Forums > General Industry > I got recognized today!



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Okay, that was a first, and I officially feel like a freakin' rock star.  I was at an event put on by the National Organization for Women today and it was all peppy and size positive and stuff, and as I'm moseying around checking out cool booths of services and products, and talking to interesting people, this (hot Maxim type) woman comes up to me and says, "Hey...aren't you Shyly?  I LOVE what you do!"

Hot damn.

Has that ever happened to you?  Share your rock star stories, they're fun!

Oct 23 06 01:03 am Link


Sockpuppet Studios

Posts: 7862

San Francisco, California, US

well the only reason I didn't recongize you is because you were wearing clothes when I met you in person...

*hugs to The Shyly*

That is great!!!!!

Oct 23 06 01:06 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Experimental Photoworks wrote:
well the only reason I didn't recongize you is because you were wearing clothes when I met you in person...

LOL!  Nothing will ever beat your squeal of, "You're THE Shyly!?" 


Oct 23 06 01:08 am Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

I was at a group shoot once and a very well off photographer here in Toledo, Eirc Eggly came to meet me!!! I was so flattered!!! He came because he liked my work!! I still gloat about that!! He is what I aspire to be!!!

That is the best feeling aint it!!! I hope I get to run into you one day and be like OH MY GOD IT'S YOU FINALLY!!! You know how much i heart your work both modeling and photography!! YAYAYAYA!!!!

Oct 23 06 01:09 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Shyly wrote:
this (hot Maxim type) woman comes up to me and says, "Hey...aren't you Shyly?  I LOVE what you do!"

That is sooo cool!


I have many "rock star" stories to share, but those are not important!

It's YOUR appreciation thread!

Wishing you many... many more of those!

Oct 23 06 01:12 am Link


Gerrit du Toit

Posts: 732

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Shyly, that is just so cool. The closest I have ever come is my wife saying," I know you think you are a Photographer, but somebody has to mow this Lawn."

Oct 23 06 01:15 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Yes, that is cool!  While growing up, I seriously wanted to be a rock star!   But all through school, I was always in the choir never to solo, always the walk on in plays but never the lead.  Someone suggested I take pictures and that's how I ended up here. 

A "feel good!" thing happened to me years into my career as a photographer when I was shooting at an event honoring the late author John Steinbeck. His son was speaking at this engagement and there were some musicians I know who were playing. I was running around getting pictures when I bumped into my old photography teacher from junior college.  He was proud of me and also honored that one of his students was actually using skills from class!  wink

Shyly, Thank you for your concern and kind comments! Love you!

Oct 23 06 01:16 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Shyly wrote:
Okay, that was a first, and I officially feel like a freakin' rock star.  I was at an event put on by the National Organization for Women today and it was all peppy and size positive and stuff, and as I'm moseying around checking out cool booths of services and products, and talking to interesting people, this (hot Maxim type) woman comes up to me and says, "Hey...aren't you Shyly?  I LOVE what you do!"

Hot damn.

Has that ever happened to you?  Share your rock star stories, they're fun!

Congratulations on reaching rockstar status!!  That's so awesome.

Nothing like that has ever happened to me.  Well, today I was working as a street vendor [that's what I do when I'm not modeling] and this guy looked at me and said "You're Wynd."  I agreed.  And it was Collin J. Rae.  He's not a fan and I'm not a rockstar, but it was neat that he recognized me.  smile.

Oct 23 06 01:18 am Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Maybe you don't realize it, but... You are THE Shyly.

You shoulda said, "That'll be THE Miss Shyly to you!"

Shyly wrote:
LOL!  Nothing will ever beat your squeal of, "You're THE Shyly!?" 

Oct 23 06 01:24 am Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

Gerrit du Toit wrote:
Shyly, that is just so cool. The closest I have ever come is my wife saying," I know you think you are a Photographer, but somebody has to mow this Lawn."

My wife is the same, but says,  "translate it into $$$$."

Congrats Shyly!!!

I hope it happens to me someday.

