Forums > General Industry > Extrmely skinny models


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Erin-Lynn Lavallee wrote:
Why is it that alot of models think its hot to be like 100 pounds and 5'8?

like cause many are damn hot.
Come on follow along.

I also think many big women are hot.
Usually the one's who have brains and use them.

Oct 14 06 12:24 am Link


Rachel Dashae

Posts: 1239

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Not to sound demeaning.
Sounds like a streak of jealousy perhaps.

Oct 14 06 12:25 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My biggest peave is watching photographers and models beat the snot out of each other verbally all day long on this site about THINGS THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

There will always be creepy, perverted photographers.

There will always be flaky models.

Breast implants are here to stay.

Escorts are a fact of life. LIVE WITH IT.

Some shoot TFP, but it's not for everybody

Some models are thin, others have curves . Both types of models can find work. They just have to look for it.

Some are in this business to make money, others for pleasure. respect that

Some people like nudes, other people are offended by them. It is what it is.

   Beating your head against the wall about things that will never change only drives YOU slowly insane. Certain things are with us forever: death, taxes, seat belt laws, crooked politicians, people that roll through stop signs, etc.

  These things will not go away.

  Face it.

  You'll sleep better.

Oct 14 06 12:31 am Link


Cindi Khongwiset

Posts: 23

Polson, Montana, US

Living in Vegas, it is a playground for thick girls to model here.  When you are fashion skinny, natural or not, you are not in at all.  It is not so much about being thick as your overall shape and fitness.  I have seen numerous models at a size 10+ who have big bones and are gorgeous with real curves, and tons of wannabe models with three stomach rolls trying to call that rolly polly look curves.  I guess what I am trying to say is you can be thick and a super successful wanted model if you are fit and have more than one measurement for all parts of your body from chest to hips.

Oct 14 06 12:32 am Link


Adam Torgerson

Posts: 170

Salem, Oregon, US

She's complaining because she gets no work.  I am sure some really nice person would argue, but she is overweight, not just by model standards.  You don't have to be a rail, but jowls are no good either.  Waddles are just not mainstream (paying clients) hot, even in America.

I got someone the other day, a "high fashion" model who is 5'2" and 130 lbs.  So some guy at a bar told her she was hot to get in her pants, and now she is a "high fashion" model. 

It is the same thing as buying a DSLR and being a "photographer."  The good thing is, you can usually tell right away whether someone is even trying to be serious (I at least know enough to know I have a lot more to learn). 


Oct 14 06 12:36 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

sounds like a pretty pointless thread to me.  the question is geared towards a personal preference in people.  preferences which are all going to be different with no real answer.

Oct 14 06 12:43 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

No, Someday it will happen.
Logan's run will happen.
The fat and skinny, ugly, dumb, smelly, rude, talentless, and old, or too abrasive will be put to death.

We will all be as one.


Oct 14 06 12:43 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Thuy Anh wrote:
sounds like a pretty pointless thread to me.  the question is geared towards a personal preference in people.  preferences which are all going to be different with no real answer.

I like when you post.

Oct 14 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 5067

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Thuy Anh wrote:
sounds like a pretty pointless thread to me.  the question is geared towards a personal preference in people.  preferences which are all going to be different with no real answer.

That's what I got from the beginning. Then she turned it into a modeling question.

Oct 14 06 12:45 am Link


miss z

Posts: 977

San Francisco, California, US

Ashley_Haven wrote:
Many models don't think its "hot"... that's just the way their body was made, and how their metabolism works. I've been 5'9" and 115lbs since i was 16, and no matter what i eat or how i work out, I stay the same.

I'm comfortable with myself. Period. It's not about thinking it's hot.

Ahh, but you are only 20.  In 10 years you will be my age.  Hopefully you have maintained your measurements and weight (even if you get kids and all). Eh?


Oct 14 06 12:47 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

That is not even half of the point of the pathetic thread.
The Shyly is overweight, Shyly is a fat activist, Shyly gets work, Shyly is a muse, Shyly has beautiful thin model groupies who will do anything she askes.
Shyly has spent a lot of time marketing her self,
Shyly has knocked on the doors of many of the best photgraphers in the US.
Shyly knows her market for figure and art modeling.

OP was on MM months ago with the same song and dance.
OP has no viable market.

Fashion, too old, too short, too fat, scars, piercings.
Comercial, too fat, scars, piercings.
Glamour, scars, piercings, too fat, no nudes.
Art/figure, no nudes.

