct 28 06 04:47 pm Link


Wolf 189

Posts: 4834

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

One of few things that gives me a reasn to live.

Oct 28 06 04:52 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I just can't help it.

Oct 28 06 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 415

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

it's an addiction... plain and simple... like gambling... or smoking and drinking... none of which i do... so for me it's photography...
at the moment it's fashion... and beautiful models... but in the past it's been still lifes, landscapes, cityscapes, nature, conceptual, macros etc. ... but no bugs or birds or animals... and flowers only once...
one other thing... for 10 years i did go cold turkey... but 5 years ago i fell off the wagon, unable to resist the lure of digital...
so i'm addicted again...

Oct 28 06 05:08 pm Link