Oct 23 06 01:28 am Link


Sara Danielle

Posts: 1437

I LOVE IT!!!! That just happend to me this Friday at a club of all places!!! Keek tha Sneek a rapper from the Bay area came up and said " R U Sara Danielle???" I was shocked! A couple of photogs from MM were there as well that I have never met b4 They said the same and gave me their cards. It was cool. Its nice to be recognized and remembered ;*)

Shyly~ I cant even believe this was the first time someone recognized you!!! You are simply amazing!!!!! ;*)

Oct 23 06 01:30 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

The only time I've been recognized is when I was pulled over by a cop and thankfully my appearance matched by DMV photo....

congrats Shyly!

Oct 23 06 02:07 am Link



Posts: 95

Denver, Colorado, US

You cool lil chica....its all downhill from here of course lol

I dont get recognised at all of course, the wife does though.

Oct 23 06 02:26 am Link


Danica Lee

Posts: 881

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I get recognised at local events but more often than not I get a PM from someone on a forum saying "I saw you but I was too scared to say hello". *pffts* How I project an air of 'scary' I dont know wink

Congrats Shyly!

Oct 23 06 02:36 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

I was eating dinner with the parents and I got recognized. That was . . . different.

Oct 23 06 04:49 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Shyly wrote:
Shyly?  I LOVE what you do!"

Hot damn.

Has that ever happened to you?

To my detriment, no one has ever confused me with you.

Oct 23 06 05:04 am Link


far away

Posts: 4326

Jackson, Alabama, US

Awww... Congrats to you! That's awesome!

And quite the feeling, I know. You'll get it more and more.

It happens to me a lot. In the Detroit area, that is. Anywhere outside of this area nobody would know who the hell I am. Lol... I have people coming up to me every time I go out saying, "Jodie...Jodie Rossi. You're Rossi Photography!". It's pretty cool. Was weird when I first starting getting it.

Anyway... That's awesome, Shyly! You'll see it happening more and more! smile

Oct 23 06 07:02 am Link


ang m

Posts: 511

Chicago, Illinois, US

smile  CONGRATS  Shyly!!     You Rock!!

I've never been recognized - well maybe once when I was three.



Oct 23 06 07:06 am Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Way cool for you! smile Just wait till they spot you as a mod then you get to listen to evey gripe they can muster. yikes

Oct 23 06 07:12 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

that's very cool shyly....

I have seen my work recognized out of a room of other photographers..... they've said "hey look... they have stuff up by ravens laughter" but no one has ever come up to me and said.... aren't you that ravens laughter guy.... More times than not people are taken aback when they meet me... a shy, nice, normal looking young man.... as if they were expecting some monstrosity.

Oct 23 06 08:01 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Very cool Shyly:-)  My only story was when I was having a picture made with a hotrod at the drive in and these people came up and asked me if I was "That girl from 99X"...I had been on the radio morning show 6 months earlier and they remembered me as that pinup girl...haha.

Oct 23 06 08:06 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Shyly, good morning!  big_smile  What a fantastic thing to read today - GO girl!

Oct 23 06 08:09 am Link


Art Of Imaging

Posts: 13136

Brooklyn, New York, US

I could be out at night working or just chilling in the clubs or Bar and I would get OMG you are the Bennies of MM!!! I love your work and would love to work with you, now I don't get this anymore cause I have already worked with all the best models in my area, but I stll get hey your Benny from Myspace.

Oct 23 06 08:20 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

How could anyone NOT recognize THE SHYLY? That this was the first time this happened to you is just not right! We need to fix this. You're a rockstar model and we need to make sure that people know you. Cause you're kind of a big deal around here.....

I don't get recognized from MM or because of the modeling work I do. I get recognized from Myspace, of all places. And it's mostly because I take pictures as well as having pictures taken of me.

Oct 23 06 08:33 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Now you have a big head and you want a personal assistant ! Geez!

Oct 23 06 09:37 am Link


Gary Blanchette

Posts: 5137

Irvine, California, US

I was shooting models at an expo recently, when all of a sudden this woman came up behing me, tapped on my shoulder, and said, "Aren't you...........?" I turned around to discover it was just my wife screwing with me.


Oct 23 06 09:45 am Link


Saryn Angel

Posts: 464

Los Angeles, California, US

Congrats!  It's always great when you get recognized.