Sorry to sound like a big old meanie but I have come across more than one model asking for help and when they are given very good advice they don't follow, they show up months later with no changes and no more advansment and still crying about why people won't hire them.

Oct 14 06 12:49 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I think skinny can work...

I think voluptuous can work...

I think fat can work...

but only some of the time. Most of the time, for most girls, you just won't work as a model.

Oct 14 06 12:51 am Link



Posts: 46

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm also a bigger girl.

I think it's completely unfair to say "eww" about skinny models.
How would you feel if one of those skinny models said "eww" about you?

It's completely ridiculous that we can call people "too skinny", but not "too fat".
Although some girls have eating disorders, many of them are skinny because of genes, and can't help it.
The way your post was phrased, it seems as though you are jealous, more than curious.

Although I'm very new to modeling, this is my perception of it. You shouldn't get into modeling hoping that it will raise your self esteem. You're going to need quite a bit of self esteem to be able to accept the no's you're going to recieve. You're going to need to be able to say "their loss, not mine" if a place doesn't want you. It's a fact that a lot of places like the look of pinthin models; but others want bigger girls. Get out there and look for those places.

I don't think you can make a judgement all thin girls are "eww" and then say that we should be proud of our bodies.
Your portfolio seems more like camera phone and christmas card pictures, than anything else. I would invest natural makeup headshots, and send those into agencies.
A lot of places aren't looking for piercings, scars, punk rock, etc.

I think that both Nicole Richie and Crystal Renn are gorgeous girls. So I really don't think you can make such rash judgements about body types.

Oct 14 06 12:52 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
OP has no viable market.

Fashion, too old, too short, too fat, scars, piercings.
Comercial, too fat, scars, piercings.
Glamour, scars, piercings, too fat, no nudes.
Art/figure, no nudes.

Exactly.  And it's always those with no viable market  or unwilling to work in the market that they WOULD find work in that love to just piss and moan abotu how fucked up the industry is, how fucked up it is that models are skinny/ fat/ have real boobs/ fake boobs/ do nudes/ blah blah blah.  Same shit, different asshole.

Oct 14 06 12:53 am Link



Posts: 8687

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Iona Lynn wrote:
That is not even half of the point of the pathetic thread.
The Shyly is overweight, Shyly is a fat activist, Shyly gets work, Shyly is a muse, Shyly has beautiful thin model groupies who will do anything she askes.
Shyly has spent a lot of time marketing her self,
Shyly has knocked on the doors of many of the best photgraphers in the US.
Shyly knows her market for figure and art modeling.

Shyly doesn't post passive-aggresive threads to surrepticiously vent her anger and frustration.
Shyly has worked with Leonard Nimoy!

Oct 14 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 161

Spring Lake, Florida, US

Shyly wrote:

I'm hoping you'll hear me, because I have significantly more girth than you do, and if anyone on this website knows what it's like to model when you're atypical, I do. 

Here's the thing: it's really uncool to start a thread using words like "ewww" to talk about a large segment of the community you're trying to be a part of.  Someone did it awhile ago on a thread bashing fat models, and it was really hurtful.  Can you see how the same kind of speech about slender models is equally hurtful to them? 

I really wish we could talk about size acceptance without resorting to negativity about those with different body types.  sad

I would just like to say thanks for that. As a naturally skinny woman, I've been hounded for so long about my size. I never understood the failure to appreciate beauty in all body types. Makes me wonder what "avarage or medium" sized people have to say. You are great.

Oct 14 06 12:56 am Link


Kinetic Photography

Posts: 517

Erin-Lynn Lavallee wrote:
Why is it that alot of models think its hot to be like 100 pounds and 5'8?
Honestly i think it look kinda ewww when you see ribs. I'm not jelous just want to know what people see in women this skinny.

Models and actress might not think its hot but they know that when you lose alot of weight, even if it is unhealthy, that you get more work.

Oct 14 06 12:56 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Ashley_Haven wrote:

LMAO... omg i think i love you.

