Forums > General Industry > .......not Gothic enough to shoot with you...


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

i get the same thing all the time, thats why i put the disclaimer in my profile.

"I do not just shoot alternative models, If you would like to add some more edge to your fashion, glamour or commercial portfolio I am your guy. "

yet, i stil hear it once in a while cause people dont read profiles.


Oct 20 06 01:33 pm Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Great work btw, reminds me a bit of S.jenx and Hyde, as well as the aformentioned Jeffrey Scott

Oct 20 06 01:43 pm Link


Aanu Photography

Posts: 60

Carthago, Tunis, Tunisia

You know, when people do things like that to me I merely say, "You said it, not me". If I offer to work with someone or they want to work with me and I agree - the last thing I'm going to do is convince them further. I said yes and that should be all there is to it. If you don't think you're good enough for me then you apparently aren't. NEXT!

Oct 20 06 01:51 pm Link


DJ Drusilla KillSwitch

Posts: 28

Randolph, New Jersey, US

us goths aren't always dark!! we like out bright colors too!! Not too mention most of us can shoot pictures outside of the "goth" world. People need to egt the term "goth" right because until you know what it not use it!!

...just my opinion...and everyone knows they are like a**holes...everyone has one!

have a great day all!!

Oct 20 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Salzbrezel wrote:
us goths aren't always dark!! we like out bright colors too!! Not too mention most of us can shoot pictures outside of the "goth" world. People need to egt the term "goth" right because until you know what it not use it!!

Right on!!!

BTW-great look you have...wish you lived closer....

Oct 20 06 02:01 pm Link


DJ Drusilla KillSwitch

Posts: 28

Randolph, New Jersey, US


Right on!!!

BTW-great look you have...wish you lived closer....

oh thank you!!! its if your ever in the are look me up! smile

I too get labeled...i mean yes i am a goth...and i am proud of that i love my look!! but when people see the pics i have they automatically think...oh she can only do goth! NO!! Thats not true!! if you read my profile it says "i can do more than just goth shoots!!" people shouldn't ljudge the pics automatically to the model. photographer find out who they REALLY are b4 u judge!!

That is all...carry on!!

Oct 20 06 02:05 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Nihilus wrote:
To people not familiar with such genres, dark settings and a hint of dementia can come across as "goth". You can't control how your images will be perceived by others. Just be happy you've got waves of women here literally throwing themselves at you for potential collaboration. Life must be so hard. wink tongue

*throws herself at Nihilus* I love you smile

Oct 20 06 02:12 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Salzbrezel wrote:
oh thank you!!! its if your ever in the are look me up! smile

I too get labeled...i mean yes i am a goth...and i am proud of that i love my look!! but when people see the pics i have they automatically think...oh she can only do goth! NO!! Thats not true!! if you read my profile it says "i can do more than just goth shoots!!" people shouldn't ljudge the pics automatically to the model. photographer find out who they REALLY are b4 u judge!!

That is all...carry on!!'s not necessarily a matter of what you think you can's a matter of what others can see that you can do. I can say that I can do Maxim or FHM style glamour, but it's really a matter of what the photographer sees when they look at my work. I don't have the body type for that sort of work, and I don't display any of that kind of work in my portfolio, so photographers are likely to assume that I couldn't do it. Maybe I could...but they have no way of knowing that. Same with you...your hair, eyebrows, piercings, and tattoos kind of pigeonhole you...and you don't have anything but gothic looking shots in your portfolio. A photographer looking for a model for fashion is more likely to pass on you in favor of someone with a look that appears more suitable for fashion. It's not that they're judging's that you're putting yourself in a niche. Nothing wrong with it...but just as you have your style, other people have theirs, and this business is all about appearances.

Oct 20 06 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Salzbrezel wrote:
oh thank you!!! its if your ever in the are look me up! smile


You got me there.....if I ever do find myself there, I will certainly look you up...

I too get labeled...i mean yes i am a goth...and i am proud of that i love my look!! but when people see the pics i have they automatically think...oh she can only do goth! NO!! Thats not true!! if you read my profile it says "i can do more than just goth shoots!!" people shouldn't ljudge the pics automatically to the model. photographer find out who they REALLY are b4 u judge!!

That is all...carry on!!

Thats something that can get I've said, I've had many different types of models I've wanted to work with but they weren't interested because my stuff is too dark...hell, I've even had some people tell me they were afraid to talk to me because I'm scary looking.....

I guess when you're outside of the "mainstream", people will always look at you as a stereotype....I was in my favorite club a few weeks ago and had a conversation with a girl how is in school to be a sociologist and she began drilling me with all the same questions I've heard over and over...."Why do you people look/act this way?",  "What does this look repressent?", etc.....I'm sure you've heard it all before....

Oct 20 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 2281

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

ReticentDevil wrote:
personally, i find labels and stereotypes to be real time-savers


I was a diplomat. Did they call me Bill the peacemaker? No.
I was an engineer. Did they call me Bill the bridge builder? No.
But you suck one c**k...

