Forums > General Industry > What makes it art?


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

...the fact that you call it that as the creator of the image or when it's deemed as such by someone else? 

Who judges, really?  You?  Someone else?  Need the judge have some sort of artistic qualification?  Must the judge be an artist to deem something art?

What's the determining factor in the decision?  The look?  The intent?  The method?  Your post count?  The fact that it's nude and/or B&W? 

Alternatively, what makes one an artist?  Self-proclimation?  Choosing to shoot in B&W?  Your creative methods?  Your style?  Must you have a style?


Oct 26 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

After much research and online debate.. I've come to the following conclusion:

Don't know.

Don't care.

Oct 26 06 08:29 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

W.G., I believe that is the answer to the question 'what is the difference between ignorance and apathy'. that being said, it is art if I think it is. So if you have any questions, just ask me.

Oct 26 06 08:31 pm Link


Mr and Mrs Huber

Posts: 5056

Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur, Mexico

art is the marriage of a particular kind of ATTENTION to a vehicle of transference of that particular kind of attention...

That attention includes things like the miriad workings of a craft (both photographers, as well as poest, mimes etc.. have CRAFT skills which should be developed...  BUT art is NOT the craft...  it's what DRIVES the craft...) 

For better ansers to this question, please  google the rest of your life.

The Artist Formaly known as Noah

Oct 26 06 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I don't mind the debates.. In fact I enjoy the debates.. But I'm tired of caring enough to let it get in the way of me learning.. The semantics of what we're doing only matter if I'm trying to convince you I'm doing something special..  I'm trying to convince myself and all this blather gets in the way.

You all have fun..  I've got pictures to work on..

Oct 26 06 08:39 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

I could list some of the qualities that get most people (gallery owners and the like) to consider a photographer's work "art" but I'm going to sound insulting.

(If there is any market more seriously closed-minded and set in its ways  and extremely snobbish about the look or style of anything else than the fashion market, it's definitely the fine art market.)

Oct 26 06 08:42 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Before this takes a wrong turn in Albuquerque, I want make this clear:

I DO NOT ask these questions because I don't already have my own answers.

Rather, I'm interested in knowing what you think.

Or not.  Gags and one liners are to be expected (and are always appreciated)...

Oct 26 06 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 13

DeKalb, Illinois, US

this is a question that i really wish would be done away with.......i mean, i know why you're asking.......lots of people do......but i just don't think its a valid distinction - art/not-art.......its all art if somebody is willing to say it..........its slightly more useful to ask if its good art or bad art.....and while i wish more people were willing to make a stand on that, its still a problematic way to look at things............what i generally try to do is ask myself if its art that's worth my time or might be crap, but i could still learn something from it...i could still love it.........or it could be work that's a product of incredible skill, but i find that it bores me to death

and if anybody asks this "what makes it art" question as a kind of shorthand for "will my work be taken seriously"......don't worry......we operate in a "pluralistic" art world.......if you make it, there's an audience for it.....just a matter of finding the people that want to see your work

Oct 26 06 08:47 pm Link


Mr and Mrs Huber

Posts: 5056

Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
I could list some of the qualities that get most people (gallery owners and the like) to consider a photographer's work "art" but I'm going to sound insulting.

(If there is any market more seriously closed-minded and set in its ways  and extremely snobbish about the look or style of anything else than the fashion market, it's definitely the fine art market.)

Marco - there are always OTHER galleries...

I went to a discussion recently (held by the SPE {society of photoraphy educators})
where they stated the # of galleries around the world serving up photography is in the several THOUSAND .. . . I'm sure there is room for almost every kind of photography among the venues...   now.. if you begin to speak exclusively about XYZ galleries in NY, Paris, London, L.A. .  . . . then.. true, the market is MUCH more restricted...

But it's not JUST that these people in the galleries have very narrow definitions... there are legitimate concerns to be held about whether the "artist" understands what it is they are doing (much like you'd hope that a Dr. understands current medicine in order to practice, they wish that the artist understand current ART in order to SELL). . .

Yada yada... 

All I'm saying is - It's NEVER a one sided story..

Oct 26 06 08:49 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
I don't mind the debates.. In fact I enjoy the debates.. But I'm tired of caring enough to let it get in the way of me learning.. The semantics of what we're doing only matter if I'm trying to convince you I'm doing something special..  I'm trying to convince myself and all this blather gets in the way.

You all have fun..  I've got pictures to work on..


Oct 26 06 08:49 pm Link


Perc Powell Studios

Posts: 736

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US


I have no idea who said it. So I thought I'd put it in quotations anyway...