It's happened a few times when I've been introduced to people...

Friday I went to a dinner party with a friend and was talking to someone. After a while, he asked "Are you Saryn Angel? I've seen your work..." 

smile  Being a photographer, I'm very rarely recognized by sight, but often by name.


Oct 23 06 10:30 am Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Lol...that's so cool! I had something ALMOST like that happen once...on a smaller scale though tongue I was in a pageant a while ago (I'm so not a pageant girl, but the opportunity was there, so I decided to see what it was like), and after the pageant was over, I went over to the local diner, and apparently a lot of people had the same idea because I had about 5 people come over and tell me that I had a lovely voice smile I even had a librarian at my school about a week later say the same thing. It was fun big_smile

Oct 23 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 12979

Winchester, Virginia, US

Eh.... no one ever recognizes me.

Where do I sign up for the Shyly fan club?

Oct 23 06 10:39 am Link


Manda Mercure

Posts: 506

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

nothing cool like that, but once i was in the record store across the street from my old apartment, and this guy came up to me and was like 'are you metal mandy? i've heard about you.' he was a strange little fellow and i ended up renting out a room to him until he got put away in a mental institution.

Oct 23 06 10:49 am Link



Posts: 49

Blue Mountain, Alabama, US

Congrats, Shyly. That is wonderful and you so deserve rock star recognition.

Oct 23 06 10:51 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Shyly wrote:
I got recognized today!

Me too, but it was LAPD.

They said sumth'n 'bout a warrent (guess the band from the 80's)  and I said no thanks and just kept on runn'n.

Cops look so funny when their trying to run with dounuts and coffee big_smile

Congrats on you first step to stardome!

Oct 23 06 11:02 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Dee wrote:
I was at a group shoot once and a very well off photographer here in Toledo, Eirc Eggly came to meet me!!! I was so flattered!!! He came because he liked my work!! I still gloat about that!! He is what I aspire to be!!!

That's so cool, Dee!  What an amazing feeling to be known by someone you totally admire.  Rock on, you're awesome.  smile

Dee wrote:
That is the best feeling aint it!!! I hope I get to run into you one day and be like OH MY GOD IT'S YOU FINALLY!!! You know how much i heart your work both modeling and photography!! YAYAYAYA!!!!

LOL!  I heart you and your work too, lady!

UdoR wrote:
That is sooo cool!


I have many "rock star" stories to share, but those are not important!

It's YOUR appreciation thread!

Wishing you many... many more of those!

Thank you, Udo!  smile

Now don't be a tease - share your rock star (OMG I typed "cock star" LMAO) stories with us, it isn't ALL about me. 

Gerrit du Toit wrote:
Shyly, that is just so cool. The closest I have ever come is my wife saying," I know you think you are a Photographer, but somebody has to mow this Lawn."

Hehehehehe.  It's good to be needed.  wink

Patrick Walberg wrote:
A "feel good!" thing happened to me years into my career as a photographer when I was shooting at an event honoring the late author John Steinbeck. His son was speaking at this engagement and there were some musicians I know who were playing. I was running around getting pictures when I bumped into my old photography teacher from junior college.  He was proud of me and also honored that one of his students was actually using skills from class!  wink

That IS a total feel good moment, Patrick!  It's so nice to get to show someone from "then" how awesomely you're doing "now."

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
Congratulations on reaching rockstar status!!  That's so awesome.

Nothing like that has ever happened to me.  Well, today I was working as a street vendor [that's what I do when I'm not modeling] and this guy looked at me and said "You're Wynd."  I agreed.  And it was Collin J. Rae.  He's not a fan and I'm not a rockstar, but it was neat that he recognized me.  smile.

Hey, that's totally cool, right on!  Isn't he the biggest cutie? 

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
Maybe you don't realize it, but... You are THE Shyly.

You shoulda said, "That'll be THE Miss Shyly to you!"

LOL!  Snap!

McKenzie Bros Photo wrote:
My wife is the same, but says,  "translate it into $$$$."


McKenzie Bros Photo wrote:
Congrats Shyly!!!

I hope it happens to me someday.