Oct 20 06 02:26 pm Link


DJ Drusilla KillSwitch

Posts: 28

Randolph, New Jersey, US


Salzbrezel wrote:
oh thank you!!! its if your ever in the are look me up! smile


You got me there.....if I ever do find myself there, I will certainly look you up...

Thats something that can get I've said, I've had many different types of models I've wanted to work with but they weren't interested because my stuff is too dark...hell, I've even had some people tell me they were afraid to talk to me because I'm scary looking.....

I guess when you're outside of the "mainstream", people will always look at you as a stereotype....I was in my favorite club a few weeks ago and had a conversation with a girl how is in school to be a sociologist and she began drilling me with all the same questions I've heard over and over...."Why do you people look/act this way?",  "What does this look repressent?", etc.....I'm sure you've heard it all before....

INDEED!! I mean can't people dress the way they want with out people automatically thinking...nope "she is a goth she worships the devil" or "i can't shoot with her ...blah blah blah" everyone has heard it ....i agree though it is our fault in a sense for we put those pics up...but as i said before get to know the person b4 u judge them. Whatever happened to..."Don't judge a book by it's cover!?" i don't think there is anymore explaining that needs to be done!

Oct 20 06 02:28 pm Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I guess when you're outside of the "mainstream", people will always look at you as a stereotype....I was in my favorite club a few weeks ago and had a conversation with a girl how is in school to be a sociologist and she began drilling me with all the same questions I've heard over and over...."Why do you people look/act this way?",  "What does this look repressent?", etc.....I'm sure you've heard it all before....

Just be like "marilyn manson was in vogue magazine... were you?... didnt think so"

Oct 20 06 02:29 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Jeff wrote:
Just be like "marilyn manson was in vogue magazine... were you?... didnt think so"


Damn, I wish I had thought of that.....

Funny thing is, she was hitting on me at the same time.....I think the questions she was asking were more directed at herself....she struck me as someone who is repressed, wants to break loose but didn't have the nerve....

Oct 20 06 02:34 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Salzbrezel wrote:
INDEED!! I mean can't people dress the way they want with out people automatically thinking...nope "she is a goth she worships the devil" or "i can't shoot with her ...blah blah blah" everyone has heard it ....i agree though it is our fault in a sense for we put those pics up...but as i said before get to know the person b4 u judge them. Whatever happened to..."Don't judge a book by it's cover!?" i don't think there is anymore explaining that needs to be done!

Lol...ok...I'm sorry...but I feel the need to point out...this is the modeling's visual art. I fully agree that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover...but that's not what's going on here. If someone's looking for a fashion model, they'll seek out a girl whose look is suited for fashion, just as an alternative photographer will seek out a girl whose look is alternative. If you have piercings, hair that is very much outside the mainstream, and drawn on eyebrows you're pigeonholing yourself. Perhaps you could do other styles of modeling, but all your photos are in the gothic vein, so a photographer has no way of knowing that. It's easy to say you can do a certain kind of modeling...but that doesn't necessarily make it true. A photographer has to go by what they see. If someone doesn't want to shoot with you based on your look...they're not judging a book by its cover...they're judging its cover by its cover.

Oct 20 06 02:37 pm Link


DJ Drusilla KillSwitch

Posts: 28

Randolph, New Jersey, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Lol...ok...I'm sorry...but I feel the need to point out...this is the modeling's visual art. I fully agree that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover...but that's not what's going on here. If someone's looking for a fashion model, they'll seek out a girl whose look is suited for fashion, just as an alternative photographer will seek out a girl whose look is alternative. If you have piercings, hair that is very much outside the mainstream, and drawn on eyebrows you're pigeonholing yourself. Perhaps you could do other styles of modeling, but all your photos are in the gothic vein, so a photographer has no way of knowing that. It's easy to say you can do a certain kind of modeling...but that doesn't necessarily make it true. A photographer has to go by what they see. If someone doesn't want to shoot with you based on your look...they're not judging a book by its cover...they're judging its cover by its cover.

You are awesome!! Just thought you should know!!! smile

Oct 20 06 02:43 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Salzbrezel wrote:

You are awesome!! Just thought you should know!!! smile

Lol...well...thank you smile I think you're quite awesome too...but just so you know, if you really want to work in other genres...get some other genres in your port tongue I want more colorful stuff, so I'm working on getting it myself. You gots to be proactive about this stuff.

Oct 20 06 02:50 pm Link


DJ Drusilla KillSwitch

Posts: 28

Randolph, New Jersey, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:

Lol...well...thank you smile I think you're quite awesome too...but just so you know, if you really want to work in other genres...get some other genres in your port tongue I want more colorful stuff, so I'm working on getting it myself. You gots to be proactive about this stuff.

Planning on it Thanks!!! Have a good day!!! smile woohoo for goth chics lol

Oct 20 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Kaitlin Lara wrote:
Lol...ok...I'm sorry...but I feel the need to point out...this is the modeling's visual art. I fully agree that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover...but that's not what's going on here. If someone's looking for a fashion model, they'll seek out a girl whose look is suited for fashion, just as an alternative photographer will seek out a girl whose look is alternative. If you have piercings, hair that is very much outside the mainstream, and drawn on eyebrows you're pigeonholing yourself. Perhaps you could do other styles of modeling, but all your photos are in the gothic vein, so a photographer has no way of knowing that. It's easy to say you can do a certain kind of modeling...but that doesn't necessarily make it true. A photographer has to go by what they see. If someone doesn't want to shoot with you based on your look...they're not judging a book by its cover...they're judging its cover by its cover.