Oct 26 06 08:50 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

I'll go with Krista's answer.  It's art if she says it is.  Or at least I'll go look again to see if I can find what she's seeing that I missed.

There are a few others here who can get my attention that way as well. 

And I'll concede that something's probably art if the New York Times says it is.  Or if any of a dozen galleries or museums show it.  Or if it's featured as art in any of three photo magazines or a half dozen art magazines. 


Oct 26 06 09:25 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

Art is an expression of a thought , action , idea  or feeling ...

There doesnt need to be an ability , or talent involved ...

If you can convey a message through a medium , you are an artist ...

If other people understand your message , youre a good artist ....

this is my deffinition ...

Oct 26 06 09:32 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US


Oct 26 06 09:34 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

sorry double post ...

Oct 26 06 09:34 pm Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

What makes it art? Easy. It is deemed so by the creator who is an artist? WHat makes an artist? Easy. It is a person who creates with the intention of creating art? Art, in this context, is a visual work that attempts to present a question, comment, or point of view in the form of an image.

Now...what makes GOOD art? What makes WORTHY art? What makes MEANINGFUL art?

Things get tricky and sticky pretty quickly.

Oct 27 06 12:24 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

- if somebody else other than the creator likes it, its art.
- if everybody likes it its art.
- if nobody likes it but shows a reaction to it its art.
- if noone sees it its art.
- if its black and white its art.
- if its a little unusual its art.
- pure white aka blank canvas is art.
- people you see everyday is art.

thats why its so much fun.

Oct 27 06 12:34 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

We've been over this a few times and have never found an answer we could agree on.

To me, it's like pornography, I can't tell you what it is, but I know it when I see it.

Then again, you might not agree with me.

Oct 27 06 01:15 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Art is determined either by the intent of the creator, or the perception of the viewer.

The value of art is placed on its ability to move someone, to illicit some deep emotive response.

Artists are rarely self defined, very few people will claim to be an artist unless they have been told by people who have viewed their work that they are artists.

Oct 27 06 07:41 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

*bump* for unrelated reasons.

Oct 27 06 09:28 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
...the fact that you call it that as the creator of the image or when it's deemed as such by someone else? 

Who judges, really?  You?  Someone else?  Need the judge have some sort of artistic qualification?  Must the judge be an artist to deem something art?

What's the determining factor in the decision?  The look?  The intent?  The method?  Your post count?  The fact that it's nude and/or B&W? 

Alternatively, what makes one an artist?  Self-proclimation?  Choosing to shoot in B&W?  Your creative methods?  Your style?  Must you have a style?


I think it's like what's been said about porn, "You know it when you see it."   And just like porn, it's subject to interpretation.

Something to ponder, is that not every society had a word for "art."   Our meaning of it is inextricably tied into our values, thoughts, economy and the societal makeup of our current culture.

To really consider what "art" is, I suggest that it not be examined simply from the little dot of time and space we call USA, 2006.

Oct 27 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 10302

Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US

"...taste is the enemy of art."

Stop judging, start enjoying.
Live, Love, Laugh and be Happy.

Oct 27 06 12:43 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

Yerkes Photography wrote:
Art is an expression of a thought , action , idea  or feeling ...

There doesnt need to be an ability , or talent involved ...

If you can convey a message through a medium , you are an artist ...

If other people understand your message , youre a good artist ....

this is my deffinition ...

Even if it is an elephant holding a paintbrush?

Oct 27 06 01:27 pm Link


Yerkes Photography

Posts: 459

Kingston, New York, US

Doug Sampson wrote:

Even if it is an elephant holding a paintbrush?

if the elephant is capable of conveying a message ... yes

if you understand the maessage , its good art ...

Oct 27 06 02:47 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

passion is what makes an image art, if it implores or evokes passion it is a work of art and to the degree of passion is followed by the degree of quality of art, thus a masterpiece should make you tremble

Oct 27 06 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Webspinner wrote:
W.G., I believe that is the answer to the question 'what is the difference between ignorance and apathy'. that being said, it is art if I think it is. So if you have any questions, just ask me.

You know, after reading through all the answers and thinking about it [at least for the time it took the kettle to boil] I have to say that I don't care anymore either.  My personal take is that "art" is one of those words like "friendship," "pornography," "morality,"  or "family"  -- words that have been so thoroughly irradiated with postmodern media cynicism that they no longer hold any meaning at all...So they can mean whatever you want.

Oct 27 06 06:33 pm Link