Thank you muchly!  It's super cool.  I hope it happens to you too.  Everyone should get a rock star moment like that.  smile

Sara Danielle wrote:
I LOVE IT!!!! That just happend to me this Friday at a club of all places!!! Keek tha Sneek a rapper from the Bay area came up and said " R U Sara Danielle???" I was shocked! A couple of photogs from MM were there as well that I have never met b4 They said the same and gave me their cards. It was cool. Its nice to be recognized and remembered ;*)

You are so awesome, I predict that happening with increasing frequency.  (Have you people seen her portfolio?  Heavens.)

Sara Danielle wrote:
Shyly~ I cant even believe this was the first time someone recognized you!!! You are simply amazing!!!!! ;*)

And thank you!  You're such a muffin. 

KM von Seidl wrote:
The only time I've been recognized is when I was pulled over by a cop and thankfully my appearance matched by DMV photo....

congrats Shyly!

Hehehe...  That's a good time to be recognizable, Kim!  wink  Thank you bunches.  smile

CO_Charlie wrote:
You cool lil chica....its all downhill from here of course lol

I dont get recognised at all of course, the wife does though.

LOL!  I know.  That was totally my fifteen minutes.  I did the same thing when I saw your portfolio:  "Wait a minute.  He's married to THE Carrie!?"

Nytevision wrote:
I get recognised at local events but more often than not I get a PM from someone on a forum saying "I saw you but I was too scared to say hello". *pffts* How I project an air of 'scary' I dont know wink

Congrats Shyly!

No way, you're all cute and stuff, does that really happen? 

BlindMike wrote:
I was eating dinner with the parents and I got recognized. That was . . . different.

How do your parents feel about your photography?  Sounds like that moment could go either way, depending.

megafunk wrote:
To my detriment, no one has ever confused me with you.

We'll have to work on that, Mr. Funk, Sir.

Rossi Photography wrote:
Awww... Congrats to you! That's awesome!

And quite the feeling, I know. You'll get it more and more.

It happens to me a lot. In the Detroit area, that is. Anywhere outside of this area nobody would know who the hell I am. Lol... I have people coming up to me every time I go out saying, "Jodie...Jodie Rossi. You're Rossi Photography!". It's pretty cool. Was weird when I first starting getting it.

Anyway... That's awesome, Shyly! You'll see it happening more and more! smile

You mean they don't say, "Aren't you the owner of that awesome pair of big fake devil boobies!?"  They're missing out on all the action, man.

ang m wrote:
smile  CONGRATS  Shyly!!     You Rock!!

I've never been recognized - well maybe once when I was three.

LOL!  Thanks, doll!

Dan Hood  MM  Moderator wrote:
Way cool for you! smile Just wait till they spot you as a mod then you get to listen to evey gripe they can muster. yikes

Oh crap, no one warned me about that.  Aaahhhh....

Well this woman isn't an MM member, so I was safe.  Now I'm going to start wearing a flak jacket everywhere I go in case I accidentally run into a disgruntled MM member.  Eep.

ravens laughter wrote:
that's very cool shyly....

I have seen my work recognized out of a room of other photographers..... they've said "hey look... they have stuff up by ravens laughter" but no one has ever come up to me and said.... aren't you that ravens laughter guy.... More times than not people are taken aback when they meet me... a shy, nice, normal looking young man.... as if they were expecting some monstrosity.

Hehehe.  Yeah, you don't look nearly weird enough.  You're all cute and nice and clean and stuff.  You're really going to have to work on your image.  wink

Susi wrote:
Very cool Shyly:-)  My only story was when I was having a picture made with a hotrod at the drive in and these people came up and asked me if I was "That girl from 99X"...I had been on the radio morning show 6 months earlier and they remembered me as that pinup girl...haha.

That's totally cool!  Must have been a memorable interview.  wink

KathyJean wrote:
Shyly, good morning!  big_smile  What a fantastic thing to read today - GO girl!

Aw, you're so nice, thank you Kathy!  smile

Benny-H wrote:
I could be out at night working or just chilling in the clubs or Bar and I would get OMG you are the Bennies of MM!!! I love your work and would love to work with you, now I don't get this anymore cause I have already worked with all the best models in my area, but I stll get hey your Benny from Myspace.