You know, since I have been modeling I work hard, and answer casting calls, keep in touch with people and do my best at networking. Runway modeling is not really for me, though I have done a few runway shows. Some of how you carry your weight matters, for instance, Im just over 5'6" and weigh about 135 pounds. Im comfortable in my skin. I used to be very thin, but because of some medical things, I gained a lot of weight. I was 5'5" and about 115 pounds and when I looked at myself I felt like I looked gross. I look better with the weight on, but the confidence I have, and my determination are what impresses people. I'm not full of myself, and the quotes above here I was angry to read. Its not peoples fault if they cant gain weight, or if they can't lose it. (healthy ways Im talking about.) Modeling for people who are a little thicker than your average runway model DOES boost the confidence of people, and it should, otherwise WHY would we do it! I think of this entire business like this, "There will always be someone prettier or thinner, but that doesn't mean I am ugly or fat!" This modeling has done wonders for my self esteem, and to anyone that thinks I may be conceited, I'm not. I'[m just a girl who somehow got a shot at this....I was never the "pretty" girl, but this whole experience has helped me learn to love myself. Model or not, I can look in the mirror now, and see ME. As far as runway goes, you might want to look to work with print ads or something else. But also, give yourself a look and see if you are happy with you. That's what matters. If you aren't happy with yourself, it will show in your work. Take care, and I hope you understand what I mean. To the people above that wrote those quotes, why on earth would you want to bash this person when clearly there is more going on than you know? Self esteem is a wonderful thing to have, to realize, and modeling can be that vehicle. And I'm sorry you can't gain weight, are you unhappy with yourself because of that? I just feel for people on both sides....someone will always have more, be more, but it doesn't mean you're not enough.

Oct 14 06 01:01 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Image K wrote:
My biggest peave is watching photographers and models beat the snot out of each other verbally all day long on this site about THINGS THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.

There will always be creepy, perverted photographers.

There will always be flaky models.

Breast implants are here to stay.

Escorts are a fact of life. LIVE WITH IT.

Some shoot TFP, but it's not for everybody

Some models are thin, others have curves . Both types of models can find work. They just have to look for it.

Some are in this business to make money, others for pleasure. respect that

Some people like nudes, other people are offended by them. It is what it is.

   Beating your head against the wall about things that will never change only drives YOU slowly insane. Certain things are with us forever: death, taxes, seat belt laws, crooked politicians, people that roll through stop signs, etc.

  These things will not go away.

  Face it.

  You'll sleep better.

Thanks for writing that, your point of view is intelligent, and experienced. STOP THE DRAMA PEOPLE! lol...Hey, we're all here for the same thing...why not work together instead of bash each other?

Oct 14 06 01:07 am Link



Posts: 161

Spring Lake, Florida, US

Zorina Seva wrote:

Ahh, but you are only 20.  In 10 years you will be my age.  Hopefully you have maintained your measurements and weight (even if you get kids and all). Eh?


I know you think that was cute, but as a skinny mom, I am begging to gain pounds. It sucks being cold all the time! Let's just say that everyone's body is different and that there are so many different factors that contribute to a person's size, that why bother making assumptions about a person's future size?

Oct 14 06 01:08 am Link


Ashley Haven Nudes

Posts: 2442

Queen Creek, Arizona, US

I never said that modeling to help boost your self esteem was bad... but don't come on here saying "eww" about a group of models. If she'd like to boost her self esteem by modeling, so be it... but don't expect your market to be huge, and don't bash a large group of people doing it.

Contact photographers, network... get some great shots. If that boosts your self esteem, then awesome!

Oct 14 06 01:21 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Ashley_Haven wrote:
I never said that modeling to help boost your self esteem was bad... but don't come on here saying "eww" about a group of models. If she'd like to boost her self esteem by modeling, so be it... but don't expect your market to be huge, and don't bash a large group of people doing it.

Contact photographers, network... get some great shots. If that boosts your self esteem, then awesome!

I agree, I was actually talking about the photographer you had quoted. The "eww" comment I had forgotten about, and I think that is just as wrong as someone saying eww to heavy models, fetish models, nude models. I have lots of tats and piercings and for some, they dont want to work with that, for others they do. I forgot to say something as well...that the market is overrun with models period! All shapes sizes and looks, you have to bring something new to the table, or like you said, contact people. No one should be on here saying eww to anyone. We are all doing (and hopefully enjoying) pretty much the same thing! Thanks for your words hun. Good luck to you too! Jenn

Oct 14 06 01:29 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Are we still caring about this? I am a round model, and I don't give a shit. Why should anybody else. I have friends, many of them models, and they are in all shapes and sizes. Why don't we start a thread about the amazing preponderence of bellies in male middle aged photographers?

Oct 14 06 01:43 am Link