I know what you're saying Kaitlin and to an extent, I agree....myself as a photographer, I'm only interested in making what I call "Cinematic Stills"...I take photos that I hope give the feeling of films, of I love working with many different types of models and non-models....when I look at someone's photos, I base my desire to work with them soley on if they have a look that I find interesting (not necessarily beautiful or handsome in the traditional sense)...however, I'm sure that someone in, say, the fashion field would certainly look at the same models and reject them because they didn't look more conventional...because I don't care for that sort of thing, I find most of that work boring but there you go....

I agree though that if someone is looking to do different types of modeling, they surely must have various looks in their portfolio....I have a feeling that Salzbrezel and i are having more of a cultural discussion about this anyway...

(And now that I've checked the thread before I posted this, i see that you two are in're both awesome....)

Oct 20 06 02:55 pm Link


Kaitlin Lara

Posts: 6467

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US


I know what you're saying Kaitlin and to an extent, I agree....myself as a photographer, I'm only interested in making what I call "Cinematic Stills"...I take photos that I hope give the feeling of films, of I love working with many different types of models and non-models....when I look at someone's photos, I base my desire to work with them soley on if they have a look that I find interesting (not necessarily beautiful or handsome in the traditional sense)...however, I'm sure that someone in, say, the fashion field would certainly look at the same models and reject them because they didn't look more conventional...because I don't care for that sort of thing, I find most of that work boring but there you go....

I agree though that if someone is looking to do different types of modeling, they surely must have various looks in their portfolio....I have a feeling that Salzbrezel and i are having more of a cultural discussion about this anyway...

(And now that I've checked the thread before I posted this, i see that you two are in're both awesome....)

Oh I know you guys were, but at first she was saying that just because you're goth doesn't mean that's all you can shoot. I was just pointing out that although I agree that you shouldn't judge a person by the way they look, you do have to judge them as a model based on the way they look. There are of course, other aspects...but you do have to take appearance into account.

Oct 20 06 03:17 pm Link


DJ Drusilla KillSwitch

Posts: 28

Randolph, New Jersey, US

(And now that I've checked the thread before I posted this, i see that you two are in're both awesome....)

Hellz Yea!!! smile Than You!! You are awesome as well!!!

Oct 20 06 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 72

Denver, Colorado, US

i love your port, and i would not say "goth" i would say "unique" its beautiful
what is with the huge hype to be "goth" i mean its retarded...

Oct 20 06 03:20 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Well the term Gothic has been continuously redefined, at first it was an arch. Term. Then it turned into an adjective that ment anything anti establishment, then it turned into having to do with a lifestyle devoted to a more realistic out look of life and death... Its current definition is sullied between post modern existentionslism and alternative lifestyle approaches. This there us a vast amount of confusion as to what goth is... Because essentially the term is going through a constant evolution.

My work tends to be more somber and reflective... I guess that those two things alone might make Gothic an acceptable descriptor for my work.

By the way goths or being Gothic is not stupid.. Generalizing a group is.

Oct 20 06 03:38 pm Link


DJ Drusilla KillSwitch

Posts: 28

Randolph, New Jersey, US

ravens laughter wrote:
By the way goths or being Gothic is not stupid.. Generalizing a group is.

Damn Straight! Thank you raven! smile

Oct 20 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 183

Pemberton, New Jersey, US


Oct 20 06 05:24 pm Link


Stormie Psy

Posts: 919

San Diego, California, US

I don't know if I would say your work is so much "gothic" as it is "very creative".

Oct 20 06 05:29 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

thanky you.... I don't think I mind being called gothic... I have a great friend who has referred to me as "one of the hottest gothic photographers"... hottest I am hoping means really really good looking.... But there is nothing wrong with gothic as a description.... just don't want that to be all that I am considered.

Oct 22 06 12:36 pm Link


Durham Sorrow

Posts: 156

Beecher, Illinois, US

I'll never be pretty enough to shoot with Ravens....*tear*

Oct 22 06 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Durham Sorrow wrote:
I'll never be pretty enough to shoot with Ravens....*tear*

the only reason we haven't shot is because you have no wings... and I have no legs....(poetic for you haven't flown here and I haven't gone there)

Oct 22 06 01:05 pm Link


CBs Photography

Posts: 1110

Ontario, California, US

While trying to setup a ‘business fashion’ shoot with a model, I was told that my stuff was on the ‘edgy’ side.  I try and keep a variety of shots in my port but I do worry that because of the number of nudes in my port some models will think that is my primary interest.  That is one reason why on my home page I have listed a couple of sites where I have other examples of my work.  Every photographer has their favorite type of shoot, but should be willing to shoot almost any type of shoot just as a model has their favorite type of shoot but should be willing to model for almost any type of shoot, otherwise you limit yourself.

Oct 22 06 01:09 pm Link