The Bennies....LOL....I love that.  You could be your own boy band.

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
How could anyone NOT recognize THE SHYLY? That this was the first time this happened to you is just not right! We need to fix this. You're a rockstar model and we need to make sure that people know you. Cause you're kind of a big deal around here.....

That's it, I'm getting a t-shirt made that just says "THE SHYLY" and let people figure that out as I walk by.  Ha! 

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
I don't get recognized from MM or because of the modeling work I do. I get recognized from Myspace, of all places. And it's mostly because I take pictures as well as having pictures taken of me.

I would totally recognize you if I saw you in the street.  I'd ask for your autograph and everything. 

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
Now you have a big head and you want a personal assistant ! Geez!

Does that mean you're volunteering?  Right on!  wink

GLB Graphics wrote:
I was shooting models at an expo recently, when all of a sudden this woman came up behing me, tapped on my shoulder, and said, "Aren't you...........?" I turned around to discover it was just my wife screwing with me.

LOL!  What a wench!

Saryn Angel wrote:
Congrats!  It's always great when you get recognized.

It's happened a few times when I've been introduced to people...

Friday I went to a dinner party with a friend and was talking to someone. After a while, he asked "Are you Saryn Angel? I've seen your work..." 

smile  Being a photographer, I'm very rarely recognized by sight, but often by name.


Okay, that's super cool.  Your work is memorable enough that he remembered your name, out of context and everything.  Congrats, that's awesome!!

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Lol...that's so cool! I had something ALMOST like that happen once...on a smaller scale though tongue I was in a pageant a while ago (I'm so not a pageant girl, but the opportunity was there, so I decided to see what it was like), and after the pageant was over, I went over to the local diner, and apparently a lot of people had the same idea because I had about 5 people come over and tell me that I had a lovely voice smile I even had a librarian at my school about a week later say the same thing. It was fun big_smile

You know, I saw a thumbnail of a photograph of just your body in a photographer's portfolio recently, and said, "Hey, that's Kaitlin."  You're so totally memorable.

CLT wrote:
Eh.... no one ever recognizes me.

Where do I sign up for the Shyly fan club?


Oct 23 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Mandy McKeating wrote:
nothing cool like that, but once i was in the record store across the street from my old apartment, and this guy came up to me and was like 'are you metal mandy? i've heard about you.' he was a strange little fellow and i ended up renting out a room to him until he got put away in a mental institution.

That sounds like an excellent beginning to your first novel!

Oct 23 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 7840


theres a reason wny so few of my images showed my face when i started here..

Oct 23 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

trina wrote:
Congrats, Shyly. That is wonderful and you so deserve rock star recognition.

You're so sweet!  Thank you Trina.  smile

C R Photography wrote:
Me too, but it was LAPD.

They said sumth'n 'bout a warrent (guess the band from the 80's)  and I said no thanks and just kept on runn'n.


Not to hijack my own thread or anything, but I was totally rockin' out to Warrant this morning.  "Sometimes She Cries" is maybe the best big hair ballad ever. 

C R Photography wrote:
Congrats on you first step to stardome!

Hey thanks!

Oct 23 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Anjel Britt wrote:
theres a reason wny so few of my images showed my face when i started here..

That's what's weird about it.  I'm like Clark Kent and Superman, Shyly is totally my secret identity.  Even though my face is in most of my photos, I don't actually look like that in person.  (I photograph well.)  People never recognize me, even the people who should, so it was shocking.

Oct 23 06 11:08 am Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

So proud to be able to say I knew you when...But I know another dinner's gonna involve wending through the assistants and managers and fending off the autograph seekers. Sigh. You wear your goddess label well (ain't nothing faux about it. ;-).

Oct 23 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 2442

Dayton, Alabama, US

Woohoo Shyly!!

Oct 23 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Renee Jacobs wrote:
So proud to be able to say I knew you when...But I know another dinner's gonna involve wending through the assistants and managers and fending off the autograph seekers. Sigh. You wear your goddess label well (ain't nothing faux about it. ;-).

LOL!  I'll deign to make an exception for you and schedule our next dinner all by myself.  wink

Oct 23 06 12:46 pm Link